jdlrobson 0be05950af Desktop should use AMC mode
To help us test special pages prior to moving them on mobile it
would be useful to make AMC the default on desktop
where the special page override does not exist

This is also probably what editors on desktop using the Minerva
skin want out of the skin.

On top of this, add an amc class to the body tag so we can
target styles at AMC and/or non-AMC users

Change-Id: I7f3141bae71181131ae4878fd21fb6ff4322c8ca
2019-04-04 17:43:12 +00:00

447 lines
13 KiB

namespace Tests\MediaWiki\Minerva;
use MediaWikiTestCase;
use MinervaUI;
use MWTimestamp;
use OutputPage;
use QuickTemplate;
use RequestContext;
use SkinMinerva;
use SpecialPage;
use Title;
use User;
use Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper;
// phpcs:ignore MediaWiki.Files.ClassMatchesFilename.NotMatch
class EchoNotifUser {
public function __construct(
$lastUnreadAlertTime, $lastUnreadMessageTime, $echoNotificationCount
) {
$this->lastUnreadAlertTime = $lastUnreadAlertTime;
$this->lastUnreadMessageTime = $lastUnreadMessageTime;
$this->echoNotificationCount = $echoNotificationCount;
public function getLastUnreadAlertTime() {
return $this->lastUnreadAlertTime;
public function getLastUnreadMessageTime() {
return $this->lastUnreadMessageTime;
public function getNotificationCount() {
return $this->echoNotificationCount;
* @coversDefaultClass SkinMinerva
* @group MinervaNeue
class SkinMinervaTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
const OPTIONS_MODULE = 'skins.minerva.options';
* @covers ::addToBodyAttributes
public function testAddToBodyAttributes() {
// The `class` attribute gets set to the "bodyClassName" property by
// default.
$this->addToBodyAttributes( 'no-js', false )
$classes = $this->addToBodyAttributes( 'no-js', true );
$this->assertContains( 'no-js', $classes );
private function addToBodyAttributes(
) {
$context = new RequestContext();
$context->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'Test' ) );
$outputPage = $context->getOutput();
$outputPage->setProperty( 'bodyClassName', $bodyClassName );
$bodyAttrs = [ 'class' => '' ];
$skin = new SkinMinerva();
$skin->setContext( $context );
$skin->addToBodyAttributes( $outputPage, $bodyAttrs );
return explode( ' ', $bodyAttrs[ 'class' ] );
* @covers ::setContext
* @covers ::setSkinOptions
* @covers ::hasCategoryLinks
public function testHasCategoryLinksWhenOptionIsOff() {
$outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( OutputPage::class )
$outputPage->expects( $this->never() )
->method( 'getCategoryLinks' );
$context = new RequestContext();
$context->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'Test' ) );
$context->setOutput( $outputPage );
$skin = new SkinMinerva();
$skin->setContext( $context );
$skin->setSkinOptions( [ SkinMinerva::OPTION_CATEGORIES => false ] );
$skin = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $skin );
$this->assertEquals( $skin->hasCategoryLinks(), false );
* @dataProvider provideHasCategoryLinks
* @param array $categoryLinks
* @param bool $expected
* @covers ::setContext
* @covers ::setSkinOptions
* @covers ::hasCategoryLinks
public function testHasCategoryLinks( array $categoryLinks, $expected ) {
$outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( OutputPage::class )
$outputPage->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getCategoryLinks' )
->will( $this->returnValue( $categoryLinks ) );
$context = new RequestContext();
$context->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'Test' ) );
$context->setOutput( $outputPage );
$skin = new SkinMinerva();
$skin->setContext( $context );
$skin->setSkinOptions( [ SkinMinerva::OPTION_CATEGORIES => true ] );
$skin = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $skin );
$this->assertEquals( $skin->hasCategoryLinks(), $expected );
public function provideHasCategoryLinks() {
return [
[ [], false ],
'normal' => '<ul><li><a href="/wiki/Category:1">1</a></li></ul>'
'hidden' => '<ul><li><a href="/wiki/Category:Hidden">Hidden</a></li></ul>'
'normal' => '<ul><li><a href="/wiki/Category:1">1</a></li></ul>',
'hidden' => '<ul><li><a href="/wiki/Category:Hidden">Hidden</a></li></ul>'
