/** * WordPress plugin. */ (function() { var DOM = tinymce.DOM; tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.WordPress', { mceTout : 0, init : function(ed, url) { var t = this, tbId = ed.getParam('wordpress_adv_toolbar', 'toolbar2'), last = 0, moreHTML, nextpageHTML; moreHTML = ''; nextpageHTML = ''; if ( getUserSetting('hidetb', '0') == '1' ) ed.settings.wordpress_adv_hidden = 0; // Hides the specified toolbar and resizes the iframe ed.onPostRender.add(function() { var adv_toolbar = ed.controlManager.get(tbId); if ( ed.getParam('wordpress_adv_hidden', 1) && adv_toolbar ) { DOM.hide(adv_toolbar.id); t._resizeIframe(ed, tbId, 28); } }); // Register commands ed.addCommand('WP_More', function() { ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', 0, moreHTML); }); ed.addCommand('WP_Page', function() { ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', 0, nextpageHTML); }); ed.addCommand('WP_Help', function() { ed.windowManager.open({ url : tinymce.baseURL + '/wp-mce-help.php', width : 450, height : 420, inline : 1 }); }); ed.addCommand('WP_Adv', function() { var cm = ed.controlManager, id = cm.get(tbId).id; if ( 'undefined' == id ) return; if ( DOM.isHidden(id) ) { cm.setActive('wp_adv', 1); DOM.show(id); t._resizeIframe(ed, tbId, -28); ed.settings.wordpress_adv_hidden = 0; setUserSetting('hidetb', '1'); } else { cm.setActive('wp_adv', 0); DOM.hide(id); t._resizeIframe(ed, tbId, 28); ed.settings.wordpress_adv_hidden = 1; setUserSetting('hidetb', '0'); } }); // Register buttons ed.addButton('wp_more', { title : 'wordpress.wp_more_desc', image : url + '/img/more.gif', cmd : 'WP_More' }); ed.addButton('wp_page', { title : 'wordpress.wp_page_desc', image : url + '/img/page.gif', cmd : 'WP_Page' }); ed.addButton('wp_help', { title : 'wordpress.wp_help_desc', image : url + '/img/help.gif', cmd : 'WP_Help' }); ed.addButton('wp_adv', { title : 'wordpress.wp_adv_desc', image : url + '/img/toolbars.gif', cmd : 'WP_Adv' }); // Add Media buttons ed.addButton('add_media', { title : 'wordpress.add_media', image : url + '/img/media.gif', onclick : function() { tb_show('', tinymce.DOM.get('add_media').href); tinymce.DOM.setStyle( ['TB_overlay','TB_window','TB_load'], 'z-index', '999999' ); } }); ed.addButton('add_image', { title : 'wordpress.add_image', image : url + '/img/image.gif', onclick : function() { tb_show('', tinymce.DOM.get('add_image').href); tinymce.DOM.setStyle( ['TB_overlay','TB_window','TB_load'], 'z-index', '999999' ); } }); ed.addButton('add_video', { title : 'wordpress.add_video', image : url + '/img/video.gif', onclick : function() { tb_show('', tinymce.DOM.get('add_video').href); tinymce.DOM.setStyle( ['TB_overlay','TB_window','TB_load'], 'z-index', '999999' ); } }); ed.addButton('add_audio', { title : 'wordpress.add_audio', image : url + '/img/audio.gif', onclick : function() { tb_show('', tinymce.DOM.get('add_audio').href); tinymce.DOM.setStyle( ['TB_overlay','TB_window','TB_load'], 'z-index', '999999' ); } }); // Add Media buttons to fullscreen and handle align buttons for image captions ed.onBeforeExecCommand.add(function(ed, cmd, ui, val, o) { var DOM = tinymce.DOM, n, DL, DIV, cls, a, align; if ( 'mceFullScreen' == cmd ) { if ( 'mce_fullscreen' != ed.id && DOM.get('add_audio') && DOM.get('add_video') && DOM.get('add_image') && DOM.get('add_media') ) ed.settings.theme_advanced_buttons1 += ',|,add_image,add_video,add_audio,add_media'; } if ( 'JustifyLeft' == cmd || 'JustifyRight' == cmd || 'JustifyCenter' == cmd ) { n = ed.selection.getNode(); if ( n.nodeName == 'IMG' ) { align = cmd.substr(7).toLowerCase(); a = 'align' + align; DL = ed.dom.getParent(n, 'dl.wp-caption'); DIV = ed.dom.getParent(n, 'div.mceTemp'); if ( DL && DIV ) { cls = ed.dom.hasClass(DL, a) ? 