Are you looking for %title%? It is temporarily out of service. Please try again in an hour. Meanwhile, discover a better blogging tool.

<$BlogItemDateTime$>|W|P|<$BlogItemAuthorNickname$>|W|P|<$BlogItemBody$>|W|P|<$BlogItemNumber$>|W|P|<$BlogItemTitle$>|W|P|<$BlogItemAuthorEmail$><$BlogCommentDateTime$>|W|P|<$BlogCommentAuthor$>|W|P|<$BlogCommentBody$> '; // Shows the welcome screen and the magic iframe. function greet() { echo '
'; echo '

'.__('Import Blogger').'

'; _e("

Howdy! This importer allows you to import posts and comments from your Blogger account into your WordPress blog.

Before you get started, you may want to back up your Blogger template by copying and pasting it into a text file on your computer. This script has to modify your template and other Blogger settings so it can get your posts and comments. It should restore everything afterwards but if you have put a lot of work into your template, it would be a good idea to make your own backup first.

When you are ready to begin, enter your Blogger username and password below and click Start. Do not close this window until the process is complete.

"); echo ""; echo "

Reset this importer

"; echo '
'; } // Deletes saved data and redirect. function restart() { delete_option('import-blogger'); header("Location: admin.php?import=blogger"); die(); } // Generates a string that will make the page reload in a specified interval. function refresher($msec) { return "\n\n"; } // Returns associative array of code, header, cookies, body. Based on code from function parse_response($this_response) { // Split response into header and body sections list($response_headers, $response_body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $this_response, 2); $response_header_lines = explode("\r\n", $response_headers); // First line of headers is the HTTP response code $http_response_line = array_shift($response_header_lines); if(preg_match('@^HTTP/[0-9]\.[0-9] ([0-9]{3})@',$http_response_line, $matches)) { $response_code = $matches[1]; } // put the rest of the headers in an array $response_header_array = array(); foreach($response_header_lines as $header_line) { list($header,$value) = explode(': ', $header_line, 2); $response_header_array[$header] .= $value."\n"; } $cookie_array = array(); $cookies = explode("\n", $response_header_array["Set-Cookie"]); foreach($cookies as $this_cookie) { array_push($cookie_array, "Cookie: ".$this_cookie); } return array("code" => $response_code, "header" => $response_header_array, "cookies" => $cookie_array, "body" => $response_body); } // Prints a form for the user to enter Blogger creds. function login_form($text='') { echo "

Log in to Blogger



\n"; die("
"); } // Sends creds to Blogger, returns the session cookies an array of headers. function login_blogger($user, $pass) { $_url = ''; $params = "username=$user&password=$pass"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$params); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Developing Blogger Exporter'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $response = curl_exec ($ch); $response = $this->parse_response($response); return $response['cookies']; } // Requests page from Blogger, returns the response array. function get_blogger($url, $header = '', $user=false, $pass=false) { $ch = curl_init(); if ($user && $pass) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD,"{$user}:{$pass}"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,1); if (is_array($header)) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); $response = curl_exec ($ch); $response = $this->parse_response($response); $response['url'] = $url; if (curl_errno($ch)) { print curl_error($ch); } else { curl_close($ch); } return $response; } // Posts data to Blogger, returns response array. function post_blogger($url, $header = false, $paramary = false, $parse=true) { $params = ''; if ( is_array($paramary) ) { foreach($paramary as $key=>$value) if($key && $value != '') $params.=$key."=".urlencode(stripslashes($value))."&"; } if ($user && $pass) $params .= "username=$user&password=$pass"; $params = trim($params,'&'); //echo addslashes(print_r(array('url'=>$url,'header'=>$header,'params'=>$params),1)); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$params); if ($user && $pass) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD,"{$user}:{$pass}"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Developing Blogger Exporter'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,$parse); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); if ($header) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); $response = curl_exec ($ch); if ($parse) { $response = $this->parse_response($response); $response['url'] = $url; return $response; } return $response; } // Prints the list of blogs for import. function show_blogs() { global $import; echo "