'unexpected' => '<ul><li><a href="/wiki/Category:1">1</a></li></ul>'
* Test whether the font changer module is correctly added to the list context modules
* @covers ::getContextSpecificModules
* @dataProvider provideGetContextSpecificModules
* @param mixed $backToTopValue whether back to top feature is enabled
* @param string $moduleName Module name that is being tested
* @param bool $expected Whether the module is expected to be returned by the function being tested
public function testGetContextSpecificModules( $backToTopValue,
$moduleName, $expected
) {
$skin = new SkinMinerva();
$skin->setSkinOptions( [
SkinMinerva::OPTION_AMC => false,
] );
$title = Title::newFromText( 'Test' );
$testContext = RequestContext::getMain();
$testContext->setTitle( $title );
$skin->setContext( $testContext );
$skin->setSkinOptions( [
'backToTop' => $backToTopValue,
] );
if ( $expected ) {
$this->assertContains( $moduleName, $skin->getContextSpecificModules() );
} else {
$this->assertNotContains( $moduleName, $skin->getContextSpecificModules() );
public function provideGetContextSpecificModules() {
return [
[ true, self::OPTIONS_MODULE, true ],
[ false, self::OPTIONS_MODULE, false ],
* Test the notification user button
* @covers ::prepareUserButton
* @dataProvider providePrepareUserButton
* @param array|string $expectedSecondaryButtonData Expected test case outcome
* @param string $message Test message
* @param Title $title
* @param bool $useEcho Whether to use Extension:Echo
* @param bool $isUserLoggedIn
* @param string $newtalks New talk page messages for the current user
* @param MWTimestamp|bool $lastUnreadAlertTime Timestamp or false
* @param MWTimestamp|bool $lastUnreadMessageTime Timestamp or false
* @param int|bool $echoNotificationCount
* @param string|bool $alertSeenTime String in format TS_ISO_8601 or false
* @param string|bool $msgSeenTime String in format TS_ISO_8601 or false
* @param string|bool $formattedEchoNotificationCount
public function testPrepareUserButton(
$expectedSecondaryButtonData, $message, $title, $useEcho, $isUserLoggedIn,
$newtalks, $lastUnreadAlertTime = false, $lastUnreadMessageTime = false,
$echoNotificationCount = false, $alertSeenTime = false, $msgSeenTime = false,
$formattedEchoNotificationCount = false
) {
$user = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class )
->setMethods( [ 'isLoggedIn' ] )
$user->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'isLoggedIn' )
->will( $this->returnValue( $isUserLoggedIn ) );
$skin = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject(
$this->getMockBuilder( SkinMinerva::class )
->setMethods( [ 'getTitle', 'getUser', 'getNewtalks', 'useEcho',
'getEchoNotifUser', 'getEchoSeenTime',
'getFormattedEchoNotificationCount' ] )
$skin->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getTitle' )
->will( $this->returnValue( $title ) );
$skin->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getUser' )
->will( $this->returnValue( $user ) );
$skin->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getNewtalks' )
->will( $this->returnValue( $newtalks ) );
$skin->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'useEcho' )
->will( $this->returnValue( $useEcho ) );
$skin->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getEchoNotifUser' )
->will( $this->returnValue(
new EchoNotifUser(
$lastUnreadAlertTime, $lastUnreadMessageTime, $echoNotificationCount
) );
$skin->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getEchoSeenTime' )
->will( $this->returnValueMap( [
[ $user, 'alert', $alertSeenTime ],
[ $user, 'message', $msgSeenTime ]
] ) );
$skin->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getFormattedEchoNotificationCount' )
->will( $this->returnValue( $formattedEchoNotificationCount ) );
$tpl = $this->getMockBuilder( QuickTemplate::class )
->setMethods( [ 'execute' ] )
$skin->prepareUserButton( $tpl );
$tpl->get( 'secondaryButtonData' ),
* Utility function that returns the expected secondary button data given parameters
* @param Title $title Page title
* @param string $notificationsMsg
* @param string $notificationsTitle
* @param string $countLabel
* @param bool $isZero
* @param bool $hasUnseen
* @return array
private function getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult(
