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# ########################################################## ##
# FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing #
# http://flatcam.org #
# Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) #
# Date: 2/5/2014 #
# MIT Licence #
# ########################################################## ##
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
from io import StringIO
import numpy as np
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
from numpy.linalg import solve, norm
import platform
from copy import deepcopy
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
import traceback
from decimal import Decimal
from rtree import index as rtindex
from lxml import etree as ET
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# See: http://toblerity.org/shapely/manual.html
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, Point, LinearRing, MultiLineString, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
from shapely.geometry import box as shply_box
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union, unary_union, polygonize
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
import shapely.affinity as affinity
from shapely.wkt import loads as sloads
from shapely.wkt import dumps as sdumps
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from shapely.geometry import shape
# needed for legacy mode
# Used for solid polygons in Matplotlib
from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch
import collections
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
from collections import Iterable
import rasterio
from rasterio.features import shapes
import ezdxf
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# TODO: Commented for FlatCAM packaging with cx_freeze
# from scipy.spatial import KDTree, Delaunay
# from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from flatcamParsers.ParseSVG import *
from flatcamParsers.ParseDXF import *
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
import logging
import FlatCAMApp
import gettext
import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate
import builtins
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
log = logging.getLogger('base2')
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
if '_' not in builtins.__dict__:
_ = gettext.gettext
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
class ParseError(Exception):
class ApertureMacro:
Syntax of aperture macros.
<AM command>: AM<Aperture macro name>*<Macro content>
<Macro content>: {{<Variable definition>*}{<Primitive>*}}
<Variable definition>: $K=<Arithmetic expression>
<Primitive>: <Primitive code>,<Modifier>{,<Modifier>}|<Comment>
<Modifier>: $M|< Arithmetic expression>
<Comment>: 0 <Text>
# ## Regular expressions
am1_re = re.compile(r'^%AM([^\*]+)\*(.+)?(%)?$')
am2_re = re.compile(r'(.*)%$')
amcomm_re = re.compile(r'^0(.*)')
amprim_re = re.compile(r'^[1-9].*')
amvar_re = re.compile(r'^\$([0-9a-zA-z]+)=(.*)')
def __init__(self, name=None):
self.name = name
self.raw = ""
# ## These below are recomputed for every aperture
# ## definition, in other words, are temporary variables.
self.primitives = []
self.locvars = {}
self.geometry = None
def to_dict(self):
Returns the object in a serializable form. Only the name and
raw are required.
:return: Dictionary representing the object. JSON ready.
:rtype: dict
return {
'name': self.name,
'raw': self.raw
def from_dict(self, d):
Populates the object from a serial representation created
with ``self.to_dict()``.
:param d: Serial representation of an ApertureMacro object.
:return: None
for attr in ['name', 'raw']:
setattr(self, attr, d[attr])
def parse_content(self):
Creates numerical lists for all primitives in the aperture
macro (in ``self.raw``) by replacing all variables by their
values iteratively and evaluating expressions. Results
are stored in ``self.primitives``.
:return: None
# Cleanup
self.raw = self.raw.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').strip(" *")
self.primitives = []
# Separate parts
parts = self.raw.split('*')
# ### Every part in the macro ####
for part in parts:
# ## Comments. Ignored.
match = ApertureMacro.amcomm_re.search(part)
if match:
# ## Variables
# These are variables defined locally inside the macro. They can be
# numerical constant or defined in terms of previously define
# variables, which can be defined locally or in an aperture
# definition. All replacements occur here.
match = ApertureMacro.amvar_re.search(part)
if match:
var = match.group(1)
val = match.group(2)
# Replace variables in value
for v in self.locvars:
# replaced the following line with the next to fix Mentor custom apertures not parsed OK
# val = re.sub((r'\$'+str(v)+r'(?![0-9a-zA-Z])'), str(self.locvars[v]), val)
val = val.replace('$' + str(v), str(self.locvars[v]))
# Make all others 0
val = re.sub(r'\$[0-9a-zA-Z](?![0-9a-zA-Z])', "0", val)
# Change x with *
val = re.sub(r'[xX]', "*", val)
# Eval() and store.
self.locvars[var] = eval(val)
# ## Primitives
# Each is an array. The first identifies the primitive, while the
# rest depend on the primitive. All are strings representing a
# number and may contain variable definition. The values of these
# variables are defined in an aperture definition.
match = ApertureMacro.amprim_re.search(part)
if match:
# ## Replace all variables
for v in self.locvars:
# replaced the following line with the next to fix Mentor custom apertures not parsed OK
# part = re.sub(r'\$' + str(v) + r'(?![0-9a-zA-Z])', str(self.locvars[v]), part)
part = part.replace('$' + str(v), str(self.locvars[v]))
# Make all others 0
part = re.sub(r'\$[0-9a-zA-Z](?![0-9a-zA-Z])', "0", part)
# Change x with *
part = re.sub(r'[xX]', "*", part)
# ## Store
elements = part.split(",")
self.primitives.append([eval(x) for x in elements])
log.warning("Unknown syntax of aperture macro part: %s" % str(part))
def append(self, data):
Appends a string to the raw macro.
:param data: Part of the macro.
:type data: str
:return: None
self.raw += data
def default2zero(n, mods):
Pads the ``mods`` list with zeros resulting in an
list of length n.
:param n: Length of the resulting list.
:type n: int
:param mods: List to be padded.
:type mods: list
:return: Zero-padded list.
:rtype: list
x = [0.0] * n
na = len(mods)
x[0:na] = mods
return x
def make_circle(mods):
:param mods: (Exposure 0/1, Diameter >=0, X-coord, Y-coord)
pol, dia, x, y = ApertureMacro.default2zero(4, mods)
return {"pol": int(pol), "geometry": Point(x, y).buffer(dia/2)}
def make_vectorline(mods):
:param mods: (Exposure 0/1, Line width >= 0, X-start, Y-start, X-end, Y-end,
rotation angle around origin in degrees)
pol, width, xs, ys, xe, ye, angle = ApertureMacro.default2zero(7, mods)
line = LineString([(xs, ys), (xe, ye)])
box = line.buffer(width/2, cap_style=2)
box_rotated = affinity.rotate(box, angle, origin=(0, 0))
return {"pol": int(pol), "geometry": box_rotated}
def make_centerline(mods):
:param mods: (Exposure 0/1, width >=0, height >=0, x-center, y-center,
rotation angle around origin in degrees)
pol, width, height, x, y, angle = ApertureMacro.default2zero(6, mods)
box = shply_box(x-width/2, y-height/2, x+width/2, y+height/2)
box_rotated = affinity.rotate(box, angle, origin=(0, 0))
return {"pol": int(pol), "geometry": box_rotated}
def make_lowerleftline(mods):
:param mods: (exposure 0/1, width >=0, height >=0, x-lowerleft, y-lowerleft,
rotation angle around origin in degrees)
pol, width, height, x, y, angle = ApertureMacro.default2zero(6, mods)
box = shply_box(x, y, x+width, y+height)
box_rotated = affinity.rotate(box, angle, origin=(0, 0))
return {"pol": int(pol), "geometry": box_rotated}
def make_outline(mods):
:param mods:
pol = mods[0]
n = mods[1]
points = [(0, 0)]*(n+1)
for i in range(n+1):
points[i] = mods[2*i + 2:2*i + 4]
angle = mods[2*n + 4]
poly = Polygon(points)
poly_rotated = affinity.rotate(poly, angle, origin=(0, 0))
return {"pol": int(pol), "geometry": poly_rotated}
def make_polygon(mods):
Note: Specs indicate that rotation is only allowed if the center
(x, y) == (0, 0). I will tolerate breaking this rule.
:param mods: (exposure 0/1, n_verts 3<=n<=12, x-center, y-center,
diameter of circumscribed circle >=0, rotation angle around origin)
pol, nverts, x, y, dia, angle = ApertureMacro.default2zero(6, mods)
points = [(0, 0)]*nverts
for i in range(nverts):
points[i] = (x + 0.5 * dia * np.cos(2*np.pi * i/nverts),
y + 0.5 * dia * np.sin(2*np.pi * i/nverts))
poly = Polygon(points)
poly_rotated = affinity.rotate(poly, angle, origin=(0, 0))
return {"pol": int(pol), "geometry": poly_rotated}
def make_moire(mods):
Note: Specs indicate that rotation is only allowed if the center
(x, y) == (0, 0). I will tolerate breaking this rule.
:param mods: (x-center, y-center, outer_dia_outer_ring, ring thickness,
gap, max_rings, crosshair_thickness, crosshair_len, rotation
angle around origin in degrees)
x, y, dia, thickness, gap, nrings, cross_th, cross_len, angle = ApertureMacro.default2zero(9, mods)
r = dia/2 - thickness/2
result = Point((x, y)).buffer(r).exterior.buffer(thickness/2.0)
ring = Point((x, y)).buffer(r).exterior.buffer(thickness/2.0) # Need a copy!
i = 1 # Number of rings created so far
# ## If the ring does not have an interior it means that it is
# ## a disk. Then stop.
while len(ring.interiors) > 0 and i < nrings:
r -= thickness + gap
if r <= 0:
ring = Point((x, y)).buffer(r).exterior.buffer(thickness/2.0)
result = cascaded_union([result, ring])
i += 1
# ## Crosshair
hor = LineString([(x - cross_len, y), (x + cross_len, y)]).buffer(cross_th/2.0, cap_style=2)
ver = LineString([(x, y-cross_len), (x, y + cross_len)]).buffer(cross_th/2.0, cap_style=2)
result = cascaded_union([result, hor, ver])
return {"pol": 1, "geometry": result}
def make_thermal(mods):
Note: Specs indicate that rotation is only allowed if the center
(x, y) == (0, 0). I will tolerate breaking this rule.
:param mods: [x-center, y-center, diameter-outside, diameter-inside,
gap-thickness, rotation angle around origin]
x, y, dout, din, t, angle = ApertureMacro.default2zero(6, mods)
ring = Point((x, y)).buffer(dout/2.0).difference(Point((x, y)).buffer(din/2.0))
hline = LineString([(x - dout/2.0, y), (x + dout/2.0, y)]).buffer(t/2.0, cap_style=3)
vline = LineString([(x, y - dout/2.0), (x, y + dout/2.0)]).buffer(t/2.0, cap_style=3)
thermal = ring.difference(hline.union(vline))
return {"pol": 1, "geometry": thermal}
def make_geometry(self, modifiers):
Runs the macro for the given modifiers and generates
the corresponding geometry.
:param modifiers: Modifiers (parameters) for this macro
:type modifiers: list
:return: Shapely geometry
:rtype: shapely.geometry.polygon
# ## Primitive makers
makers = {
"1": ApertureMacro.make_circle,
"2": ApertureMacro.make_vectorline,
"20": ApertureMacro.make_vectorline,
"21": ApertureMacro.make_centerline,
"22": ApertureMacro.make_lowerleftline,
"4": ApertureMacro.make_outline,
"5": ApertureMacro.make_polygon,
"6": ApertureMacro.make_moire,
"7": ApertureMacro.make_thermal
# ## Store modifiers as local variables
modifiers = modifiers or []
modifiers = [float(m) for m in modifiers]
self.locvars = {}
for i in range(0, len(modifiers)):
self.locvars[str(i + 1)] = modifiers[i]
# ## Parse
self.primitives = [] # Cleanup
self.geometry = Polygon()
# ## Make the geometry
for primitive in self.primitives:
# Make the primitive
prim_geo = makers[str(int(primitive[0]))](primitive[1:])
# Add it (according to polarity)
# if self.geometry is None and prim_geo['pol'] == 1:
# self.geometry = prim_geo['geometry']
# continue
if prim_geo['pol'] == 1:
self.geometry = self.geometry.union(prim_geo['geometry'])
if prim_geo['pol'] == 0:
self.geometry = self.geometry.difference(prim_geo['geometry'])
return self.geometry
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
class Geometry(object):
Base geometry class.
defaults = {
"units": 'in',
"geo_steps_per_circle": 128
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def __init__(self, geo_steps_per_circle=None):
# Units (in or mm)
self.units = self.app.defaults["units"]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Final geometry: MultiPolygon or list (of geometry constructs)
self.solid_geometry = None
# Final geometry: MultiLineString or list (of LineString or Points)
self.follow_geometry = None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Attributes to be included in serialization
self.ser_attrs = ["units", 'solid_geometry', 'follow_geometry']
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Flattened geometry (list of paths only)
self.flat_geometry = []
# this is the calculated conversion factor when the file units are different than the ones in the app
self.file_units_factor = 1
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Index
self.index = None
self.geo_steps_per_circle = geo_steps_per_circle
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
if self.app.is_legacy is False:
self.temp_shapes = self.app.plotcanvas.new_shape_group()
from flatcamGUI.PlotCanvasLegacy import ShapeCollectionLegacy
self.temp_shapes = ShapeCollectionLegacy(obj=self, app=self.app, name='camlib.geometry')
# if geo_steps_per_circle is None:
# geo_steps_per_circle = int(Geometry.defaults["geo_steps_per_circle"])
# self.geo_steps_per_circle = geo_steps_per_circle
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def plot_temp_shapes(self, element, color='red'):
for sub_el in element:
except TypeError: # Element is not iterable...
# self.add_shape(shape=element, color=color, visible=visible, layer=0)
shape=element, color=color, visible=True, layer=0)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def make_index(self):
self.index = FlatCAMRTree()
for i, g in enumerate(self.flat_geometry):
self.index.insert(i, g)
def add_circle(self, origin, radius):
Adds a circle to the object.
:param origin: Center of the circle.
:param radius: Radius of the circle.
:return: None
if self.solid_geometry is None:
self.solid_geometry = []
if type(self.solid_geometry) is list:
radius, int(int(self.geo_steps_per_circle) / 4)))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.union(Point(origin).buffer(
radius, int(int(self.geo_steps_per_circle) / 4)))
except Exception as e:
log.error("Failed to run union on polygons. %s" % str(e))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def add_polygon(self, points):
Adds a polygon to the object (by union)
:param points: The vertices of the polygon.
:return: None
if self.solid_geometry is None:
self.solid_geometry = []
if type(self.solid_geometry) is list:
self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.union(Polygon(points))
except Exception as e:
log.error("Failed to run union on polygons. %s" % str(e))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def add_polyline(self, points):
Adds a polyline to the object (by union)
:param points: The vertices of the polyline.
:return: None
if self.solid_geometry is None:
self.solid_geometry = []
if type(self.solid_geometry) is list:
self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.union(LineString(points))
except Exception as e:
log.error("Failed to run union on polylines. %s" % str(e))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def is_empty(self):
if isinstance(self.solid_geometry, BaseGeometry):
return self.solid_geometry.is_empty
if isinstance(self.solid_geometry, list):
return len(self.solid_geometry) == 0
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("self.solid_geometry is neither BaseGeometry or list."))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def subtract_polygon(self, points):
2019-05-12 22:57:37 +00:00
Subtract polygon from the given object. This only operates on the paths in the original geometry,
i.e. it converts polygons into paths.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:param points: The vertices of the polygon.
:return: none
if self.solid_geometry is None:
self.solid_geometry = []
# pathonly should be allways True, otherwise polygons are not subtracted
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
flat_geometry = self.flatten(pathonly=True)
log.debug("%d paths" % len(flat_geometry))
polygon = Polygon(points)
toolgeo = cascaded_union(polygon)
diffs = []
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for target in flat_geometry:
if type(target) == LineString or type(target) == LinearRing:
log.warning("Not implemented.")
self.solid_geometry = cascaded_union(diffs)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def bounds(self):
Returns coordinates of rectangular bounds
of geometry: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# fixed issue of getting bounds only for one level lists of objects
# now it can get bounds for nested lists of objects
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.solid_geometry is None:
log.debug("solid_geometry is None")
return 0, 0, 0, 0
def bounds_rec(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
minx = np.Inf
miny = np.Inf
maxx = -np.Inf
maxy = -np.Inf
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for k in obj:
if type(k) is dict:
for key in k:
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k[key])
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k)
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
return minx, miny, maxx, maxy
# it's a Shapely object, return it's bounds
return obj.bounds
if self.multigeo is True:
minx_list = []
miny_list = []
maxx_list = []
maxy_list = []
for tool in self.tools:
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bounds_rec(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
return(min(minx_list), min(miny_list), max(maxx_list), max(maxy_list))
bounds_coords = bounds_rec(self.solid_geometry)
return bounds_coords
# try:
# # from here: http://rightfootin.blogspot.com/2006/09/more-on-python-flatten.html
# def flatten(l, ltypes=(list, tuple)):
# ltype = type(l)
# l = list(l)
# i = 0
# while i < len(l):
# while isinstance(l[i], ltypes):
# if not l[i]:
# l.pop(i)
# i -= 1
# break
# else:
# l[i:i + 1] = l[i]
# i += 1
# return ltype(l)
# log.debug("Geometry->bounds()")
# if self.solid_geometry is None:
# log.debug("solid_geometry is None")
# return 0, 0, 0, 0
# if type(self.solid_geometry) is list:
# # TODO: This can be done faster. See comment from Shapely mailing lists.
# if len(self.solid_geometry) == 0:
# log.debug('solid_geometry is empty []')
# return 0, 0, 0, 0
# return cascaded_union(flatten(self.solid_geometry)).bounds
# else:
# return self.solid_geometry.bounds
# except Exception as e:
# self.app.inform.emit("[ERROR_NOTCL] Error cause: %s" % str(e))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# log.debug("Geometry->bounds()")
# if self.solid_geometry is None:
# log.debug("solid_geometry is None")
# return 0, 0, 0, 0
# if type(self.solid_geometry) is list:
# # TODO: This can be done faster. See comment from Shapely mailing lists.
# if len(self.solid_geometry) == 0:
# log.debug('solid_geometry is empty []')
# return 0, 0, 0, 0
# return cascaded_union(self.solid_geometry).bounds
# else:
# return self.solid_geometry.bounds
def find_polygon(self, point, geoset=None):
Find an object that object.contains(Point(point)) in
poly, which can can be iterable, contain iterable of, or
be itself an implementer of .contains().
:param point: See description
:param geoset: a polygon or list of polygons where to find if the param point is contained
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:return: Polygon containing point or None.
if geoset is None:
geoset = self.solid_geometry
try: # Iterable
for sub_geo in geoset:
p = self.find_polygon(point, geoset=sub_geo)
if p is not None:
return p
except TypeError: # Non-iterable
try: # Implements .contains()
if isinstance(geoset, LinearRing):
geoset = Polygon(geoset)
if geoset.contains(Point(point)):
return geoset
except AttributeError: # Does not implement .contains()
return None
return None
def get_interiors(self, geometry=None):
interiors = []
if geometry is None:
geometry = self.solid_geometry
# ## If iterable, expand recursively.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for geo in geometry:
# ## Not iterable, get the interiors if polygon.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
except TypeError:
if type(geometry) == Polygon:
return interiors
def get_exteriors(self, geometry=None):
Returns all exteriors of polygons in geometry. Uses
``self.solid_geometry`` if geometry is not provided.
:param geometry: Shapely type or list or list of list of such.