'alignnone' : a; DL.className = DL.className.replace(/align[^ '"]+\s?/g, ''); ed.dom.addClass(DL, cls); if (cls == 'aligncenter') ed.dom.addClass(DIV, 'mceIEcenter'); else ed.dom.removeClass(DIV, 'mceIEcenter'); o.terminate = true; ed.execCommand('mceRepaint'); } else { if ( ed.dom.hasClass(n, a) ) ed.dom.addClass(n, 'alignnone'); else ed.dom.removeClass(n, 'alignnone'); } } } }); ed.onInit.add(function(ed) { ed.onNodeChange.add( function(ed, cm, e) { var DL; if ( e.nodeName == 'IMG' ) { DL = ed.dom.getParent(e, 'dl.wp-caption'); } else if ( e.nodeName == 'DIV' && ed.dom.hasClass(e, 'mceTemp') ) { DL = e.firstChild; if ( ! ed.dom.hasClass(DL, 'wp-caption') ) DL = false; } if ( DL ) { if ( ed.dom.hasClass(DL, 'alignleft') ) cm.setActive('justifyleft', 1); else if ( ed.dom.hasClass(DL, 'alignright') ) cm.setActive('justifyright', 1); else if ( ed.dom.hasClass(DL, 'aligncenter') ) cm.setActive('justifycenter', 1); } }); }); // Word count if script is loaded if ( 'undefined' != typeof wpWordCount ) { ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) { if ( e.keyCode == last ) return; if ( 13 == e.keyCode || 8 == last || 46 == last ) wpWordCount.wc( ed.getContent({format : 'raw'}) ); last = e.keyCode; }); }; ed.onSaveContent.add(function(ed, o) { if ( typeof(switchEditors) == 'object' ) { if ( ed.isHidden() ) o.content = o.element.value; else o.content = switchEditors.pre_wpautop(o.content); } }); /* disable for now ed.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) { o.content = t._setEmbed(o.content); }); ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) { if ( o.get ) o.content = t._getEmbed(o.content); }); */ // Add listeners to handle more break t._handleMoreBreak(ed, url); // Add custom shortcuts ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+c', ed.getLang('justifycenter_desc'), 'JustifyCenter'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+r', ed.getLang('justifyright_desc'), 'JustifyRight'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+l', ed.getLang('justifyleft_desc'), 'JustifyLeft'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+j', ed.getLang('justifyfull_desc'), 'JustifyFull'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+q', ed.getLang('blockquote_desc'), 'mceBlockQuote'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+u', ed.getLang('bullist_desc'), 'InsertUnorderedList'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+o', ed.getLang('numlist_desc'), 'InsertOrderedList'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+d', ed.getLang('striketrough_desc'), 'Strikethrough'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+n', ed.getLang('spellchecker.desc'), 'mceSpellCheck'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+a', ed.getLang('link_desc'), 'mceLink'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+s', ed.getLang('unlink_desc'), 'unlink'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+m', ed.getLang('image_desc'), 'mceImage'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+g', ed.getLang('fullscreen.desc'), 'mceFullScreen'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+z', ed.getLang('wp_adv_desc'), 'WP_Adv'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+h', ed.getLang('help_desc'), 'WP_Help'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+t', ed.getLang('wp_more_desc'), 'WP_More'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+p', ed.getLang('wp_page_desc'), 'WP_Page'); ed.addShortcut('ctrl+s', ed.getLang('save_desc'), function(){if('function'==typeof autosave)autosave();}); if ( tinymce.isWebKit ) { ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+b', ed.getLang('bold_desc'), 'Bold'); ed.addShortcut('alt+shift+i', ed.getLang('italic_desc'), 