
289 lines
10 KiB

* WordPress Administration Custom Navigation
* Interface JS functions
* @author Jeffikus <>
* @version 1.1.0
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Administration
* Removes menu items from current menu
* @param int o - the id of the menu li to remove.
function removeitem(o)
var todelete = document.getElementById('menu-' + o);
if (todelete)
var parenttodelete = document.getElementById('menu-' + o).parentNode;
throwaway_node = parenttodelete.removeChild(todelete);
* Loads dialog window to edit menu items from current menu
* @param int o - the id of the menu li to edit.
function edititem(o)
itemTitle = $('#title' + o).attr('value');
itemURL = $('#linkurl' + o).attr('value');
itemAnchorTitle = $('#anchortitle' + o).attr('value');
itemNewWindow = $('#newwindow' + o).attr('value');
itemDesc = $('#description' + o).attr('value');
$('#dialog-confirm').dialog( 'option' , 'itemID' , o )
$('#edittitle').attr('value', itemTitle);
$('#editlink').attr('value', itemURL);
$('#editanchortitle').attr('value', itemAnchorTitle);
$("#editnewwindow option[value='" + itemNewWindow + "']").attr('selected', 'selected');
$('#editdescription').attr('value', itemDesc);
* Prepares menu items for POST
function updatepostdata()
var i = 0;
$("#custom-nav").find("li").each(function(i) {
i = i + 1;
var j = $(this).attr('value');
$(this).find('#position' + j).attr('value', i);
$(this).attr('id','menu-' + i);
$(this).attr('value', i);
$(this).find('#dbid' + j).attr('name','dbid' + i);
$(this).find('#dbid' + j).attr('id','dbid' + i);
$(this).find('#postmenu' + j).attr('name','postmenu' + i);
$(this).find('#postmenu' + j).attr('id','postmenu' + i);
var p = $(this).find('#parent' + j).parent().parent().parent().attr('value');
$(this).find('#parent' + j).attr('name','parent' + i);
$(this).find('#parent' + j).attr('id','parent' + i);
if (p) {
//Do nothing
else {
//reset p to be top level
p = 0;
$(this).find('#parent' + j).attr('value', p);
$(this).find('#title' + j).attr('name','title' + i);
$(this).find('#title' + j).attr('id','title' + i);
$(this).find('#linkurl' + j).attr('name','linkurl' + i);
$(this).find('#linkurl' + j).attr('id','linkurl' + i);
$(this).find('#description' + j).attr('name','description' + i);
$(this).find('#description' + j).attr('id','description' + i);
$(this).find('#icon' + j).attr('name','icon' + i);
$(this).find('#icon' + j).attr('id','icon' + i);
$(this).find('#position' + j).attr('name','position' + i);
$(this).find('#position' + j).attr('id','position' + i);
$(this).find('#linktype' + j).attr('name','linktype' + i);
$(this).find('#linktype' + j).attr('id','linktype' + i);
$(this).find('#anchortitle' + j).attr('name','anchortitle' + i);
$(this).find('#anchortitle' + j).attr('id','anchortitle' + i);
$(this).find('#newwindow' + j).attr('name','newwindow' + i);
$(this).find('#newwindow' + j).attr('id','newwindow' + i);
$(this).find('dl > dt > span > #remove' + j).attr('value', i);
$(this).find('dl > dt > span > #remove' + j).attr('onClick', 'removeitem(' + i + ')');
$(this).find('dl > dt > span > #remove' + j).attr('id','remove' + i);
* Adds item from Page, Category, or Custom options menu
* @param string templatedir - directory of the add, edit, view images.
* @param string additemtype - Page, Category, or Custom.
* @param string itemtext - menu text.
* @param string itemurl - url of the menu.
* @param int itemid - menu id.
* @param int itemparentid - default 0.
* @param string itemdescription - the description of the menu item.