:return: List of paths constituting the exteriors
of polygons in geometry.
exteriors = []
if geometry is None:
geometry = self.solid_geometry
# ## If iterable, expand recursively.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for geo in geometry:
# ## Not iterable, get the exterior if polygon.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
except TypeError:
if type(geometry) == Polygon:
return exteriors
def flatten(self, geometry=None, reset=True, pathonly=False):
Creates a list of non-iterable linear geometry objects.
Polygons are expanded into its exterior and interiors if specified.
Results are placed in self.flat_geometry
:param geometry: Shapely type or list or list of list of such.
:param reset: Clears the contents of self.flat_geometry.
:param pathonly: Expands polygons into linear elements.
if geometry is None:
geometry = self.solid_geometry
if reset:
self.flat_geometry = []
# ## If iterable, expand recursively.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for geo in geometry:
if geo is not None:
# ## Not iterable, do the actual indexing and add.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
except TypeError:
if pathonly and type(geometry) == Polygon:
return self.flat_geometry
# def make2Dstorage(self):
# self.flatten()
# def get_pts(o):
# pts = []
# if type(o) == Polygon:
# g = o.exterior
# pts += list(g.coords)
# for i in o.interiors:
# pts += list(i.coords)
# else:
# pts += list(o.coords)
# return pts
# storage = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
# storage.get_points = get_pts
# for shape in self.flat_geometry:
# storage.insert(shape)
# return storage
# def flatten_to_paths(self, geometry=None, reset=True):
# """
# Creates a list of non-iterable linear geometry elements and
# indexes them in rtree.
# :param geometry: Iterable geometry
# :param reset: Wether to clear (True) or append (False) to self.flat_geometry
# :return: self.flat_geometry, self.flat_geometry_rtree
# """
# if geometry is None:
# geometry = self.solid_geometry
# if reset:
# self.flat_geometry = []
# # ## If iterable, expand recursively.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# try:
# for geo in geometry:
# self.flatten_to_paths(geometry=geo, reset=False)
# # ## Not iterable, do the actual indexing and add.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# except TypeError:
# if type(geometry) == Polygon:
# g = geometry.exterior
# self.flat_geometry.append(g)
# # ## Add first and last points of the path to the index.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# self.flat_geometry_rtree.insert(len(self.flat_geometry) - 1, g.coords[0])
# self.flat_geometry_rtree.insert(len(self.flat_geometry) - 1, g.coords[-1])
# for interior in geometry.interiors:
# g = interior
# self.flat_geometry.append(g)
# self.flat_geometry_rtree.insert(len(self.flat_geometry) - 1, g.coords[0])
# self.flat_geometry_rtree.insert(len(self.flat_geometry) - 1, g.coords[-1])
# else:
# g = geometry
# self.flat_geometry.append(g)
# self.flat_geometry_rtree.insert(len(self.flat_geometry) - 1, g.coords[0])
# self.flat_geometry_rtree.insert(len(self.flat_geometry) - 1, g.coords[-1])
# return self.flat_geometry, self.flat_geometry_rtree
def isolation_geometry(self, offset, iso_type=2, corner=None, follow=None, passes=0):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Creates contours around geometry at a given
offset distance.
:param offset: Offset distance.
:type offset: float
:param iso_type: type of isolation, can be 0 = exteriors or 1 = interiors or 2 = both (complete)
:param corner: type of corner for the isolation: 0 = round; 1 = square; 2= beveled (line that connects the ends)
:param follow: whether the geometry to be isolated is a follow_geometry
:param passes: current pass out of possible multiple passes for which the isolation is done
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:return: The buffered geometry.
:rtype: Shapely.MultiPolygon or Shapely.Polygon
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
geo_iso = []
if offset == 0:
if follow:
geo_iso = self.follow_geometry
geo_iso = self.solid_geometry
if follow:
geo_iso = self.follow_geometry
# if isinstance(self.solid_geometry, list):
# temp_geo = cascaded_union(self.solid_geometry)
# else:
# temp_geo = self.solid_geometry
# Remember: do not make a buffer for each element in the solid_geometry because it will cut into
# other copper features
# if corner is None:
# geo_iso = temp_geo.buffer(offset, int(int(self.geo_steps_per_circle) / 4))
# else:
# geo_iso = temp_geo.buffer(offset, int(int(self.geo_steps_per_circle) / 4),
# join_style=corner)
# variables to display the percentage of work done
geo_len = 0
for pol in self.solid_geometry:
geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
geo_len = 1
disp_number = 0
old_disp_number = 0
pol_nr = 0
# yet, it can be done by issuing an unary_union in the end, thus getting rid of the overlapping geo
for pol in self.solid_geometry:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
if corner is None:
geo_iso.append(pol.buffer(offset, int(int(self.geo_steps_per_circle) / 4)))
geo_iso.append(pol.buffer(offset, int(int(self.geo_steps_per_circle) / 4)),
pol_nr += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(pol_nr, [0, geo_len], [0, 100]))
if old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %s %d: %d%%' %
(_("Pass"), int(passes + 1), int(disp_number)))
old_disp_number = disp_number
except TypeError:
# taking care of the case when the self.solid_geometry is just a single Polygon, not a list or a
# MultiPolygon (not an iterable)
if corner is None:
geo_iso.append(self.solid_geometry.buffer(offset, int(int(self.geo_steps_per_circle) / 4)))
geo_iso.append(self.solid_geometry.buffer(offset, int(int(self.geo_steps_per_circle) / 4)),
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %s' % _("Buffering"))
geo_iso = unary_union(geo_iso)
# end of replaced block
if follow:
return geo_iso
elif iso_type == 2:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return geo_iso
elif iso_type == 0:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %s' % _("Get Exteriors"))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return self.get_exteriors(geo_iso)
elif iso_type == 1:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %s' % _("Get Interiors"))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return self.get_interiors(geo_iso)
log.debug("Geometry.isolation_geometry() --> Type of isolation not supported")
return "fail"
def flatten_list(self, list):
for item in list:
if isinstance(item, Iterable) and not isinstance(item, (str, bytes)):
yield from self.flatten_list(item)
yield item
def import_svg(self, filename, object_type=None, flip=True, units='MM'):
Imports shapes from an SVG file into the object's geometry.
:param filename: Path to the SVG file.
:type filename: str
:param object_type: parameter passed further along
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:param flip: Flip the vertically.
:type flip: bool
:param units: FlatCAM units
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:return: None
# Parse into list of shapely objects
svg_tree = ET.parse(filename)
svg_root = svg_tree.getroot()
# Change origin to bottom left
# h = float(svg_root.get('height'))
# w = float(svg_root.get('width'))
h = svgparselength(svg_root.get('height'))[0] # TODO: No units support yet
geos = getsvggeo(svg_root, object_type)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if flip:
geos = [translate(scale(g, 1.0, -1.0, origin=(0, 0)), yoff=h) for g in geos]
# Add to object
if self.solid_geometry is None:
self.solid_geometry = []
if type(self.solid_geometry) is list:
# self.solid_geometry.append(cascaded_union(geos))
if type(geos) is list:
self.solid_geometry += geos
else: # It's shapely geometry
# self.solid_geometry = cascaded_union([self.solid_geometry,
# cascaded_union(geos)])
self.solid_geometry = [self.solid_geometry, geos]
# flatten the self.solid_geometry list for import_svg() to import SVG as Gerber
self.solid_geometry = list(self.flatten_list(self.solid_geometry))
geos_text = getsvgtext(svg_root, object_type, units=units)
if geos_text is not None:
geos_text_f = []
if flip:
# Change origin to bottom left
for i in geos_text:
_, minimy, _, maximy = i.bounds
h2 = (maximy - minimy) * 0.5
geos_text_f.append(translate(scale(i, 1.0, -1.0, origin=(0, 0)), yoff=(h + h2)))
if geos_text_f:
self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry + geos_text_f
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def import_dxf(self, filename, object_type=None, units='MM'):
Imports shapes from an DXF file into the object's geometry.
:param filename: Path to the DXF file.
:type filename: str
:param units: Application units
:type flip: str
:return: None
# Parse into list of shapely objects
dxf = ezdxf.readfile(filename)
geos = getdxfgeo(dxf)
# Add to object
if self.solid_geometry is None:
self.solid_geometry = []
if type(self.solid_geometry) is list:
if type(geos) is list:
self.solid_geometry += geos
else: # It's shapely geometry
self.solid_geometry = [self.solid_geometry, geos]
# flatten the self.solid_geometry list for import_dxf() to import DXF as Gerber
self.solid_geometry = list(self.flatten_list(self.solid_geometry))
if self.solid_geometry is not None:
self.solid_geometry = cascaded_union(self.solid_geometry)
# commented until this function is ready
# geos_text = getdxftext(dxf, object_type, units=units)
# if geos_text is not None:
# geos_text_f = []
# self.solid_geometry = [self.solid_geometry, geos_text_f]
def import_image(self, filename, flip=True, units='MM', dpi=96, mode='black', mask=[128, 128, 128, 128]):
Imports shapes from an IMAGE file into the object's geometry.
:param filename: Path to the IMAGE file.
:type filename: str
:param flip: Flip the object vertically.
:type flip: bool
:param units: FlatCAM units
:param dpi: dots per inch on the imported image
:param mode: how to import the image: as 'black' or 'color'
:param mask: level of detail for the import
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:return: None
scale_factor = 0.264583333
if units.lower() == 'mm':
scale_factor = 25.4 / dpi
scale_factor = 1 / dpi
geos = []
unscaled_geos = []
with rasterio.open(filename) as src:
# if filename.lower().rpartition('.')[-1] == 'bmp':
# red = green = blue = src.read(1)
# print("BMP")
# elif filename.lower().rpartition('.')[-1] == 'png':
# red, green, blue, alpha = src.read()
# elif filename.lower().rpartition('.')[-1] == 'jpg':
# red, green, blue = src.read()
red = green = blue = src.read(1)
green = src.read(2)
except Exception as e:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
blue = src.read(3)
except Exception as e:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if mode == 'black':
mask_setting = red <= mask[0]
total = red
log.debug("Image import as monochrome.")
mask_setting = (red <= mask[1]) + (green <= mask[2]) + (blue <= mask[3])
total = np.zeros(red.shape, dtype=np.float32)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for band in red, green, blue:
total += band
total /= 3
log.debug("Image import as colored. Thresholds are: R = %s , G = %s, B = %s" %
(str(mask[1]), str(mask[2]), str(mask[3])))
for geom, val in shapes(total, mask=mask_setting):
for g in unscaled_geos:
geos.append(scale(g, scale_factor, scale_factor, origin=(0, 0)))
if flip:
geos = [translate(scale(g, 1.0, -1.0, origin=(0, 0))) for g in geos]
# Add to object
if self.solid_geometry is None:
self.solid_geometry = []
if type(self.solid_geometry) is list:
# self.solid_geometry.append(cascaded_union(geos))
if type(geos) is list:
self.solid_geometry += geos
else: # It's shapely geometry
self.solid_geometry = [self.solid_geometry, geos]
# flatten the self.solid_geometry list for import_svg() to import SVG as Gerber
self.solid_geometry = list(self.flatten_list(self.solid_geometry))
self.solid_geometry = cascaded_union(self.solid_geometry)
# self.solid_geometry = MultiPolygon(self.solid_geometry)
# self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.buffer(0.00000001)
# self.solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry.buffer(-0.00000001)
def size(self):
Returns (width, height) of rectangular
bounds of geometry.
if self.solid_geometry is None:
log.warning("Solid_geometry not computed yet.")
return 0
bounds = self.bounds()
return bounds[2] - bounds[0], bounds[3] - bounds[1]
def get_empty_area(self, boundary=None):
Returns the complement of self.solid_geometry within
the given boundary polygon. If not specified, it defaults to
the rectangular bounding box of self.solid_geometry.
if boundary is None:
boundary = self.solid_geometry.envelope
return boundary.difference(self.solid_geometry)
def clear_polygon(self, polygon, tooldia, steps_per_circle, overlap=0.15, connect=True, contour=True,
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Creates geometry inside a polygon for a tool to cover
the whole area.
This algorithm shrinks the edges of the polygon and takes
the resulting edges as toolpaths.
:param polygon: Polygon to clear.
:param tooldia: Diameter of the tool.
:param steps_per_circle: number of linear segments to be used to approximate a circle
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:param overlap: Overlap of toolpasses.
:param connect: Draw lines between disjoint segments to
minimize tool lifts.
:param contour: Paint around the edges. Inconsequential in
this painting method.
:param prog_plot: boolean; if Ture use the progressive plotting
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# log.debug("camlib.clear_polygon()")
assert type(polygon) == Polygon or type(polygon) == MultiPolygon, \
"Expected a Polygon or MultiPolygon, got %s" % type(polygon)
# ## The toolpaths
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Index first and last points in paths
def get_pts(o):
return [o.coords[0], o.coords[-1]]
geoms = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
geoms.get_points = get_pts
# Can only result in a Polygon or MultiPolygon
# NOTE: The resulting polygon can be "empty".
current = polygon.buffer((-tooldia / 1.999999), int(int(steps_per_circle) / 4))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if current.area == 0:
# Otherwise, trying to to insert current.exterior == None
# into the FlatCAMStorage will fail.
# print("Area is None")
return None
# current can be a MultiPolygon
for p in current:
for i in p.interiors:
# Not a Multipolygon. Must be a Polygon
except TypeError:
for i in current.interiors:
while True:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# provide the app with a way to process the GUI events when in a blocking loop
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Can only result in a Polygon or MultiPolygon
current = current.buffer(-tooldia * (1 - overlap), int(int(steps_per_circle) / 4))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if current.area > 0:
# current can be a MultiPolygon
for p in current:
for i in p.interiors:
if prog_plot:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Not a Multipolygon. Must be a Polygon
except TypeError:
if prog_plot:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for i in current.interiors:
if prog_plot:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
log.debug("camlib.Geometry.clear_polygon() --> Current Area is zero")
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if prog_plot:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Optimization: Reduce lifts
if connect:
# log.debug("Reducing tool lifts...")
geoms = Geometry.paint_connect(geoms, polygon, tooldia, int(steps_per_circle))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return geoms
def clear_polygon2(self, polygon_to_clear, tooldia, steps_per_circle, seedpoint=None, overlap=0.15,
connect=True, contour=True, prog_plot=False):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Creates geometry inside a polygon for a tool to cover
the whole area.
This algorithm starts with a seed point inside the polygon
and draws circles around it. Arcs inside the polygons are
valid cuts. Finalizes by cutting around the inside edge of
the polygon.
:param polygon_to_clear: Shapely.geometry.Polygon
:param steps_per_circle: how many linear segments to use to approximate a circle
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:param tooldia: Diameter of the tool
:param seedpoint: Shapely.geometry.Point or None
:param overlap: Tool fraction overlap bewteen passes
:param connect: Connect disjoint segment to minumize tool lifts
:param contour: Cut countour inside the polygon.
:return: List of toolpaths covering polygon.
:rtype: FlatCAMRTreeStorage | None
:param prog_plot: boolean; if True use the progressive plotting
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# log.debug("camlib.clear_polygon2()")
# Current buffer radius
radius = tooldia / 2 * (1 - overlap)
# ## The toolpaths
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Index first and last points in paths
def get_pts(o):
return [o.coords[0], o.coords[-1]]
2019-09-05 21:40:07 +00:00
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
geoms = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
geoms.get_points = get_pts
# Path margin
path_margin = polygon_to_clear.buffer(-tooldia / 2, int(steps_per_circle / 4))
if path_margin.is_empty or path_margin is None:
# Estimate good seedpoint if not provided.
if seedpoint is None:
seedpoint = path_margin.representative_point()
# Grow from seed until outside the box. The polygons will
# never have an interior, so take the exterior LinearRing.
while True:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
# provide the app with a way to process the GUI events when in a blocking loop
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
path = Point(seedpoint).buffer(radius, int(steps_per_circle / 4)).exterior
path = path.intersection(path_margin)
# Touches polygon?
if path.is_empty:
# geoms.append(path)
# geoms.insert(path)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# path can be a collection of paths.
for p in path:
if prog_plot:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
except TypeError:
if prog_plot:
if prog_plot:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
radius += tooldia * (1 - overlap)
# Clean inside edges (contours) of the original polygon
if contour:
outer_edges = [x.exterior for x in autolist(
polygon_to_clear.buffer(-tooldia / 2, int(steps_per_circle / 4)))]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
inner_edges = []
# Over resulting polygons
for x in autolist(polygon_to_clear.buffer(-tooldia / 2, int(steps_per_circle / 4))):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for y in x.interiors: # Over interiors of each polygon
# geoms += outer_edges + inner_edges
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for g in outer_edges + inner_edges:
if prog_plot:
if prog_plot:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Optimization connect touching paths
# log.debug("Connecting paths...")
# geoms = Geometry.path_connect(geoms)
# Optimization: Reduce lifts
if connect:
# log.debug("Reducing tool lifts...")
geoms = Geometry.paint_connect(geoms, polygon_to_clear, tooldia, steps_per_circle)
return geoms
def clear_polygon3(self, polygon, tooldia, steps_per_circle, overlap=0.15, connect=True, contour=True,
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Creates geometry inside a polygon for a tool to cover
the whole area.
This algorithm draws horizontal lines inside the polygon.
:param polygon: The polygon being painted.
:type polygon: shapely.geometry.Polygon
:param tooldia: Tool diameter.
:param steps_per_circle: how many linear segments to use to approximate a circle
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:param overlap: Tool path overlap percentage.
:param connect: Connect lines to avoid tool lifts.
:param contour: Paint around the edges.
:param prog_plot: boolean; if to use the progressive plotting
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# log.debug("camlib.clear_polygon3()")
# ## The toolpaths
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Index first and last points in paths
def get_pts(o):
return [o.coords[0], o.coords[-1]]
geoms = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
geoms.get_points = get_pts
lines_trimmed = []
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Bounding box
left, bot, right, top = polygon.bounds
margin_poly = polygon.buffer(-tooldia / 1.99999999, (int(steps_per_circle)))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# First line
y = top - tooldia / 1.99999999
while y > bot + tooldia / 1.999999999:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
# provide the app with a way to process the GUI events when in a blocking loop
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
line = LineString([(left, y), (right, y)])
line = line.intersection(margin_poly)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
y -= tooldia * (1 - overlap)
if prog_plot:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Last line
y = bot + tooldia / 2
line = LineString([(left, y), (right, y)])
line = line.intersection(margin_poly)
for ll in line:
if prog_plot:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Combine
# linesgeo = unary_union(lines)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Trim to the polygon
# margin_poly = polygon.buffer(-tooldia / 1.99999999, (int(steps_per_circle)))
# lines_trimmed = linesgeo.intersection(margin_poly)
if prog_plot:
lines_trimmed = unary_union(lines_trimmed)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Add lines to storage
for line in lines_trimmed:
except TypeError:
# in case lines_trimmed are not iterable (Linestring, LinearRing)
# Add margin (contour) to storage
if contour:
if isinstance(margin_poly, Polygon):
if prog_plot:
for ints in margin_poly.interiors:
if prog_plot:
elif isinstance(margin_poly, MultiPolygon):
for poly in margin_poly:
if prog_plot:
for ints in poly.interiors:
if prog_plot:
if prog_plot:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Optimization: Reduce lifts
if connect:
# log.debug("Reducing tool lifts...")
geoms = Geometry.paint_connect(geoms, polygon, tooldia, steps_per_circle)
return geoms
def scale(self, xfactor, yfactor, point=None):
Scales all of the object's geometry by a given factor. Override
this method.
