{{! string html-headelement a string of attribute HTML that begins with `` and ends with `` and contains `meta` tags and ResourceLoader internals. string|null html-sitenotice the contents of a banner defined in MediaWiki:Sitenotice. Also used by CentralNotice to inject banners into Vector. string html-indicators raw HTML containing wiki-defined badges such as "good article", "featured article". An empty string if none are defined. string page-langcode the content language of the article. Assumed to be escaped HTML. string html-title string html-prebodyhtml bool page-isarticle string msg-tagline string html-subtitle string html-undelete string html-newtalk string msg-jumptonavigation string msg-jumptosearch string html-bodycontent string html-printfooter string html-catlinks string html-debuglog string html-dataAfterContent string html-navigation-heading heading for entire navigation that is usually hidden to screen readers LogoOptions data-logos MenuDefinition data-personal-menu MenuDefinition data-namespace-tabs MenuDefinition data-variants MenuDefinition data-page-actions MenuDefinition data-page-actions-more object data-search-box. See SearchBox.mustache for documentation. object data-sidebar. See Sidebar.mustache for documentation. object data-footer for footer template partial. see Footer.mustache for documentation. string html-printtail HTML to render at the end of the page contained necessary script tags for ResourceLoader terminated with ``. }} {{{html-headelement}}}
{{/html-sitenotice}} {{{html-indicators}}}


{{/html-undelete}} {{#html-newtalk}}
{{/html-newtalk}} {{! Keep this empty `div` for compatibility with gadgets and user scripts using this place to insert extra elements before. }}
{{msg-jumptonavigation}} {{msg-jumptosearch}} {{{html-bodycontent}}} {{#html-printfooter}}
{{/html-printfooter}} {{{html-catlinks}}}


{{#data-namespace-tabs}}{{>Menu}}{{/data-namespace-tabs}} {{#data-variants}}{{>Menu}}{{/data-variants}}
{{#data-page-actions}}{{>Menu}}{{/data-page-actions}} {{#data-page-actions-more}}{{>Menu}}{{/data-page-actions-more}} {{#data-search-box}}{{>SearchBox}}{{/data-search-box}}
{{#data-footer}}{{>Footer}}{{/data-footer}} {{{html-printtail}}}