// // Default layout for Modern Vector. // @margin-horizontal-sidebar-button-icon: 12px; body { // General background/foreground color definition as one exception to the rule. background-color: @background-color-base; color: @color-base; // Vertical scrollbar always visible. overflow-y: scroll; } .mw-body, .parsoid-body { direction: ltr; padding: @padding-content; } .mw-body { // Will be removed when we limit content width (T246420). /* Border on top, left, and bottom side */ border: @border-width-base @border-style-base @border-color-content; border-right-width: 0; /* Merge the border with tabs' one (in their background image) */ margin-top: -@border-width-base; .firstHeading { /* Change the default from mediawiki.skinning CSS to let indicators float into heading area */ overflow: visible; } } .mw-header { // A min-height is set to account for projects where no icon is set. min-height: @height-logo-icon; margin: @margin-top-header 0 @margin-bottom-header; padding: @padding-vertical-header @padding-horizontal-header; // Vertical centering of header elements (IE>=11), requires flex. // Non-flex fallback for IE<=9: float rule on the child elements. .flex-display(); flex-wrap: wrap; // https://caniuse.com/#search=align-items align-items: center; z-index: @z-index-header; } /* Searchbox */ #p-search { float: left; margin: 0.5em 0.5em 0 0.5em; min-width: 5em; // Support: IE 8, Firefox 18-, Chrome 19-, Safari 5.1-, Opera 19-, Android 4.4.4-. width: 13.2em; // Support: Modern browsers, responsive width. width: 20vw; max-width: 20em; } /* Main column */ .mw-body, #mw-data-after-content, #left-navigation, .mw-footer { margin-left: @width-grid-column-one; } /* Content */ .mw-indicators { float: right; z-index: @z-index-indicators; } .mw-body-content { position: relative; z-index: @z-index-base; } /* Hide, but keep accessible for screen-readers */ #mw-navigation h2 { position: absolute; top: -9999px; } /* Navigation Containers */ .mw-article-toolbar-container { // Clear the floats on #left-navigation and #right-navigation. .mixin-clearfix(); } #left-navigation { float: left; } #right-navigation { float: right; } #mw-sidebar-button { float: left; // Browser: IE9 support - button as flex-child fallback. margin-left: -@margin-horizontal-sidebar-button-icon; margin-right: @margin-horizontal-sidebar-button-icon; // Accidentally the same. } #mw-panel { position: absolute; left: 0; width: @width-grid-column-one; .box-sizing( border-box ); margin-top: @margin-top-sidebar; padding-left: @padding-left-sidebar; z-index: @z-index-sidebar; }