
792 lines
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2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
# FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing #
# http://flatcam.org #
# File Author: Marius Adrian Stanciu (c) #
# Date: 3/10/2019 #
# MIT Licence #
from FlatCAMTool import FlatCAMTool
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, LineString
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union, unary_union
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
from FlatCAMObj import *
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
import math
from copy import copy, deepcopy
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
import numpy as np
import zlib
import re
import gettext
import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate
import builtins
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
if '_' not in builtins.__dict__:
_ = gettext.gettext
class ToolPDF(FlatCAMTool):
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
Parse a PDF file.
Reference here: https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/pdf_reference_archives/PDFReference.pdf
Return a list of geometries
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
toolName = _("PDF Import Tool")
def __init__(self, app):
FlatCAMTool.__init__(self, app)
self.app = app
self.step_per_circles = self.app.defaults["gerber_circle_steps"]
self.stream_re = re.compile(b'.*?FlateDecode.*?stream(.*?)endstream', re.S)
# detect 're' command
self.rect_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*re$')
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
# detect 'm' command
self.start_subpath_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\sm$')
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
# detect 'l' command
self.draw_line_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\sl')
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
# detect 'c' command
self.draw_arc_3pt_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)'
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
# detect 'v' command
self.draw_arc_2pt_c1start_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*v$')
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
# detect 'y' command
self.draw_arc_2pt_c2stop_re = re.compile(r'^(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*y$')
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
# detect 'h' command
self.end_subpath_re = re.compile(r'^h$')
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
# detect 'w' command
self.strokewidth_re = re.compile(r'^(\d+\.?\d*)\s*w$')
# detect 'S' command
self.stroke_path__re = re.compile(r'^S\s?[Q]?$')
# detect 's' command
self.close_stroke_path__re = re.compile(r'^s$')
# detect 'f' or 'f*' command
self.fill_path_re = re.compile(r'^[f|F][*]?$')
# detect 'B' or 'B*' command
self.fill_stroke_path_re = re.compile(r'^B[*]?$')
# detect 'b' or 'b*' command
self.close_fill_stroke_path_re = re.compile(r'^b[*]?$')
# detect 'n'
self.no_op_re = re.compile(r'^n$')
# detect offset transformation. Pattern: (1) (0) (0) (1) (x) (y)
self.offset_re = re.compile(r'^1\.?0*\s0?\.?0*\s0?\.?0*\s1\.?0*\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*cm$')
# detect scale transformation. Pattern: (factor_x) (0) (0) (factor_y) (0) (0)
self.scale_re = re.compile(r'^q? (-?\d+\.?\d*) 0\.?0* 0\.?0* (-?\d+\.?\d*) 0\.?0* 0\.?0*\s+cm$')
# detect combined transformation. Should always be the last
self.combined_transform_re = re.compile(r'^q?\s*(-?\d+\.?\d*) (-?\d+\.?\d*) (-?\d+\.?\d*) (-?\d+\.?\d*) '
r'(-?\d+\.?\d*) (-?\d+\.?\d*)\s+cm$')
# detect clipping path
self.clip_path_re = re.compile(r'^W[*]? n?$')
self.geo_buffer = []
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
self.pdf_parsed = ''
# conversion factor to INCH
self.point_to_unit_factor = 0.01388888888
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
def run(self, toggle=True):
# init variables for reuse
self.geo_buffer = []
self.pdf_parsed = ''
# the UNITS in PDF files are points and here we set the factor to convert them to real units (either MM or INCH)
if self.app.ui.general_defaults_form.general_app_group.units_radio.get_value().upper() == 'MM':
# 1 inch = 72 points => 1 point = 1 / 72 = 0.01388888888 inch = 0.01388888888 inch * 25.4 = 0.35277777778 mm
self.point_to_unit_factor = 0.35277777778
# 1 inch = 72 points => 1 point = 1 / 72 = 0.01388888888 inch
self.point_to_unit_factor = 0.01388888888
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
def install(self, icon=None, separator=None, **kwargs):
FlatCAMTool.install(self, icon, separator, shortcut='ALT+Q', **kwargs)
def set_tool_ui(self):
def on_open_pdf_click(self):
File menu callback for opening an PDF file.