Selecting a Blog

\n\n"); } // Publishes. function publish_blogger($i) { if ( ! $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['publish'][$i] ) { // First call. Start the publish process. $paramary = array('blogID' => $_GET['blog'], 'all' => '1', 'republishAll' => 'Republish Entire Blog', 'publish' => '1', 'redirectUrl' => "/{$_GET['blog']}&inprogress=true"); $response = $this->post_blogger("{$_GET['blog']}", $this->import['cookies'], $paramary); if ( $response['code'] == '302' ) { $url = str_replace('publish.g', 'publish-body.g', $response['header']['Location']); $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['publish'][$i] = $url; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); $response = $this->get_blogger($url, $this->import['cookies']); if ( preg_match('#


#U', $response['body'], $matches) ) { $progress = $matches[0]; die($progress); } else { echo "matches:
" . print_r($matches,1) . "
\n"; } } else { echo "

Publish error: No 302

Please tell the devs.

" . addslashes(print_r($response,1)) . "
\n"; } die(); } else { // Subsequent call. Keep checking status until Blogger reports publish complete. $url = $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['publish'][$i]; $response = $this->get_blogger($url, $this->import['cookies']); if ( preg_match('#


#U', $response['body'], $matches) ) { $progress = $matches[0]; if ( strstr($progress, '100%') ) $this->set_next_step($i); die($progress); } else { echo "

Publish error: No matches

Please tell the devs.

" . print_r($matches,1) . "
\n"; } } } // Sets next step, saves options function set_next_step($step) { $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['nextstep'] = $step; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); } // Redirects to next step function do_next_step() { header("Location: admin.php?import=blogger&noheader=true&blog={$_GET['blog']}"); die(); } // Step 0: Do Blogger login, get userid and blogid/title pairs. function do_login() { if ( ( ! $this->import['user'] && ! is_array($this->import['cookies']) ) ) { // The user must provide a Blogger username and password. if ( ! ( $_POST['user'] && $_POST['pass'] ) ) { $this->login_form("Please log in using your Blogger credentials."); } // Try logging in. If we get an array of cookies back, we at least connected. $this->import['cookies'] = $this->login_blogger($_POST['user'], $_POST['pass']); if ( !is_array( $this->import['cookies'] ) ) { $this->login_form("Login failed. Please enter your credentials again."); } // Save the password so we can log the browser in when it's time to publish. $this->import['pass'] = $_POST['pass']; $this->import['user'] = $_POST['user']; // Get the blog numbers so we can give the user a choice. $response = $this->get_blogger('','',$_POST['user'],$_POST['pass']); $blogger = $response['body']; // Save the userID if we got one from Blogger, otherwise re-login. $useridary = array(); preg_match('#>(\d+)import['userid'] = $useridary[1]) $this->login_form("Login failed. Please re-enter your username and password."); unset($useridary); // Save the blogs $blogsary = array(); preg_match_all('#/atom/(\d+)" rel\="service.feed" title="([^"]+)"#', $blogger, $blogsary); if ( ! is_array( $blogsary[1] ) ) die('No blogs found for this user.'); $this->import['blogs'] = array(); foreach ( $blogsary[1] as $key => $id ) { // Define the required Blogger options. $blog_opts = array( 'blog-options-basic' => false, 'blog-formatting' => array('timeStampFormat' => '0', 'encoding'=>'UTF-8', 'convertLineBreaks'=>'false', 'floatAlignment'=>'false'), 'blog-comments' => array('commentsTimeStampFormat' => '0'), 'blog-options-archiving' => array('archiveFrequency' => 'm'), 'template-edit' => array( 'templateText' => str_replace('%title%', $blogsary[2][$key], $this->template) ), 'blog-publishing' => array('publishMode'=>'0', 'blogID' => "$id", 'subdomain' => mt_rand().mt_rand(), 'pingWeblogs' => 'false') ); // Build the blog options array template foreach ($blog_opts as $blog_opt => $modify) $new_opts["$blog_opt"] = array('backup'=>false, 'modify' => $modify, 'error'=>false); $this->import['blogs']["$id"] = array( 'id' => $id, 'title' => $blogsary[2][$key], 'options' => $new_opts, 'url' => false, 'publish_cookies' => false, 'published' => false, 'archives' => false, 'newusers' => array(), 'lump_authors' => false, 'newusers' => 0, 'nextstep' => 2 ); } update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); header("Location: admin.php?import=blogger&noheader=true&step=1"); } die(); } // Step 1: Select one of the blogs belonging to the user logged in. function select_blog() { if ( is_array($this->import['blogs']) ) { $this->show_blogs(); die(); } else { $this->restart(); } } // Step 2: Backup the Blogger options pages, updating some of them. function backup_settings() { $output.= "

