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# nRF key
Interface for Nordic nRF24L01 wireless modules.
## Project structure
In this repository you can find:
|__ schematics --> KiCAD schematic
|__ code --> source code for ATtiny2313 microcontroller
## BOM
|Designator | Description | MPN |
|C2 C7 C8 C10 | capacitor 100n 0805 | 0805F104M500NT |
|C9 | capacitor tantalum 10u | TAJA106K016RNJ |
|C5 C6 | capacitor 22p 0805 | 0805N220J500CT |
|D1 D2 D3 | red led 0805 | QBLP631-R |
|R1 R5 | resistor 10k 0805 | RC0805JR-0710KL |
|R2 R3 R4 | Resistor 330 0805 | 0805W8J0331T5E |
|U2 | microcontroller ATtiny2313 | ATTINY2313A-SU |
|U1 | usb ttl uart ch340c | CH340C |
|U3 | LDO voltage regulator 3v3 | MCP1700T-3302E/TT |
|Y1 | crystal 8M | 1C208000BC0R |
## Code features
Communication with nRF key is via 9600baud 8N1 serial port. Data received from another module is printed. Data to send is packaged in a 32byte maximum structure and must be followed by CR. Bytes over 32 (except for CR) will be ignored.
This is not a transparent bridge, but can be easily implemented.
nRF24L01 registers (i.e. tx/rx addresses) can be reprogrammed pressing programming button (i.e. holding low BTN/PD4 line) while inserting key. Programming mode is selected (both TX_LED and RX_LED will turn on), next 32byte will be stored in settings EEPROM. Data is structured as following:
| Byte n. | Function | nRF reg. |
| 0 |Configure register | 0 |
| 1 |Enable automatic answer function | 1 |
| 2 |Enable receive address | 2 |
| 3 |Setup address width | 3 |
| 4 |Automatic retransmission | 4 |
| 5 |Set channel frequency | 5 |
| 6 |Set transmission rate, LNA gain, transmit power | 6 |
| 7÷11|RX address for data channel 0 | 10 |
|12÷16|RX address for data channel 1 | 11 |
| 17 |RX address for data channel 2 | 12 |
| 18 |RX address for data channel 3 | 13 |
| 19 |RX address for data channel 4 | 14 |
| 20 |RX address for data channel 5 | 15 |
|21÷25|TX address | 16 |
| 26 |RX data for channel 0 | 17 |
| 27 |RX data for channel 1 | 18 |
| 28 |RX data for channel 2 | 19 |
| 29 |RX data for channel 3 | 20 |
| 30 |RX data for channel 4 | 21 |
| 31 |RX data for channel 5 | 22 |
## How To
⋅⋅⋅ Make the PCB and solde it (I have a protoboard version too);
⋅⋅⋅ Obtain an AVR programmer (usbasp or Arduino as ISP)
⋅⋅⋅ Compile the code:
* install `gcc-avr` `avr-libc` `avrdude`;
* move in code directory;
* type `make`;
* check in Makefile if the programmer is correct;
* type `make eeprom` then `make flash`.
## Authors
* **Giulio Fieramosca** - [giuliof](
## License
This project is released under the MIT License - see the []( file for details