:return: None
_filter_ = "Adobe PDF Files (*.pdf);;" \
"All Files (*.*)"
filenames, _f = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(caption=_("Open PDF"),
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
except TypeError:
filenames, _f = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(caption=_("Open PDF"), filter=_filter_)
if len(filenames) == 0:
self.app.inform.emit(_("[WARNING_NOTCL] Open PDF cancelled."))
for filename in filenames:
if filename != '':
self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.open_pdf, 'params': [filename]})
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
def open_pdf(self, filename):
new_name = filename.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1]
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
def obj_init(grb_obj, app_obj):
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
pdf = f.read()
stream_nr = 0
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
for s in re.findall(self.stream_re, pdf):
stream_nr += 1
log.debug(" PDF STREAM: %d\n" % stream_nr)
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
s = s.strip(b'\r\n')
self.pdf_parsed += (zlib.decompress(s).decode('UTF-8') + '\r\n')
except Exception as e:
app_obj.log.debug("ToolPDF.open_pdf().obj_init() --> %s" % str(e))
ap_dict = self.parse_pdf(pdf_content=self.pdf_parsed)
grb_obj.apertures = deepcopy(ap_dict)
poly_buff = []
for ap in ap_dict:
for k in ap_dict[ap]:
if k == 'solid_geometry':
poly_buff += ap_dict[ap][k]
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
poly_buff = unary_union(poly_buff)
poly_buff = poly_buff.buffer(0.0000001)
poly_buff = poly_buff.buffer(-0.0000001)
grb_obj.solid_geometry = deepcopy(poly_buff)
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Opening PDF.")):
ret = self.app.new_object("gerber", new_name, obj_init, autoselected=False)
if ret == 'fail':
self.app.inform.emit(_('[ERROR_NOTCL] Open PDF file failed.'))
# Register recent file
self.app.file_opened.emit("gerber", new_name)
# GUI feedback
self.app.inform.emit(_("[success] Opened: %s") % filename)
def parse_pdf(self, pdf_content):
path = dict()
path['lines'] = [] # it's a list of lines subpaths
path['bezier'] = [] # it's a list of bezier arcs subpaths
path['rectangle'] = [] # it's a list of rectangle subpaths
subpath = dict()
subpath['lines'] = [] # it's a list of points
subpath['bezier'] = [] # it's a list of sublists each like this [start, c1, c2, stop]
subpath['rectangle'] = [] # it's a list of sublists of points
# store the start point (when 'm' command is encountered)
current_subpath = None
# set True when 'h' command is encountered (close path)
close_path = False
start_point = None
current_point = None
size = 0
# initial values for the transformations, in case they are not encountered in the PDF file
offset_geo = [0, 0]
scale_geo = [1, 1]
c_offset_f= [0, 0]
c_scale_f = [1, 1]
# initial aperture
aperture = 10
# store the apertures here
apertures_dict = {}
# it seems that first transform apply to the whole PDF; signal here if it's first
first_transform = True
line_nr = 0
lines = pdf_content.splitlines()
for pline in lines:
line_nr += 1
log.debug("line %d: %s" % (line_nr, pline))
# # Detect Scale transform
# match = self.scale_re.search(pline)
# if match:
# log.debug(
# "ToolPDF.parse_pdf() --> SCALE transformation found on line: %s --> %s" % (line_nr, pline))
# if first_transform:
# first_transform = False
# c_scale_f = [float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2))]
# else:
# scale_geo = [float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2))]
# continue
# # Detect Offset transform
# match = self.offset_re.search(pline)
# if match:
# log.debug(
# "ToolPDF.parse_pdf() --> OFFSET transformation found on line: %s --> %s" % (line_nr, pline))
# offset_geo = [float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2))]
# continue
# Detect combined transformation. Must be always the last from transformations to be checked.
match = self.combined_transform_re.search(pline)
if match:
# transformation = TRANSLATION (OFFSET)
if (float(match.group(2)) == 0 and float(match.group(3)) == 0) and \
(float(match.group(5)) != 0 or float(match.group(6)) != 0):
"ToolPDF.parse_pdf() --> OFFSET transformation found on line: %s --> %s" % (line_nr, pline))
if first_transform:
c_offset_f = [float(match.group(5)), float(match.group(6))]
offset_geo = [float(match.group(5)), float(match.group(6))]
# transformation = SCALING
if float(match.group(1)) != 1 and float(match.group(4)) != 1:
"ToolPDF.parse_pdf() --> SCALE transformation found on line: %s --> %s" % (line_nr, pline))
if first_transform:
c_scale_f = [float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(4))]
scale_geo = [float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(4))]
if first_transform:
first_transform = False
match = self.start_subpath_re.search(pline)
if match:
# we just started a subpath so we mark it as not closed yet
close_path = False
# init subpaths
subpath['lines'] = []
subpath['bezier'] = []
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# detect start point to move to
x = float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]
pt = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
start_point = pt
# add the start point to subpaths
# subpath['bezier'].append(start_point)
current_point = start_point
# Draw Line
match = self.draw_line_re.search(pline)
if match:
current_subpath = 'lines'
x = float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]
pt = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
current_point = pt
# Draw Bezier 'c'
match = self.draw_arc_3pt_re.search(pline)
if match:
current_subpath = 'bezier'
start = current_point
x = float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]
c1 = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
