addServer('localhost', MEMCACHED_PORT) or error("Something is wrong connecting to memcached daemon"); // Accept only messages from a private chat if (isset($row->message->chat->type) and $row->message->chat->type != "private") { if (DEBUG) warning("Message from ".$row->message->chat->type); die(); } // HANDLE A CALLBACK elseif (isset ($row->callback_query)) { $chatID = $row->callback_query->message->chat->id; // Check if it was thrown by admitted users in_array($row->callback_query->message->chat->username, BOT_ALLOWED_USERS) or not_authorized($chatID); // Answer to the callback query (remove the loading sign) if (DEBUG) info("Callback Query, answering"); $url = API_URL.API_TOKEN."/answerCallbackQuery?callback_query_id=".$row->callback_query->id; file_get_contents($url); // Do something - insert here useful variables $callback_data = $row->callback_query->data; //$callback_id = $row->callback_query->id; $inlineID = $row->callback_query->message->message_id; $inlineID_old = $mc->get($chatID.MC_INLINE_ID); // check if request comes from active inline item if ($inlineID != $inlineID_old) { // expired session // If called callback comes from an old inline item do not answer if (DEBUG) warning("That's an old callback!"); die(); } } // HANDLE A COMMON MESSAGE (text/commands/keyboard) else { // Load variables $chatID = $row->message->chat->id; // Check if it was thrown by admitted users in_array($row->message->from->username, BOT_ALLOWED_USERS) or not_authorized($chatID); } // Finally, check actual state and do things $status = $mc->get($chatID.MC_STATUS) or $mc->set($chatID.MC_STATUS, STATE_IDLE) or die(); // set status or force it to STATE_IDLE if (DEBUG) info("Starting from status $status"); // ricordati di schiantare quando ricevi un messaggio invece di una callback switch ($status) { case STATE_IDLE: // In this state are not accepted callback requests if (isset($callback_data)) { if (DEBUG) warning("Callback request is not accepted in status $status"); die(); } // Search for a command if (($command = getCommand($row->message)) != -1) { info("Command received: $command[command] with options $command[options]"); switch ($command['command']) { case '/help': $resp = array("remove_keyboard" => true); $resp = json_encode($resp); $query = API_URL . API_TOKEN . '/sendmessage?' . 'chat_id=' . urlencode($chatID) . '&text='.urlencode($WELCOME_MESSAGE). '&reply_markup='.$resp; file_get_contents($query); break; case '/list': $dateID = date('Y-n-j G:*'); $sql = new mysqli('localhost', MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DB); $query = $sql->query("SELECT DateTime FROM ".MYSQL_TABLE." WHERE DateTime>='$dateID' ORDER BY DateTime ASC LIMIT 10") or error("Can't make the query, SQL error ".$sql->error); $text = "Prossimi 10 messaggi programmati"; $i = 1; while ($row = $query->fetch_assoc()) { $text .= "\n".$i." - ". $row['DateTime']; $i++; } $sql->close(); $query = API_URL.API_TOKEN."/sendmessage?chat_id=".($chatID). "&text=".urlencode($text). "&reply_markup=".$reply; $answer = file_get_contents($query); break; default: if (DEBUG) warning("$command[command] is not a valid command"); } } else { // not a command (pure text) // you probably want to forward a message? $mc->set($chatID.MC_FORWARD_MSG, $row) or $mc->replace($chatID.MC_FORWARD_MSG, $row) or error("Something is wrong with memcached"); // SetUp inline messages (OK, NO, SCHEDULE) $container[] = array( array( "text" => "SI ".$EMOJI_THUMBSUP, "callback_data" => MSG_YES ), array( "text" => "NO ".$EMOJI_THUMBSDOWN, "callback_data" => MSG_NO ), array( "text" => "Programma ".