
42 lines
2.2 KiB

"@metadata": {
"authors": []
"skinname-vector": "Vector",
"vector-skin-desc": "Modern version of MonoBook with fresh look and many usability improvements",
"prefs-vector-enable-vector-1-label": "Use Legacy Vector",
"prefs-vector-enable-vector-1-help": "Over the next few years, we will be gradually updating the Vector skin. Legacy Vector will allow you to view the old version of Vector (as of December 2019). To learn more about the updates, go to our [[mw:Reading/Web/Desktop_Improvements|project page]].",
"vector-opt-out": "Switch to old look",
"vector-opt-out-tooltip": "Change your settings to go back to the old look of the skin (legacy Vector)",
"vector.css": "/* All CSS here will be loaded for users of the Vector skin */",
"vector.js": "/* All JavaScript here will be loaded for users of the Vector skin */",
"vector-action-toggle-sidebar": "Toggle sidebar",
"vector-language-button-aria-label": "Go to an article in another language. Available in {{PLURAL:$1|$1 language|$1 languages}}",
"vector-language-button-label": "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 language|$1 languages}}",
"vector-language-variant-switcher-label": "Change language variant",
"vector-action-addsection": "Add topic",
"vector-action-delete": "Delete",
"vector-action-move": "Move",
"vector-action-protect": "Protect",
"vector-action-undelete": "Undelete",
"vector-action-unprotect": "Change protection",
"vector-view-create": "Create",
"vector-view-edit": "Edit",
"vector-view-history": "View history",
"vector-view-view": "Read",
"vector-view-viewsource": "View source",
"vector-jumptonavigation": "Jump to navigation",
"vector-jumptosearch": "Jump to search",
"vector-jumptocontent": "Jump to content",
"vector-more-actions": "More",
"vector-search-loader": "Loading search suggestions",
"vector-anon-user-menu-pages": "Pages for logged out editors",
"vector-anon-user-menu-pages-learn": "learn more",
"vector-anon-user-menu-pages-label": "Learn more about editing",
"vector-personal-more-label": "User links",
"vector-main-menu-tooltip": "Main menu",
"tooltip-vector-anon-user-menu-title": "More options",
"vector-menu-checkbox-expanded": "expanded",
"vector-menu-checkbox-collapsed": "collapsed"