:param xfactor: Number by which to scale on X axis.
:type xfactor: float
:param yfactor: Number by which to scale on Y axis.
:type yfactor: float
:param point: point to be used as reference for scaling; a tuple
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:return: None
:rtype: None
def offset(self, vect):
Offset the geometry by the given vector. Override this method.
:param vect: (x, y) vector by which to offset the object.
:type vect: tuple
:return: None
def paint_connect(storage, boundary, tooldia, steps_per_circle, max_walk=None):
Connects paths that results in a connection segment that is
within the paint area. This avoids unnecessary tool lifting.
:param storage: Geometry to be optimized.
:type storage: FlatCAMRTreeStorage
:param boundary: Polygon defining the limits of the paintable area.
:type boundary: Polygon
:param tooldia: Tool diameter.
:rtype tooldia: float
:param steps_per_circle: how many linear segments to use to approximate a circle
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:param max_walk: Maximum allowable distance without lifting tool.
:type max_walk: float or None
:return: Optimized geometry.
:rtype: FlatCAMRTreeStorage
# If max_walk is not specified, the maximum allowed is
# 10 times the tool diameter
max_walk = max_walk or 10 * tooldia
# Assuming geolist is a flat list of flat elements
# ## Index first and last points in paths
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def get_pts(o):
return [o.coords[0], o.coords[-1]]
# storage = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
# storage.get_points = get_pts
# for shape in geolist:
# if shape is not None: # TODO: This shouldn't have happened.
# # Make LlinearRings into linestrings otherwise
# # When chaining the coordinates path is messed up.
# storage.insert(LineString(shape))
# #storage.insert(shape)
# ## Iterate over geometry paths getting the nearest each time.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
#optimized_paths = []
optimized_paths = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
optimized_paths.get_points = get_pts
path_count = 0
current_pt = (0, 0)
pt, geo = storage.nearest(current_pt)
geo = LineString(geo)
current_pt = geo.coords[-1]
while True:
path_count += 1
# log.debug("Path %d" % path_count)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
pt, candidate = storage.nearest(current_pt)
candidate = LineString(candidate)
# If last point in geometry is the nearest
# then reverse coordinates.
# but prefer the first one if last == first
if pt != candidate.coords[0] and pt == candidate.coords[-1]:
candidate.coords = list(candidate.coords)[::-1]
# Straight line from current_pt to pt.
# Is the toolpath inside the geometry?
walk_path = LineString([current_pt, pt])
walk_cut = walk_path.buffer(tooldia / 2, int(steps_per_circle / 4))
if walk_cut.within(boundary) and walk_path.length < max_walk:
# log.debug("Walk to path #%d is inside. Joining." % path_count)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Completely inside. Append...
geo.coords = list(geo.coords) + list(candidate.coords)
# try:
# last = optimized_paths[-1]
# last.coords = list(last.coords) + list(geo.coords)
# except IndexError:
# optimized_paths.append(geo)
# Have to lift tool. End path.
# log.debug("Path #%d not within boundary. Next." % path_count)
# optimized_paths.append(geo)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
geo = candidate
current_pt = geo.coords[-1]
# Next
# pt, geo = storage.nearest(current_pt)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
except StopIteration: # Nothing left in storage.
# pass
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return optimized_paths
def path_connect(storage, origin=(0, 0)):
Simplifies paths in the FlatCAMRTreeStorage storage by
connecting paths that touch on their enpoints.
:param storage: Storage containing the initial paths.
:rtype storage: FlatCAMRTreeStorage
:return: Simplified storage.
:rtype: FlatCAMRTreeStorage
# ## Index first and last points in paths
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def get_pts(o):
return [o.coords[0], o.coords[-1]]
# storage = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
# storage.get_points = get_pts
# for shape in pathlist:
# if shape is not None: # TODO: This shouldn't have happened.
# storage.insert(shape)
path_count = 0
pt, geo = storage.nearest(origin)
# optimized_geometry = [geo]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
optimized_geometry = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
optimized_geometry.get_points = get_pts
# optimized_geometry.insert(geo)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
while True:
path_count += 1
_, left = storage.nearest(geo.coords[0])
# If left touches geo, remove left from original
# storage and append to geo.
if type(left) == LineString:
if left.coords[0] == geo.coords[0]:
geo.coords = list(geo.coords)[::-1] + list(left.coords)
if left.coords[-1] == geo.coords[0]:
geo.coords = list(left.coords) + list(geo.coords)
if left.coords[0] == geo.coords[-1]:
geo.coords = list(geo.coords) + list(left.coords)
if left.coords[-1] == geo.coords[-1]:
geo.coords = list(geo.coords) + list(left.coords)[::-1]
_, right = storage.nearest(geo.coords[-1])
# If right touches geo, remove left from original
# storage and append to geo.
if type(right) == LineString:
if right.coords[0] == geo.coords[-1]:
geo.coords = list(geo.coords) + list(right.coords)
if right.coords[-1] == geo.coords[-1]:
geo.coords = list(geo.coords) + list(right.coords)[::-1]
if right.coords[0] == geo.coords[0]:
geo.coords = list(geo.coords)[::-1] + list(right.coords)
if right.coords[-1] == geo.coords[0]:
geo.coords = list(left.coords) + list(geo.coords)
# right is either a LinearRing or it does not connect
# to geo (nothing left to connect to geo), so we continue
# with right as geo.
if type(right) == LinearRing:
# Cannot extend geo any further. Put it away.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Continue with right.
geo = right
except StopIteration: # Nothing found in storage.
# print path_count
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
log.debug("path_count = %d" % path_count)
return optimized_geometry
def convert_units(self, obj_units):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Converts the units of the object to ``units`` by scaling all
the geometry appropriately. This call ``scale()``. Don't call
it again in descendents.
:param units: "IN" or "MM"
:type units: str
:return: Scaling factor resulting from unit change.
:rtype: float
if obj_units.upper() == self.units.upper():
log.debug("camlib.Geometry.convert_units() --> Factor: 1")
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return 1.0
if obj_units.upper() == "MM":
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
factor = 25.4
log.debug("camlib.Geometry.convert_units() --> Factor: 25.4")
elif obj_units.upper() == "IN":
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
factor = 1 / 25.4
log.debug("camlib.Geometry.convert_units() --> Factor: %s" % str(1 / 25.4))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
log.error("Unsupported units: %s" % str(obj_units))
log.debug("camlib.Geometry.convert_units() --> Factor: 1")
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return 1.0
self.units = obj_units
self.scale(factor, factor)
self.file_units_factor = factor
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return factor
def to_dict(self):
Returns a representation of the object as a dictionary.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Attributes to include are listed in ``self.ser_attrs``.
:return: A dictionary-encoded copy of the object.
:rtype: dict
d = {}
for attr in self.ser_attrs:
d[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
return d
def from_dict(self, d):
Sets object's attributes from a dictionary.
Attributes to include are listed in ``self.ser_attrs``.
This method will look only for only and all the
attributes in ``self.ser_attrs``. They must all
be present. Use only for deserializing saved
:param d: Dictionary of attributes to set in the object.
:type d: dict
:return: None
for attr in self.ser_attrs:
setattr(self, attr, d[attr])
def union(self):
Runs a cascaded union on the list of objects in
:return: None
self.solid_geometry = [cascaded_union(self.solid_geometry)]
def export_svg(self, scale_stroke_factor=0.00,
scale_factor_x=None, scale_factor_y=None,
skew_factor_x=None, skew_factor_y=None,
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Exports the Geometry Object as a SVG Element
:return: SVG Element
# Make sure we see a Shapely Geometry class and not a list
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if str(type(self)) == "<class 'FlatCAMObj.FlatCAMGeometry'>":
flat_geo = []
if self.multigeo:
for tool in self.tools:
flat_geo += self.flatten(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
geom_svg = cascaded_union(flat_geo)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
geom_svg = cascaded_union(self.flatten())
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
geom_svg = cascaded_union(self.flatten())
skew_ref = 'center'
if skew_reference != 'center':
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = geom_svg.bounds
if skew_reference == 'topleft':
skew_ref = (xmin, ymax)
elif skew_reference == 'bottomleft':
skew_ref = (xmin, ymin)
elif skew_reference == 'topright':
skew_ref = (xmax, ymax)
elif skew_reference == 'bottomright':
skew_ref = (xmax, ymin)
2019-10-18 22:19:08 +00:00
geom = geom_svg
if scale_factor_x:
geom = affinity.scale(geom_svg, scale_factor_x, 1.0)
if scale_factor_y:
geom = affinity.scale(geom_svg, 1.0, scale_factor_y)
if skew_factor_x:
geom = affinity.skew(geom_svg, skew_factor_x, 0.0, origin=skew_ref)
if skew_factor_y:
geom = affinity.skew(geom_svg, 0.0, skew_factor_y, origin=skew_ref)
if mirror:
if mirror == 'x':
geom = affinity.scale(geom_svg, 1.0, -1.0)
if mirror == 'y':
geom = affinity.scale(geom_svg, -1.0, 1.0)
if mirror == 'both':
geom = affinity.scale(geom_svg, -1.0, -1.0)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# scale_factor is a multiplication factor for the SVG stroke-width used within shapely's svg export
# If 0 or less which is invalid then default to 0.01
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# This value appears to work for zooming, and getting the output svg line width
# to match that viewed on screen with FlatCam
# MS: I choose a factor of 0.01 so the scale is right for PCB UV film
if scale_stroke_factor <= 0:
scale_stroke_factor = 0.01
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Convert to a SVG
svg_elem = geom.svg(scale_factor=scale_stroke_factor)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return svg_elem
def mirror(self, axis, point):
Mirrors the object around a specified axis passign through
the given point.
:param axis: "X" or "Y" indicates around which axis to mirror.
:type axis: str
:param point: [x, y] point belonging to the mirror axis.
:type point: list
:return: None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
px, py = point
xscale, yscale = {"X": (1.0, -1.0), "Y": (-1.0, 1.0)}[axis]
def mirror_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
return affinity.scale(obj, xscale, yscale, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return obj
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.multigeo is True:
for tool in self.tools:
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry']:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = mirror_geom(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.solid_geometry:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
self.solid_geometry = mirror_geom(self.solid_geometry)
self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' %
_('Object was mirrored'))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
except AttributeError:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("Failed to mirror. No object selected"))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def rotate(self, angle, point):
Rotate an object by an angle (in degrees) around the provided coordinates.
The angle of rotation are specified in degrees (default). Positive angles are
counter-clockwise and negative are clockwise rotations.
The point of origin can be a keyword 'center' for the bounding box
center (default), 'centroid' for the geometry's centroid, a Point object
or a coordinate tuple (x0, y0).
See shapely manual for more information:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
px, py = point
def rotate_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
return affinity.rotate(obj, angle, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return obj
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.multigeo is True:
for tool in self.tools:
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry']:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = rotate_geom(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.solid_geometry:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
self.solid_geometry = rotate_geom(self.solid_geometry)
self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' %
_('Object was rotated'))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
except AttributeError:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("Failed to rotate. No object selected"))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def skew(self, angle_x, angle_y, point):
Shear/Skew the geometries of an object by angles along x and y dimensions.
angle_x, angle_y : float, float
The shear angle(s) for the x and y axes respectively. These can be
specified in either degrees (default) or radians by setting
point: tuple of coordinates (x,y)
See shapely manual for more information:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
px, py = point
def skew_geom(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
new_obj = []
for g in obj:
return new_obj
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
return affinity.skew(obj, angle_x, angle_y, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return obj
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.multigeo is True:
for tool in self.tools:
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry']:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = skew_geom(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'])
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.solid_geometry:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
self.solid_geometry = skew_geom(self.solid_geometry)
self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' %
_('Object was skewed'))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
except AttributeError:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("Failed to skew. No object selected"))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# if type(self.solid_geometry) == list:
# self.solid_geometry = [affinity.skew(g, angle_x, angle_y, origin=(px, py))
# for g in self.solid_geometry]
# else:
# self.solid_geometry = affinity.skew(self.solid_geometry, angle_x, angle_y,
# origin=(px, py))
class AttrDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__ = self
class CNCjob(Geometry):
Represents work to be done by a CNC machine.
* ``gcode_parsed`` (list): Each is a dictionary:
===================== =========================================
Key Value
===================== =========================================
geom (Shapely.LineString) Tool path (XY plane)
kind (string) "AB", A is "T" (travel) or
"C" (cut). B is "F" (fast) or "S" (slow).
===================== =========================================
defaults = {
"global_zdownrate": None,
"excellon_optimization_type": "B",
def __init__(self,
units="in", kind="generic", tooldia=0.0,
z_cut=-0.002, z_move=0.1,
feedrate=3.0, feedrate_z=3.0, feedrate_rapid=3.0, feedrate_probe=3.0,
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
pp_geometry_name='default', pp_excellon_name='default',
spindlespeed=None, spindledir='CW', dwell=True, dwelltime=1000,
toolchangez=0.787402, toolchange_xy=[0.0, 0.0],
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Used when parsing G-code arcs
self.steps_per_circle = int(self.app.defaults['cncjob_steps_per_circle'])
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Geometry.__init__(self, geo_steps_per_circle=self.steps_per_circle)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.kind = kind
self.origin_kind = None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.units = units
self.z_cut = z_cut
self.tool_offset = {}
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.z_move = z_move
self.feedrate = feedrate
self.z_feedrate = feedrate_z
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.feedrate_rapid = feedrate_rapid
self.tooldia = tooldia
self.z_toolchange = toolchangez
self.xy_toolchange = toolchange_xy
self.toolchange_xy_type = None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.toolC = tooldia
self.z_end = endz
self.z_depthpercut = depthpercut
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.unitcode = {"IN": "G20", "MM": "G21"}
self.feedminutecode = "G94"
# self.absolutecode = "G90"
# self.incrementalcode = "G91"
self.coordinates_type = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_type"]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.gcode = ""
self.gcode_parsed = None
self.pp_geometry_name = pp_geometry_name
self.pp_geometry = self.app.postprocessors[self.pp_geometry_name]
self.pp_excellon_name = pp_excellon_name
self.pp_excellon = self.app.postprocessors[self.pp_excellon_name]
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
self.pp_solderpaste_name = None
# Controls if the move from Z_Toolchange to Z_Move is done fast with G0 or normally with G1
self.f_plunge = None
# Controls if the move from Z_Cutto Z_Move is done fast with G0 or G1 until zero and then G0 to Z_move
self.f_retract = None
# how much depth the probe can probe before error
self.z_pdepth = z_pdepth if z_pdepth else None
# the feedrate(speed) with which the probel travel while probing
self.feedrate_probe = feedrate_probe if feedrate_probe else None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.spindlespeed = spindlespeed
self.spindledir = spindledir
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.dwell = dwell
self.dwelltime = dwelltime
self.segx = float(segx) if segx is not None else 0.0
self.segy = float(segy) if segy is not None else 0.0
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.input_geometry_bounds = None
self.oldx = None
self.oldy = None
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
self.tool = 0.0
# here store the travelled distance
self.travel_distance = 0.0
# here store the routing time
self.routing_time = 0.0
# used for creating drill CCode geometry; will be updated in the generate_from_excellon_by_tool()
self.exc_drills = None
self.exc_tools = None
# search for toolchange parameters in the Toolchange Custom Code
self.re_toolchange_custom = re.compile(r'(%[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+%)')
# search for toolchange code: M6
self.re_toolchange = re.compile(r'^\s*(M6)$')
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Attributes to be included in serialization
# Always append to it because it carries contents
# from Geometry.
self.ser_attrs += ['kind', 'z_cut', 'z_move', 'z_toolchange', 'feedrate', 'z_feedrate', 'feedrate_rapid',
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
'tooldia', 'gcode', 'input_geometry_bounds', 'gcode_parsed', 'steps_per_circle',
'z_depthpercut', 'spindlespeed', 'dwell', 'dwelltime']
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def postdata(self):
return self.__dict__
def convert_units(self, units):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
factor = Geometry.convert_units(self, units)
self.z_cut = float(self.z_cut) * factor
self.z_move *= factor
self.feedrate *= factor
self.z_feedrate *= factor
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.feedrate_rapid *= factor
self.tooldia *= factor
self.z_toolchange *= factor
self.z_end *= factor
self.z_depthpercut = float(self.z_depthpercut) * factor
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return factor
def doformat(self, fun, **kwargs):
return self.doformat2(fun, **kwargs) + "\n"
def doformat2(self, fun, **kwargs):
attributes = AttrDict()
returnvalue = fun(attributes)
return returnvalue
except Exception as e:
self.app.log.error('Exception occurred within a postprocessor: ' + traceback.format_exc())
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return ''
def parse_custom_toolchange_code(self, data):
text = data
match_list = self.re_toolchange_custom.findall(text)
if match_list:
for match in match_list:
command = match.strip('%')
value = getattr(self, command)
except AttributeError:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s: %s' %
(_("There is no such parameter"), str(match)))
log.debug("CNCJob.parse_custom_toolchange_code() --> AttributeError ")
return 'fail'
text = text.replace(match, str(value))
return text
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def optimized_travelling_salesman(self, points, start=None):
As solving the problem in the brute force way is too slow,
this function implements a simple heuristic: always
go to the nearest city.
Even if this algorithm is extremely simple, it works pretty well
giving a solution only about 25%% longer than the optimal one (cit. Wikipedia),
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
and runs very fast in O(N^2) time complexity.
>>> optimized_travelling_salesman([[i,j] for i in range(5) for j in range(5)])
[[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 4], [1, 4], [1, 3], [1, 2], [1, 1], [1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2],
[2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4], [3, 3], [3, 2], [3, 1], [3, 0], [4, 0], [4, 1], [4, 2], [4, 3], [4, 4]]
>>> optimized_travelling_salesman([[0,0],[10,0],[6,0]])
[[0, 0], [6, 0], [10, 0]]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if start is None:
start = points[0]
must_visit = points
path = [start]
# must_visit.remove(start)
while must_visit:
nearest = min(must_visit, key=lambda x: distance(path[-1], x))
return path
def generate_from_excellon_by_tool(
self, exobj, tools="all", drillz = 3.0,
toolchange=False, toolchangez=0.1, toolchangexy='',
endz=2.0, startz=None,
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Creates gcode for this object from an Excellon object
for the specified tools.
:param exobj: Excellon object to process
:type exobj: Excellon
:param tools: Comma separated tool names
:type: tools: str
:param drillz: drill Z depth
:type drillz: float
:param toolchange: Use tool change sequence between tools.
:type toolchange: bool
:param toolchangez: Height at which to perform the tool change.