'Italic'); } ed.onInit.add(function(ed) { tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getWin(), 'scroll', function(e) { ed.plugins.wordpress._hideButtons(); }); tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getBody(), 'dragstart', function(e) { ed.plugins.wordpress._hideButtons(); }); }); ed.onBeforeExecCommand.add(function(ed, cmd, ui, val) { ed.plugins.wordpress._hideButtons(); }); ed.onSaveContent.add(function(ed, o) { ed.plugins.wordpress._hideButtons(); }); ed.onMouseDown.add(function(ed, e) { if ( e.target.nodeName != 'IMG' ) ed.plugins.wordpress._hideButtons(); }); }, getInfo : function() { return { longname : 'WordPress Plugin', author : 'WordPress', // add Moxiecode? authorurl : 'http://wordpress.org', infourl : 'http://wordpress.org', version : '3.0' }; }, // Internal functions _setEmbed : function(c) { return c.replace(/\[embed\]([\s\S]+?)\[\/embed\][\s\u00a0]*/g, function(a,b){ return ''+b+''; }); }, _getEmbed : function(c) { return c.replace(/]+>/g, function(a) { if ( a.indexOf('class="wp-oembed') != -1 ) { var u = a.match(/alt="([^\"]+)"/); if ( u[1] ) a = '[embed]' + u[1] + '[/embed]'; } return a; }); }, _showButtons : function(n, id) { var ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor, p1, p2, vp, DOM = tinymce.DOM, X, Y; vp = ed.dom.getViewPort(ed.getWin()); p1 = DOM.getPos(ed.getContentAreaContainer()); p2 = ed.dom.getPos(n); X = Math.max(p2.x - vp.x, 0) + p1.x; Y = Math.max(p2.y - vp.y, 0) + p1.y; DOM.setStyles(id, { 'top' : Y+5+'px', 'left' : X+5+'px', 'display' : 'block' }); if ( this.mceTout ) clearTimeout(this.mceTout); this.mceTout = setTimeout( function(){ed.plugins.wordpress._hideButtons();}, 5000 ); }, _hideButtons : function() { if ( !this.mceTout ) return; if ( document.getElementById('wp_editbtns') ) tinymce.DOM.hide('wp_editbtns'); if ( document.getElementById('wp_gallerybtns') ) tinymce.DOM.hide('wp_gallerybtns'); clearTimeout(this.mceTout); this.mceTout = 0; }, // Resizes the iframe by a relative height value _resizeIframe : function(ed, tb_id, dy) { var ifr = ed.getContentAreaContainer().firstChild; DOM.setStyle(ifr, 'height', ifr.clientHeight + dy); // Resize iframe ed.theme.deltaHeight += dy; // For resize cookie }, _handleMoreBreak : function(ed, url) { var moreHTML, nextpageHTML; moreHTML = '$1'; nextpageHTML = ''; // Load plugin specific CSS into editor ed.onInit.add(function() { ed.dom.loadCSS(url + '/css/content.css'); }); // Display morebreak instead if img in element path ed.onPostRender.add(function() { if (ed.theme.onResolveName) { ed.theme.onResolveName.add(function(th, o) { if (o.node.nodeName == 'IMG') { if ( ed.dom.hasClass(o.node, 'mceWPmore') ) o.name = 'wpmore'; if ( ed.dom.hasClass(o.node, 'mceWPnextpage') ) o.name = 'wppage'; } }); } }); // Replace morebreak with images ed.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) { if ( o.content ) { o.content = o.content.replace(//g, moreHTML); o.content = o.content.replace(//g, nextpageHTML); } }); // Replace images with morebreak ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) { if (o.get) o.content = o.content.replace(/]+>/g, function(im) { if (im.indexOf('class="mceWPmore') !== -1) { var m, moretext = (m = im.match(/alt="(.*?)"/)) ? m[1] : ''; im = ''; } if (im.indexOf('class="mceWPnextpage') !== -1) im = ''; return im; }); }); // Set active buttons if user selected pagebreak or more break ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n) { cm.setActive('wp_page', n.nodeName === 'IMG' && ed.dom.hasClass(n, 'mceWPnextpage')); cm.setActive('wp_more', n.nodeName === 'IMG' && ed.dom.hasClass(n, 'mceWPmore')); }); } }); // Register plugin tinymce.PluginManager.add('wordpress', tinymce.plugins.WordPress); })();