srohtml is a Simple ROff-like syntax to HTML converter, that I use to update my static website [1]. I wrote it in ANSI C (C89) with my spin of the suckless philosophy [2]. The idea of updating a website with a roff-like syntax comes from my preference for the groff typesetting system, obviously, and because my texts are written without discarding the possibility of an hard copy. With the right macro package you could ask groff to make a PDF out of my web page sources. Even if GNU roff outputs in HTML as well, I wasn't happy with the results and the lack of HTML 5 support. Besides, I needed to hard code some tags of the very small HTML subset I use, that are absent when exporting hypertexts in groff. Moreover I'm thinking of mirroring my site to Gopherspace. I could extend this program, or write a new one, to convert my simple roff syntax to a text only version for Gopher. I could use the text only version of my writings for the RSS feed too. So roff for the win! This program is specially tailored for my use case, you might find some hard coded and specific behaviour you don't agree with. [1] [2]