:type toolchangez: float
:param toolchangexy: Toolchange X,Y position
:type toolchangexy: String containing 2 floats separated by comma
:param startz: Z position just before starting the job
:type startz: float
:param endz: final Z position to move to at the end of the CNC job
:type endz: float
:param excellon_optimization_type: Single character that defines which drill re-ordering optimisation algorithm
is to be used: 'M' for meta-heuristic and 'B' for basic
:type excellon_optimization_type: string
:return: None
:rtype: None
# create a local copy of the exobj.drills so it can be used for creating drill CCode geometry
self.exc_drills = deepcopy(exobj.drills)
self.exc_tools = deepcopy(exobj.tools)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if drillz > 0:
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s' %
_("The Cut Z parameter has positive value. "
"It is the depth value to drill into material.\n"
"The Cut Z parameter needs to have a negative value, assuming it is a typo "
"therefore the app will convert the value to negative. "
"Check the resulting CNC code (Gcode etc)."))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.z_cut = -drillz
elif drillz == 0:
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s: %s' %
(_("The Cut Z parameter is zero. There will be no cut, skipping file"),
return 'fail'
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.z_cut = drillz
self.z_toolchange = toolchangez
if toolchangexy == '':
self.xy_toolchange = None
self.xy_toolchange = [float(eval(a)) for a in toolchangexy.split(",")]
if len(self.xy_toolchange) < 2:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR]%s' %
_("The Toolchange X,Y field in Edit -> Preferences has to be "
"in the format (x, y) \nbut now there is only one value, not two. "))
return 'fail'
except Exception as e:
log.debug("camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_excellon_by_tool() --> %s" % str(e))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.startz = startz
self.z_end = endz
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.pp_excellon = self.app.postprocessors[self.pp_excellon_name]
p = self.pp_excellon
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
log.debug("Creating CNC Job from Excellon...")
# Tools
# sort the tools list by the second item in tuple (here we have a dict with diameter of the tool)
# so we actually are sorting the tools by diameter
#sorted_tools = sorted(exobj.tools.items(), key=lambda t1: t1['C'])
sort = []
for k, v in list(exobj.tools.items()):
sort.append((k, v.get('C')))
sorted_tools = sorted(sort,key=lambda t1: t1[1])
if tools == "all":
tools = [i[0] for i in sorted_tools] # we get a array of ordered tools
log.debug("Tools 'all' and sorted are: %s" % str(tools))
selected_tools = [x.strip() for x in tools.split(",")] # we strip spaces and also separate the tools by ','
selected_tools = [t1 for t1 in selected_tools if t1 in selected_tools]
# Create a sorted list of selected tools from the sorted_tools list
tools = [i for i, j in sorted_tools for k in selected_tools if i == k]
log.debug("Tools selected and sorted are: %s" % str(tools))
self.app.inform.emit(_("Creating a list of points to drill..."))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Points (Group by tool)
points = {}
for drill in exobj.drills:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if drill['tool'] in tools:
except KeyError:
points[drill['tool']] = [drill['point']]
# log.debug("Found %d drills." % len(points))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.gcode = []
self.f_plunge = self.app.defaults["excellon_f_plunge"]
self.f_retract = self.app.defaults["excellon_f_retract"]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Initialization
gcode = self.doformat(p.start_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.feedrate_code)
if toolchange is False:
if self.xy_toolchange is not None:
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=self.xy_toolchange[0], y=self.xy_toolchange[1])
gcode += self.doformat(p.startz_code, x=self.xy_toolchange[0], y=self.xy_toolchange[1])
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=0.0, y=0.0)
gcode += self.doformat(p.startz_code, x=0.0, y=0.0)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Distance callback
class CreateDistanceCallback(object):
"""Create callback to calculate distances between points."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize distance array."""
locations = create_data_array()
size = len(locations)
self.matrix = {}
for from_node in range(size):
self.matrix[from_node] = {}
for to_node in range(size):
if from_node == to_node:
self.matrix[from_node][to_node] = 0
x1 = locations[from_node][0]
y1 = locations[from_node][1]
x2 = locations[to_node][0]
y2 = locations[to_node][1]
self.matrix[from_node][to_node] = distance_euclidian(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# def Distance(self, from_node, to_node):
# return int(self.matrix[from_node][to_node])
def Distance(self, from_index, to_index):
# Convert from routing variable Index to distance matrix NodeIndex.
from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index)
to_node = manager.IndexToNode(to_index)
return self.matrix[from_node][to_node]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Create the data.
def create_data_array():
locations = []
for point in points[tool]:
locations.append((point.coords.xy[0][0], point.coords.xy[1][0]))
return locations
if self.xy_toolchange is not None:
self.oldx = self.xy_toolchange[0]
self.oldy = self.xy_toolchange[1]
self.oldx = 0.0
self.oldy = 0.0
measured_distance = 0.0
measured_down_distance = 0.0
measured_up_to_zero_distance = 0.0
measured_lift_distance = 0.0
self.app.inform.emit('%s...' %
_("Starting G-Code"))
current_platform = platform.architecture()[0]
if current_platform == '64bit':
used_excellon_optimization_type = excellon_optimization_type
if used_excellon_optimization_type == 'M':
log.debug("Using OR-Tools Metaheuristic Guided Local Search drill path optimization.")
if exobj.drills:
for tool in tools:
self.postdata['toolC'] = exobj.tools[tool]["C"]
self.tooldia = exobj.tools[tool]["C"]
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
# ###############################################
# ############ Create the data. #################
# ###############################################
node_list = []
locations = create_data_array()
tsp_size = len(locations)
num_routes = 1 # The number of routes, which is 1 in the TSP.
# Nodes are indexed from 0 to tsp_size - 1. The depot is the starting node of the route.
depot = 0
# Create routing model.
if tsp_size > 0:
manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(tsp_size, num_routes, depot)
routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager)
search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()
search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic = (
# Set search time limit in milliseconds.
if float(self.app.defaults["excellon_search_time"]) != 0:
search_parameters.time_limit.seconds = int(
search_parameters.time_limit.seconds = 3
# Callback to the distance function. The callback takes two
# arguments (the from and to node indices) and returns the distance between them.
dist_between_locations = CreateDistanceCallback()
dist_callback = dist_between_locations.Distance
transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(dist_callback)
# Solve, returns a solution if any.
assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
if assignment:
# Solution cost.
log.info("Total distance: " + str(assignment.ObjectiveValue()))
# Inspect solution.
# Only one route here; otherwise iterate from 0 to routing.vehicles() - 1.
route_number = 0
node = routing.Start(route_number)
start_node = node
while not routing.IsEnd(node):
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
node = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(node))
log.warning('No solution found.')
log.warning('Specify an instance greater than 0.')
# ############################################# ##
# Only if tool has points.
if tool in points:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
# Tool change sequence (optional)
if toolchange:
gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code,toolchangexy=(self.oldx, self.oldy))
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code) # Spindle start
if self.dwell is True:
gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) # Dwell time
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code)
if self.dwell is True:
gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) # Dwell time
if self.units == 'MM':
current_tooldia = float('%.2f' % float(exobj.tools[tool]["C"]))
current_tooldia = float('%.4f' % float(exobj.tools[tool]["C"]))
'%s: %s%s.' % (_("Starting G-Code for tool with diameter"),
# TODO apply offset only when using the GUI, for TclCommand this will create an error
# because the values for Z offset are created in build_ui()
z_offset = float(self.tool_offset[current_tooldia]) * (-1)
except KeyError:
z_offset = 0
self.z_cut += z_offset
self.coordinates_type = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_type"]
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# Drillling! for Absolute coordinates type G90
# variables to display the percentage of work done
geo_len = len(node_list)
old_disp_number = 0
log.warning("Number of drills for which to generate GCode: %s" % str(geo_len))
loc_nr = 0
for k in node_list:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
locx = locations[k][0]
locy = locations[k][1]
gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=locx, y=locy)
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=locx, y=locy)
measured_down_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move)
if self.f_retract is False:
gcode += self.doformat(p.up_to_zero_code, x=locx, y=locy)
measured_up_to_zero_distance += abs(self.z_cut)
measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_move)
measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move)
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=locx, y=locy)
measured_distance += abs(distance_euclidian(locx, locy, self.oldx, self.oldy))
self.oldx = locx
self.oldy = locy
loc_nr += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(loc_nr, [0, geo_len], [0, 100]))
if old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
old_disp_number = disp_number
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s...' %
_('G91 coordinates not implemented'))
return 'fail'
log.debug("camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_excellon_by_tool() --> "
"The loaded Excellon file has no drills ...")
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s...' %
_('The loaded Excellon file has no drills'))
return 'fail'
log.debug("The total travel distance with OR-TOOLS Metaheuristics is: %s" % str(measured_distance))
if used_excellon_optimization_type == 'B':
log.debug("Using OR-Tools Basic drill path optimization.")
if exobj.drills:
for tool in tools:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
self.tooldia = exobj.tools[tool]["C"]
# ############################################# ##
node_list = []
locations = create_data_array()
tsp_size = len(locations)
num_routes = 1 # The number of routes, which is 1 in the TSP.
# Nodes are indexed from 0 to tsp_size - 1. The depot is the starting node of the route.
depot = 0
# Create routing model.
if tsp_size > 0:
manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(tsp_size, num_routes, depot)
routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager)
search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()
# Callback to the distance function. The callback takes two
# arguments (the from and to node indices) and returns the distance between them.
dist_between_locations = CreateDistanceCallback()
dist_callback = dist_between_locations.Distance
transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(dist_callback)
# Solve, returns a solution if any.
assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
if assignment:
# Solution cost.
log.info("Total distance: " + str(assignment.ObjectiveValue()))
# Inspect solution.
# Only one route here; otherwise iterate from 0 to routing.vehicles() - 1.
route_number = 0
node = routing.Start(route_number)
start_node = node
while not routing.IsEnd(node):
node = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(node))
log.warning('No solution found.')
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
log.warning('Specify an instance greater than 0.')
# ############################################# ##
# Only if tool has points.
if tool in points:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
# Tool change sequence (optional)
if toolchange:
gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code,toolchangexy=(self.oldx, self.oldy))
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code) # Spindle start)
if self.dwell is True:
gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) # Dwell time
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code)
if self.dwell is True:
gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) # Dwell time
if self.units == 'MM':
current_tooldia = float('%.2f' % float(exobj.tools[tool]["C"]))
current_tooldia = float('%.4f' % float(exobj.tools[tool]["C"]))
'%s: %s%s.' % (_("Starting G-Code for tool with diameter"),
# TODO apply offset only when using the GUI, for TclCommand this will create an error
# because the values for Z offset are created in build_ui()
z_offset = float(self.tool_offset[current_tooldia]) * (-1)
except KeyError:
z_offset = 0
self.z_cut += z_offset
self.coordinates_type = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_type"]
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# Drillling! for Absolute coordinates type G90
# variables to display the percentage of work done
geo_len = len(node_list)
disp_number = 0
old_disp_number = 0
log.warning("Number of drills for which to generate GCode: %s" % str(geo_len))
loc_nr = 0
for k in node_list:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
locx = locations[k][0]
locy = locations[k][1]
gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=locx, y=locy)
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=locx, y=locy)
measured_down_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move)
if self.f_retract is False:
gcode += self.doformat(p.up_to_zero_code, x=locx, y=locy)
measured_up_to_zero_distance += abs(self.z_cut)
measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_move)
measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move)
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=locx, y=locy)
measured_distance += abs(distance_euclidian(locx, locy, self.oldx, self.oldy))
self.oldx = locx
self.oldy = locy
loc_nr += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(loc_nr, [0, geo_len], [0, 100]))
if old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
old_disp_number = disp_number
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s...' %
_('G91 coordinates not implemented'))
return 'fail'
log.debug("camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_excellon_by_tool() --> "
"The loaded Excellon file has no drills ...")
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s...' %
_('The loaded Excellon file has no drills'))
return 'fail'
log.debug("The total travel distance with OR-TOOLS Basic Algorithm is: %s" % str(measured_distance))
used_excellon_optimization_type = 'T'
if used_excellon_optimization_type == 'T':
log.debug("Using Travelling Salesman drill path optimization.")
for tool in tools:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
if exobj.drills:
self.tool = tool
self.postdata['toolC'] = exobj.tools[tool]["C"]
self.tooldia = exobj.tools[tool]["C"]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Only if tool has points.
if tool in points:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Tool change sequence (optional)
if toolchange:
gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code, toolchangexy=(self.oldx, self.oldy))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code) # Spindle start)
if self.dwell is True:
gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) # Dwell time
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code)
if self.dwell is True:
gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) # Dwell time
if self.units == 'MM':
current_tooldia = float('%.2f' % float(exobj.tools[tool]["C"]))
current_tooldia = float('%.4f' % float(exobj.tools[tool]["C"]))
'%s: %s%s.' % (_("Starting G-Code for tool with diameter"),
# TODO apply offset only when using the GUI, for TclCommand this will create an error
# because the values for Z offset are created in build_ui()
z_offset = float(self.tool_offset[current_tooldia]) * (-1)
except KeyError:
z_offset = 0
self.z_cut += z_offset
self.coordinates_type = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_type"]
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# Drillling! for Absolute coordinates type G90
altPoints = []
for point in points[tool]:
altPoints.append((point.coords.xy[0][0], point.coords.xy[1][0]))
node_list = self.optimized_travelling_salesman(altPoints)
# variables to display the percentage of work done
geo_len = len(node_list)
disp_number = 0
old_disp_number = 0
log.warning("Number of drills for which to generate GCode: %s" % str(geo_len))
loc_nr = 0
for point in node_list:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=point[0], y=point[1])
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=point[0], y=point[1])
measured_down_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move)
if self.f_retract is False:
gcode += self.doformat(p.up_to_zero_code, x=point[0], y=point[1])
measured_up_to_zero_distance += abs(self.z_cut)
measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_move)
measured_lift_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move)
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=point[0], y=point[1])
measured_distance += abs(distance_euclidian(point[0], point[1], self.oldx, self.oldy))
self.oldx = point[0]
self.oldy = point[1]
loc_nr += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(loc_nr, [0, geo_len], [0, 100]))
if old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
old_disp_number = disp_number
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s...' %
_('G91 coordinates not implemented'))
return 'fail'
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
log.debug("camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_excellon_by_tool() --> "
"The loaded Excellon file has no drills ...")
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s...' %
_('The loaded Excellon file has no drills'))
return 'fail'
log.debug("The total travel distance with Travelling Salesman Algorithm is: %s" % str(measured_distance))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_stop_code) # Spindle stop
gcode += self.doformat(p.end_code, x=0, y=0)
measured_distance += abs(distance_euclidian(self.oldx, self.oldy, 0, 0))
log.debug("The total travel distance including travel to end position is: %s" %
str(measured_distance) + '\n')
self.travel_distance = measured_distance
# I use the value of self.feedrate_rapid for the feadrate in case of the measure_lift_distance and for
# traveled_time because it is not always possible to determine the feedrate that the CNC machine uses
# for G0 move (the fastest speed available to the CNC router). Although self.feedrate_rapids is used only with
# Marlin postprocessor and derivatives.
self.routing_time = (measured_down_distance + measured_up_to_zero_distance) / self.feedrate
lift_time = measured_lift_distance / self.feedrate_rapid
traveled_time = measured_distance / self.feedrate_rapid
self.routing_time += lift_time + traveled_time
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.gcode = gcode
self.app.inform.emit(_("Finished G-Code generation..."))
return 'OK'
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def generate_from_multitool_geometry(self, geometry, append=True,
tooldia=None, offset=0.0, tolerance=0, z_cut=1.0, z_move=2.0,
feedrate=2.0, feedrate_z=2.0, feedrate_rapid=30,
spindlespeed=None, spindledir='CW', dwell=False, dwelltime=1.0,
multidepth=False, depthpercut=None,
toolchange=False, toolchangez=1.0, toolchangexy="0.0, 0.0", extracut=False,
startz=None, endz=2.0, pp_geometry_name=None, tool_no=1):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Algorithm to generate from multitool Geometry.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Algorithm description:
Uses RTree to find the nearest path to follow.
:param geometry:
:param append:
:param tooldia:
:param tolerance:
:param multidepth: If True, use multiple passes to reach
the desired depth.
:param depthpercut: Maximum depth in each pass.
:param extracut: Adds (or not) an extra cut at the end of each path
overlapping the first point in path to ensure complete copper removal
:return: GCode - string
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
temp_solid_geometry = []
if offset != 0.0:
for it in geometry:
# if the geometry is a closed shape then create a Polygon out of it
if isinstance(it, LineString):
c = it.coords
if c[0] == c[-1]:
it = Polygon(it)
temp_solid_geometry.append(it.buffer(offset, join_style=2))
temp_solid_geometry = geometry
# ## Flatten the geometry. Only linear elements (no polygons) remain.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
flat_geometry = self.flatten(temp_solid_geometry, pathonly=True)
log.debug("%d paths" % len(flat_geometry))
self.tooldia = float(tooldia) if tooldia else None
self.z_cut = float(z_cut) if z_cut else None
self.z_move = float(z_move) if z_move else None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.feedrate = float(feedrate) if feedrate else None
self.z_feedrate = float(feedrate_z) if feedrate_z else None
self.feedrate_rapid = float(feedrate_rapid) if feedrate_rapid else None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.spindlespeed = int(spindlespeed) if spindlespeed else None
self.spindledir = spindledir
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.dwell = dwell
self.dwelltime = float(dwelltime) if dwelltime else None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.startz = float(startz) if startz else None
self.z_end = float(endz) if endz else None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.z_depthpercut = float(depthpercut) if depthpercut else None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.multidepth = multidepth
self.z_toolchange = float(toolchangez) if toolchangez else None
# it servers in the postprocessor file
self.tool = tool_no
if toolchangexy == '':
self.xy_toolchange = None
self.xy_toolchange = [float(eval(a)) for a in toolchangexy.split(",")]
if len(self.xy_toolchange) < 2:
2019-09-05 14:53:59 +00:00
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s' % _("The Toolchange X,Y field in Edit -> Preferences has to be "
"in the format (x, y) \n"
"but now there is only one value, not two."))
return 'fail'
except Exception as e:
log.debug("camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_multitool_geometry() --> %s" % str(e))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.pp_geometry_name = pp_geometry_name if pp_geometry_name else 'default'
self.f_plunge = self.app.defaults["geometry_f_plunge"]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.z_cut is None:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("Cut_Z parameter is None or zero. Most likely a bad combinations of "
"other parameters."))
return 'fail'
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.z_cut > 0:
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s' %
_("The Cut Z parameter has positive value. "
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
"It is the depth value to cut into material.\n"
"The Cut Z parameter needs to have a negative value, assuming it is a typo "
"therefore the app will convert the value to negative."
"Check the resulting CNC code (Gcode etc)."))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.z_cut = -self.z_cut
elif self.z_cut == 0:
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s: %s' %
(_("The Cut Z parameter is zero. There will be no cut, skipping file"),
return 'fail'
# made sure that depth_per_cut is no more then the z_cut
if abs(self.z_cut) < self.z_depthpercut:
self.z_depthpercut = abs(self.z_cut)
if self.z_move is None:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("Travel Z parameter is None or zero."))
return 'fail'
if self.z_move < 0:
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s' %
_("The Travel Z parameter has negative value. "
"It is the height value to travel between cuts.\n"
"The Z Travel parameter needs to have a positive value, assuming it is a typo "
"therefore the app will convert the value to positive."
