
134 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* ===== BEGIN of MAIN PROGRAM ===== */
if (DEBUG) botlog('[II] Start at ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ====================' . "\n");
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$row = json_decode($json);
if (DEBUG) botlog("\n" . $json . "\n");
if (isset($row->message))
if (isset($row->message->from->username))
if (DEBUG) botlog('[II] ' . $row->message->from->username . ' has written «' . $row->message->text . '»' . "\n");
if (! isCommand($row->message))
if (in_array($row->message->from->username, BOT_ALLOWED_USERS))
if (DEBUG) botlog( ' Telegram: forwarding to channel... ');
$r = forwardChannel($row->message);
if (DEBUG) botlog(($r ? 'done' : 'error') . "\n");
if (DEBUG) botlog(' Mail: mailing to address... ');
$r = sendEmail($row->message);
if (DEBUG) botlog(($r ? 'done' : 'not done') . "\n");
else if (DEBUG) botlog('[EE] User ' . $row->message->from->username . ' not authorized!' . "\n");
else if (DEBUG) botlog('[WW] Command not allowed' . "\n");
else if (DEBUG) botlog('[EE] from->username not set!' . "\n");
echo '{}' . "\n";
botlog('[II] End at ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ====================' . "\n");
/* ===== END of MAIN PROGRAM ===== */
/* ===== FUNCTIONS ===== */
function forwardChannel($message)
$query = API_URL . API_TOKEN . '/forwardMessage?' .
'chat_id=' . urlencode(API_CHANNEL_ID) .
'&from_chat_id=' . urlencode($message->chat->id) .
'&message_id=' . urlencode($message->message_id);
if (DEBUG) botlog($query);
return file_get_contents($query);
function sendEmail($message)
$link = isLink($message);
if ($link)
$title = getHtmlTitle($link);
if ($title)
$subject = $title;
$text = mb_convert_encoding($message->text, 'UTF-8');
$headers = 'From: ' . MAIL_FROM_ADDR . "\n" . 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8';
if (mail(MAIL_TO_ADDR, $subject, $text, $headers))
return true;
return false;
* Retrieves link content, then, if it is HTML, returns the title (if any), else returns false
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/399332/fastest-way-to-retrieve-a-title-in-php
function getHtmlTitle($link)
$html = file_get_contents($link);
if ($html)
if (! preg_match('/<title>(.*)<\/title>/siU', $html, $titleMatches))
if (DEBUG) botlog('[II] Not HTML compliant link');
return false;
$title = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $titleMatches[1]));
return $title;
return false;
* Checks wheter message has a link (and returns it) or not (and returns false)
* Only the first link is checked, bicos unn'aveo voglia di fanne altri - in inglisc un rend
function isLink($message)
if (isset($message->entities))
foreach($message->entities as $entity)
if ($entity->type == 'url')
return substr(utf8_decode($message->text), $entity->offset, $entity->length);
return false;
* Checks wheter message contains commands
* , il codice fa schifo e non è ottimizzato,
* ma del resto è stato fatto in fretta e furia e, come detto,
* è più per farsi un'idea e capire un po' come funziona 'sta cosa
* Verrà abbellito durante qualche ora del GOLEM
function isCommand($message)
if (isset($message->entities))
foreach($message->entities as $entity)
if ($entity->type == 'bot_command') return true;
return false;