$EMOJI_CLOCK, "callback_data" => MSG_SCHEDULE )); $resp = array( "inline_keyboard" => $container); $reply = json_encode($resp); $text="Vuoi condividere sul canale?"; // NOME CANALE ".API_CHANNEL_ID."?"; $query = API_URL.API_TOKEN."/sendmessage?chat_id=".($row->message->chat->id). "&text=".urlencode($text). "&reply_markup=".$reply; $answer = file_get_contents($query); //if (DEBUG) botlog("\nINLINE ANSWER\n\n".$answer); $answer = json_decode($answer); $inlineID = $answer->result->message_id; if (DEBUG) info("Callback message id: $inlineID"); $mc->replace($chatID.MC_STATUS, STATE_MSG_ANSWER); $mc->set($chatID.MC_INLINE_ID, $inlineID) or $mc->replace($chatID.MC_INLINE_ID, $inlineID); } break; case STATE_MSG_ANSWER: // only accessible by callback if (!(isset($callback_data))) { //$mc->replace($chatID.MC_STATUS, STATE_IDLE); wrong_action($chatID); die(); } switch ($callback_data) { case MSG_YES: // forward previously sent message $mc->replace($chatID.MC_STATUS, STATE_IDLE) or error("Something is wrong with memcached"); $msg = $mc->get($chatID.MC_FORWARD_MSG) or error("Can't forward message\n"); $query = API_URL . API_TOKEN . '/forwardMessage?' . 'chat_id=' . urlencode(API_CHANNEL_ID) . '&from_chat_id=' . urlencode($msg->message->chat->id) . '&message_id=' . urlencode($msg->message->message_id); file_get_contents($query); // Remove kbd $text = "Invio effettuato correttamente"; $url = API_URL.API_TOKEN."/editMessageText?chat_id=".($chatID). "&message_id=".$inlineID . "&text=".urlencode($text); file_get_contents($url); break; case MSG_NO: $status = $mc->replace($chatID.MC_STATUS, STATE_IDLE) or error("Something is wrong with memcached"); // destroy saved message? $text = "Invio annullato correttamente"; $url = API_URL.API_TOKEN."/editMessageText?chat_id=".($chatID). "&message_id=".$inlineID . "&text=".urlencode($text); file_get_contents($url); break; case MSG_SCHEDULE: // == from here can be put in a function == $status = $mc->replace($chatID.MC_STATUS, STATE_WAIT_DATE) or die(); $currentTab = array( 'month' => date('n'), 'year' => date('Y'), 'day' => null ); $container = getCalendarTab($currentTab['month'], $currentTab['year']); $mc->set($chatID.MC_DATE_MSG, $currentTab) or $mc->replace($chatID.MC_DATE_MSG, $currentTab) or die (); $container = array( "inline_keyboard" => $container); $text="Quando vuoi inviare il messaggio?"; $reply = json_encode($container); $url = API_URL.API_TOKEN."/editMessageText?chat_id=".($chatID). "&message_id=".$inlineID . "&text=".urlencode($text). "&reply_markup=".$reply; file_get_contents($url); $mc->set($chatID.MC_INLINE_ID, $inlineID) or $mc->replace($chatID.MC_INLINE_ID, $inlineID) or error("Something is wrong with memcached"); // == end == break; } break; case STATE_WAIT_DATE: if (!isset($callback_data)) { wrong_action($chatID); die(); } $currentTab = $mc->get($chatID.MC_DATE_MSG) or error("Something is wrong with memcached"); // two cases: change page or confirm date if ($callback_data == '>') { // add 1 to month if ($currentTab['month'] < 12) $currentTab['month'] +=1; else { $currentTab['month'] = 1; $currentTab['year'] +=1; } $mc->set($chatID.MC_DATE_MSG, $currentTab) or $mc->replace($chatID.MC_DATE_MSG, $currentTab) or error("Something is wrong with memcached"); $text = "Il calendario del ".$currentTab['month']."-".$currentTab['year']; // get new inline container } elseif ($callback_data == '<') { if ($currentTab['month'] > 1) $currentTab['month'] -=1; else { $currentTab['month'] = 12; $currentTab['year'] -=1; } $text = "Il calendario del ".$currentTab['month']."-".