"Check the resulting CNC code (Gcode etc)."))
self.z_move = -self.z_move
elif self.z_move == 0:
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s: %s' %
(_("The Z Travel parameter is zero. This is dangerous, skipping file"),
return 'fail'
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# ## Index first and last points in paths
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# What points to index.
def get_pts(o):
return [o.coords[0], o.coords[-1]]
# Create the indexed storage.
storage = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
storage.get_points = get_pts
# Store the geometry
log.debug("Indexing geometry before generating G-Code...")
2019-09-05 14:53:59 +00:00
self.app.inform.emit(_("Indexing geometry before generating G-Code..."))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for shape in flat_geometry:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if shape is not None: # TODO: This shouldn't have happened.
# self.input_geometry_bounds = geometry.bounds()
if not append:
self.gcode = ""
# tell postprocessor the number of tool (for toolchange)
self.tool = tool_no
# this is the tool diameter, it is used as such to accommodate the postprocessor who need the tool diameter
# given under the name 'toolC'
self.postdata['toolC'] = self.tooldia
# Initial G-Code
self.pp_geometry = self.app.postprocessors[self.pp_geometry_name]
p = self.pp_geometry
self.gcode = self.doformat(p.start_code)
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.feedrate_code) # sets the feed rate
if toolchange is False:
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=0, y=0) # Move (up) to travel height
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.startz_code, x=0, y=0)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if toolchange:
# if "line_xyz" in self.pp_geometry_name:
# self.gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code, x=self.xy_toolchange[0], y=self.xy_toolchange[1])
# else:
# self.gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code)
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code)
if 'laser' not in self.pp_geometry_name:
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code) # Spindle start
# for laser this will disable the laser
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=self.oldx, y=self.oldy) # Move (up) to travel height
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.dwell is True:
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) # Dwell time
if 'laser' not in self.pp_geometry_name:
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code) # Spindle start
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.dwell is True:
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) # Dwell time
total_travel = 0.0
total_cut = 0.0
# ## Iterate over geometry paths getting the nearest each time.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
log.debug("Starting G-Code...")
2019-09-05 14:53:59 +00:00
self.app.inform.emit(_("Starting G-Code..."))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
path_count = 0
current_pt = (0, 0)
# variables to display the percentage of work done
geo_len = len(flat_geometry)
disp_number = 0
old_disp_number = 0
log.warning("Number of paths for which to generate GCode: %s" % str(geo_len))
if self.units == 'MM':
current_tooldia = float('%.2f' % float(self.tooldia))
current_tooldia = float('%.4f' % float(self.tooldia))
'%s: %s%s.' % (_("Starting G-Code for tool with diameter"),
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
pt, geo = storage.nearest(current_pt)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
while True:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
path_count += 1
# Remove before modifying, otherwise deletion will fail.
# If last point in geometry is the nearest but prefer the first one if last point == first point
# then reverse coordinates.
if pt != geo.coords[0] and pt == geo.coords[-1]:
geo.coords = list(geo.coords)[::-1]
# ---------- Single depth/pass --------
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if not multidepth:
# calculate the cut distance
total_cut = total_cut + geo.length
self.gcode += self.create_gcode_single_pass(geo, extracut, tolerance, old_point=current_pt)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# --------- Multi-pass ---------
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# calculate the cut distance
# due of the number of cuts (multi depth) it has to multiplied by the number of cuts
nr_cuts = 0
depth = abs(self.z_cut)
while depth > 0:
nr_cuts += 1
depth -= float(self.z_depthpercut)
total_cut += (geo.length * nr_cuts)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.gcode += self.create_gcode_multi_pass(geo, extracut, tolerance,
postproc=p, old_point=current_pt)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# calculate the total distance
total_travel = total_travel + abs(distance(pt1=current_pt, pt2=pt))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
current_pt = geo.coords[-1]
pt, geo = storage.nearest(current_pt) # Next
disp_number = int(np.interp(path_count, [0, geo_len], [0, 100]))
if old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
old_disp_number = disp_number
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
except StopIteration: # Nothing found in storage.
log.debug("Finished G-Code... %s paths traced." % path_count)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# add move to end position
total_travel += abs(distance_euclidian(current_pt[0], current_pt[1], 0, 0))
self.travel_distance += total_travel + total_cut
self.routing_time += total_cut / self.feedrate
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Finish
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_stop_code)
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=current_pt[0], y=current_pt[1])
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.end_code, x=0, y=0)
self.app.inform.emit('%s... %s %s.' %
(_("Finished G-Code generation"),
_("paths traced")
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return self.gcode
def generate_from_geometry_2(
self, geometry, append=True,
tooldia=None, offset=0.0, tolerance=0,
z_cut=1.0, z_move=2.0,
feedrate=2.0, feedrate_z=2.0, feedrate_rapid=30,
spindlespeed=None, spindledir='CW', dwell=False, dwelltime=1.0,
multidepth=False, depthpercut=None,
toolchange=False, toolchangez=1.0, toolchangexy="0.0, 0.0",
extracut=False, startz=None, endz=2.0,
pp_geometry_name=None, tool_no=1):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Second algorithm to generate from Geometry.
Algorithm description:
Uses RTree to find the nearest path to follow.
:param geometry:
:param append:
:param tooldia:
:param tolerance:
:param multidepth: If True, use multiple passes to reach
the desired depth.
:param depthpercut: Maximum depth in each pass.
:param extracut: Adds (or not) an extra cut at the end of each path
overlapping the first point in path to ensure complete copper removal
:return: None
if not isinstance(geometry, Geometry):
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s: %s' %
(_("Expected a Geometry, got"), type(geometry)))
return 'fail'
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# if solid_geometry is empty raise an exception
if not geometry.solid_geometry:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("Trying to generate a CNC Job "
"from a Geometry object without solid_geometry."))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
temp_solid_geometry = []
def bounds_rec(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
minx = np.Inf
miny = np.Inf
maxx = -np.Inf
maxy = -np.Inf
for k in obj:
if type(k) is dict:
for key in k:
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k[key])
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k)
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
return minx, miny, maxx, maxy
# it's a Shapely object, return it's bounds
return obj.bounds
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if offset != 0.0:
offset_for_use = offset
if offset < 0:
a, b, c, d = bounds_rec(geometry.solid_geometry)
# if the offset is less than half of the total length or less than half of the total width of the
# solid geometry it's obvious we can't do the offset
if -offset > ((c - a) / 2) or -offset > ((d - b) / 2):
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _(
"The Tool Offset value is too negative to use "
"for the current_geometry.\n"
"Raise the value (in module) and try again."))
return 'fail'
# hack: make offset smaller by 0.0000000001 which is insignificant difference but allow the job
# to continue
elif -offset == ((c - a) / 2) or -offset == ((d - b) / 2):
offset_for_use = offset - 0.0000000001
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for it in geometry.solid_geometry:
# if the geometry is a closed shape then create a Polygon out of it
if isinstance(it, LineString):
c = it.coords
if c[0] == c[-1]:
it = Polygon(it)
temp_solid_geometry.append(it.buffer(offset_for_use, join_style=2))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
temp_solid_geometry = geometry.solid_geometry
# ## Flatten the geometry. Only linear elements (no polygons) remain.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
flat_geometry = self.flatten(temp_solid_geometry, pathonly=True)
log.debug("%d paths" % len(flat_geometry))
self.tooldia = float(tooldia) if tooldia else None
except ValueError:
self.tooldia = [float(el) for el in tooldia.split(',') if el != ''] if tooldia else None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.z_cut = float(z_cut) if z_cut else None
self.z_move = float(z_move) if z_move else None
self.feedrate = float(feedrate) if feedrate else None
self.z_feedrate = float(feedrate_z) if feedrate_z else None
self.feedrate_rapid = float(feedrate_rapid) if feedrate_rapid else None
self.spindlespeed = int(spindlespeed) if spindlespeed else None
self.spindledir = spindledir
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.dwell = dwell
self.dwelltime = float(dwelltime) if dwelltime else None
self.startz = float(startz) if startz else None
self.z_end = float(endz) if endz else None
self.z_depthpercut = float(depthpercut) if depthpercut else None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.multidepth = multidepth
self.z_toolchange = float(toolchangez) if toolchangez else None
if toolchangexy == '':
self.xy_toolchange = None
self.xy_toolchange = [float(eval(a)) for a in toolchangexy.split(",")]
if len(self.xy_toolchange) < 2:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s' %
_("The Toolchange X,Y field in Edit -> Preferences has to be "
"in the format (x, y) \nbut now there is only one value, not two. "))
return 'fail'
except Exception as e:
log.debug("camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_geometry_2() --> %s" % str(e))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.pp_geometry_name = pp_geometry_name if pp_geometry_name else 'default'
self.f_plunge = self.app.defaults["geometry_f_plunge"]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.z_cut is None:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("Cut_Z parameter is None or zero. Most likely a bad combinations of "
"other parameters."))
return 'fail'
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.z_cut > 0:
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s' %
_("The Cut Z parameter has positive value. "
"It is the depth value to cut into material.\n"
"The Cut Z parameter needs to have a negative value, assuming it is a typo "
"therefore the app will convert the value to negative."
"Check the resulting CNC code (Gcode etc)."))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.z_cut = -self.z_cut
elif self.z_cut == 0:
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s: %s' %
(_("The Cut Z parameter is zero. There will be no cut, skipping file"),
return 'fail'
if self.z_move is None:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("Travel Z parameter is None or zero."))
return 'fail'
if self.z_move < 0:
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s' %
_("The Travel Z parameter has negative value. "
"It is the height value to travel between cuts.\n"
"The Z Travel parameter needs to have a positive value, assuming it is a typo "
"therefore the app will convert the value to positive."
"Check the resulting CNC code (Gcode etc)."))
self.z_move = -self.z_move
elif self.z_move == 0:
self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s: %s' %
(_("The Z Travel parameter is zero. "
"This is dangerous, skipping file"), self.options['name']))
return 'fail'
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# made sure that depth_per_cut is no more then the z_cut
if abs(self.z_cut) < self.z_depthpercut:
self.z_depthpercut = abs(self.z_cut)
# ## Index first and last points in paths
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# What points to index.
def get_pts(o):
return [o.coords[0], o.coords[-1]]
# Create the indexed storage.
storage = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
storage.get_points = get_pts
# Store the geometry
log.debug("Indexing geometry before generating G-Code...")
self.app.inform.emit(_("Indexing geometry before generating G-Code..."))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for shape in flat_geometry:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if shape is not None: # TODO: This shouldn't have happened.
if not append:
self.gcode = ""
# tell postprocessor the number of tool (for toolchange)
self.tool = tool_no
# this is the tool diameter, it is used as such to accommodate the postprocessor who need the tool diameter
# given under the name 'toolC'
self.postdata['toolC'] = self.tooldia
# Initial G-Code
self.pp_geometry = self.app.postprocessors[self.pp_geometry_name]
p = self.pp_geometry
self.oldx = 0.0
self.oldy = 0.0
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.gcode = self.doformat(p.start_code)
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.feedrate_code) # sets the feed rate
if toolchange is False:
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=self.oldx , y=self.oldy ) # Move (up) to travel height
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.startz_code, x=self.oldx , y=self.oldy )
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if toolchange:
# if "line_xyz" in self.pp_geometry_name:
# self.gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code, x=self.xy_toolchange[0], y=self.xy_toolchange[1])
# else:
# self.gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code)
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code)
if 'laser' not in self.pp_geometry_name:
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code) # Spindle start
# for laser this will disable the laser
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=self.oldx, y=self.oldy) # Move (up) to travel height
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.dwell is True:
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) # Dwell time
if 'laser' not in self.pp_geometry_name:
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code) # Spindle start
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.dwell is True:
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code) # Dwell time
total_travel = 0.0
total_cut = 0.0
# Iterate over geometry paths getting the nearest each time.
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
log.debug("Starting G-Code...")
self.app.inform.emit(_("Starting G-Code..."))
# variables to display the percentage of work done
geo_len = len(flat_geometry)
disp_number = 0
old_disp_number = 0
log.warning("Number of paths for which to generate GCode: %s" % str(geo_len))
if self.units == 'MM':
current_tooldia = float('%.2f' % float(self.tooldia))
current_tooldia = float('%.4f' % float(self.tooldia))
'%s: %s%s.' % (_("Starting G-Code for tool with diameter"),
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
path_count = 0
current_pt = (0, 0)
pt, geo = storage.nearest(current_pt)
while True:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
path_count += 1
# Remove before modifying, otherwise deletion will fail.
# If last point in geometry is the nearest but prefer the first one if last point == first point
# then reverse coordinates.
if pt != geo.coords[0] and pt == geo.coords[-1]:
geo.coords = list(geo.coords)[::-1]
# ---------- Single depth/pass --------
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if not multidepth:
# calculate the cut distance
total_cut += geo.length
self.gcode += self.create_gcode_single_pass(geo, extracut, tolerance, old_point=current_pt)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# --------- Multi-pass ---------
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# calculate the cut distance
# due of the number of cuts (multi depth) it has to multiplied by the number of cuts
nr_cuts = 0
depth = abs(self.z_cut)
while depth > 0:
nr_cuts += 1
depth -= float(self.z_depthpercut)
total_cut += (geo.length * nr_cuts)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.gcode += self.create_gcode_multi_pass(geo, extracut, tolerance,
postproc=p, old_point=current_pt)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# calculate the travel distance
total_travel += abs(distance(pt1=current_pt, pt2=pt))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
current_pt = geo.coords[-1]
pt, geo = storage.nearest(current_pt) # Next
disp_number = int(np.interp(path_count, [0, geo_len], [0, 100]))
if old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
old_disp_number = disp_number
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
except StopIteration: # Nothing found in storage.
log.debug("Finishing G-Code... %s paths traced." % path_count)
# add move to end position
total_travel += abs(distance_euclidian(current_pt[0], current_pt[1], 0, 0))
self.travel_distance += total_travel + total_cut
self.routing_time += total_cut / self.feedrate
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Finish
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_stop_code)
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=current_pt[0], y=current_pt[1])
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.end_code, x=0, y=0)
self.app.inform.emit('%s... %s %s' %
(_("Finished G-Code generation"),
_(" paths traced.")
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return self.gcode
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
def generate_gcode_from_solderpaste_geo(self, **kwargs):
Algorithm to generate from multitool Geometry.
Algorithm description:
Uses RTree to find the nearest path to follow.
:return: Gcode string
# ## Index first and last points in paths
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
# What points to index.
def get_pts(o):
return [o.coords[0], o.coords[-1]]
self.gcode = ""
if not kwargs:
log.debug("camlib.generate_from_solderpaste_geo() --> No tool in the solderpaste geometry.")
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("There is no tool data in the SolderPaste geometry."))
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
# this is the tool diameter, it is used as such to accommodate the postprocessor who need the tool diameter
# given under the name 'toolC'
self.postdata['z_start'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_z_start']
self.postdata['z_dispense'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_z_dispense']
self.postdata['z_stop'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_z_stop']
self.postdata['z_travel'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_z_travel']
self.postdata['z_toolchange'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_z_toolchange']
self.postdata['xy_toolchange'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_xy_toolchange']
self.postdata['frxy'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_frxy']
self.postdata['frz'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_frz']
self.postdata['frz_dispense'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_frz_dispense']
self.postdata['speedfwd'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_speedfwd']
self.postdata['dwellfwd'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_dwellfwd']
self.postdata['speedrev'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_speedrev']
self.postdata['dwellrev'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_dwellrev']
self.postdata['pp_solderpaste_name'] = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_pp']
self.postdata['toolC'] = kwargs['tooldia']
self.pp_solderpaste_name = kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_pp'] if kwargs['data']['tools_solderpaste_pp'] \
else self.app.defaults['tools_solderpaste_pp']
p = self.app.postprocessors[self.pp_solderpaste_name]
# ## Flatten the geometry. Only linear elements (no polygons) remain.
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
flat_geometry = self.flatten(kwargs['solid_geometry'], pathonly=True)
log.debug("%d paths" % len(flat_geometry))
# Create the indexed storage.
storage = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
storage.get_points = get_pts
# Store the geometry
log.debug("Indexing geometry before generating G-Code...")
for shape in flat_geometry:
if shape is not None:
# Initial G-Code
self.gcode = self.doformat(p.start_code)
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_off_code)
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code)
# ## Iterate over geometry paths getting the nearest each time.
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
log.debug("Starting SolderPaste G-Code...")
path_count = 0
current_pt = (0, 0)
# variables to display the percentage of work done
geo_len = len(flat_geometry)
disp_number = 0
old_disp_number = 0
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
pt, geo = storage.nearest(current_pt)
while True:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
path_count += 1
# Remove before modifying, otherwise deletion will fail.
# If last point in geometry is the nearest but prefer the first one if last point == first point
# then reverse coordinates.
if pt != geo.coords[0] and pt == geo.coords[-1]:
geo.coords = list(geo.coords)[::-1]
self.gcode += self.create_soldepaste_gcode(geo, p=p, old_point=current_pt)
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
current_pt = geo.coords[-1]
pt, geo = storage.nearest(current_pt) # Next
disp_number = int(np.interp(path_count, [0, geo_len], [0, 100]))
if old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
old_disp_number = disp_number
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
except StopIteration: # Nothing found in storage.
log.debug("Finishing SolderPste G-Code... %s paths traced." % path_count)
self.app.inform.emit('%s... %s %s' %
(_("Finished SolderPste G-Code generation"),
_("paths traced.")
