/** * Vector-specific scripts */ jQuery( function ( $ ) { /** * Collapsible tabs */ var $cactions = $( '#p-cactions' ), $tabContainer = $( '#p-views ul' ), rAF = window.requestAnimationFrame || setTimeout, // Avoid forced style calculation during page load initialCactionsWidth = function () { var width = $cactions.width(); initialCactionsWidth = function () { return width; }; return width; }; rAF( initialCactionsWidth ); /** * Focus search input at the very end */ $( '#searchInput' ).attr( 'tabindex', $( document ).lastTabIndex() + 1 ); /** * Dropdown menu accessibility */ $( 'div.vectorMenu' ).each( function () { var $el = $( this ); if ( $el.find( '.vectorMenuCheckbox' ).length ) { return; } $el.find( '> h3 > span' ).parent() .attr( 'tabindex', '0' ) // For accessibility, show the menu when the h3 is clicked (bug 24298/46486) .on( 'click keypress', function ( e ) { if ( e.type === 'click' || e.which === 13 ) { $el.toggleClass( 'menuForceShow' ); e.preventDefault(); } } ); } ); // Bind callback functions to animate our drop down menu in and out // and then call the collapsibleTabs function on the menu $tabContainer .on( 'beforeTabCollapse', function () { // If the dropdown was hidden, show it if ( $cactions.hasClass( 'emptyPortlet' ) ) { $cactions.removeClass( 'emptyPortlet' ); $cactions.find( 'h3' ) .css( 'width', '1px' ) .animate( { width: initialCactionsWidth() }, 'normal' ); } } ) .on( 'beforeTabExpand', function () { // If we're removing the last child node right now, hide the dropdown if ( $cactions.find( 'li' ).length === 1 ) { $cactions.find( 'h3' ).animate( { width: '1px' }, 'normal', function () { $( this ).attr( 'style', '' ) .parent().addClass( 'emptyPortlet' ); } ); } } ) .collapsibleTabs( { expandCondition: function ( eleWidth ) { // (This looks a bit awkward because we're doing expensive queries as late as possible.) var distance = $.collapsibleTabs.calculateTabDistance(); // If there are at least eleWidth + 1 pixels of free space, expand. // We add 1 because .width() will truncate fractional values but .offset() will not. if ( distance >= eleWidth + 1 ) { return true; } else { // Maybe we can still expand? Account for the width of the "Actions" dropdown if the // expansion would hide it. if ( $cactions.find( 'li' ).length === 1 ) { return distance >= eleWidth + 1 - initialCactionsWidth(); } else { return false; } } }, collapseCondition: function () { var collapsibleWidth = 0; // (This looks a bit awkward because we're doing expensive queries as late as possible.) // TODO The dropdown itself should probably "fold" to just the down-arrow (hiding the text) // if it can't fit on the line? // Never collapse if there is no overlap. if ( $.collapsibleTabs.calculateTabDistance() >= 0 ) { return false; } // Always collapse if the "More" button is already shown. if ( !$cactions.hasClass( 'emptyPortlet' ) ) { return true; } $tabContainer.children( 'li.collapsible' ).each( function ( index, element ) { collapsibleWidth += $( element ).width(); // Stop this possibly expensive loop the moment the condition is met. return !( collapsibleWidth > initialCactionsWidth() ); } ); return collapsibleWidth > initialCactionsWidth(); } } ); } );