Marius Stanciu 53444fc685 - fixed the PDF import tool to work with files generated by the Microsoft PDF printer (chained subpaths)
- in PDF import tool added support for paths filled and at the same time stroked ('B' and 'B*'commands)
- added a shortcut key for PDF Import Tool (ALT+Q) and updated the Shortcut list (also with the 'T' and 'R' keys for Gerber Editor where they control the bend in Track and Region tool and the 'M' and 'D' keys for Add Arc tool in Geometry Editor)
2019-04-22 03:28:05 +03:00

792 lines
36 KiB

# FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing #
# http://flatcam.org #
# File Author: Marius Adrian Stanciu (c) #
# Date: 3/10/2019 #
# MIT Licence #
from FlatCAMTool import FlatCAMTool
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, LineString
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union, unary_union
from FlatCAMObj import *
import math
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import numpy as np
import zlib
import re
import gettext
import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate
import builtins
if '_' not in builtins.__dict__:
_ = gettext.gettext
class ToolPDF(FlatCAMTool):
Parse a PDF file.
Reference here: https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/pdf_reference_archives/PDFReference.pdf
Return a list of geometries
toolName = _("PDF Import Tool")
def __init__(self, app):
FlatCAMTool.__init__(self, app)
self.app = app
self.step_per_circles = self.app.defaults["gerber_circle_steps"]
self.stream_re = re.compile(b'.*?FlateDecode.*?stream(.*?)endstream', re.S)
# detect 're' command
self.rect_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*re$')
# detect 'm' command
self.start_subpath_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\sm$')
# detect 'l' command
self.draw_line_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\sl')
# detect 'c' command
self.draw_arc_3pt_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)'
# detect 'v' command
self.draw_arc_2pt_c1start_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*v$')
# detect 'y' command
self.draw_arc_2pt_c2stop_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*y$')
# detect 'h' command
self.end_subpath_re = re.compile(r'^h$')
# detect 'w' command
self.strokewidth_re = re.compile(r'^(\d+\.?\d*)\s*w$')
# detect 'S' command
self.stroke_path__re = re.compile(r'^S\s?[Q]?$')
# detect 's' command
self.close_stroke_path__re = re.compile(r'^s$')
# detect 'f' or 'f*' command
self.fill_path_re = re.compile(r'^[f|F][*]?$')
# detect 'B' or 'B*' command
self.fill_stroke_path_re = re.compile(r'^B[*]?$')
# detect 'b' or 'b*' command
self.close_fill_stroke_path_re = re.compile(r'^b[*]?$')
# detect 'n'
self.no_op_re = re.compile(r'^n$')
# detect offset transformation. Pattern: (1) (0) (0) (1) (x) (y)
self.offset_re = re.compile(r'^1\.?0*\s0?\.?0*\s0?\.?0*\s1\.?0*\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*cm$')
# detect scale transformation. Pattern: (factor_x) (0) (0) (factor_y) (0) (0)
self.scale_re = re.compile(r'^q? (-?\d+\.?\d*) 0\.?0* 0\.?0* (-?\d+\.?\d*) 0\.?0* 0\.?0*\s+cm$')
# detect combined transformation. Should always be the last
self.combined_transform_re = re.compile(r'^q?\s*(-?\d+\.?\d*) (-?\d+\.?\d*) (-?\d+\.?\d*) (-?\d+\.?\d*) '
r'(-?\d+\.?\d*) (-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+cm$')
# detect clipping path
self.clip_path_re = re.compile(r'^W[*]? n?$')
self.geo_buffer = []
self.pdf_parsed = ''
# conversion factor to INCH
self.point_to_unit_factor = 0.01388888888
def run(self, toggle=True):
# init variables for reuse
self.geo_buffer = []
self.pdf_parsed = ''
# the UNITS in PDF files are points and here we set the factor to convert them to real units (either MM or INCH)
if self.app.ui.general_defaults_form.general_app_group.units_radio.get_value().upper() == 'MM':
# 1 inch = 72 points => 1 point = 1 / 72 = 0.01388888888 inch = 0.01388888888 inch * 25.4 = 0.35277777778 mm
self.point_to_unit_factor = 0.35277777778
# 1 inch = 72 points => 1 point = 1 / 72 = 0.01388888888 inch
self.point_to_unit_factor = 0.01388888888
def install(self, icon=None, separator=None, **kwargs):
FlatCAMTool.install(self, icon, separator, shortcut='ALT+Q', **kwargs)
def set_tool_ui(self):
def on_open_pdf_click(self):
File menu callback for opening an PDF file.