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
# Finish
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code)
self.gcode += self.doformat(p.end_code)
return self.gcode
def create_soldepaste_gcode(self, geometry, p, old_point=(0, 0)):
gcode = ''
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
path = geometry.coords
self.coordinates_type = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_type"]
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# For Absolute coordinates type G90
first_x = path[0][0]
first_y = path[0][1]
# For Incremental coordinates type G91
first_x = path[0][0] - old_point[0]
first_y = path[0][1] - old_point[1]
if type(geometry) == LineString or type(geometry) == LinearRing:
# Move fast to 1st point
gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=first_x, y=first_y) # Move to first point
# Move down to cutting depth
gcode += self.doformat(p.z_feedrate_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_z_start_code)
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_fwd_code) # Start dispensing
gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_fwd_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.feedrate_z_dispense_code)
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_z_dispense_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.feedrate_xy_code)
# Cutting...
prev_x = first_x
prev_y = first_y
for pt in path[1:]:
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# For Absolute coordinates type G90
next_x = pt[0]
next_y = pt[1]
# For Incremental coordinates type G91
next_x = pt[0] - prev_x
next_y = pt[1] - prev_y
gcode += self.doformat(p.linear_code, x=next_x, y=next_y) # Linear motion to point
prev_x = next_x
prev_y = next_y
# Up to travelling height.
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_off_code) # Stop dispensing
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_rev_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_z_stop_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_off_code)
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_rev_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.z_feedrate_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code)
elif type(geometry) == Point:
gcode += self.doformat(p.linear_code, x=first_x, y=first_y) # Move to first point
gcode += self.doformat(p.feedrate_z_dispense_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_z_start_code)
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_fwd_code) # Start dispensing
gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_fwd_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_z_dispense_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_off_code) # Stop dispensing
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_rev_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_off_code)
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_z_stop_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_rev_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.z_feedrate_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code)
return gcode
def create_gcode_single_pass(self, geometry, extracut, tolerance, old_point=(0, 0)):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# G-code. Note: self.linear2gcode() and self.point2gcode() will lower and raise the tool every time.
gcode_single_pass = ''
if type(geometry) == LineString or type(geometry) == LinearRing:
if extracut is False:
gcode_single_pass = self.linear2gcode(geometry, tolerance=tolerance, old_point=old_point)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if geometry.is_ring:
gcode_single_pass = self.linear2gcode_extra(geometry, tolerance=tolerance, old_point=old_point)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gcode_single_pass = self.linear2gcode(geometry, tolerance=tolerance, old_point=old_point)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
elif type(geometry) == Point:
gcode_single_pass = self.point2gcode(geometry)
log.warning("G-code generation not implemented for %s" % (str(type(geometry))))
return gcode_single_pass
def create_gcode_multi_pass(self, geometry, extracut, tolerance, postproc, old_point=(0, 0)):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gcode_multi_pass = ''
if isinstance(self.z_cut, Decimal):
z_cut = self.z_cut
z_cut = Decimal(self.z_cut).quantize(Decimal('0.000000001'))
if self.z_depthpercut is None:
self.z_depthpercut = z_cut
elif not isinstance(self.z_depthpercut, Decimal):
self.z_depthpercut = Decimal(self.z_depthpercut).quantize(Decimal('0.000000001'))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
depth = 0
reverse = False
while depth > z_cut:
# Increase depth. Limit to z_cut.
depth -= self.z_depthpercut
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if depth < z_cut:
depth = z_cut
# Cut at specific depth and do not lift the tool.
# Note: linear2gcode() will use G00 to move to the first point in the path, but it should be already
# at the first point if the tool is down (in the material). So, an extra G00 should show up but
# is inconsequential.
if type(geometry) == LineString or type(geometry) == LinearRing:
if extracut is False:
gcode_multi_pass += self.linear2gcode(geometry, tolerance=tolerance, z_cut=depth, up=False,
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if geometry.is_ring:
gcode_multi_pass += self.linear2gcode_extra(geometry, tolerance=tolerance, z_cut=depth,
up=False, old_point=old_point)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gcode_multi_pass += self.linear2gcode(geometry, tolerance=tolerance, z_cut=depth, up=False,
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Ignore multi-pass for points.
elif type(geometry) == Point:
gcode_multi_pass += self.point2gcode(geometry, old_point=old_point)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
break # Ignoring ...
log.warning("G-code generation not implemented for %s" % (str(type(geometry))))
# Reverse coordinates if not a loop so we can continue cutting without returning to the beginning.
if type(geometry) == LineString:
geometry.coords = list(geometry.coords)[::-1]
reverse = True
# If geometry is reversed, revert.
if reverse:
if type(geometry) == LineString:
geometry.coords = list(geometry.coords)[::-1]
# Lift the tool
gcode_multi_pass += self.doformat(postproc.lift_code, x=old_point[0], y=old_point[1])
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return gcode_multi_pass
def codes_split(self, gline):
Parses a line of G-Code such as "G01 X1234 Y987" into
a dictionary: {'G': 1.0, 'X': 1234.0, 'Y': 987.0}
:param gline: G-Code line string
:return: Dictionary with parsed line.
command = {}
if 'Roland' in self.pp_excellon_name or 'Roland' in self.pp_geometry_name:
match_z = re.search(r"^Z(\s*-?\d+\.\d+?),(\s*\s*-?\d+\.\d+?),(\s*\s*-?\d+\.\d+?)*;$", gline)
if match_z:
command['G'] = 0
command['X'] = float(match_z.group(1).replace(" ", "")) * 0.025
command['Y'] = float(match_z.group(2).replace(" ", "")) * 0.025
command['Z'] = float(match_z.group(3).replace(" ", "")) * 0.025
elif 'hpgl' in self.pp_excellon_name or 'hpgl' in self.pp_geometry_name:
match_pa = re.search(r"^PA(\s*-?\d+\.\d+?),(\s*\s*-?\d+\.\d+?)*;$", gline)
if match_pa:
command['G'] = 0
command['X'] = float(match_pa.group(1).replace(" ", ""))
command['Y'] = float(match_pa.group(2).replace(" ", ""))
match_pen = re.search(r"^(P[U|D])", gline)
if match_pen:
if match_pen.group(1) == 'PU':
# the value does not matter, only that it is positive so the gcode_parse() know it is > 0,
# therefore the move is of kind T (travel)
command['Z'] = 1
command['Z'] = 0
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
elif 'grbl_laser' in self.pp_excellon_name or 'grbl_laser' in self.pp_geometry_name or \
(self.pp_solderpaste_name is not None and 'Paste' in self.pp_solderpaste_name):
match_lsr = re.search(r"X([\+-]?\d+.[\+-]?\d+)\s*Y([\+-]?\d+.[\+-]?\d+)", gline)
if match_lsr:
command['X'] = float(match_lsr.group(1).replace(" ", ""))
command['Y'] = float(match_lsr.group(2).replace(" ", ""))
match_lsr_pos = re.search(r"^(M0[3|5])", gline)
if match_lsr_pos:
if 'M05' in match_lsr_pos.group(1):
# the value does not matter, only that it is positive so the gcode_parse() know it is > 0,
# therefore the move is of kind T (travel)
command['Z'] = 1
command['Z'] = 0
elif self.pp_solderpaste_name is not None:
if 'Paste' in self.pp_solderpaste_name:
2019-02-21 21:48:13 +00:00
match_paste = re.search(r"X([\+-]?\d+.[\+-]?\d+)\s*Y([\+-]?\d+.[\+-]?\d+)", gline)
if match_paste:
command['X'] = float(match_paste.group(1).replace(" ", ""))
command['Y'] = float(match_paste.group(2).replace(" ", ""))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
match = re.search(r'^\s*([A-Z])\s*([\+\-\.\d\s]+)', gline)
while match:
command[match.group(1)] = float(match.group(2).replace(" ", ""))
gline = gline[match.end():]
match = re.search(r'^\s*([A-Z])\s*([\+\-\.\d\s]+)', gline)
return command
def gcode_parse(self, force_parsing=None):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
G-Code parser (from self.gcode). Generates dictionary with
single-segment LineString's and "kind" indicating cut or travel,
fast or feedrate speed.
kind = ["C", "F"] # T=travel, C=cut, F=fast, S=slow
# Results go here
geometry = []
# Last known instruction
current = {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0, 'G': 0}
# Current path: temporary storage until tool is
# lifted or lowered.
if self.toolchange_xy_type == "excellon":
if self.app.defaults["excellon_toolchangexy"] == '':
pos_xy = [0, 0]
pos_xy = [float(eval(a)) for a in self.app.defaults["excellon_toolchangexy"].split(",")]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.app.defaults["geometry_toolchangexy"] == '':
pos_xy = [0, 0]
pos_xy = [float(eval(a)) for a in self.app.defaults["geometry_toolchangexy"].split(",")]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
path = [pos_xy]
# path = [(0, 0)]
self.app.inform.emit('%s: %d' % (_("Parsing GCode file. Number of lines"), len(self.gcode.splitlines())))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Process every instruction
for line in StringIO(self.gcode):
if force_parsing is False or force_parsing is None:
if '%MO' in line or '%' in line or 'MOIN' in line or 'MOMM' in line:
return "fail"
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gobj = self.codes_split(line)
# ## Units
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if 'G' in gobj and (gobj['G'] == 20.0 or gobj['G'] == 21.0):
self.units = {20.0: "IN", 21.0: "MM"}[gobj['G']]
# ## Changing height
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if 'Z' in gobj:
if 'Roland' in self.pp_excellon_name or 'Roland' in self.pp_geometry_name:
elif 'hpgl' in self.pp_excellon_name or 'hpgl' in self.pp_geometry_name:
elif 'laser' in self.pp_excellon_name or 'laser' in self.pp_geometry_name:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
elif ('X' in gobj or 'Y' in gobj) and gobj['Z'] != current['Z']:
if self.pp_geometry_name == 'line_xyz' or self.pp_excellon_name == 'line_xyz':
log.warning("Non-orthogonal motion: From %s" % str(current))
log.warning(" To: %s" % str(gobj))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
current['Z'] = gobj['Z']
# Store the path into geometry and reset path
if len(path) > 1:
geometry.append({"geom": LineString(path),
"kind": kind})
path = [path[-1]] # Start with the last point of last path.
# create the geometry for the holes created when drilling Excellon drills
if self.origin_kind == 'excellon':
if current['Z'] < 0:
current_drill_point_coords = (float('%.4f' % current['X']), float('%.4f' % current['Y']))
# find the drill diameter knowing the drill coordinates
for pt_dict in self.exc_drills:
point_in_dict_coords = (float('%.4f' % pt_dict['point'].x),
float('%.4f' % pt_dict['point'].y))
if point_in_dict_coords == current_drill_point_coords:
tool = pt_dict['tool']
dia = self.exc_tools[tool]['C']
kind = ['C', 'F']
geometry.append({"geom": Point(current_drill_point_coords).
"kind": kind})
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if 'G' in gobj:
current['G'] = int(gobj['G'])
if 'X' in gobj or 'Y' in gobj:
if 'X' in gobj:
x = gobj['X']
# current['X'] = x
x = current['X']
if 'Y' in gobj:
y = gobj['Y']
y = current['Y']
kind = ["C", "F"] # T=travel, C=cut, F=fast, S=slow
if current['Z'] > 0:
kind[0] = 'T'
if current['G'] > 0:
kind[1] = 'S'
if current['G'] in [0, 1]: # line
path.append((x, y))
arcdir = [None, None, "cw", "ccw"]
if current['G'] in [2, 3]: # arc
center = [gobj['I'] + current['X'], gobj['J'] + current['Y']]
radius = np.sqrt(gobj['I']**2 + gobj['J']**2)
start = np.arctan2(-gobj['J'], -gobj['I'])
stop = np.arctan2(-center[1] + y, -center[0] + x)
path += arc(center, radius, start, stop, arcdir[current['G']], int(self.steps_per_circle / 4))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Update current instruction
for code in gobj:
current[code] = gobj[code]
self.app.inform.emit('%s...' % _("Creating Geometry from the parsed GCode file. "))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# There might not be a change in height at the
# end, therefore, see here too if there is
# a final path.
if len(path) > 1:
geometry.append({"geom": LineString(path),
"kind": kind})
self.gcode_parsed = geometry
return geometry
# def plot(self, tooldia=None, dpi=75, margin=0.1,
# color={"T": ["#F0E24D", "#B5AB3A"], "C": ["#5E6CFF", "#4650BD"]},
# alpha={"T": 0.3, "C": 1.0}):
# """
# Creates a Matplotlib figure with a plot of the
# G-code job.
# """
# if tooldia is None:
# tooldia = self.tooldia
# fig = Figure(dpi=dpi)
# ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# ax.set_aspect(1)
# xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.input_geometry_bounds
# ax.set_xlim(xmin-margin, xmax+margin)
# ax.set_ylim(ymin-margin, ymax+margin)
# if tooldia == 0:
# for geo in self.gcode_parsed:
# linespec = '--'
# linecolor = color[geo['kind'][0]][1]
# if geo['kind'][0] == 'C':
# linespec = 'k-'
# x, y = geo['geom'].coords.xy
# ax.plot(x, y, linespec, color=linecolor)
# else:
# for geo in self.gcode_parsed:
# poly = geo['geom'].buffer(tooldia/2.0)
# patch = PolygonPatch(poly, facecolor=color[geo['kind'][0]][0],
# edgecolor=color[geo['kind'][0]][1],
# alpha=alpha[geo['kind'][0]], zorder=2)
# ax.add_patch(patch)
# return fig
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def plot2(self, tooldia=None, dpi=75, margin=0.1, gcode_parsed=None,
color={"T": ["#F0E24D4C", "#B5AB3A4C"], "C": ["#5E6CFFFF", "#4650BDFF"]},
alpha={"T": 0.3, "C": 1.0}, tool_tolerance=0.0005, obj=None, visible=False, kind='all'):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Plots the G-code job onto the given axes.
:param tooldia: Tool diameter.
:param dpi: Not used!
:param margin: Not used!
:param color: Color specification.
:param alpha: Transparency specification.
:param tool_tolerance: Tolerance when drawing the toolshape.
:param obj
:param visible
:param kind
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
:return: None
# units = self.app.ui.general_defaults_form.general_app_group.units_radio.get_value().upper()
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gcode_parsed = gcode_parsed if gcode_parsed else self.gcode_parsed
path_num = 0
if tooldia is None:
tooldia = self.tooldia
# this should be unlikely unless when upstream the tooldia is a tuple made by one dia and a comma like (2.4,)
if isinstance(tooldia, list):
tooldia = tooldia[0] if tooldia[0] is not None else self.tooldia
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if tooldia == 0:
for geo in gcode_parsed:
if kind == 'all':
obj.add_shape(shape=geo['geom'], color=color[geo['kind'][0]][1], visible=visible)
elif kind == 'travel':
if geo['kind'][0] == 'T':
obj.add_shape(shape=geo['geom'], color=color['T'][1], visible=visible)
elif kind == 'cut':
if geo['kind'][0] == 'C':
obj.add_shape(shape=geo['geom'], color=color['C'][1], visible=visible)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
text = []
pos = []
self.coordinates_type = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_type"]
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# For Absolute coordinates type G90
for geo in gcode_parsed:
if geo['kind'][0] == 'T':
current_position = geo['geom'].coords[0]
if current_position not in pos:
path_num += 1
current_position = geo['geom'].coords[-1]
if current_position not in pos:
path_num += 1
# plot the geometry of Excellon objects
if self.origin_kind == 'excellon':
poly = Polygon(geo['geom'])
except ValueError:
# if the geos are travel lines it will enter into Exception
poly = geo['geom'].buffer(distance=(tooldia / 1.99999999), resolution=self.steps_per_circle)
poly = poly.simplify(tool_tolerance)
# plot the geometry of any objects other than Excellon
poly = geo['geom'].buffer(distance=(tooldia / 1.99999999), resolution=self.steps_per_circle)
poly = poly.simplify(tool_tolerance)
if kind == 'all':
obj.add_shape(shape=poly, color=color[geo['kind'][0]][1], face_color=color[geo['kind'][0]][0],
visible=visible, layer=1 if geo['kind'][0] == 'C' else 2)
elif kind == 'travel':
if geo['kind'][0] == 'T':
obj.add_shape(shape=poly, color=color['T'][1], face_color=color['T'][0],
visible=visible, layer=2)
elif kind == 'cut':
if geo['kind'][0] == 'C':
obj.add_shape(shape=poly, color=color['C'][1], face_color=color['C'][0],
visible=visible, layer=1)
# For Incremental coordinates type G91
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_('G91 coordinates not implemented ...'))
for geo in gcode_parsed:
if geo['kind'][0] == 'T':
current_position = geo['geom'].coords[0]
if current_position not in pos:
path_num += 1
current_position = geo['geom'].coords[-1]
if current_position not in pos:
path_num += 1
# plot the geometry of Excellon objects
if self.origin_kind == 'excellon':
poly = Polygon(geo['geom'])
except ValueError:
# if the geos are travel lines it will enter into Exception
poly = geo['geom'].buffer(distance=(tooldia / 1.99999999), resolution=self.steps_per_circle)
poly = poly.simplify(tool_tolerance)
# plot the geometry of any objects other than Excellon
poly = geo['geom'].buffer(distance=(tooldia / 1.99999999), resolution=self.steps_per_circle)
poly = poly.simplify(tool_tolerance)
if kind == 'all':
obj.add_shape(shape=poly, color=color[geo['kind'][0]][1], face_color=color[geo['kind'][0]][0],
visible=visible, layer=1 if geo['kind'][0] == 'C' else 2)
elif kind == 'travel':
if geo['kind'][0] == 'T':
obj.add_shape(shape=poly, color=color['T'][1], face_color=color['T'][0],
visible=visible, layer=2)
elif kind == 'cut':
if geo['kind'][0] == 'C':
obj.add_shape(shape=poly, color=color['C'][1], face_color=color['C'][0],
visible=visible, layer=1)
# current_x = gcode_parsed[0]['geom'].coords[0][0]
# current_y = gcode_parsed[0]['geom'].coords[0][1]
# old_pos = (
# current_x,
# current_y
# )
# for geo in gcode_parsed:
# if geo['kind'][0] == 'T':
# current_position = (
# geo['geom'].coords[0][0] + old_pos[0],
# geo['geom'].coords[0][1] + old_pos[1]
# )
# if current_position not in pos:
# pos.append(current_position)
# path_num += 1
# text.append(str(path_num))
# delta = (
# geo['geom'].coords[-1][0] - geo['geom'].coords[0][0],
# geo['geom'].coords[-1][1] - geo['geom'].coords[0][1]
# )
# current_position = (
# current_position[0] + geo['geom'].coords[-1][0],
# current_position[1] + geo['geom'].coords[-1][1]
# )
# if current_position not in pos:
# pos.append(current_position)
# path_num += 1
# text.append(str(path_num))
# # plot the geometry of Excellon objects
# if self.origin_kind == 'excellon':
# if isinstance(geo['geom'], Point):
# # if geo is Point
# current_position = (
# current_position[0] + geo['geom'].x,
# current_position[1] + geo['geom'].y
# )
# poly = Polygon(Point(current_position))
# elif isinstance(geo['geom'], LineString):
# # if the geos are travel lines (LineStrings)
# new_line_pts = []
# old_line_pos = deepcopy(current_position)
# for p in list(geo['geom'].coords):
# current_position = (
# current_position[0] + p[0],
# current_position[1] + p[1]
# )
# new_line_pts.append(current_position)
# old_line_pos = p
# new_line = LineString(new_line_pts)
# poly = new_line.buffer(distance=(tooldia / 1.99999999), resolution=self.steps_per_circle)
# poly = poly.simplify(tool_tolerance)
# else:
# # plot the geometry of any objects other than Excellon
# new_line_pts = []
# old_line_pos = deepcopy(current_position)
# for p in list(geo['geom'].coords):
# current_position = (
# current_position[0] + p[0],
# current_position[1] + p[1]
# )
# new_line_pts.append(current_position)
# old_line_pos = p
# new_line = LineString(new_line_pts)
# poly = new_line.buffer(distance=(tooldia / 1.99999999), resolution=self.steps_per_circle)
# poly = poly.simplify(tool_tolerance)
# old_pos = deepcopy(current_position)
# if kind == 'all':
# obj.add_shape(shape=poly, color=color[geo['kind'][0]][1], face_color=color[geo['kind'][0]][0],
# visible=visible, layer=1 if geo['kind'][0] == 'C' else 2)
# elif kind == 'travel':
# if geo['kind'][0] == 'T':
# obj.add_shape(shape=poly, color=color['T'][1], face_color=color['T'][0],
# visible=visible, layer=2)
# elif kind == 'cut':
# if geo['kind'][0] == 'C':
# obj.add_shape(shape=poly, color=color['C'][1], face_color=color['C'][0],
# visible=visible, layer=1)
obj.annotation.set(text=text, pos=pos, visible=obj.options['plot'],
except Exception as e:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def create_geometry(self):
self.app.inform.emit('%s: %s' % (_("Unifying Geometry from parsed Geometry segments"),
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# TODO: This takes forever. Too much data?