) {
return [
'notificationIconClass' => MinervaUI::iconClass( 'notifications' ),
'title' => $notificationsMsg,
'url' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $notificationsTitle )
[ 'returnto' => $title->getPrefixedText() ] ),
'notificationCountRaw' => $count,
'notificationCountString' => $countLabel,
'isNotificationCountZero' => $isZero,
'hasNotifications' => $hasUnseen,
'hasUnseenNotifications' => $hasUnseen
* Data provider for the test case testPrepareUserButton with Echo enabled
* @param Title @title Page title
* @return array
private function providePrepareUserButtonEcho( Title $title ) {
return [
[ '', 'Echo, not logged in, no talk page alerts',
$title, true, false, '' ],
[ '', 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts',
Title::newFromText( 'Special:Notifications' ), true, true, '' ],
[ '', 'Echo, logged in, talk page alert',
Title::newFromText( 'Special:Notifications' ), true, true,
'newtalks alert' ],
[ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult(
'Show my notifications',
), 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts, 110 notifications, ' .
'last un-read alert time after last alert seen time, ' .
'last un-read message time after last message seen time',
$title, true, true, '',
MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-05-11T21:23:20Z' ) ),
MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-05-12T07:18:42Z' ) ),
110, '2017-05-11T20:28:11Z', '2017-05-11T20:28:11Z', '99+' ],
[ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult(
'Show my notifications',
), 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts, 3 notifications, ' .
'last un-read alert time after last alert seen time, ' .
'last un-read message time before last message seen time',
$title, true, true, '',
MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-03-26T14:11:48Z' ) ),
MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-03-27T17:07:57Z' ) ),
3, '2017-03-25T00:17:44Z', '2017-03-28T19:00:42Z', '3' ],
[ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult(
'Show my notifications',
), 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts, 3 notifications, ' .
'last un-read alert time before last alert seen time, ' .
'last un-read message time before last message seen time',
$title, true, true, '',
MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-04-11T13:21:15Z' ) ),
MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-04-10T15:12:31Z' ) ),
3, '2017-04-12T10:37:13Z', '2017-04-11T12:55:47Z', '3' ],
[ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult(
'Show my notifications',
), 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts, 5 notifications, ' .
'no last un-read alert time, ' .
'last un-read message time before last message seen time',
$title, true, true, '',
MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-12-15T08:14:33Z' ) ),
5, '2017-12-21T18:07:24Z', '2017-12-19T16:55:52Z', '5' ],
[ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult(
'Show my notifications',
), 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts, 0 notifications, ' .
'no last alert and message seen time',
$title, true, true, '',
MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-08-09T10:54:07Z' ) ),
MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-08-11T14:18:36Z' ) ),
0, false, false, '0' ]
* Data provider for the test case testPrepareUserButton with Echo disabled
* @param Title @title Page title
* @return array
private function providePrepareUserButtonNoEcho( Title $title ) {
return [
[ '', 'No Echo, not logged in, no talk page alerts',
$title, false, false, '' ],
[ '', 'No Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts',
$title, false, true, '' ],
[ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult(
'You have new messages on your talk page',
), 'No Echo, not logged in, talk page alert',
$title, false, false, 'newtalks alert' ],
* Data provider for the test case testPrepareUserButton
* @return array
public function providePrepareUserButton() {
$title = Title::newFromText( 'Test' );
return array_merge(
$this->providePrepareUserButtonEcho( $title ),
$this->providePrepareUserButtonNoEcho( $title )