:return: None
_filter_ = "Adobe PDF Files (*.pdf);;" \
"All Files (*.*)"
filenames, _f = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(caption=_("Open PDF"),
except TypeError:
filenames, _f = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(caption=_("Open PDF"), filter=_filter_)
if len(filenames) == 0:
self.app.inform.emit(_("[WARNING_NOTCL] Open PDF cancelled."))
for filename in filenames:
if filename != '':
self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.open_pdf, 'params': [filename]})
def open_pdf(self, filename):
new_name = filename.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1]
def obj_init(grb_obj, app_obj):
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
pdf = f.read()
stream_nr = 0
for s in re.findall(self.stream_re, pdf):
stream_nr += 1
log.debug(" PDF STREAM: %d\n" % stream_nr)
s = s.strip(b'\r\n')
self.pdf_parsed += (zlib.decompress(s).decode('UTF-8') + '\r\n')
except Exception as e:
app_obj.log.debug("ToolPDF.open_pdf().obj_init() --> %s" % str(e))
ap_dict = self.parse_pdf(pdf_content=self.pdf_parsed)
grb_obj.apertures = deepcopy(ap_dict)
poly_buff = []
for ap in ap_dict:
for k in ap_dict[ap]:
if k == 'solid_geometry':
poly_buff += ap_dict[ap][k]
poly_buff = unary_union(poly_buff)
poly_buff = poly_buff.buffer(0.0000001)
poly_buff = poly_buff.buffer(-0.0000001)
grb_obj.solid_geometry = deepcopy(poly_buff)
with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Opening PDF.")):
ret = self.app.new_object("gerber", new_name, obj_init, autoselected=False)
if ret == 'fail':
self.app.inform.emit(_('[ERROR_NOTCL] Open PDF file failed.'))
# Register recent file
self.app.file_opened.emit("gerber", new_name)
# GUI feedback
self.app.inform.emit(_("[success] Opened: %s") % filename)
def parse_pdf(self, pdf_content):
path = dict()
path['lines'] = [] # it's a list of lines subpaths
path['bezier'] = [] # it's a list of bezier arcs subpaths
path['rectangle'] = [] # it's a list of rectangle subpaths
subpath = dict()
subpath['lines'] = [] # it's a list of points
subpath['bezier'] = [] # it's a list of sublists each like this [start, c1, c2, stop]
subpath['rectangle'] = [] # it's a list of sublists of points
# store the start point (when 'm' command is encountered)
current_subpath = None
# set True when 'h' command is encountered (close path)
close_path = False
start_point = None
current_point = None
size = 0
# initial values for the transformations, in case they are not encountered in the PDF file
offset_geo = [0, 0]
scale_geo = [1, 1]
c_offset_f= [0, 0]
c_scale_f = [1, 1]
# initial aperture
aperture = 10
# store the apertures here
apertures_dict = {}
# it seems that first transform apply to the whole PDF; signal here if it's first
first_transform = True
line_nr = 0
lines = pdf_content.splitlines()
for pline in lines:
line_nr += 1
log.debug("line %d: %s" % (line_nr, pline))