Backing up Blogger options

\n"; $form = false; foreach ($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options'] as $blog_opt => $optary) { if ( $blog_opt == $_GET['form'] ) { // Make sure not to overwrite any existing backups! if ( $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['backup'] ) continue; // Save the posted form data $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['backup'] = $_POST; update_option('import-blogger',$this->import); // Post the modified form data to Blogger if ( $optary['modify'] ) { $posturl = "{$blog_opt}.do"; $headers = array_merge($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['cookies'], $this->import['cookies']); switch ($blog_opt) { case 'blog-publishing': if ( $_POST['publishMode'] > 0 ) { $response = $this->get_blogger("{$_GET['blog']}&publishMode=0", $headers); if ( $response['code'] >= 400 ) die('

Failed attempt to change publishMode:

' . addslashes(print_r($headers, 1)) . addslashes(print_r($response, 1)) . '
'); $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['url'] = 'http://' . $optary['modify']['subdomain'] . ''; } else { $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['url'] = 'http://' . $_POST['subdomain'] . ''; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); continue 2; } $paramary = $optary['modify']; break; case 'template-edit': $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['publish_cookies'] = $headers; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); default: $paramary = array_merge($_POST, $optary['modify']); } $response = $this->post_blogger($posturl, $headers, $paramary); if ( $response['code'] >= 400 || strstr($response['body'], 'There are errors on this form') ) die( "

Error on form submission. Refresh/Reload and click YES to resubmit.

" . addslashes(print_r($response, 1))); //header("Location: admin.php?import=blogger&noheader=true&step=2&blog={$_GET['blog']}"); //die(); } $output .= "


\n"; } elseif ( is_array($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['backup']) ) { // This option set has already been backed up. $output .= "


\n"; } elseif ( ! $form ) { // This option page needs to be downloaded and given to the browser for submission back to this script. $response = $this->get_blogger("{$blog_opt}.g?blogID={$_GET['blog']}", $this->import['cookies']); $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['cookies'] = $response['cookies']; update_option('import-blogger',$this->import); $body = $response['body']; $body = preg_replace("|\]*>|ms","",$body); $body = preg_replace("|/?{$blog_opt}.do|","admin.php?import=blogger&noheader=true&step=2&blog={$_GET['blog']}&form={$blog_opt}",$body); $body = str_replace("name='submit'","name='supermit'",$body); $body = str_replace('name="submit"','name="supermit"',$body); $body = str_replace('','',str_replace('','',$body)); $form = "
"; $form.= $body; $form.= "
"; $output.= "

$blog_opt in progress, please wait...

