Stephen Niedzielski 874d9c9e3b Hygiene: update JSDoc boxed and JQuery types
From TypeScript's do's and don'ts:[0]

  Don’t ever use the types Number, String, Boolean, or Object. These
  types refer to non-primitive boxed objects that are almost never used
  appropriately in JavaScript code.

Although Minerva only uses JSDocs at this time which seemingly doesn't
care about casing[1], we should endeavor to use the proper return types.

This patch lowercases typing to indicate primitive / boxed type as
appropriate.[2] As a special case, function types are uppercased for
compatibility with TypeScript type checking.

Also, JQuery types are of type "JQuery". The global JQuery object's
identifier is "jQuery". This patch uppercases J's where appropriate.

Lastly, replace unsupported type "Integer" with "number" and a comment.

[0] https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-files/do-s-and-don-ts.html#general-types

[1] https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc/issues/1046#issuecomment-126477791

[2] find resources tests -iname \*.js|
    xargs -rd\\n sed -ri '
      s%\{\s*integer\s*\}%{number} An integer.%gi

Change-Id: I6cbac15940e4501aee7ede8f421b77ffd027170d
2018-07-03 11:10:12 -05:00

433 lines
14 KiB

( function ( M, $ ) {
// see: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/JavaScript#Page-specific
isEditable = mw.config.get( 'wgIsProbablyEditable' ),
blockInfo = mw.config.get( 'wgMinervaUserBlockInfo', false ),
router = require( 'mediawiki.router' ),
overlayManager = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/overlayManager' ),
loader = M.require( 'mobile.startup/rlModuleLoader' ),
Icon = M.require( 'mobile.startup/Icon' ),
Button = M.require( 'mobile.startup/Button' ),
Anchor = M.require( 'mobile.startup/Anchor' ),
BlockMessage = M.require( 'skins.minerva.editor/BlockMessage' ),
skin = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/skin' ),
currentPage = M.getCurrentPage(),
// TODO: create a utility method to generate class names instead of
// constructing temporary objects. This affects disabledEditIcon,
// enabledEditIcon, enabledEditIcon, and disabledClass and
// a number of other places in the code base.
disabledEditIcon = new Icon( {
name: 'edit',
glyphPrefix: 'minerva'
} ),
enabledEditIcon = new Icon( {
name: 'edit-enabled',
glyphPrefix: 'minerva'
} ),
// TODO: move enabledClass, $caEdit, and disabledClass to locals within
// updateEditPageButton().
enabledClass = enabledEditIcon.getGlyphClassName(),
disabledClass = disabledEditIcon.getGlyphClassName(),
// TODO: rename to editPageButton.
$caEdit = $( '#ca-edit' ),
user = M.require( 'mobile.startup/user' ),
popup = M.require( 'mobile.startup/toast' ),
// FIXME: Disable on IE < 10 for time being
blacklisted = /MSIE \d\./.test( navigator.userAgent ),
contentModel = mw.config.get( 'wgPageContentModel' ),
isEditingSupported = router.isSupported() && !blacklisted,
// FIXME: Use currentPage.getId()
isNewPage = currentPage.options.id === 0,
isNewFile = currentPage.inNamespace( 'file' ) && isNewPage,
veConfig = mw.config.get( 'wgVisualEditorConfig' ),
// FIXME: Should we consider default site options and user prefs?
isVisualEditorEnabled = veConfig,
CtaDrawer = M.require( 'mobile.startup/CtaDrawer' ),
if ( user.isAnon() ) {
blockInfo = false;
} else if ( isEditable ) {
// for logged in users check if they are blocked from editing this page
isEditable = !blockInfo;
// TODO: rename addEditSectionButton and evaluate whether the page edit button
// can leverage the same code. Also: change the CSS class name to use
// the word "section" instead of "page".
* Prepend an edit page button to the container
* Remove any existing links in the container
* @method
* @ignore
* @param {number} section number
* @param {string} container CSS selector of the container
* @return {JQuery.Object} newly created edit page button
function addEditButton( section, container ) {
$( container ).find( 'a' ).remove();
return $( '<a class="edit-page">' )
.attr( {
href: '#/editor/' + section,
title: $( container ).attr( 'title' )
} )
.text( mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-edit' ) )
.prependTo( container );
* @param {boolean} enabled
* @return {void}
function updateEditPageButton( enabled ) {
.addClass( enabled ? enabledClass : disabledClass )
.removeClass( enabled ? disabledClass : enabledClass )