# self.solid_geometry = cascaded_union([geo['geom'] for geo in self.gcode_parsed])
# This is much faster but not so nice to look at as you can see different segments of the geometry
self.solid_geometry = [geo['geom'] for geo in self.gcode_parsed]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return self.solid_geometry
# code snippet added by Lei Zheng in a rejected pull request on FlatCAM https://bitbucket.org/realthunder/
def segment(self, coords):
break long linear lines to make it more auto level friendly
if len(coords) < 2 or self.segx <= 0 and self.segy <= 0:
return list(coords)
path = [coords[0]]
# break the line in either x or y dimension only
def linebreak_single(line, dim, dmax):
if dmax <= 0:
return None
if line[1][dim] > line[0][dim]:
sign = 1.0
d = line[1][dim] - line[0][dim]
sign = -1.0
d = line[0][dim] - line[1][dim]
if d > dmax:
# make sure we don't make any new lines too short
if d > dmax * 2:
dd = dmax
dd = d / 2
other = dim ^ 1
return (line[0][dim] + dd * sign, line[0][other] + \
dd * (line[1][other] - line[0][other]) / d)
return None
# recursively breaks down a given line until it is within the
# required step size
def linebreak(line):
pt_new = linebreak_single(line, 0, self.segx)
if pt_new is None:
pt_new2 = linebreak_single(line, 1, self.segy)
pt_new2 = linebreak_single((line[0], pt_new), 1, self.segy)
if pt_new2 is not None:
pt_new = pt_new2[::-1]
if pt_new is None:
linebreak((pt_new, line[1]))
for pt in coords[1:]:
linebreak((path[-1], pt))
return path
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def linear2gcode(self, linear, tolerance=0, down=True, up=True,
z_cut=None, z_move=None, zdownrate=None,
feedrate=None, feedrate_z=None, feedrate_rapid=None, cont=False, old_point=(0, 0)):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Generates G-code to cut along the linear feature.
:param linear: The path to cut along.
:type: Shapely.LinearRing or Shapely.Linear String
:param tolerance: All points in the simplified object will be within the
tolerance distance of the original geometry.
:type tolerance: float
:param feedrate: speed for cut on X - Y plane
:param feedrate_z: speed for cut on Z plane
:param feedrate_rapid: speed to move between cuts; usually is G0 but some CNC require to specify it
:return: G-code to cut along the linear feature.
:rtype: str
if z_cut is None:
z_cut = self.z_cut
if z_move is None:
z_move = self.z_move
# if zdownrate is None:
# zdownrate = self.zdownrate
if feedrate is None:
feedrate = self.feedrate
if feedrate_z is None:
feedrate_z = self.z_feedrate
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if feedrate_rapid is None:
feedrate_rapid = self.feedrate_rapid
# Simplify paths?
if tolerance > 0:
target_linear = linear.simplify(tolerance)
target_linear = linear
gcode = ""
# path = list(target_linear.coords)
path = self.segment(target_linear.coords)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
p = self.pp_geometry
self.coordinates_type = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_type"]
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# For Absolute coordinates type G90
first_x = path[0][0]
first_y = path[0][1]
# For Incremental coordinates type G91
first_x = path[0][0] - old_point[0]
first_y = path[0][1] - old_point[1]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Move fast to 1st point
if not cont:
gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=first_x, y=first_y) # Move to first point
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Move down to cutting depth
if down:
# Different feedrate for vertical cut?
gcode += self.doformat(p.z_feedrate_code)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# gcode += self.doformat(p.feedrate_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=first_x, y=first_y, z_cut=z_cut)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.feedrate_code, feedrate=feedrate)
# Cutting...
prev_x = first_x
prev_y = first_y
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for pt in path[1:]:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# For Absolute coordinates type G90
next_x = pt[0]
next_y = pt[1]
# For Incremental coordinates type G91
# next_x = pt[0] - prev_x
# next_y = pt[1] - prev_y
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_('G91 coordinates not implemented ...'))
next_x = pt[0]
next_y = pt[1]
gcode += self.doformat(p.linear_code, x=next_x, y=next_y, z=z_cut) # Linear motion to point
prev_x = pt[0]
prev_y = pt[1]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Up to travelling height.
if up:
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=prev_x, y=prev_y, z_move=z_move) # Stop cutting
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return gcode
def linear2gcode_extra(self, linear, tolerance=0, down=True, up=True,
z_cut=None, z_move=None, zdownrate=None,
feedrate=None, feedrate_z=None, feedrate_rapid=None, cont=False, old_point=(0, 0)):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Generates G-code to cut along the linear feature.
:param linear: The path to cut along.
:type: Shapely.LinearRing or Shapely.Linear String
:param tolerance: All points in the simplified object will be within the
tolerance distance of the original geometry.
:type tolerance: float
:param feedrate: speed for cut on X - Y plane
:param feedrate_z: speed for cut on Z plane
:param feedrate_rapid: speed to move between cuts; usually is G0 but some CNC require to specify it
:return: G-code to cut along the linear feature.
:rtype: str
if z_cut is None:
z_cut = self.z_cut
if z_move is None:
z_move = self.z_move
# if zdownrate is None:
# zdownrate = self.zdownrate
if feedrate is None:
feedrate = self.feedrate
if feedrate_z is None:
feedrate_z = self.z_feedrate
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if feedrate_rapid is None:
feedrate_rapid = self.feedrate_rapid
# Simplify paths?
if tolerance > 0:
target_linear = linear.simplify(tolerance)
target_linear = linear
gcode = ""
path = list(target_linear.coords)
p = self.pp_geometry
self.coordinates_type = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_type"]
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# For Absolute coordinates type G90
first_x = path[0][0]
first_y = path[0][1]
# For Incremental coordinates type G91
first_x = path[0][0] - old_point[0]
first_y = path[0][1] - old_point[1]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Move fast to 1st point
if not cont:
gcode += self.doformat(p.rapid_code, x=first_x, y=first_y) # Move to first point
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Move down to cutting depth
if down:
# Different feedrate for vertical cut?
if self.z_feedrate is not None:
gcode += self.doformat(p.z_feedrate_code)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# gcode += self.doformat(p.feedrate_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=first_x, y=first_y, z_cut=z_cut)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.feedrate_code, feedrate=feedrate)
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=first_x, y=first_y, z_cut=z_cut) # Start cutting
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Cutting...
prev_x = first_x
prev_y = first_y
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for pt in path[1:]:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# For Absolute coordinates type G90
next_x = pt[0]
next_y = pt[1]
# For Incremental coordinates type G91
# For Incremental coordinates type G91
# next_x = pt[0] - prev_x
# next_y = pt[1] - prev_y
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_('G91 coordinates not implemented ...'))
next_x = pt[0]
next_y = pt[1]
gcode += self.doformat(p.linear_code, x=next_x, y=next_y, z=z_cut) # Linear motion to point
prev_x = pt[0]
prev_y = pt[1]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# this line is added to create an extra cut over the first point in patch
# to make sure that we remove the copper leftovers
# Linear motion to the 1st point in the cut path
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# For Absolute coordinates type G90
last_x = path[1][0]
last_y = path[1][1]
# For Incremental coordinates type G91
last_x = path[1][0] - first_x
last_y = path[1][1] - first_y
gcode += self.doformat(p.linear_code, x=last_x, y=last_y)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Up to travelling height.
if up:
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=last_x, y=last_y, z_move=z_move) # Stop cutting
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return gcode
def point2gcode(self, point, old_point=(0, 0)):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gcode = ""
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
path = list(point.coords)
p = self.pp_geometry
self.coordinates_type = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_type"]
if self.coordinates_type == "G90":
# For Absolute coordinates type G90
first_x = path[0][0]
first_y = path[0][1]
# For Incremental coordinates type G91
# first_x = path[0][0] - old_point[0]
# first_y = path[0][1] - old_point[1]
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_('G91 coordinates not implemented ...'))
first_x = path[0][0]
first_y = path[0][1]
gcode += self.doformat(p.linear_code, x=first_x, y=first_y) # Move to first point
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.z_feedrate is not None:
gcode += self.doformat(p.z_feedrate_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=first_x, y=first_y, z_cut = self.z_cut)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.feedrate_code)
gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=first_x, y=first_y, z_cut = self.z_cut) # Start cutting
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=first_x, y=first_y) # Stop cutting
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return gcode
def export_svg(self, scale_stroke_factor=0.00):
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
Exports the CNC Job as a SVG Element
:scale_factor: float
:return: SVG Element string
# scale_factor is a multiplication factor for the SVG stroke-width used within shapely's svg export
# If not specified then try and use the tool diameter
# This way what is on screen will match what is outputed for the svg
# This is quite a useful feature for svg's used with visicut
if scale_stroke_factor <= 0:
scale_stroke_factor = self.options['tooldia'] / 2
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# If still 0 then default to 0.05
# This value appears to work for zooming, and getting the output svg line width
# to match that viewed on screen with FlatCam
if scale_stroke_factor == 0:
scale_stroke_factor = 0.01
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Separate the list of cuts and travels into 2 distinct lists
# This way we can add different formatting / colors to both
cuts = []
travels = []
for g in self.gcode_parsed:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if g['kind'][0] == 'C': cuts.append(g)
if g['kind'][0] == 'T': travels.append(g)
# Used to determine the overall board size
self.solid_geometry = cascaded_union([geo['geom'] for geo in self.gcode_parsed])
# Convert the cuts and travels into single geometry objects we can render as svg xml
if travels:
travelsgeom = cascaded_union([geo['geom'] for geo in travels])
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise FlatCAMApp.GracefulException
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if cuts:
cutsgeom = cascaded_union([geo['geom'] for geo in cuts])
# Render the SVG Xml
# The scale factor affects the size of the lines, and the stroke color adds different formatting for each set
# It's better to have the travels sitting underneath the cuts for visicut
svg_elem = ""
if travels:
svg_elem = travelsgeom.svg(scale_factor=scale_stroke_factor, stroke_color="#F0E24D")
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if cuts:
svg_elem += cutsgeom.svg(scale_factor=scale_stroke_factor, stroke_color="#5E6CFF")
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return svg_elem
def bounds(self):
Returns coordinates of rectangular bounds
of geometry: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
# fixed issue of getting bounds only for one level lists of objects
# now it can get bounds for nested lists of objects
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def bounds_rec(obj):
if type(obj) is list:
minx = np.Inf
miny = np.Inf
maxx = -np.Inf
maxy = -np.Inf
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for k in obj:
if type(k) is dict:
for key in k:
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k[key])
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k)
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
return minx, miny, maxx, maxy
# it's a Shapely object, return it's bounds
return obj.bounds
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if self.multitool is False:
if self.solid_geometry is None:
log.debug("solid_geometry is None")
return 0, 0, 0, 0
bounds_coords = bounds_rec(self.solid_geometry)
minx = np.Inf
miny = np.Inf
maxx = -np.Inf
maxy = -np.Inf
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for k, v in self.cnc_tools.items():
minx = np.Inf
miny = np.Inf
maxx = -np.Inf
maxy = -np.Inf
for k in v['solid_geometry']:
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(k)
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
except TypeError:
minx_, miny_, maxx_, maxy_ = bounds_rec(v['solid_geometry'])
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
minx = min(minx, minx_)
miny = min(miny, miny_)
maxx = max(maxx, maxx_)
maxy = max(maxy, maxy_)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
bounds_coords = minx, miny, maxx, maxy
return bounds_coords
# TODO This function should be replaced at some point with a "real" function. Until then it's an ugly hack ...
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def scale(self, xfactor, yfactor=None, point=None):
Scales all the geometry on the XY plane in the object by the
given factor. Tool sizes, feedrates, or Z-axis dimensions are
not altered.
:param factor: Number by which to scale the object.
:type factor: float
:param point: the (x,y) coords for the point of origin of scale
:type tuple of floats
:return: None
:rtype: None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if yfactor is None:
yfactor = xfactor
if point is None:
px = 0
py = 0
px, py = point
def scale_g(g):
:param g: 'g' parameter it's a gcode string
:return: scaled gcode string
temp_gcode = ''
header_start = False
header_stop = False
units = self.app.ui.general_defaults_form.general_app_group.units_radio.get_value().upper()
lines = StringIO(g)
for line in lines:
# this changes the GCODE header ---- UGLY HACK
if "TOOL DIAMETER" in line or "Feedrate:" in line:
header_start = True
if "G20" in line or "G21" in line:
header_start = False
header_stop = True
if header_start is True:
header_stop = False
if "in" in line:
if units == 'MM':
line = line.replace("in", "mm")
if "mm" in line:
if units == 'IN':
line = line.replace("mm", "in")
# find any float number in header (even multiple on the same line) and convert it
numbers_in_header = re.findall(self.g_nr_re, line)
if numbers_in_header:
for nr in numbers_in_header:
new_nr = float(nr) * xfactor
# replace the updated string
line = line.replace(nr, ('%.*f' % (self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"], new_nr))
# this scales all the X and Y and Z and F values and also the Tool Dia in the toolchange message
if header_stop is True:
if "G20" in line:
if units == 'MM':
line = line.replace("G20", "G21")
if "G21" in line:
if units == 'IN':
line = line.replace("G21", "G20")
# find the X group
match_x = self.g_x_re.search(line)
if match_x:
if match_x.group(1) is not None:
new_x = float(match_x.group(1)[1:]) * xfactor
# replace the updated string
line = line.replace(
'X%.*f' % (self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"], new_x)
# find the Y group
match_y = self.g_y_re.search(line)
if match_y:
if match_y.group(1) is not None:
new_y = float(match_y.group(1)[1:]) * yfactor
line = line.replace(
'Y%.*f' % (self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"], new_y)
# find the Z group
match_z = self.g_z_re.search(line)
if match_z:
if match_z.group(1) is not None:
new_z = float(match_z.group(1)[1:]) * xfactor
line = line.replace(
'Z%.*f' % (self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"], new_z)
# find the F group
match_f = self.g_f_re.search(line)
if match_f:
if match_f.group(1) is not None:
new_f = float(match_f.group(1)[1:]) * xfactor
line = line.replace(
'F%.*f' % (self.app.defaults["cncjob_fr_decimals"], new_f)
# find the T group (tool dia on toolchange)
match_t = self.g_t_re.search(line)
if match_t:
if match_t.group(1) is not None:
new_t = float(match_t.group(1)[1:]) * xfactor
line = line.replace(
'= %.*f' % (self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"], new_t)
temp_gcode += line
header_stop = False
return temp_gcode
if self.multitool is False:
# offset Gcode
self.gcode = scale_g(self.gcode)
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.gcode_parsed:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
# scale geometry
for g in self.gcode_parsed:
g['geom'] = affinity.scale(g['geom'], xfactor, yfactor, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return g['geom']
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
for k, v in self.cnc_tools.items():
# scale Gcode
v['gcode'] = scale_g(v['gcode'])
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in v['gcode_parsed']:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
# scale gcode_parsed
for g in v['gcode_parsed']:
g['geom'] = affinity.scale(g['geom'], xfactor, yfactor, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return g['geom']
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
v['solid_geometry'] = cascaded_union([geo['geom'] for geo in v['gcode_parsed']])
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def offset(self, vect):
Offsets all the geometry on the XY plane in the object by the
given vector.
Offsets all the GCODE on the XY plane in the object by the
given vector.
g_offsetx_re, g_offsety_re, multitool, cnnc_tools are attributes of FlatCAMCNCJob class in camlib
:param vect: (x, y) offset vector.
:type vect: tuple
:return: None
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
dx, dy = vect
def offset_g(g):
:param g: 'g' parameter it's a gcode string
:return: offseted gcode string
temp_gcode = ''
lines = StringIO(g)
for line in lines:
# find the X group
match_x = self.g_x_re.search(line)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if match_x:
if match_x.group(1) is not None:
# get the coordinate and add X offset
new_x = float(match_x.group(1)[1:]) + dx
# replace the updated string
line = line.replace(
'X%.*f' % (self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"], new_x)
match_y = self.g_y_re.search(line)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if match_y:
if match_y.group(1) is not None:
new_y = float(match_y.group(1)[1:]) + dy
line = line.replace(
'Y%.*f' % (self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"], new_y)
temp_gcode += line
return temp_gcode
if self.multitool is False:
# offset Gcode
self.gcode = offset_g(self.gcode)
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.gcode_parsed:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# offset geometry
for g in self.gcode_parsed:
g['geom'] = affinity.translate(g['geom'], xoff=dx, yoff=dy)
except AttributeError:
return g['geom']
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for k, v in self.cnc_tools.items():
# offset Gcode
v['gcode'] = offset_g(v['gcode'])
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in v['gcode_parsed']:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# offset gcode_parsed
for g in v['gcode_parsed']:
g['geom'] = affinity.translate(g['geom'], xoff=dx, yoff=dy)
except AttributeError:
return g['geom']
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
# for the bounding box
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
v['solid_geometry'] = cascaded_union([geo['geom'] for geo in v['gcode_parsed']])
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def mirror(self, axis, point):
Mirror the geometrys of an object by an given axis around the coordinates of the 'point'
:param angle:
:param point: tupple of coordinates (x,y)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
px, py = point
xscale, yscale = {"X": (1.0, -1.0), "Y": (-1.0, 1.0)}[axis]
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.gcode_parsed:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for g in self.gcode_parsed:
g['geom'] = affinity.scale(g['geom'], xscale, yscale, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return g['geom']
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def skew(self, angle_x, angle_y, point):
Shear/Skew the geometries of an object by angles along x and y dimensions.
angle_x, angle_y : float, float
The shear angle(s) for the x and y axes respectively. These can be
specified in either degrees (default) or radians by setting
point: tupple of coordinates (x,y)
See shapely manual for more information:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
px, py = point
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.gcode_parsed:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for g in self.gcode_parsed:
g['geom'] = affinity.skew(g['geom'], angle_x, angle_y, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return g['geom']
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def rotate(self, angle, point):
Rotate the geometrys of an object by an given angle around the coordinates of the 'point'
:param angle:
:param point: tupple of coordinates (x,y)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
px, py = point
# variables to display the percentage of work done
self.geo_len = 0
for g in self.gcode_parsed:
self.geo_len += 1
except TypeError:
self.geo_len = 1
self.old_disp_number = 0
self.el_count = 0
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for g in self.gcode_parsed:
g['geom'] = affinity.rotate(g['geom'], angle, origin=(px, py))
except AttributeError:
return g['geom']
self.el_count += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100]))
if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
self.old_disp_number = disp_number
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
self.app.proc_container.new_text = ''
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def get_bounds(geometry_list):
xmin = np.Inf
ymin = np.Inf
xmax = -np.Inf
ymax = -np.Inf
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
for gs in geometry_list:
gxmin, gymin, gxmax, gymax = gs.bounds()
xmin = min([xmin, gxmin])
ymin = min([ymin, gymin])
xmax = max([xmax, gxmax])
ymax = max([ymax, gymax])
log.warning("DEVELOPMENT: Tried to get bounds of empty geometry.")
return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
def arc(center, radius, start, stop, direction, steps_per_circ):
Creates a list of point along the specified arc.
