Timo Tijhof ae0d9f9f72 VectorTemplate: Some consistency in mixed PHP/HTML formatting
Consistently do the following in this file:
* Consider '<?php' the start of a block indented level, like other code blocks.
* Don't increase indentation between the opening of '<?php' and the top scope
  within, consistent with other PHP files and most of this file.
* Don't manually create tabs or new lines to try to align with the HTML,
  this is a pointless excercise that already doesn't line up anyway. It just
  creates more arbitrary whitespace. Most portlet, personal, sidebar stuff
  is already not doing any indentation, this removes some of the remainder,
  at least in places where it was manually being emulated. The natural stuff
  stays for now.
* Remove some arbitrary line breaks.

Change-Id: I42627ac8473604c7c1309db370302f5ee5f1df0e
2017-11-10 19:27:49 +00:00

525 lines
15 KiB

* Vector - Modern version of MonoBook with fresh look and many usability
* improvements.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* @file
* @ingroup Skins
* QuickTemplate class for Vector skin
* @ingroup Skins
class VectorTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
/* Functions */
* Outputs the entire contents of the (X)HTML page
public function execute() {
$this->data['namespace_urls'] = $this->data['content_navigation']['namespaces'];
$this->data['view_urls'] = $this->data['content_navigation']['views'];
$this->data['action_urls'] = $this->data['content_navigation']['actions'];
$this->data['variant_urls'] = $this->data['content_navigation']['variants'];
// Move the watch/unwatch star outside of the collapsed "actions" menu to the main "views" menu
if ( $this->config->get( 'VectorUseIconWatch' ) ) {
$mode = $this->getSkin()->getUser()->isWatched( $this->getSkin()->getRelevantTitle() )
? 'unwatch'
: 'watch';
if ( isset( $this->data['action_urls'][$mode] ) ) {
$this->data['view_urls'][$mode] = $this->data['action_urls'][$mode];
unset( $this->data['action_urls'][$mode] );
$this->data['pageLanguage'] =
// Output HTML Page
$this->html( 'headelement' );
<div id="mw-page-base" class="noprint"></div>
<div id="mw-head-base" class="noprint"></div>
<div id="content" class="mw-body" role="main">
<a id="top"></a>
if ( $this->data['sitenotice'] ) {
<div id="siteNotice" class="mw-body-content"><?php $this->html( 'sitenotice' ) ?></div>
if ( is_callable( [ $this, 'getIndicators' ] ) ) {
echo $this->getIndicators();
// Loose comparison with '!=' is intentional, to catch null and false too, but not '0'
if ( $this->data['title'] != '' ) {
<h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading" lang="<?php $this->text( 'pageLanguage' ); ?>"><?php
$this->html( 'title' )
} ?>
<?php $this->html( 'prebodyhtml' ) ?>
<div id="bodyContent" class="mw-body-content">
if ( $this->data['isarticle'] ) {
<div id="siteSub" class="noprint"><?php $this->msg( 'tagline' ) ?></div>
<div id="contentSub"<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>><?php
$this->html( 'subtitle' )
if ( $this->data['undelete'] ) {
<div id="contentSub2"><?php $this->html( 'undelete' ) ?></div>
if ( $this->data['newtalk'] ) {
<div class="usermessage"><?php $this->html( 'newtalk' ) ?></div>
<div id="jump-to-nav" class="mw-jump">
<?php $this->msg( 'jumpto' ) ?>
<a href="#mw-head"><?php
$this->msg( 'jumptonavigation' )
?></a><?php $this->msg( 'comma-separator' ) ?>
<a href="#p-search"><?php $this->msg( 'jumptosearch' ) ?></a>
$this->html( 'bodycontent' );
if ( $this->data['printfooter'] ) {
<div class="printfooter">
<?php $this->html( 'printfooter' ); ?>
if ( $this->data['catlinks'] ) {
$this->html( 'catlinks' );
if ( $this->data['dataAfterContent'] ) {
$this->html( 'dataAfterContent' );
<div class="visualClear"></div>
<?php $this->html( 'debughtml' ); ?>
<div id="mw-navigation">
<h2><?php $this->msg( 'navigation-heading' ) ?></h2>
<div id="mw-head">
<?php $this->renderNavigation( 'PERSONAL' ); ?>
<div id="left-navigation">
<?php $this->renderNavigation( [ 'NAMESPACES', 'VARIANTS' ] ); ?>
<div id="right-navigation">
<?php $this->renderNavigation( [ 'VIEWS', 'ACTIONS', 'SEARCH' ] ); ?>
<div id="mw-panel">
<div id="p-logo" role="banner"><a class="mw-wiki-logo" href="<?php
echo htmlspecialchars( $this->data['nav_urls']['mainpage']['href'] )
?>" <?php
echo Xml::expandAttributes( Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( 'p-logo' ) )
<?php $this->renderPortals( $this->data['sidebar'] ); ?>
<div id="footer" role="contentinfo"<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
foreach ( $this->getFooterLinks() as $category => $links ) {
<ul id="footer-<?php echo $category ?>">
foreach ( $links as $link ) {
<li id="footer-<?php echo $category ?>-<?php echo $link ?>"><?php $this->html( $link ) ?></li>
<?php $footericons = $this->getFooterIcons( 'icononly' );
if ( count( $footericons ) > 0 ) {
<ul id="footer-icons" class="noprint">
foreach ( $footericons as $blockName => $footerIcons ) {
<li id="footer-<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $blockName ); ?>ico">
foreach ( $footerIcons as $icon ) {
echo $this->getSkin()->makeFooterIcon( $icon );
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<?php $this->printTrail(); ?>
* Render a series of portals
* @param array $portals
protected function renderPortals( $portals ) {
// Force the rendering of the following portals
if ( !isset( $portals['SEARCH'] ) ) {
$portals['SEARCH'] = true;
if ( !isset( $portals['TOOLBOX'] ) ) {
$portals['TOOLBOX'] = true;
if ( !isset( $portals['LANGUAGES'] ) ) {
$portals['LANGUAGES'] = true;
// Render portals
foreach ( $portals as $name => $content ) {
if ( $content === false ) {
// Numeric strings gets an integer when set as key, cast back - T73639
$name = (string)$name;
switch ( $name ) {
case 'SEARCH':
case 'TOOLBOX':
$this->renderPortal( 'tb', $this->getToolbox(), 'toolbox', 'SkinTemplateToolboxEnd' );
if ( $this->data['language_urls'] !== false ) {
$this->renderPortal( 'lang', $this->data['language_urls'], 'otherlanguages' );
$this->renderPortal( $name, $content );
* @param string $name
* @param array $content
* @param null|string $msg
* @param null|string|array $hook
protected function renderPortal( $name, $content, $msg = null, $hook = null ) {
if ( $msg === null ) {
$msg = $name;
$msgObj = wfMessage( $msg );
$labelId = Sanitizer::escapeId( "p-$name-label" );
<div class="portal" role="navigation" id='<?php
echo Sanitizer::escapeId( "p-$name" )
echo Linker::tooltip( 'p-' . $name )
?> aria-labelledby='<?php echo $labelId ?>'>
<h3<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?> id='<?php echo $labelId ?>'><?php
echo htmlspecialchars( $msgObj->exists() ? $msgObj->text() : $msg );
<div class="body">
if ( is_array( $content ) ) {
foreach ( $content as $key => $val ) {
echo $this->makeListItem( $key, $val );
if ( $hook !== null ) {
// Avoid PHP 7.1 warning
$skin = $this;
Hooks::run( $hook, [ &$skin, true ] );
} else {
// Allow raw HTML block to be defined by extensions
echo $content;
$this->renderAfterPortlet( $name );
* Render one or more navigations elements by name, automatically reversed by css
* when UI is in RTL mode
* @param array $elements
protected function renderNavigation( $elements ) {
// If only one element was given, wrap it in an array, allowing more
// flexible arguments
if ( !is_array( $elements ) ) {
$elements = [ $elements ];
// Render elements
foreach ( $elements as $name => $element ) {
switch ( $element ) {
<div id="p-namespaces" role="navigation" class="vectorTabs<?php
if ( count( $this->data['namespace_urls'] ) == 0 ) {
echo ' emptyPortlet';
?>" aria-labelledby="p-namespaces-label">
<h3 id="p-namespaces-label"><?php $this->msg( 'namespaces' ) ?></h3>
<ul<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
foreach ( $this->data['namespace_urls'] as $key => $item ) {
echo $this->makeListItem( $key, $item, [
'vector-wrap' => true,
] );
case 'VARIANTS':
<div id="p-variants" role="navigation" class="vectorMenu<?php
if ( count( $this->data['variant_urls'] ) == 0 ) {
echo ' emptyPortlet';
?>" aria-labelledby="p-variants-label">
// Replace the label with the name of currently chosen variant, if any
$variantLabel = $this->getMsg( 'variants' )->text();
foreach ( $this->data['variant_urls'] as $item ) {
if ( isset( $item['class'] ) && stripos( $item['class'], 'selected' ) !== false ) {
$variantLabel = $item['text'];
<h3 id="p-variants-label">
<span><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $variantLabel ) ?></span>
<div class="menu">
foreach ( $this->data['variant_urls'] as $key => $item ) {
echo $this->makeListItem( $key, $item );
case 'VIEWS':
<div id="p-views" role="navigation" class="vectorTabs<?php
if ( count( $this->data['view_urls'] ) == 0 ) {
echo ' emptyPortlet';
?>" aria-labelledby="p-views-label">
<h3 id="p-views-label"><?php $this->msg( 'views' ) ?></h3>
<ul<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
foreach ( $this->data['view_urls'] as $key => $item ) {
echo $this->makeListItem( $key, $item, [
'vector-wrap' => true,
'vector-collapsible' => true,
] );
case 'ACTIONS':
<div id="p-cactions" role="navigation" class="vectorMenu<?php
if ( count( $this->data['action_urls'] ) == 0 ) {
echo ' emptyPortlet';
?>" aria-labelledby="p-cactions-label">
<h3 id="p-cactions-label"><span><?php
$this->msg( 'vector-more-actions' )
<div class="menu">
<ul<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
foreach ( $this->data['action_urls'] as $key => $item ) {
echo $this->makeListItem( $key, $item );
case 'PERSONAL':
<div id="p-personal" role="navigation" class="<?php
if ( count( $this->data['personal_urls'] ) == 0 ) {
echo ' emptyPortlet';
?>" aria-labelledby="p-personal-label">
<h3 id="p-personal-label"><?php $this->msg( 'personaltools' ) ?></h3>
<ul<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
$notLoggedIn = '';
if ( !$this->getSkin()->getUser()->isLoggedIn() &&
User::groupHasPermission( '*', 'edit' )
) {
$notLoggedIn =
Html::rawElement( 'li',
[ 'id' => 'pt-anonuserpage' ],
$this->getMsg( 'notloggedin' )->escaped()
$personalTools = $this->getPersonalTools();
$langSelector = '';
if ( array_key_exists( 'uls', $personalTools ) ) {
$langSelector = $this->makeListItem( 'uls', $personalTools[ 'uls' ] );
unset( $personalTools[ 'uls' ] );
echo $langSelector;
echo $notLoggedIn;
foreach ( $personalTools as $key => $item ) {
echo $this->makeListItem( $key, $item );
case 'SEARCH':
<div id="p-search" role="search">
<h3<?php $this->html( 'userlangattributes' ) ?>>
<label for="searchInput"><?php $this->msg( 'search' ) ?></label>
<form action="<?php $this->text( 'wgScript' ) ?>" id="searchform">
<div<?php echo $this->config->get( 'VectorUseSimpleSearch' ) ? ' id="simpleSearch"' : '' ?>>
echo $this->makeSearchInput( [ 'id' => 'searchInput' ] );
echo Html::hidden( 'title', $this->get( 'searchtitle' ) );
/* We construct two buttons (for 'go' and 'fulltext' search modes),
* but only one will be visible and actionable at a time (they are
* overlaid on top of each other in CSS).
* * Browsers will use the 'fulltext' one by default (as it's the
* first in tree-order), which is desirable when they are unable
* to show search suggestions (either due to being broken or
* having JavaScript turned off).
* * The mediawiki.searchSuggest module, after doing tests for the
* broken browsers, removes the 'fulltext' button and handles
* 'fulltext' search itself; this will reveal the 'go' button and
* cause it to be used.
echo $this->makeSearchButton(
[ 'id' => 'mw-searchButton', 'class' => 'searchButton mw-fallbackSearchButton' ]
echo $this->makeSearchButton(
[ 'id' => 'searchButton', 'class' => 'searchButton' ]
* @inheritDoc
public function makeLink( $key, $item, $options = [] ) {
$html = parent::makeLink( $key, $item, $options );
// Add an extra wrapper because our CSS is weird
if ( isset( $options['vector-wrap'] ) && $options['vector-wrap'] ) {
$html = Html::rawElement( 'span', [], $html );
return $html;
* @inheritDoc
public function makeListItem( $key, $item, $options = [] ) {
// For fancy styling of watch/unwatch star
if (
$this->config->get( 'VectorUseIconWatch' )
&& ( $key === 'watch' || $key === 'unwatch' )
) {
$item['class'] = rtrim( 'icon ' . $item['class'], ' ' );
$item['primary'] = true;
// Add CSS class 'collapsible' to links which are not marked as "primary"
if (
isset( $options['vector-collapsible'] ) && $options['vector-collapsible'] ) {
$item['class'] = rtrim( 'collapsible ' . $item['class'], ' ' );
// We don't use this, prevent it from popping up in HTML output
unset( $item['redundant'] );
return parent::makeListItem( $key, $item, $options );