\n"; } else { $output.= "


\n"; } } if ( $form ) die($output . $form); $this->set_next_step(3); $this->do_next_step(); } // Step 3: Publish with the new template and settings. function publish_blog() { echo $this->refresher(2400) . "

Publishing with new template and options

\n"; $this->publish_blogger(5); } // Step 4: Deprecated. :-D // Step 5: Get the archive URLs from the new blog. function get_archive_urls() { $bloghtml = file($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['url']); if (! is_array($bloghtml) ) die('Trouble connecting to your blog. Try reloading this page.'); preg_match_all('#your blog say Temporary Template?"); foreach ($archives[1] as $archive) { $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['archives'][$archive] = false; } $this->set_next_step(6); $this->do_next_step(); } // Step 6: Get each monthly archive, import it, mark it done. function get_archive() { global $wpdb; $output = "

Importing Blogger archives into WordPress

\n"; $did_one = false; foreach ( $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['archives'] as $url => $status ) { $archivename = substr(basename($url),0,7); if ( $status || $did_one ) { $foo = 'bar'; // Do nothing. } else { // Import the selected month $postcount = 0; $skippedpostcount = 0; $commentcount = 0; $skippedcommentcount = 0; $status = ''; $archive = implode('',file($url)); $posts = explode('', $archive); for ($i = 1; $i < count($posts); $i = $i + 1) { $postparts = explode('', $posts[$i]); $postinfo = explode('|W|P|', $postparts[0]); $post_date = $postinfo[0]; $post_content = $postinfo[2]; // Don't try to re-use the original numbers // because the new, longer numbers are too // big to handle as ints. //$post_number = $postinfo[3]; $post_title = ( $postinfo[4] != '' ) ? $postinfo[4] : $postinfo[3]; $post_author = trim($wpdb->escape($postinfo[1])); $post_author_name = trim(addslashes($postinfo[1])); $post_author_email = $postinfo[5] ? $postinfo[5] : ''; if ( $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['lump_authors'] ) { // Ignore Blogger authors. Use the current user_ID for all posts imported. $post_author = $GLOBALS['user_ID']; // For WPMU only. Assume all posts belong to the current user. } else { // Add a user for each new author encountered. if (! username_exists($post_author_name) ) { $user_joindate = '1979-06-06 00:41:00'; // that's my birthdate (gmt+1) - I could choose any other date. You could change the date too. Just remember the year must be >=1970 or the world would just randomly fall on your head (everything might look fine, and then blam! major headache!) $user_login = $wpdb->escape($post_author_name); $pass1 = $wpdb->escape('password'); $user_email = $wpdb->escape($post_author_email); $user_url = $wpdb->escape(''); $user_joindate = $wpdb->escape($user_joindate); $user_password = substr(md5(uniqid(microtime())), 0, 6); $result = wp_create_user( $user_login, $user_password, $user_email ); $status.= "Registered user $user_login. "; ++$this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['newusers']; } $userdata = get_userdatabylogin( $post_author_name ); $post_author = $userdata->ID; } $post_date = explode(' ', $post_date); $post_date_Ymd = explode('/', $post_date[0]); $postyear = $post_date_Ymd[2]; $postmonth = zeroise($post_date_Ymd[0], 2); $postday = zeroise($post_date_Ymd[1], 2); $post_date_His = explode(':', $post_date[1]); $posthour = zeroise($post_date_His[0], 2); $postminute = zeroise($post_date_His[1], 2); $postsecond = zeroise($post_date_His[2], 2); if (($post_date[2] == 'PM') && ($posthour != '12')) $posthour = $posthour + 12; else if (($post_date[2] == 'AM') && ($posthour == '12')) $posthour = '00'; $post_date = "$postyear-$postmonth-$postday $posthour:$postminute:$postsecond"; $post_content = addslashes($post_content); $post_content = str_replace('
', '
', $post_content); // the XHTML touch... ;) $post_title = addslashes($post_title); $post_status = 'publish'; if ( post_exists($post_title, '', $post_date) ) { $skippedpostcount++; $comment_post_ID = $dupcheck[0]['ID']; } else { $post_array = compact('post_author', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_category', 'post_author', 'post_date', 'post_status'); $comment_post_ID = wp_insert_post($post_array); } // Import any comments attached to this post. if ($postparts[1]) : for ($j = 1; $j < count($postparts); $j = $j + 1) { $commentinfo = explode('|W|P|', $postparts[$j]); $comment_date = explode(' ', $commentinfo[0]); $comment_date_Ymd = explode('/', $comment_date[0]); $commentyear = $comment_date_Ymd[2]; $commentmonth = zeroise($comment_date_Ymd[0], 2); $commentday = zeroise($comment_date_Ymd[1], 2); $comment_date_His = explode(':', $comment_date[1]); $commenthour = zeroise($comment_date_His[0], 2); $commentminute = zeroise($comment_date_His[1], 2); $commentsecond = '00'; if (($comment_date[2] == 'PM') && ($commenthour != '12')) $commenthour = $commenthour + 12; else if (($comment_date[2] == 'AM') && ($commenthour == '12')) $commenthour = '00'; $comment_date = "$commentyear-$commentmonth-$commentday $commenthour:$commentminute:$commentsecond"; $comment_author = addslashes(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($commentinfo[1]))); // Believe it or not, Blogger allows a user to call himself "Mr. Hell's Kitchen" which, as a string, really confuses SQL. if ( strpos($commentinfo[1], 'a href') ) { $comment_author_parts = explode('"', htmlentities($commentinfo[1])); $comment_author_url = $comment_author_parts[1]; } else $comment_author_url = ''; $comment_content = addslashes($commentinfo[2]); $comment_content = str_replace('
', '
', $comment_content); if ( $comment_post_ID == comment_exists($comment_author, $comment_date) ) { $skippedcommentcount++; } else { $result = $wpdb->query(" INSERT INTO $wpdb->comments (comment_post_ID,comment_author,comment_author_url,comment_date,comment_content) VALUES ('$comment_post_ID','$comment_author','$comment_author_url','$comment_date','$comment_content') "); } $commentcount++; } endif; $postcount++; } $status = "$postcount post(s) parsed, $skippedpostcount skipped... $commentcount comment(s) parsed, $skippedcommentcount skipped... Done"; $import = $this->import; $import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['archives']["$url"] = $status; update_option('import-blogger', $import); $did_one = true; } $output.= "