# # Detect Scale transform
# match = self.scale_re.search(pline)
# if match:
# log.debug(
# "ToolPDF.parse_pdf() --> SCALE transformation found on line: %s --> %s" % (line_nr, pline))
# if first_transform:
# first_transform = False
# c_scale_f = [float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2))]
# else:
# scale_geo = [float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2))]
# continue
# # Detect Offset transform
# match = self.offset_re.search(pline)
# if match:
# log.debug(
# "ToolPDF.parse_pdf() --> OFFSET transformation found on line: %s --> %s" % (line_nr, pline))
# offset_geo = [float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2))]
# continue
# Detect combined transformation. Must be always the last from transformations to be checked.
match = self.combined_transform_re.search(pline)
if match:
# transformation = TRANSLATION (OFFSET)
if (float(match.group(2)) == 0 and float(match.group(3)) == 0) and \
(float(match.group(5)) != 0 or float(match.group(6)) != 0):
"ToolPDF.parse_pdf() --> OFFSET transformation found on line: %s --> %s" % (line_nr, pline))
if first_transform:
c_offset_f = [float(match.group(5)), float(match.group(6))]
offset_geo = [float(match.group(5)), float(match.group(6))]
# transformation = SCALING
if float(match.group(1)) != 1 and float(match.group(4)) != 1:
"ToolPDF.parse_pdf() --> SCALE transformation found on line: %s --> %s" % (line_nr, pline))
if first_transform:
c_scale_f = [float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(4))]
scale_geo = [float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(4))]
if first_transform:
first_transform = False
match = self.start_subpath_re.search(pline)
if match:
# we just started a subpath so we mark it as not closed yet
close_path = False
# init subpaths
subpath['lines'] = []
subpath['bezier'] = []
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# detect start point to move to
x = float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]
pt = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
start_point = pt
# add the start point to subpaths
# subpath['bezier'].append(start_point)
current_point = start_point
# Draw Line
match = self.draw_line_re.search(pline)
if match:
current_subpath = 'lines'
x = float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]
pt = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
current_point = pt
# Draw Bezier 'c'
match = self.draw_arc_3pt_re.search(pline)
if match:
current_subpath = 'bezier'
start = current_point
x = float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]
c1 = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
x = float(match.group(3)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(4)) + offset_geo[1]
c2 = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
x = float(match.group(5)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(6)) + offset_geo[1]
stop = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
subpath['bezier'].append([start, c1, c2, stop])
current_point = stop
# Draw Bezier 'v'
match = self.draw_arc_2pt_c1start_re.search(pline)
if match:
current_subpath = 'bezier'
start = current_point
x = float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]
c2 = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
x = float(match.group(3)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(4)) + offset_geo[1]
stop = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
subpath['bezier'].append([start, start, c2, stop])
current_point = stop
# Draw Bezier 'y'
match = self.draw_arc_2pt_c2stop_re.search(pline)
if match:
start = current_point
x = float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]
c1 = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
x = float(match.group(3)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(4)) + offset_geo[1]
stop = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
subpath['bezier'].append([start, c1, stop, stop])
current_point = stop
match = self.rect_re.search(pline)
if match:
current_subpath = 'rectangle'
x = (float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]) * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0]
y = (float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]) * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1]
width = (float(match.group(3)) + offset_geo[0]) * \
self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0]
height = (float(match.group(4)) + offset_geo[1]) * \
self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1]
pt1 = (x, y)
pt2 = (x+width, y)
pt3 = (x+width, y+height)
pt4 = (x, y+height)
# TODO: I'm not sure if rectangles are a subpath in themselves that autoclose
subpath['rectangle'] += [pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt1]
current_point = pt1
# Detect clipping path set
# ignore this and delete the current subpath
match = self.clip_path_re.search(pline)
if match:
subpath['lines'] = []
subpath['bezier'] = []
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# it measns that we've already added the subpath to path and we need to delete it
# clipping path is usually either rectangle or lines
if close_path is True:
close_path = False
if current_subpath == 'lines':
if current_subpath == 'rectangle':
match = self.end_subpath_re.search(pline)
if match:
close_path = True
if current_subpath == 'lines':
# since we are closing the subpath add it to the path, a path may have chained subpaths
subpath['lines'] = []
elif current_subpath == 'bezier':
# subpath['bezier'].append(start_point)
# since we are closing the subpath add it to the path, a path may have chained subpaths
subpath['bezier'] = []
elif current_subpath == 'rectangle':
# since we are closing the subpath add it to the path, a path may have chained subpaths
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# Detect Stroke width / aperture
match = self.strokewidth_re.search(pline)
if match:
size = float(match.group(1))
# flag = 0
# if not apertures_dict:
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)] = dict()
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['size'] = size
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['type'] = 'C'
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['solid_geometry'] = []
# else:
# for k in apertures_dict:
# if size == apertures_dict[k]['size']:
# flag = 1
# break
# if flag == 0:
# aperture += 1
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)] = dict()
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['size'] = size
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['type'] = 'C'
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['solid_geometry'] = []
# Detect No_Op command, ignore the current subpath
match = self.no_op_re.search(pline)
if match:
subpath['lines'] = []
subpath['bezier'] = []
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# Stroke the path
match = self.stroke_path__re.search(pline)
if match:
