edit_posts capability to your user, in order to be authorized to post.
You can also e-mail the admin to ask for a promotion.
When you’re promoted, just reload this page and you’ll be able to blog. :)'), get_option('admin_email')); ?>


'; foreach ( $nag_posts as $nag ) { if ( ${$nag[0]} ) { echo '

' . wp_specialchars($nag[1]) . ' '; $i = 0; foreach ( ${$nag[0]} as $post ) { $i++; if ( $i > $nag_posts_limit ) break; echo ''; ( '' == the_title('', '', FALSE) ) ? printf( __('Post #%s'), $post->ID ) : the_title(); echo ''; if ( $i < min($nag[3], $nag_posts_limit) ) echo ', '; } if ( $nag[3] > $nag_posts_limit ) printf(__(', and %d more'), $nag[2], $nag[3] - $nag_posts_limit); echo '.

'; } } echo "\n"; } ?>