
319 lines
9.4 KiB

( function ( M ) {
mobile = M.require( 'mobile.startup' ),
PageGateway = mobile.PageGateway,
toast = mobile.toast,
time = mobile.time,
TitleUtil = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/TitleUtil' ),
issues = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/pageIssues' ),
Toolbar = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/Toolbar' ),
router = require( 'mediawiki.router' ),
OverlayManager = mobile.OverlayManager,
CtaDrawer = mobile.CtaDrawer,
Button = mobile.Button,
Anchor = mobile.Anchor,
overlayManager = OverlayManager.getSingleton(),
page = M.getCurrentPage(),
redLinks = page.getRedLinks(),
api = new mw.Api(),
eventBus = mobile.eventBusSingleton,
namespaceIDs = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' );
* Event handler for clicking on an image thumbnail
* @param {JQuery.Event} ev
* @ignore
function onClickImage( ev ) {
// Do not interfere with non-left clicks or if modifier keys are pressed.
if ( ( ev.button !== 0 && ev.which !== 1 ) ||
ev.altKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.shiftKey || ev.metaKey ) {
routeThumbnail( $( this ).data( 'thumb' ) );
* @param {JQuery.Element} thumbnail
* @ignore
function routeThumbnail( thumbnail ) {
router.navigate( '#/media/' + encodeURIComponent( thumbnail.getFileName() ) );
* Add routes to images and handle clicks
* @method
* @ignore
* @param {JQuery.Object} [$container] Optional container to search within
function initMediaViewer( $container ) {
page.getThumbnails( $container ).forEach( function ( thumb ) {
thumb.$el.off().data( 'thumb', thumb ).on( 'click', onClickImage );
} );
* Hijack the Special:Languages link and replace it with a trigger to a languageOverlay
* that displays the same data
* @ignore
function initButton() {
// This catches language selectors in page actions and in secondary actions (e.g. Main Page)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
var $primaryBtn = $( '.language-selector' );
if ( $primaryBtn.length ) {
// We only bind the click event to the first language switcher in page
$primaryBtn.on( 'click', function ( ev ) {
if ( $primaryBtn.attr( 'href' ) || $primaryBtn.find( 'a' ).length ) {
router.navigate( '/languages' );
} else {
toast.show( mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-languages-not-available' ) );
} );
* Returns a rejected promise if MultimediaViewer is available. Otherwise
* returns the mediaViewerOverlay
* @method
* @ignore
* @param {string} title the title of the image
* @return {JQuery.Deferred|Overlay}
function makeMediaViewerOverlayIfNeeded( title ) {
if ( mw.loader.getState( 'mmv.bootstrap' ) === 'ready' ) {
// This means MultimediaViewer has been installed and is loaded.
// Avoid loading it (T169622)
return $.Deferred().reject();
return mobile.mediaViewer.overlay( {
api: api,
thumbnails: page.getThumbnails(),
title: decodeURIComponent( title ),
eventBus: eventBus
} );
// Routes
overlayManager.add( /^\/media\/(.+)$/, makeMediaViewerOverlayIfNeeded );
overlayManager.add( /^\/languages$/, function () {
return mobile.languageOverlay( new PageGateway( api ) );
} );
// Setup
$( function () {
} );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( initMediaViewer );
* Initialisation function for last modified module.
* Enhances an element representing a time
* to show a human friendly date in seconds, minutes, hours, days
* months or years
* @ignore
* @param {JQuery.Object} [$lastModifiedLink]
function initHistoryLink( $lastModifiedLink ) {
var delta, historyUrl, msg, $bar,
ts, username, gender;
historyUrl = $lastModifiedLink.attr( 'href' );
ts = $lastModifiedLink.data( 'timestamp' );
username = $lastModifiedLink.data( 'user-name' ) || false;
gender = $lastModifiedLink.data( 'user-gender' );
if ( ts ) {
delta = time.getTimeAgoDelta( parseInt( ts, 10 ) );
if ( time.isRecent( delta ) ) {
$bar = $lastModifiedLink.closest( '.last-modified-bar' );
$bar.addClass( 'active' );
$bar.find( '.mw-ui-icon-minerva-clock' ).addClass( 'mw-ui-icon-minerva-clock-invert' );
$bar.find( '.mw-ui-icon-mf-arrow-gray' ).addClass( 'mw-ui-icon-mf-arrow-invert' );
msg = time.getLastModifiedMessage( ts, username, gender, historyUrl );
$lastModifiedLink.replaceWith( msg );
* Initialisation function for last modified times
* Enhances .modified-enhancement element
* to show a human friendly date in seconds, minutes, hours, days
* months or years
* @ignore
function initModifiedInfo() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$( '.modified-enhancement' ).each( function () {
initHistoryLink( $( this ) );
} );
* Initialisation function for user creation module.