:param center: Coordinates of the center [x, y]
:type center: list
:param radius: Radius of the arc.
:type radius: float
:param start: Starting angle in radians
:type start: float
:param stop: End angle in radians
:type stop: float
:param direction: Orientation of the arc, "CW" or "CCW"
:type direction: string
:param steps_per_circ: Number of straight line segments to
represent a circle.
:type steps_per_circ: int
:return: The desired arc, as list of tuples
:rtype: list
# TODO: Resolution should be established by maximum error from the exact arc.
da_sign = {"cw": -1.0, "ccw": 1.0}
points = []
if direction == "ccw" and stop <= start:
stop += 2 * np.pi
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if direction == "cw" and stop >= start:
stop -= 2 * np.pi
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
angle = abs(stop - start)
# angle = stop-start
steps = max([int(np.ceil(angle / (2 * np.pi) * steps_per_circ)), 2])
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
delta_angle = da_sign[direction] * angle * 1.0 / steps
for i in range(steps + 1):
theta = start + delta_angle * i
points.append((center[0] + radius * np.cos(theta), center[1] + radius * np.sin(theta)))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return points
def arc2(p1, p2, center, direction, steps_per_circ):
r = np.sqrt((center[0] - p1[0]) ** 2 + (center[1] - p1[1]) ** 2)
start = np.arctan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0])
stop = np.arctan2(p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0])
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return arc(center, r, start, stop, direction, steps_per_circ)
def arc_angle(start, stop, direction):
if direction == "ccw" and stop <= start:
stop += 2 * np.pi
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
if direction == "cw" and stop >= start:
stop -= 2 * np.pi
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
angle = abs(stop - start)
return angle
# def find_polygon(poly, point):
# """
# Find an object that object.contains(Point(point)) in
# poly, which can can be iterable, contain iterable of, or
# be itself an implementer of .contains().
# :param poly: See description
# :return: Polygon containing point or None.
# """
# if poly is None:
# return None
# try:
# for sub_poly in poly:
# p = find_polygon(sub_poly, point)
# if p is not None:
# return p
# except TypeError:
# try:
# if poly.contains(Point(point)):
# return poly
# except AttributeError:
# return None
# return None
def to_dict(obj):
Makes the following types into serializable form:
* ApertureMacro
* BaseGeometry
:param obj: Shapely geometry.
:type obj: BaseGeometry
:return: Dictionary with serializable form if ``obj`` was
BaseGeometry or ApertureMacro, otherwise returns ``obj``.
if isinstance(obj, ApertureMacro):
return {
"__class__": "ApertureMacro",
"__inst__": obj.to_dict()
if isinstance(obj, BaseGeometry):
return {
"__class__": "Shply",
"__inst__": sdumps(obj)
return obj
def dict2obj(d):
Default deserializer.
:param d: Serializable dictionary representation of an object
to be reconstructed.
:return: Reconstructed object.
if '__class__' in d and '__inst__' in d:
if d['__class__'] == "Shply":
return sloads(d['__inst__'])
if d['__class__'] == "ApertureMacro":
am = ApertureMacro()
return am
return d
return d
# def plotg(geo, solid_poly=False, color="black"):
# try:
# __ = iter(geo)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# except:
# geo = [geo]
# for g in geo:
# if type(g) == Polygon:
# if solid_poly:
# patch = PolygonPatch(g,
# facecolor="#BBF268",
# edgecolor="#006E20",
# alpha=0.75,
# zorder=2)
# ax = subplot(111)
# ax.add_patch(patch)
# else:
# x, y = g.exterior.coords.xy
# plot(x, y, color=color)
# for ints in g.interiors:
# x, y = ints.coords.xy
# plot(x, y, color=color)
# continue
# if type(g) == LineString or type(g) == LinearRing:
# x, y = g.coords.xy
# plot(x, y, color=color)
# continue
# if type(g) == Point:
# x, y = g.coords.xy
# plot(x, y, 'o')
# continue
# try:
# __ = iter(g)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# plotg(g, color=color)
# except:
# log.error("Cannot plot: " + str(type(g)))
# continue
# def alpha_shape(points, alpha):
# """
# Compute the alpha shape (concave hull) of a set of points.
# @param points: Iterable container of points.
# @param alpha: alpha value to influence the gooeyness of the border. Smaller
# numbers don't fall inward as much as larger numbers. Too large,
# and you lose everything!
# """
# if len(points) < 4:
# # When you have a triangle, there is no sense in computing an alpha
# # shape.
# return MultiPoint(list(points)).convex_hull
# def add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, i, j):
# """Add a line between the i-th and j-th points, if not in the list already"""
# if (i, j) in edges or (j, i) in edges:
# # already added
# return
# edges.add( (i, j) )
# edge_points.append(coords[ [i, j] ])
# coords = np.array([point.coords[0] for point in points])
# tri = Delaunay(coords)
# edges = set()
# edge_points = []
# # loop over triangles:
# # ia, ib, ic = indices of corner points of the triangle
# for ia, ib, ic in tri.vertices:
# pa = coords[ia]
# pb = coords[ib]
# pc = coords[ic]
# # Lengths of sides of triangle
# a = math.sqrt((pa[0]-pb[0])**2 + (pa[1]-pb[1])**2)
# b = math.sqrt((pb[0]-pc[0])**2 + (pb[1]-pc[1])**2)
# c = math.sqrt((pc[0]-pa[0])**2 + (pc[1]-pa[1])**2)
# # Semiperimeter of triangle
# s = (a + b + c)/2.0
# # Area of triangle by Heron's formula
# area = math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
# circum_r = a*b*c/(4.0*area)
# # Here's the radius filter.
# #print circum_r
# if circum_r < 1.0/alpha:
# add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, ia, ib)
# add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, ib, ic)
# add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, ic, ia)
# m = MultiLineString(edge_points)
# triangles = list(polygonize(m))
# return cascaded_union(triangles), edge_points
# def voronoi(P):
# """
# Returns a list of all edges of the voronoi diagram for the given input points.
# """
# delauny = Delaunay(P)
# triangles = delauny.points[delauny.vertices]
# circum_centers = np.array([triangle_csc(tri) for tri in triangles])
# long_lines_endpoints = []
# lineIndices = []
# for i, triangle in enumerate(triangles):
# circum_center = circum_centers[i]
# for j, neighbor in enumerate(delauny.neighbors[i]):
# if neighbor != -1:
# lineIndices.append((i, neighbor))
# else:
# ps = triangle[(j+1)%3] - triangle[(j-1)%3]
# ps = np.array((ps[1], -ps[0]))
# middle = (triangle[(j+1)%3] + triangle[(j-1)%3]) * 0.5
# di = middle - triangle[j]
# ps /= np.linalg.norm(ps)
# di /= np.linalg.norm(di)
# if np.dot(di, ps) < 0.0:
# ps *= -1000.0
# else:
# ps *= 1000.0
# long_lines_endpoints.append(circum_center + ps)
# lineIndices.append((i, len(circum_centers) + len(long_lines_endpoints)-1))
# vertices = np.vstack((circum_centers, long_lines_endpoints))
# # filter out any duplicate lines
# lineIndicesSorted = np.sort(lineIndices) # make (1,2) and (2,1) both (1,2)
# lineIndicesTupled = [tuple(row) for row in lineIndicesSorted]
# lineIndicesUnique = np.unique(lineIndicesTupled)
# return vertices, lineIndicesUnique
# def triangle_csc(pts):
# rows, cols = pts.shape
# A = np.bmat([[2 * np.dot(pts, pts.T), np.ones((rows, 1))],
# [np.ones((1, rows)), np.zeros((1, 1))]])
# b = np.hstack((np.sum(pts * pts, axis=1), np.ones((1))))
# x = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
# bary_coords = x[:-1]
# return np.sum(pts * np.tile(bary_coords.reshape((pts.shape[0], 1)), (1, pts.shape[1])), axis=0)
# def voronoi_cell_lines(points, vertices, lineIndices):
# """
# Returns a mapping from a voronoi cell to its edges.
# :param points: shape (m,2)
# :param vertices: shape (n,2)
# :param lineIndices: shape (o,2)
# :rtype: dict point index -> list of shape (n,2) with vertex indices
# """
# kd = KDTree(points)
# cells = collections.defaultdict(list)
# for i1, i2 in lineIndices:
# v1, v2 = vertices[i1], vertices[i2]
# mid = (v1+v2)/2
# _, (p1Idx, p2Idx) = kd.query(mid, 2)
# cells[p1Idx].append((i1, i2))
# cells[p2Idx].append((i1, i2))
# return cells
# def voronoi_edges2polygons(cells):
# """
# Transforms cell edges into polygons.
# :param cells: as returned from voronoi_cell_lines
# :rtype: dict point index -> list of vertex indices which form a polygon
# """
# # first, close the outer cells
# for pIdx, lineIndices_ in cells.items():
# dangling_lines = []
# for i1, i2 in lineIndices_:
# p = (i1, i2)
# connections = filter(lambda k: p != k and
# (p[0] == k[0] or p[0] == k[1] or p[1] == k[0] or p[1] == k[1]), lineIndices_)
# # connections = filter(lambda (i1_, i2_): (i1, i2) != (i1_, i2_) and
# (i1 == i1_ or i1 == i2_ or i2 == i1_ or i2 == i2_), lineIndices_)
# assert 1 <= len(connections) <= 2
# if len(connections) == 1:
# dangling_lines.append((i1, i2))
# assert len(dangling_lines) in [0, 2]
# if len(dangling_lines) == 2:
# (i11, i12), (i21, i22) = dangling_lines
# s = (i11, i12)
# t = (i21, i22)
# # determine which line ends are unconnected
# connected = filter(lambda k: k != s and (k[0] == s[0] or k[1] == s[0]), lineIndices_)
# # connected = filter(lambda (i1,i2): (i1,i2) != (i11,i12) and (i1 == i11 or i2 == i11), lineIndices_)
# i11Unconnected = len(connected) == 0
# connected = filter(lambda k: k != t and (k[0] == t[0] or k[1] == t[0]), lineIndices_)
# # connected = filter(lambda (i1,i2): (i1,i2) != (i21,i22) and (i1 == i21 or i2 == i21), lineIndices_)
# i21Unconnected = len(connected) == 0
# startIdx = i11 if i11Unconnected else i12
# endIdx = i21 if i21Unconnected else i22
# cells[pIdx].append((startIdx, endIdx))
# # then, form polygons by storing vertex indices in (counter-)clockwise order
# polys = dict()
# for pIdx, lineIndices_ in cells.items():
# # get a directed graph which contains both directions and arbitrarily follow one of both
# directedGraph = lineIndices_ + [(i2, i1) for (i1, i2) in lineIndices_]
# directedGraphMap = collections.defaultdict(list)
# for (i1, i2) in directedGraph:
# directedGraphMap[i1].append(i2)
# orderedEdges = []
# currentEdge = directedGraph[0]
# while len(orderedEdges) < len(lineIndices_):
# i1 = currentEdge[1]
# i2 = directedGraphMap[i1][0] if directedGraphMap[i1][0] != currentEdge[0] else directedGraphMap[i1][1]
# nextEdge = (i1, i2)
# orderedEdges.append(nextEdge)
# currentEdge = nextEdge
# polys[pIdx] = [i1 for (i1, i2) in orderedEdges]
# return polys
# def voronoi_polygons(points):
# """
# Returns the voronoi polygon for each input point.
# :param points: shape (n,2)
# :rtype: list of n polygons where each polygon is an array of vertices
# """
# vertices, lineIndices = voronoi(points)
# cells = voronoi_cell_lines(points, vertices, lineIndices)
# polys = voronoi_edges2polygons(cells)
# polylist = []
# for i in range(len(points)):
# poly = vertices[np.asarray(polys[i])]
# polylist.append(poly)
# return polylist
# class Zprofile:
# def __init__(self):
# # data contains lists of [x, y, z]
# self.data = []
# # Computed voronoi polygons (shapely)
# self.polygons = []
# pass
# # def plot_polygons(self):
# # axes = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
# #
# # plt.axis([-0.05, 1.05, -0.05, 1.05])
# #
# # for poly in self.polygons:
# # p = PolygonPatch(poly, facecolor=np.random.rand(3, 1), alpha=0.3)
# # axes.add_patch(p)
# def init_from_csv(self, filename):
# pass
# def init_from_string(self, zpstring):
# pass
# def init_from_list(self, zplist):
# self.data = zplist
# def generate_polygons(self):
# self.polygons = [Polygon(p) for p in voronoi_polygons(array([[x[0], x[1]] for x in self.data]))]
# def normalize(self, origin):
# pass
# def paste(self, path):
# """
# Return a list of dictionaries containing the parts of the original
# path and their z-axis offset.
# """
# # At most one region/polygon will contain the path
# containing = [i for i in range(len(self.polygons)) if self.polygons[i].contains(path)]
# if len(containing) > 0:
# return [{"path": path, "z": self.data[containing[0]][2]}]
# # All region indexes that intersect with the path
# crossing = [i for i in range(len(self.polygons)) if self.polygons[i].intersects(path)]
# return [{"path": path.intersection(self.polygons[i]),
# "z": self.data[i][2]} for i in crossing]
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def autolist(obj):
__ = iter(obj)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return obj
except TypeError:
return [obj]
def three_point_circle(p1, p2, p3):
Computes the center and radius of a circle from
3 points on its circumference.
:param p1: Point 1
:param p2: Point 2
:param p3: Point 3
:return: center, radius
# Midpoints
a1 = (p1 + p2) / 2.0
a2 = (p2 + p3) / 2.0
# Normals
b1 = np.dot((p2 - p1), np.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.float32))
b2 = np.dot((p3 - p2), np.array([[0, 1], [-1, 0]], dtype=np.float32))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Params
T = solve(np.transpose(np.array([-b1, b2])), a1 - a2)
except Exception as e:
log.debug("camlib.three_point_circle() --> %s" % str(e))
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Center
center = a1 + b1 * T[0]
# Radius
radius = np.linalg.norm(center - p1)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
return center, radius, T[0]
def distance(pt1, pt2):
return np.sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) ** 2 + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) ** 2)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
2019-07-16 17:51:09 +00:00
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def distance_euclidian(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return np.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2)
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
class FlatCAMRTree(object):
Indexes geometry (Any object with "cooords" property containing
a list of tuples with x, y values). Objects are indexed by
all their points by default. To index by arbitrary points,
override self.points2obj.
def __init__(self):
# Python RTree Index
self.rti = rtindex.Index()
# ## Track object-point relationship
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
# Each is list of points in object.
self.obj2points = []
# Index is index in rtree, value is index of
# object in obj2points.
self.points2obj = []
self.get_points = lambda go: go.coords
def grow_obj2points(self, idx):
Increases the size of self.obj2points to fit
idx + 1 items.
:param idx: Index to fit into list.
:return: None
if len(self.obj2points) > idx:
# len == 2, idx == 1, ok.
# len == 2, idx == 2, need 1 more.
# range(2, 3)
for i in range(len(self.obj2points), idx + 1):
def insert(self, objid, obj):
self.obj2points[objid] = []
for pt in self.get_points(obj):
self.rti.insert(len(self.points2obj), (pt[0], pt[1], pt[0], pt[1]), obj=objid)
def remove_obj(self, objid, obj):
# Use all ptids to delete from index
for i, pt in enumerate(self.get_points(obj)):
self.rti.delete(self.obj2points[objid][i], (pt[0], pt[1], pt[0], pt[1]))
except IndexError:
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def nearest(self, pt):
Will raise StopIteration if no items are found.
:param pt:
return next(self.rti.nearest(pt, objects=True))
class FlatCAMRTreeStorage(FlatCAMRTree):
Just like FlatCAMRTree it indexes geometry, but also serves
as storage for the geometry.
def __init__(self):
# super(FlatCAMRTreeStorage, self).__init__()
self.objects = []
# Optimization attempt!
self.indexes = {}
def insert(self, obj):
idx = len(self.objects) - 1
# Note: Shapely objects are not hashable any more, althought
# there seem to be plans to re-introduce the feature in
# version 2.0. For now, we will index using the object's id,
# but it's important to remember that shapely geometry is
# mutable, ie. it can be modified to a totally different shape
# and continue to have the same id.
# self.indexes[obj] = idx
self.indexes[id(obj)] = idx
# super(FlatCAMRTreeStorage, self).insert(idx, obj)
super().insert(idx, obj)
2019-07-16 17:51:09 +00:00
# @profile
2019-01-03 19:25:08 +00:00
def remove(self, obj):
# See note about self.indexes in insert().
# objidx = self.indexes[obj]
objidx = self.indexes[id(obj)]
# Remove from list
self.objects[objidx] = None
# Remove from index
self.remove_obj(objidx, obj)
def get_objects(self):
return (o for o in self.objects if o is not None)
def nearest(self, pt):
Returns the nearest matching points and the object
it belongs to.
:param pt: Query point.
:return: (match_x, match_y), Object owner of
matching point.
:rtype: tuple
tidx = super(FlatCAMRTreeStorage, self).nearest(pt)
return (tidx.bbox[0], tidx.bbox[1]), self.objects[tidx.object]
# class myO:
# def __init__(self, coords):
# self.coords = coords
# def test_rti():
# o1 = myO([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)])
# o2 = myO([(2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 1)])
# o3 = myO([(2, 0), (2, 1), (3, 1)])
# os = [o1, o2]
# idx = FlatCAMRTree()
# for o in range(len(os)):
# idx.insert(o, os[o])
# print [x.bbox for x in idx.rti.nearest((0, 0), num_results=20, objects=True)]
# idx.remove_obj(0, o1)
# print [x.bbox for x in idx.rti.nearest((0, 0), num_results=20, objects=True)]
# idx.remove_obj(1, o2)
# print [x.bbox for x in idx.rti.nearest((0, 0), num_results=20, objects=True)]
# def test_rtis():
# o1 = myO([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)])
# o2 = myO([(2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 1)])
# o3 = myO([(2, 0), (2, 1), (3, 1)])
# os = [o1, o2]
# idx = FlatCAMRTreeStorage()
# for o in range(len(os)):
# idx.insert(os[o])
# #os = None
# #o1 = None
# #o2 = None
# print [x.bbox for x in idx.rti.nearest((0, 0), num_results=20, objects=True)]
# idx.remove(idx.nearest((2,0))[1])
# print [x.bbox for x in idx.rti.nearest((0, 0), num_results=20, objects=True)]
# idx.remove(idx.nearest((0,0))[1])
# print [x.bbox for x in idx.rti.nearest((0, 0), num_results=20, objects=True)]