Jan Drewniak edd2f4ff85 Reorganize LESS files to match ResourceLoader conventions
Separating most LESS files into 2 ResourceLoader modules and a common

- skins.vector.styles
- skins.vector.styles.legacy
- common

This changes aims to clearly separate the old (“legacy”), the new
(“modern”) and the common styles which were previously all placed under

Inside each directory are separate folders for `layouts` and

The entry files, `skin.less` and `skin-legacy.less` are moved into the
specific folders and a third, `common.less` entry file is created that
contains the common imports for both old and new Vector.

Aliases have been added to the Storybook Webpack config to avoid adding
the story file changes to this patch. Images coming from CSS `url()`'s
have also been temporarily disabled in Storybook until Storybook can be
upgraded to use Webpack 5, and use array values for aliases, in a
follow-up patch.

This patch also slightly changes a footer layout specific rule so that
existing `padding` remains unchanged in rendering due to new common and
component structure.

Bug: T264309
Change-Id: I1cd2681a2b61edb7be56c38f9bb3994827d7e322
2021-04-08 15:47:56 +01:00

151 lines
5.7 KiB

@import 'mediawiki.ui/variables.less';
@import '';
// Sizing calculation primitives.
@font-size-root: 100%;
@font-size-browser: 16; // Assumed browser default of `16px`
// == Page content ==
@color-base--subtle: #54595d;
@color-link: #0645ad;
@color-link--visited: #0b0080;
@color-link-new: #a55858;
@color-link-selected: @color-base;
// See oojs/ui/src/themes/wikimediaui/common.less.
@background-color-frameless--hover: rgba( 0, 24, 73, 7/255 ); // equivalent to @wmui-color-base90 on white
@outline-color-base--focus: @color-primary;
// == Typography ==
// Typography in Wikimedia Design Style Guide:;
// Historic overview and background information of fonts in Wikimedia software:
// Source of this font stack definition in WikimediaUI Base:
@font-family-serif: 'Linux Libertine', 'Georgia', 'Times', serif;
// Body content uses the user setting in browser / operating system default sans-serif font:
// For example, Arial on Windows, Roboto on Android.
// FIXME: Use WikimediaUI Base's OS specific default sans-serif fonts.
// @font-family-sans is set in mediawiki.variables/variables.less
// Fallback for headings, language: ja,he,ko. See T73240, T65817, T65843, T65844, T65827.
@font-family-sans--fallback: sans-serif;
@font-size-base: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.875em`.
@font-size-base--trident-hack: calc( 1em ~'*' unit( @font-size-base ) );
@font-size-reset: @font-size-root;
@font-size-heading-1: 1.8em;
@font-size-heading-2: 1.5em;
@font-size-heading-3: 1.2em;
@font-size-notification: 0.8em;
@font-size-site-notice: 0.8em;
@font-size-footer: unit( 12 / @font-size-browser, em );
@line-height-base: 1.6;
@line-height-heading: 1.3;
@line-height-code: 1.3;
@line-height-footer-info: 1.4;
@line-height-footer-buttons: 2;
@size-sidebar-button: unit( 44 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `2.75em`.
@size-icon: unit( 20 / @font-size-browser, em );
@background-position-nav-personal-icon: left unit( 4 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal, em );
@background-size-nav-personal-icon: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal, em );
// FIXME: Use global variable since Echo and CentralNotice use this variable
@border-color-content: #a7d7f9;
// Due to darker background gradient, border needs to be darkened for aligned visual perception.
@border-color-content--tabs-inactive: darken( @border-color-content, 10% );
@border-color-portal-heading: #c8ccd1;
// Use `rgba()` notation for better Safari support, see T254489.
@border-color-portal-heading-transparent: rgba( red( @border-color-portal-heading ), green( @border-color-portal-heading ), blue( @border-color-portal-heading ), 0 );
@border-start-blockquote: 4px @border-style-base #eaecf0;
@padding-top-content: 1.25em;
@padding-horizontal-content: 0.5em;
@padding-blockquote: 8px 32px;
// Navigation
@background-color-secondary: #f6f6f6;
@color-nav-subtle: #444;
// Navigation `line-height` has to be set in `em`s due to a rendering calculation issue.
@line-height-nav: 1.125em;
// Navigation: Main
@font-size-nav-main: inherit;
@font-size-nav-main-heading: unit( 12 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.75em`.
@font-size-nav-main-body: unit( 12 / @font-size-browser, em );
@margin-start-nav-main-body: 0.5em;
// Navigation: Portal
// Font size of the Portal links.
@font-size-portal-list-item: @font-size-nav-main-body;
// Margin space from the start of the Portal (left edge in LTR
// languages).
@margin-start-portal: 0.7em;
// Margin space from the end of the Portal (right edge in LTR
// languages).
@margin-end-portal: 0.6em;
// Margin space from the start of the Portal body (left edge in LTR languages).
@margin-start-portal-body: @margin-start-nav-main-body;
// Navigation: Personal tools
@background-position-nav-personal-icon: left unit( 4 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal, em );
@background-size-nav-personal-icon: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal, em );
@top-personal-tools: 6px;
@font-size-nav-personal: 0.75em;
// Using `unit()` without second parameter to achieve a unitless output for `line-height`.
@line-height-nav-personal: unit( 14 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-nav-personal ); // Equals `1.667`.
// Tabs
@font-size-tabs: unit( 13 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.8125em`.
// Search
@min-width-search-button: 28px;
@width-search-button: unit( 28 / @font-size-browser / @font-size-search-input, em );
@font-size-search-input: unit( 13 / @font-size-browser, em ); // Equals `0.8125em`.
// Z-indices
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.css.
// @z-index-ui-datepicker-cover: -1;
@z-index-base: 0;
// Header z-index-header higher than z-index-menu so that search results overlay variants and more menu
@z-index-header: 4;
@z-index-sidebar: 1;
@z-index-menu-checkbox: 1;
@z-index-search-button: 1;
@z-index-search-loader: 1;
// Ensure that this is displayed on top of .mw-body-content and clickable.
@z-index-indicators: 1;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.slider.css.
// @z-index-ui-slider-range: 1;
// Menus must overlap indicators (@z-index-indicators) and VisualEditor toolbar (z-index: 2).
@z-index-menu: 3;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.slider.css.
// @z-index-ui-slider-handle: 2;
// Display on top of page tabs (T39158, T50078).
@z-index-personal: 100;
@z-index-sidebar-button: 101;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.selectable.css.
// @z-index-ui-selectable-helper: 100;
@z-index-overlay: 101;
// See skinStyles/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.tooltip.css.
// @z-index-ui-tooltip: 9999;
// Transitions
@transition-duration-base: 100ms;