* Enhances an element representing a time
+ to show a human friendly date in seconds, minutes, hours, days
* months or years
* @ignore
* @param {JQuery.Object} [$tagline]
function initRegistrationDate( $tagline ) {
var msg, ts;
ts = $tagline.data( 'userpage-registration-date' );
if ( ts ) {
msg = time.getRegistrationMessage( ts, $tagline.data( 'userpage-gender' ) );
$tagline.text( msg );
* Initialisation function for registration date on user page
* Enhances .tagline-userpage element
* to show human friendly date in seconds, minutes, hours, days
* months or years
* @ignore
function initRegistrationInfo() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$( '#tagline-userpage' ).each( function () {
initRegistrationDate( $( this ) );
} );
* Tests a URL to determine if it links to a local User namespace page or not.
* Assuming the current page visited is hosted on metawiki, the following examples would return
* true:
* https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Foo
* /wiki/User:Foo
* /wiki/User:Nonexistent_user_page
* The following examples return false:
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Foo
* /wiki/Foo
* /wiki/User_talk:Foo
* @param {string} url
* @return {boolean}
function isUserUri( url ) {
title = TitleUtil.newFromUri( url ),
namespace = title ? title.getNamespaceId() : undefined;
return namespace === namespaceIDs.user;
* Strip the edit action from red links to nonexistent User namespace pages.
* @return {void}
function initUserRedLinks() {
redLinks.filter( function ( _, element ) {
// Filter out non-User namespace pages.
return isUserUri( element.href );
} ).each( function ( _, element ) {
var uri = new mw.Uri( element.href );
if ( uri.query.action !== 'edit' ) {
// Nothing to strip.
// Strip the action.
delete uri.query.action;
// Update the element with the new link.
element.href = uri.toString();
} );
* Initialize red links call-to-action
* Upon clicking a red link, show an interstitial CTA explaining that the page doesn't exist
* with a button to create it, rather than directly navigate to the edit form.
* Special case T201339: following a red link to a user or user talk page should not prompt for
* its creation. The reasoning is that user pages should be created by their owners and it's far
* more common that non-owners follow a user's red linked user page to consider their
* contributions, account age, or other activity.
* For example, a user adds a section to a Talk page and signs their contribution (which creates
* a link to their user page whether exists or not). If the user page does not exist, that link
* will be red. In both cases, another user follows this link, not to edit create a page for
* that user but to obtain information on them.
* @ignore
function initRedlinksCta() {
redLinks.filter( function ( _, element ) {
// Filter out local User namespace pages.
return !isUserUri( element.href );
} ).on( 'click', function ( ev ) {
var drawerOptions = {
progressiveButton: new Button( {
progressive: true,
label: mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-create' ),
href: $( this ).attr( 'href' )
} ).options,
closeAnchor: new Anchor( {
progressive: true,
label: mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-leave' ),
additionalClassNames: 'hide'
} ).options,
events: {
'click .hide': 'hide' // Call CtaDrawer.hide() on closeAnchor click.
content: mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-explain' ),
actionAnchor: false
drawer = new CtaDrawer( drawerOptions );
// use preventDefault() and not return false to close other open
// drawers or anything else.
} );
$( function () {
var toolbarElement = document.querySelector( Toolbar.selector );
// Update anything else that needs enhancing (e.g. watchlist)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
initHistoryLink( $( '.last-modifier-tagline a' ) );
if ( toolbarElement ) {
Toolbar.bind( window, toolbarElement, eventBus );
Toolbar.render( window, toolbarElement );
// Setup the issues banner on the page
// Pages which dont exist (id 0) cannot have issues
if ( !page.isMissing ) {
issues.init( overlayManager, page );
} );
M.define( 'skins.minerva.scripts/overlayManager', overlayManager );
}( mw.mobileFrontend ) );