# scale the size here; some PDF printers apply transformation after the size is declared
applied_size = size * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0] * self.point_to_unit_factor
path_geo = list()
if current_subpath == 'lines':
if path['lines']:
for subp in path['lines']:
geo = copy(subp)
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['lines'] = []
geo = copy(subpath['lines'])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['lines'] = []
if current_subpath == 'bezier':
if path['bezier']:
for subp in path['bezier']:
geo = []
for b in subp:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['bezier'] = []
geo = []
for b in subpath['bezier']:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['bezier'] = []
if current_subpath == 'rectangle':
if path['rectangle']:
for subp in path['rectangle']:
geo = copy(subp)
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['rectangle'] = []
geo = copy(subpath['rectangle'])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['rectangle'] = []
apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
except KeyError:
# in case there is no stroke width yet therefore no aperture
apertures_dict[str(aperture)] = {}
apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['size'] = applied_size
apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['type'] = 'C'
apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['solid_geometry'] = []
apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
# Fill the path
match = self.fill_path_re.search(pline)
if match:
# scale the size here; some PDF printers apply transformation after the size is declared
applied_size = size * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0] * self.point_to_unit_factor
path_geo = list()
if current_subpath == 'lines':
if path['lines']:
for subp in path['lines']:
geo = copy(subp)
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['lines'] = []
geo = copy(subpath['lines'])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['lines'] = []
if current_subpath == 'bezier':
geo = []
if path['bezier']:
for subp in path['bezier']:
for b in subp:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['bezier'] = []
for b in subpath['bezier']:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['bezier'] = []
if current_subpath == 'rectangle':
if path['rectangle']:
for subp in path['rectangle']:
geo = copy(subp)
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['rectangle'] = []
geo = copy(subpath['rectangle'])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# we finished painting and also closed the path if it was the case
close_path = True
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
except KeyError:
# in case there is no stroke width yet therefore no aperture
apertures_dict['0'] = {}
apertures_dict['0']['size'] = applied_size
apertures_dict['0']['type'] = 'C'
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] = []
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
# fill and stroke the path
match = self.fill_stroke_path_re.search(pline)
if match:
# scale the size here; some PDF printers apply transformation after the size is declared
applied_size = size * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0] * self.point_to_unit_factor
path_geo = list()
if current_subpath == 'lines':
if path['lines']:
# fill
for subp in path['lines']:
geo = copy(subp)
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
for subp in path['lines']:
geo = copy(subp)
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['lines'] = []
# fill
geo = copy(subpath['lines'])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
geo = copy(subpath['lines'])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['lines'] = []
subpath['lines'] = []
if current_subpath == 'bezier':
geo = []
if path['bezier']:
# fill
for subp in path['bezier']:
for b in subp:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
for subp in path['bezier']:
geo = []
for b in subp:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['bezier'] = []
# fill
for b in subpath['bezier']:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
geo = []
for b in subpath['bezier']:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['bezier'] = []
if current_subpath == 'rectangle':
if path['rectangle']:
# fill
for subp in path['rectangle']:
geo = copy(subp)
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
for subp in path['rectangle']:
geo = copy(subp)
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['rectangle'] = []
# fill
geo = copy(subpath['rectangle'])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
geo = copy(subpath['rectangle'])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# we finished painting and also closed the path if it was the case
close_path = True
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
except KeyError:
# in case there is no stroke width yet therefore no aperture
apertures_dict['0'] = {}
apertures_dict['0']['size'] = applied_size
apertures_dict['0']['type'] = 'C'
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] = []
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
return apertures_dict
def bezier_to_points(self, start, c1, c2, stop):
# Equation Bezier, page 184 PDF 1.4 reference
# https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/pdf_reference_archives/PDFReference.pdf
# Given the coordinates of the four points, the curve is generated by varying the parameter t from 0.0 to 1.0
# in the following equation:
# R(t) = P0*(1 - t) ** 3 + P1*3*t*(1 - t) ** 2 + P2 * 3*(1 - t) * t ** 2 + P3*t ** 3
# When t = 0.0, the value from the function coincides with the current point P0; when t = 1.0, R(t) coincides
# with the final point P3. Intermediate values of t generate intermediate points along the curve.
# The curve does not, in general, pass through the two control points P1 and P2
:return: LineString geometry
# here we store the geometric points
points = []
nr_points = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, (1 / self.step_per_circles))
for t in nr_points:
term_p0 = (1 - t) ** 3
term_p1 = 3 * t * (1 - t) ** 2
term_p2 = 3 * (1 - t) * t ** 2
term_p3 = t ** 3
x = start[0] * term_p0 + c1[0] * term_p1 + c2[0] * term_p2 + stop[0] * term_p3
y = start[1] * term_p0 + c1[1] * term_p1 + c2[1] * term_p2 + stop[1] * term_p3
points.append([x, y])
return points
# def bezier_to_circle(self, path):
# lst = []
# for el in range(len(path)):
# if type(path) is list:
# for coord in path[el]:
# lst.append(coord)
# else:
# lst.append(el)
# if lst:
# minx = min(lst, key=lambda t: t[0])[0]
# miny = min(lst, key=lambda t: t[1])[1]
# maxx = max(lst, key=lambda t: t[0])[0]
# maxy = max(lst, key=lambda t: t[1])[1]
# center = (maxx-minx, maxy-miny)
# radius = (maxx-minx) / 2
# return [center, radius]
# def circle_to_points(self, center, radius):
# geo = Point(center).buffer(radius, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# return LineString(list(geo.exterior.coords))