$currentTab['year']; $mc->set($chatID.MC_DATE_MSG, $currentTab) or $mc->replace($chatID.MC_DATE_MSG, $currentTab) or error("Something is wrong with memcached"); } elseif ($callback_data == 'null') { // not a valid button (like week days buttons) die(); } elseif ($callback_data == MSG_ABORT) { $text = "Invio annullato correttamente"; $url = API_URL.API_TOKEN."/editMessageText?chat_id=".($chatID). "&message_id=".$inlineID . "&text=".urlencode($text); file_get_contents($url); $mc->replace($chatID.MC_STATUS, STATE_IDLE) or die(); die(); } else { // read current day, verify it and then change state if (!$callback_data = intval($callback_data)) error("Not a numerical day, how you did it?!?"); $currentTab['day'] = $callback_data; $mc->set($chatID.MC_DATE_MSG, $currentTab) or $mc->replace($chatID.MC_DATE_MSG, $currentTab) or die ("Failed to save data at Memcached server"); // Display time inline keyboard $container = array(); $riga = array(); $firstHour = date('Ynj') == $currentTab['year'].$currentTab['month'].$currentTab['day']? date('G')+1 : 8; for ($i = 8; $i <= 21; $i++) { if ($i < $firstHour) { $riga[] = array( "text" => " ", "callback_data" => "null" ); } else { $riga[] = array( "text" => "$i".":00", "callback_data" => "$i" ); } if ($i == 14) { $container[] = $riga; $riga = array(); } } $container[] = $riga; $container[] = array(array( "text" => "$EMOJI_X Annulla", "callback_data" => MSG_ABORT )); $container = array( "inline_keyboard" => $container); $text="A che ora vuoi inviare il messaggio?"; $reply = json_encode($container); $url = API_URL.API_TOKEN."/editMessageText?chat_id=".($chatID). "&message_id=".$inlineID . "&text=".urlencode($text)."&reply_markup=".$reply; file_get_contents($url); $mc->replace($chatID.MC_STATUS, STATE_WAIT_TIME) or die(); break; } // If answer is < or > remain in current state and update calendar $container = getCalendarTab($currentTab['month'], $currentTab['year']); $resp = array( "inline_keyboard" => $container); $reply = json_encode($resp); $url = API_URL.API_TOKEN."/editMessageText?chat_id=".($chatID). "&message_id=".$inlineID . "&text=".urlencode($text)."&reply_markup=".$reply; file_get_contents($url); $mc->set($chatID.MC_INLINE_ID, $inlineID) or $mc->replace($chatID.MC_INLINE_ID, $inlineID); break; case STATE_WAIT_TIME: $mc->replace($chatID.MC_STATUS, STATE_IDLE); if (!isset($callback_data)) { die(); } if ($callback_data == MSG_ABORT) { $text = "Invio annullato correttamente"; $url = API_URL.API_TOKEN."/editMessageText?chat_id=".($chatID). "&message_id=".$inlineID . "&text=".urlencode($text); file_get_contents($url); $mc->replace($chatID.MC_STATUS, STATE_IDLE) or die(); die(); } elseif (!$time = intval($callback_data)) { if (DEBUG) botlog("[EE] Not a numeric time\n"); die(); } $currentTab = $mc->get($chatID.MC_DATE_MSG); $msg = $mc->get($chatID.MC_FORWARD_MSG); // add to database (mysql) // Build up mysql query $value = "("; $value .= $msg->message->message_id; $value .= ","; $value .= $msg->message->chat->id; $value .= ","; $value .= "'".$currentTab['year'].'-'; $value .= $currentTab['month'].'-'; $value .= $currentTab['day'].' '; $value .= $callback_data.":00:00'"; $value .= ");"; info("Saving post in ".MYSQL_TABLE.", scheduled date: ".$value); $sql = new mysqli('localhost', MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DB); $query = $sql->query("INSERT INTO ".MYSQL_TABLE." (MessageID,ChatID,DateTime) VALUE ".$value); $sql->close(); $text = "Programmazione avvenuta con successo"; $url = API_URL.API_TOKEN."/editMessageText?chat_id=".($chatID). "&message_id=".$inlineID . "&text=".urlencode($text); file_get_contents($url); break; } ?>