function appendToList(templatedir,additemtype,itemtext,itemurl,itemid,itemparentid,itemdescription)
var inputvaluevarname = '';
var inputvaluevarurl = '';
var inputitemid = '';
var inputparentid= '';
var inputdescription = '';
var inputicon = '';
if (additemtype == 'Custom')
inputvaluevarname = document.getElementById('custom_menu_item_name').value;
inputvaluevarurl = document.getElementById('custom_menu_item_url').value;
inputitemid = '';
inputparentid = '';
inputlinktype = 'custom';
inputdescription = document.getElementById('custom_menu_item_description').value;
else if (additemtype == 'Page')
inputvaluevarname = htmlentities(itemtext.toString());
inputvaluevarurl = itemurl.toString();
inputitemid = itemid.toString();
inputparentid = '0';
inputlinktype = 'page';
inputdescription = htmlentities(itemdescription.toString());
else if (additemtype == 'Category')
inputvaluevarname = htmlentities(itemtext.toString());
inputvaluevarurl = itemurl.toString();
inputitemid = itemid.toString();
inputparentid = '0';
inputlinktype = 'category';
inputdescription = htmlentities(itemdescription.toString());
inputvaluevarname = '';
inputvaluevarname = '';
inputitemid = '';
inputparentid = '';
inputlinktype = 'custom';
inputdescription = '';
var count=document.getElementById('custom-nav').getElementsByTagName('li').length;
var randomnumber = count;
var validatetest = 0;
var test=document.getElementById("menu-" + randomnumber.toString()).value;
catch (err)
validatetest = 1;
while (validatetest == 0)
randomnumber = randomnumber + 1;
var test2=document.getElementById("menu-" + randomnumber.toString()).value;
catch (err)
validatetest = 1;
//Notification Message
$('.maintitle').after('<div id="message" class="updated fade below-h2"><p>Menu Item added!</p></div>');
$('#message').animate({ opacity: 1.0 },2000).fadeOut(300, function(){ $(this).remove();});
//Appends HTML to the menu
$('#custom-nav').append('<li id="menu-' + randomnumber + '" value="' + randomnumber + '"><div class="dropzone ui-droppable"></div><dl class="ui-droppable"><dt><span class="title">' + inputvaluevarname + '</span><span class="controls"><span class="type">' + additemtype + '</span><a id="edit' + randomnumber + '" onclick="edititem(' + randomnumber + ')" value="' + randomnumber +'"><img class="edit" alt="Edit Menu Item" title="Edit Menu Item" src="' + templatedir + '/wp-admin/images/ico-edit.png" /></a> <a id="remove' + randomnumber + '" onclick="removeitem(' + randomnumber + ')" value="' + randomnumber +'"><img class="remove" alt="Remove from Custom Menu" title="Remove from Custom Menu" src="' + templatedir + '/wp-admin/images/ico-close.png" /></a> <a href="' + inputvaluevarurl + '" target="_blank"><img alt="View Custom Link" title="View Custom Link" src="' + templatedir + '/wp-admin/images/ico-viewpage.png" /></a></span></dt></dl><a class="hide" href="' + inputvaluevarurl + '">' + inputvaluevarname + '</a><input type="hidden" name="postmenu' + randomnumber + '" id="postmenu' + randomnumber + '" value="' + inputitemid + '" /><input type="hidden" name="parent' + randomnumber + '" id="parent' + randomnumber + '" value="' + inputparentid + '" /><input type="hidden" name="title' + randomnumber + '" id="title' + randomnumber + '" value="' + inputvaluevarname + '" /><input type="hidden" name="linkurl' + randomnumber + '" id="linkurl' + randomnumber + '" value="' + inputvaluevarurl + '" /><input type="hidden" name="description' + randomnumber + '" id="description' + randomnumber + '" value="' + inputdescription + '" /><input type="hidden" name="icon' + randomnumber + '" id="icon' + randomnumber + '" value="' + inputicon + '" /><input type="hidden" name="position' + randomnumber + '" id="position' + randomnumber + '" value="' + randomnumber + '" /><input type="hidden" name="linktype' + randomnumber + '" id="linktype' + randomnumber + '" value="' + inputlinktype + '" /><input type="hidden" name="anchortitle' + randomnumber + '" id="anchortitle' + randomnumber + '" value="' + inputvaluevarname + '" /><input type="hidden" name="newwindow' + randomnumber + '" id="newwindow' + randomnumber + '" value="0" /></li>');
//make menu item draggable
$('#menu-' + randomnumber + '').draggable(
handle: ' > dl',
opacity: .8,
addClasses: false,
helper: 'clone',
zIndex: 100
//make menu item droppable
$('#menu-' + randomnumber + ' dl, #menu-' + randomnumber + ' .dropzone').droppable({
accept: '#' + randomnumber + ', #custom-nav li',
tolerance: 'pointer',
drop: function(e, ui)
var li = $(this).parent();
var child = !$(this).hasClass('dropzone');
//Append UL to first child
if (child && li.children('ul').length == 0)
//Make it draggable
if (child)
li.find('dl,.dropzone').css({ backgroundColor: '', borderColor: '' });
var draggablevalue = ui.draggable.attr('value');
var droppablevalue = li.attr('value');
li.find('#menu-' + draggablevalue).find('#parent' + draggablevalue).val(droppablevalue);
over: function()
//Add child
if ($(this).attr('class') == 'dropzone ui-droppable')
$(this).parent().find("div:first").css('background', 'none').css('height', '50px');
//Add above
else if ($(this).attr('class') == 'ui-droppable')
$(this).parent().find("dt:first").css('background', '#d8d8d8');
//do nothing
else {
var parentid = $(this).parent().attr('id');
out: function()
$(this).filter('.dropzone').css({ borderColor: '' });