// This assumes the presence of variables inside layout.less. DO NOT import it separately. // Assumes various variables defined there. @min-width-search: unit( 350px / @font-size-browser, em ); @max-width-search: unit( 580px / @font-size-browser, em ); // The logo is variable width but typically consists of: // - a icon (50x50) // - a wordmark (approx 120px) @min-width-logo: unit( 170px / @font-size-browser, em ); @min-width-personal-tools: @max-width-search; @padding-horizontal-page-container: 30px; @padding-horizontal-page-container-ems: unit( @padding-horizontal-page-container / @font-size-browser, em ); @min-width-supported: @width-grid-column-one + @min-width-personal-tools + ( @padding-horizontal-page-container-ems * 2 ); @width-comfortable: @min-width-logo + @size-sidebar-button + @min-width-search + @min-width-personal-tools; @height-personal-tools: 2em; .skin-vector-search-header { // Header components #p-search { // Override values to reflect new behaviour. min-width: @min-width-search; max-width: @max-width-search; margin: 0 40px; } // Support IE9: float will be disabled if display flex is supported #p-search, #mw-sidebar-button { float: left; } #p-personal { text-align: right; // Support IE9: This is reset in @support query below if Flexbox is available. float: right; } // If we don't have the space adjust header. // Increase height and margins to accommodate personal tools underneath. @media ( max-width: @width-comfortable ) { @height-header-adjusted: @height-header + @height-personal-tools; #mw-panel { top: @height-header-adjusted - @margin-top-header; } .mw-header-placeholder { height: @height-header-adjusted + @height-tabs; } #left-navigation { margin-top: @height-header-adjusted; margin-bottom: 0; } #right-navigation { margin-top: -@height-tabs; clear: left; } } } // when max-width is also enabled... .skin-vector-search-header.skin-vector-max-width { #left-navigation { margin-top: 0; } .mw-article-toolbar-container { margin-top: @height-header + @height-personal-tools; } @media ( min-width: @width-comfortable ) { .mw-article-toolbar-container { margin-top: @height-header; } } } // If flexbox supported reset the floats that are supporting IE9 // When IE9 is no longer supported this entire query can be dropped. @supports ( display: flex ) { .skin-vector-search-header { .mw-header { flex-wrap: wrap; } #p-personal, #p-search { flex-grow: 1; // Disable the float: left rule for IE9 support float: none; } #mw-sidebar-button { // Disable the float: left rule for IE9 support float: none; } } }