$key = $args[ $key ]; } $this->manager = $manager; $this->id = $id; // Process settings. if ( empty( $this->settings ) ) $this->settings = $id; $settings = array(); if ( is_array( $this->settings ) ) { foreach ( $this->settings as $key => $setting ) { $settings[ $key ] = $this->manager->get_setting( $setting ); } } else { $this->setting = $this->manager->get_setting( $this->settings ); $settings['default'] = $this->setting; } $this->settings = $settings; } /** * Enqueue control related scripts/styles. * * @since 3.4.0 */ public function enqueue() { switch( $this->type ) { case 'color': wp_enqueue_script( 'farbtastic' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'farbtastic' ); break; case 'upload': wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-plupload' ); break; } } /** * Fetch a setting's value. * Grabs the main setting by default. * * @since 3.4.0 */ public final function value( $setting_key = 'default' ) { if ( isset( $this->settings[ $setting_key ] ) ) return $this->settings[ $setting_key ]->value(); } public function json( $args = array() ) { $settings = array(); foreach ( $this->settings as $key => $setting ) { $settings[ $key ] = $setting->id; } return array( 'type' => $this->type, 'params' => wp_parse_args( wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'settings' => $settings, ) ), $this->control_params ), ); } /** * Check if the theme supports the control and check user capabilities. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @return bool False if theme doesn't support the control or user doesn't have the required permissions, otherwise true. */ public final function check_capabilities() { foreach ( $this->settings as $setting ) { if ( ! $setting->check_capabilities() ) return false; } $section = $this->manager->get_section( $this->section ); if ( isset( $section ) && ! $section->check_capabilities() ) return false; return true; } /** * Check capabiliites and render the control. * * @since 3.4.0 */ public final function maybe_render() { if ( ! $this->check_capabilities() ) return; do_action( 'customize_render_control', $this ); do_action( 'customize_render_control_' . $this->id, $this ); $this->render(); } /** * Render the control. Renders the control wrapper, then calls $this->render_content(). * * @since 3.4.0 */ protected function render() { $id = 'customize-control-' . $this->id; $class = 'customize-control customize-control-' . $this->type; $style = ''; if ( $this->visibility ) { if ( is_string( $this->visibility ) ) { $visibility_id = $this->visibility; $visibility_value = true; } else { $visibility_id = $this->visibility[0]; $visibility_value = $this->visibility[1]; } $visibility_setting = $this->manager->get_setting( $visibility_id ); if ( $visibility_setting && $visibility_value != $visibility_setting->value() ) $style = 'style="display:none;"'; } ?>
  • > render_content(); ?>
  • settings[ $setting_key ] ) ) return; echo 'data-customize-setting-link="' . esc_attr( $this->settings[ $setting_key ]->id ) . '"'; } /** * Render the control's content. * * Allows the content to be overriden without having to rewrite the wrapper. * * @since 3.4.0 */ protected function render_content() { switch( $this->type ) { case 'text': ?> choices ) ) return; $name = '_customize-radio-' . $this->id; ?> label ); ?> choices as $value => $label ) : ?> choices ) ) return; ?> value(); $image = $value; if ( isset( $this->control_params['get_url'] ) ) $image = call_user_func( $this->control_params['get_url'], $image ); ?> %s %s', $this->label, wp_dropdown_pages( array( // @todo: this is going to need fixing. // 'name' => $this->get_name(), 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_none' => __( '— Select —' ), 'option_none_value' => '0', 'selected' => $this->value(), ) ) ); break; } } }