x = float(match.group(3)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(4)) + offset_geo[1]
c2 = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
x = float(match.group(5)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(6)) + offset_geo[1]
stop = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
subpath['bezier'].append([start, c1, c2, stop])
current_point = stop
# Draw Bezier 'v'
match = self.draw_arc_2pt_c1start_re.search(pline)
if match:
current_subpath = 'bezier'
start = current_point
x = float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]
c2 = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
x = float(match.group(3)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(4)) + offset_geo[1]
stop = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
subpath['bezier'].append([start, start, c2, stop])
current_point = stop
# Draw Bezier 'y'
match = self.draw_arc_2pt_c2stop_re.search(pline)
if match:
start = current_point
x = float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]
c1 = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
x = float(match.group(3)) + offset_geo[0]
y = float(match.group(4)) + offset_geo[1]
stop = (x * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0],
y * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1])
subpath['bezier'].append([start, c1, stop, stop])
current_point = stop
match = self.rect_re.search(pline)
if match:
current_subpath = 'rectangle'
x = (float(match.group(1)) + offset_geo[0]) * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0]
y = (float(match.group(2)) + offset_geo[1]) * self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1]
width = (float(match.group(3)) + offset_geo[0]) * \
self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0]
height = (float(match.group(4)) + offset_geo[1]) * \
self.point_to_unit_factor * scale_geo[1] * c_scale_f[1]
pt1 = (x, y)
pt2 = (x+width, y)
pt3 = (x+width, y+height)
pt4 = (x, y+height)
# TODO: I'm not sure if rectangles are a subpath in themselves that autoclose
subpath['rectangle'] += [pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt1]
current_point = pt1
# Detect clipping path set
# ignore this and delete the current subpath
match = self.clip_path_re.search(pline)
if match:
subpath['lines'] = []
subpath['bezier'] = []
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# it measns that we've already added the subpath to path and we need to delete it
# clipping path is usually either rectangle or lines
if close_path is True:
close_path = False
if current_subpath == 'lines':
if current_subpath == 'rectangle':
match = self.end_subpath_re.search(pline)
if match:
close_path = True
if current_subpath == 'lines':
# since we are closing the subpath add it to the path, a path may have chained subpaths
subpath['lines'] = []
elif current_subpath == 'bezier':
# subpath['bezier'].append(start_point)
# since we are closing the subpath add it to the path, a path may have chained subpaths
subpath['bezier'] = []
elif current_subpath == 'rectangle':
# since we are closing the subpath add it to the path, a path may have chained subpaths
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# Detect Stroke width / aperture
match = self.strokewidth_re.search(pline)
if match:
size = float(match.group(1))
# flag = 0
# if not apertures_dict:
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)] = dict()
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['size'] = size
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['type'] = 'C'
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['solid_geometry'] = []
# else:
# for k in apertures_dict:
# if size == apertures_dict[k]['size']:
# flag = 1
# break
# if flag == 0:
# aperture += 1
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)] = dict()
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['size'] = size
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['type'] = 'C'
# apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['solid_geometry'] = []
# Detect No_Op command, ignore the current subpath
match = self.no_op_re.search(pline)
if match:
subpath['lines'] = []
subpath['bezier'] = []
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# Stroke the path
match = self.stroke_path__re.search(pline)
if match:
# scale the size here; some PDF printers apply transformation after the size is declared
applied_size = size * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0] * self.point_to_unit_factor
path_geo = list()
if current_subpath == 'lines':
if path['lines']:
for subp in path['lines']:
geo = copy(subp)
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['lines'] = []
geo = copy(subpath['lines'])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['lines'] = []
if current_subpath == 'bezier':
if path['bezier']:
for subp in path['bezier']:
geo = []
for b in subp:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['bezier'] = []
geo = []
for b in subpath['bezier']:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['bezier'] = []
if current_subpath == 'rectangle':
if path['rectangle']:
for subp in path['rectangle']:
geo = copy(subp)
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['rectangle'] = []
geo = copy(subpath['rectangle'])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['rectangle'] = []
apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
except KeyError:
# in case there is no stroke width yet therefore no aperture
apertures_dict[str(aperture)] = {}
apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['size'] = applied_size
apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['type'] = 'C'
apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['solid_geometry'] = []
apertures_dict[str(aperture)]['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
# Fill the path
match = self.fill_path_re.search(pline)
