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jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('.delete-tag').live('click', function(e){
var t = $(this), tr = t.parents('tr'), r = true, data;
if ( 'undefined' != showNotice )
r = showNotice.warn();
if ( r ) {
data = t.attr('href').replace(/[^?]*\?/, '').replace(/action=delete/, 'action=delete-tag');
$.post(ajaxurl, data, function(r){
if ( '1' == r ) {
tr.fadeOut('normal', function(){ tr.remove(); });
} else if ( '-1' == r ) {
$('#ajax-response').empty().append('<div class="error"><p>' + tagsl10n.noPerm + '</p></div>');
tr.children().css('backgroundColor', '');
} else {
$('#ajax-response').empty().append('<div class="error"><p>' + tagsl10n.broken + '</p></div>');
tr.children().css('backgroundColor', '');
tr.children().css('backgroundColor', '#f33');
return false;
var form = $(this).parents('form');
if ( !validateForm( form ) )
return false;
$.post(ajaxurl, $('#addtag').serialize(), function(r){
if ( r.indexOf('<div class="error"') === 0 ) {
} else {
var parent = form.find('select#parent').val();
if ( parent > 0 && $('#tag-' + parent ).length > 0 ) // If the parent exists on this page, insert it below. Else insert it at the top of the list.
$('#the-list #tag-' + parent).after(r);
$('input[type="text"]:visible, textarea:visible', form).val('');
return false;