import { htmluserlangattributes } from './utils'; import { placeholder } from './utils'; import { PERSONAL_MENU_TEMPLATE_DATA, menuTemplate } from './'; import { pageActionsData, namespaceTabsData } from './'; import { vectorMenuTemplate, moreData, variantsData } from './'; import { searchBoxData, searchBoxTemplate } from './'; import { SIDEBAR_DATA, SIDEBAR_TEMPLATE_PARTIALS, sidebarTemplate } from './'; import { FOOTER_TEMPLATE_DATA, footerTemplate } from './'; import { logoTemplate } from './'; export const NAVIGATION_TEMPLATE_DATA = { loggedInWithVariantsAndOptOut: { 'data-personal-menu': PERSONAL_MENU_TEMPLATE_DATA.loggedInWithEcho, 'data-namespace-tabs': namespaceTabsData, 'data-page-actions': pageActionsData, 'data-variants': variantsData, 'data-search-box': searchBoxData, 'data-sidebar': SIDEBAR_DATA.withPortalsAndOptOut, 'html-navigation-heading': 'Navigation menu', 'html-logo-attributes': `class="mw-wiki-logo" href="/wiki/Main_Page" title="Visit the main page"` }, loggedOutWithVariants: { 'data-personal-menu': PERSONAL_MENU_TEMPLATE_DATA.loggedOut, 'data-namespace-tabs': namespaceTabsData, 'data-page-actions': pageActionsData, 'data-variants': variantsData, 'data-search-box': searchBoxData, 'data-sidebar': SIDEBAR_DATA.withPortals, 'html-navigation-heading': 'Navigation menu', 'html-logo-attributes': `class="mw-wiki-logo" href="/wiki/Main_Page" title="Visit the main page"` }, loggedInWithMoreActions: { 'data-personal-menu': PERSONAL_MENU_TEMPLATE_DATA.loggedInWithEcho, 'data-namespace-tabs': namespaceTabsData, 'data-page-actions': pageActionsData, 'data-page-actions-more': moreData, 'data-search-box': searchBoxData, 'data-sidebar': SIDEBAR_DATA.withPortals, 'html-navigation-heading': 'Navigation menu', 'html-logo-attributes': `class="mw-wiki-logo" href="/wiki/Main_Page" title="Visit the main page"` } }; export const TEMPLATE_PARTIALS = Object.assign( {}, SIDEBAR_TEMPLATE_PARTIALS, { Logo: logoTemplate, SearchBox: searchBoxTemplate, Sidebar: sidebarTemplate, VectorMenu: vectorMenuTemplate, Menu: menuTemplate, Footer: footerTemplate } ); const HTML_INDICATORS = `
This is a good article. Follow the link for more information.
Page protected with pending changes
`; export const LEGACY_TEMPLATE_DATA = { 'html-title': 'Vector 2019', 'page-isarticle': true, 'msg-tagline': 'From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia', 'html-userlangattributes': htmluserlangattributes, 'msg-vector-jumptonavigation': 'Jump to navigation', 'msg-vector-jumptosearch': 'Jump to search', // site specific 'data-footer': FOOTER_TEMPLATE_DATA, 'html-sitenotice': placeholder( 'a site notice or central notice banner may go here', 70 ), // article dependent 'html-bodycontent': placeholder( 'Article content goes here' ), 'html-printfooter': `Retrieved from ‘’`, 'html-catlinks': placeholder( 'Category links component from mediawiki core', 50 ), // extension dependent.. 'html-hook-vector-before-footer': placeholder( 'VectorBeforeFooter hook output', 100 ), 'html-dataAfterContent': placeholder( 'Extensions can add here e.g. Related Articles.', 100 ), 'html-indicators': HTML_INDICATORS, 'html-subtitle': placeholder( 'Extensions can configure subtitle', 20 ) }; export const MODERN_TEMPLATE_DATA = { 'html-title': 'Vector 2020', 'page-isarticle': true, 'msg-tagline': 'From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia', 'html-userlangattributes': htmluserlangattributes, 'msg-vector-jumptonavigation': 'Jump to navigation', 'msg-vector-jumptosearch': 'Jump to search', // site specific 'data-footer': FOOTER_TEMPLATE_DATA, 'html-sitenotice': placeholder( 'a site notice or central notice banner may go here', 70 ), // article dependent 'html-bodycontent': placeholder( 'Article content goes here' ), 'html-printfooter': `Retrieved from ‘’`, 'html-catlinks': placeholder( 'Category links component from mediawiki core', 50 ) };