$archivename $status

\n"; } if ( ! $did_one ) $this->set_next_step(7); die( $this->refresher(5000) . $output ); } // Step 7: Restore the backed-up settings to Blogger function restore_settings() { $output = "

Restoring your Blogger options

\n"; $did_one = false; foreach ( $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options'] as $blog_opt => $optary ) { if ( $did_one ) { $output .= "


\n"; } elseif ( $optary['restored'] ) { $output .= "


\n"; } elseif ( ! $optary['modify'] ) { $output .= "


\n"; } else { $posturl = "{$blog_opt}.do"; $headers = array_merge($this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['cookies'], $this->import['cookies']); if ( 'blog-publishing' == $blog_opt) { if ( $optary['backup']['publishMode'] > 0 ) { $response = $this->get_blogger("{$_GET['blog']}&publishMode={$optary['backup']['publishMode']}", $headers); if ( $response['code'] >= 400 ) die('

Error restoring publishMode.

Please tell the devs.

' . addslashes(print_r($response, 1)) ); } } if ( $optary['backup'] != $optary['modify'] ) { $response = $this->post_blogger($posturl, $headers, $optary['backup']); if ( $response['code'] >= 400 || strstr($response['body'], 'There are errors on this form') ) die( "

Error on form submission in Step 7.

Please tell the devs.

" . addslashes(print_r($response, 1))); } $this->import['blogs'][$_GET['blog']]['options']["$blog_opt"]['restored'] = true; update_option('import-blogger', $this->import); $did_one = true; $output .= "

$blog_opt in progress. Please wait..."; } } if ( $did_one ) { die( $this->refresher(1000) . $output ); } $this->set_next_step(8); $this->do_next_step(); } // Step 8: Republish, all back to normal function republish_blog() { echo $this->refresher(2400) . "

Publishing with original template and options

\n"; $this->publish_blogger(9); } // Step 9: Congratulate the user function congrats() { echo "


Now that you have imported your Blogger blog into WordPress, what are you going to do? Here are some suggestions: