// Layout rules divide the page into sections and how VectorComponents should be arranged in the skin. // The rules here should only define the layout, not color or typography. @import '../../variables.less'; @import 'mediawiki.mixins.less'; // Modern layout variables @height-tabs: 2.5em; // Keep in sync with .vector-menu-tabs height. @margin-top-sidebar: 0.5em; // Header sizes defined in the description of T246170 and comment T246170#5957100 @padding-left-sidebar: 0.5em; @padding-horizontal-header: @margin-end-portal + @padding-left-sidebar + ( @margin-start-nav-main-body / @font-size-nav-main-heading ); @padding-vertical-header: 0.125em; @margin-top-header: 0.625em; @margin-bottom-header: 0.3125em; @height-logo-icon: 3.125em; // Logo sizes per specification in T245190. @height-header: @height-logo-icon + @margin-top-header + @margin-bottom-header + 2 * @padding-vertical-header; @width-grid-column-one: 11em; // Default layout. @import 'layout-default.less'; // // Feature flag modifications to layout (additive) // @import 'layout-max-width.less'; @import 'layout-search-header.less';