if match:
# scale the size here; some PDF printers apply transformation after the size is declared
applied_size = size * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0] * self.point_to_unit_factor
path_geo = list()
if current_subpath == 'lines':
if path['lines']:
for subp in path['lines']:
geo = copy(subp)
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['lines'] = []
geo = copy(subpath['lines'])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['lines'] = []
if current_subpath == 'bezier':
geo = []
if path['bezier']:
for subp in path['bezier']:
for b in subp:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['bezier'] = []
for b in subpath['bezier']:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['bezier'] = []
if current_subpath == 'rectangle':
if path['rectangle']:
for subp in path['rectangle']:
geo = copy(subp)
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['rectangle'] = []
geo = copy(subpath['rectangle'])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# we finished painting and also closed the path if it was the case
close_path = True
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
except KeyError:
# in case there is no stroke width yet therefore no aperture
apertures_dict['0'] = {}
apertures_dict['0']['size'] = applied_size
apertures_dict['0']['type'] = 'C'
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] = []
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
# fill and stroke the path
match = self.fill_stroke_path_re.search(pline)
if match:
# scale the size here; some PDF printers apply transformation after the size is declared
applied_size = size * scale_geo[0] * c_scale_f[0] * self.point_to_unit_factor
path_geo = list()
if current_subpath == 'lines':
if path['lines']:
# fill
for subp in path['lines']:
geo = copy(subp)
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
for subp in path['lines']:
geo = copy(subp)
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['lines'] = []
# fill
geo = copy(subpath['lines'])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
geo = copy(subpath['lines'])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['lines'] = []
subpath['lines'] = []
if current_subpath == 'bezier':
geo = []
if path['bezier']:
# fill
for subp in path['bezier']:
for b in subp:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
for subp in path['bezier']:
geo = []
for b in subp:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['bezier'] = []
# fill
for b in subpath['bezier']:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
geo = []
for b in subpath['bezier']:
geo += self.bezier_to_points(start=b[0], c1=b[1], c2=b[2], stop=b[3])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['bezier'] = []
if current_subpath == 'rectangle':
if path['rectangle']:
# fill
for subp in path['rectangle']:
geo = copy(subp)
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
for subp in path['rectangle']:
geo = copy(subp)
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# the path was painted therefore initialize it
path['rectangle'] = []
# fill
geo = copy(subpath['rectangle'])
# close the subpath if it was not closed already
if close_path is False:
geo_el = Polygon(geo).buffer(0.0000001, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# stroke
geo = copy(subpath['rectangle'])
geo = LineString(geo).buffer((float(applied_size) / 2), resolution=self.step_per_circles)
subpath['rectangle'] = []
# we finished painting and also closed the path if it was the case
close_path = True
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
except KeyError:
# in case there is no stroke width yet therefore no aperture
apertures_dict['0'] = {}
apertures_dict['0']['size'] = applied_size
apertures_dict['0']['type'] = 'C'
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] = []
apertures_dict['0']['solid_geometry'] += path_geo
return apertures_dict
def bezier_to_points(self, start, c1, c2, stop):
# Equation Bezier, page 184 PDF 1.4 reference
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
# https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/pdf_reference_archives/PDFReference.pdf
# Given the coordinates of the four points, the curve is generated by varying the parameter t from 0.0 to 1.0
# in the following equation:
# R(t) = P0*(1 - t) ** 3 + P1*3*t*(1 - t) ** 2 + P2 * 3*(1 - t) * t ** 2 + P3*t ** 3
# When t = 0.0, the value from the function coincides with the current point P0; when t = 1.0, R(t) coincides
# with the final point P3. Intermediate values of t generate intermediate points along the curve.
# The curve does not, in general, pass through the two control points P1 and P2
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
:return: LineString geometry
2019-04-19 14:12:10 +00:00
# here we store the geometric points
points = []
nr_points = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, (1 / self.step_per_circles))
for t in nr_points:
term_p0 = (1 - t) ** 3
term_p1 = 3 * t * (1 - t) ** 2
term_p2 = 3 * (1 - t) * t ** 2
term_p3 = t ** 3
x = start[0] * term_p0 + c1[0] * term_p1 + c2[0] * term_p2 + stop[0] * term_p3
y = start[1] * term_p0 + c1[1] * term_p1 + c2[1] * term_p2 + stop[1] * term_p3
points.append([x, y])
return points
# def bezier_to_circle(self, path):
# lst = []
# for el in range(len(path)):
# if type(path) is list:
# for coord in path[el]:
# lst.append(coord)
# else:
# lst.append(el)
# if lst:
# minx = min(lst, key=lambda t: t[0])[0]
# miny = min(lst, key=lambda t: t[1])[1]
# maxx = max(lst, key=lambda t: t[0])[0]
# maxy = max(lst, key=lambda t: t[1])[1]
# center = (maxx-minx, maxy-miny)
# radius = (maxx-minx) / 2
# return [center, radius]
# def circle_to_points(self, center, radius):
# geo = Point(center).buffer(radius, resolution=self.step_per_circles)
# return LineString(list(geo.exterior.coords))