jdlrobson caed16e26f Allow multiple search components on the same page
Styling should not depend on IDs to allow us to have multiple
searches in the page.

Precursor for wiring up search in the sticky header.

This also tweaks performance metrics to track separate metrics
for the sticky header search

Change-Id: I5b4192a8f5a9f95af26c1faf904f7cc994323518
2021-09-23 23:23:58 +00:00

141 lines
5.3 KiB

@import '../../common/variables.less';
* Minimal styling for initial no-JS server-rendered
* search form, which gets replaced by WVUI on focus.
* Most values are hard-coded since they aim to
* mimic WVUI-specific variables and disable the
* ResourceLoader LESS transformation of `calc`.
// Derived from @size-base in WVUI
@size-base: unit( 32px / @font-size-browser / @font-size-base, em );
@min-size-search-button: 30px;
@background-size-x-search-button: unit( 20px / @font-size-browser / @font-size-base, em );
// Search container
// We have to put those styles outside `.skin-vector-search-vue`,
// as we can't address no-JS modern and Vue enhanced otherwise.
.vector-search-box {
// Use Vector's base font-size, as this is a component outside of `.vector-body`.
font-size: @font-size-base;
// Support IE 9-11, Trident cuts values 2 digits after decimal point.
// `calc` enables to set correct calculation in place again. See T102364.
font-size: @font-size-base--trident-hack;
// Typeahead search elements
// FIXME: remove ID selectors when cache has cleared.
.vector-search-box-vue .vector-search-box-input,
.vector-search-box-vue .searchButton {
// Overrides #mw-searchButton in resources/skins.vector.styles/SearchBox.less
font-size: inherit;
// FIXME: remove #searchInput selector when cache has cleared.
.vector-search-box-vue .vector-search-box-input,
#searchInput {
height: @size-base;
// FIXME: Remove searchButton when cache has cleared.
.vector-search-box-vue .searchButton,
#searchButton {
background-size: @background-size-x-search-button auto;
// Only apply the following WVUI-related rules to clients who have js enabled.
// TODO: .skin-vector-search-vue class can be removed when $wgVectorUseWvuiSearch is no longer supported
// OR .vector-search-box-vue is in cached HTML.
.client-js .skin-vector-search-vue,
.client-js .vector-search-box-vue {
// Derived from @size-search-figure in WVUI
@size-search-figure: unit( 36px / @font-size-browser / @font-size-base, em );
.wvui-typeahead-search__suggestions__footer {
// Remove link underline on hover that is applied by mediawiki.skinning/elements.css.
text-decoration: none;
.wvui-typeahead-search__suggestions li {
// Remove margin-bottom on li elements that is applied by mediawiki.skinning/elements.css.
margin-bottom: 0;
// FIXME: Remove #searchInput selector when cache has cleared.
#searchInput {
padding-left: @size-search-figure;
// Derived from @padding-input-text in WVUI's Input component.
padding-right: 8px;
// Move & resize search icon to match WVUI.
.searchButton {
// T270202: Act like a an inert element instead of a submit button before
// WVUI loads to discourage people clicking on it since it is a submit
// button styled to look like WVUI's inert start icon. Note, ideally these
// submit buttons should be changed to inert elements like span to be
// semantically correct.
pointer-events: none;
// Override the default right & left position of the icon.
right: auto;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
// Accounts for the 1px input border. Derived from
left: 1px;
// Increase size to match WVUI.
width: @size-search-figure;
// Reset WVUI. Prevents the input border from animating
// when it gets inserted into the DOM while being focused.
.wvui-input__input:not( [ disabled ] ) {
.transition( none );
// FIXME: .p-search--show-thumbnail selector is for cached HTML relating to T276566.
.vector-search-box-show-thumbnail {
// Recreate WVUI expanding input.
// FIXME: Remove #searchInput selector when cache has cleared.
#searchInput:focus {
position: relative;
// Use ~ and fixed values to disable the LESS transformation in ResourceLoader LESS implementation.
padding-left: ~'calc( @{size-search-figure} + @{size-search-expand} )';
width: ~'calc( 100% + @{size-search-expand} )';
left: ~'calc( -1 * @{size-search-expand} )';
// Reposition search icon for expanded input.
// FIXME: Remove #searchInput selectors when cache has cleared.
.vector-search-box-input:focus ~ .searchButton,
#searchInput:focus ~ #searchButton,
#searchInput:focus ~ #mw-searchButton {
// Derived from
// (12px of space between the border and the icon) with 1px to account for the focused input border.
@space-icon-start: 12px;
left: -@size-search-expand + @space-icon-start + @border-width-base;
// Update search loader to match width and position of WVUI expanding input.
// FIXME: Remove #simpleSearch selector when cache has cleared., {
width: ~'calc( 100% + @{size-search-expand} )';
left: ~'calc( -1 * @{size-search-expand} )';
padding-left: @size-search-expand;