// TODO: can hidden be removed from the default state?
.removeClass( 'hidden' );
* Make an element render a CTA when clicked
* @method
* @ignore
* @param {JQuery.Object} $el Element which will render a drawer on click
* @param {number} section number representing the section
function makeCta( $el, section ) {
.on( 'click', function ( ev ) {
// prevent folding section when clicking Edit
// need to use toggle() because we do ev.stopPropagation() (in addEditButton())
if ( !drawer ) {
drawer = new CtaDrawer( {
queryParams: {
returnto: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
returntoquery: 'action=edit&section=' + section,
warning: 'mobile-frontend-edit-login-action',
campaign: 'mobile_editPageActionCta'
signupQueryParams: {
returntoquery: 'article_action=signup-edit',
warning: 'mobile-frontend-edit-signup-action'
content: mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-cta' )
} );
} )
// needed until we use tap everywhere to prevent the link from being followed
.on( 'click', false );
* Retrieve the user's preferred editor setting. If none is set, return the default
* editor for this wiki.
* @method
* @ignore
* @return {string} Either 'VisualEditor' or 'SourceEditor'
function getPreferredEditor() {
var preferredEditor = mw.storage.get( 'preferredEditor' );
if ( !preferredEditor ) {
// For now, we are going to ignore which editor is set as the default for the
// wiki and always default to the source editor. Once we decide to honor the
// default editor setting for the wiki, we'll want to use:
// visualEditorDefault = veConfig && veConfig.defaultUserOptions && veConfig.defaultUserOptions.enable;
// return visualEditorDefault ? 'VisualEditor' : 'SourceEditor';
return 'SourceEditor';
} else {
return preferredEditor;
* Initialize the edit button so that it launches the editor interface when clicked.
* @method
* @ignore
* @param {Page} page The page to edit.
function setupEditor( page ) {
var uri, fragment, editorOverride,
isNewPage = page.options.id === 0,
leadSection = page.getLeadSectionElement();
if ( mw.util.getParamValue( 'undo' ) ) {
// TODO: Replace with an OOUI dialog
// eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
alert( mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-undo-unsupported' ) );
page.$( '.edit-page, .edit-link' ).removeClass( disabledClass ).on( 'click', function () {
router.navigate( '#/editor/' + $( this ).data( 'section' ) );
return false;
} );
overlayManager.add( /^\/editor\/(\d+|all)$/, function ( sectionId ) {
$content = $( '#mw-content-text' ),
result = $.Deferred(),
preferredEditor = getPreferredEditor(),
editorOptions = {
overlayManager: overlayManager,
api: new mw.Api(),
licenseMsg: skin.getLicenseMsg(),
title: page.title,
isAnon: user.isAnon(),
isNewPage: isNewPage,
isNewEditor: user.getEditCount() === 0,
oldId: mw.util.getParamValue( 'oldid' ),
contentLang: $content.attr( 'lang' ),
contentDir: $content.attr( 'dir' ),
sessionId: mw.user.generateRandomSessionId()
visualEditorNamespaces = veConfig && veConfig.namespaces,
initMechanism = mw.util.getParamValue( 'redlink' ) ? 'new' : 'click';
* Log init event to edit schema.
* Need to log this from outside the Overlay object because that module
* won't have loaded yet.
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {string} editor name e.g. wikitext or visualeditor
* @method
function logInit( editor ) {
// If MobileFrontend is not available this will not be possible so
// check first.
mw.loader.using( 'mobile.loggingSchemas.edit' ).done( function () {
mw.track( 'mf.schemaEdit', {
action: 'init',
type: 'section',
mechanism: initMechanism,
editor: editor,
editingSessionId: editorOptions.sessionId
} );
} );
* Load source editor
* @private
* @ignore
* @method
function loadSourceEditor() {
logInit( 'wikitext' );
loader.loadModule( 'mobile.editor.overlay' ).done( function () {
var EditorOverlay = M.require( 'mobile.editor.overlay/EditorOverlay' );
result.resolve( new EditorOverlay( editorOptions ) );
} );
if ( sectionId !== 'all' ) {
editorOptions.sectionId = page.isWikiText() ? +sectionId : null;
// Check whether VisualEditor should be loaded
if ( isVisualEditorEnabled &&
// Only for pages with a wikitext content model
page.isWikiText() &&
// Only in enabled namespaces
$.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ), visualEditorNamespaces ) > -1 &&
// Not on pages which are outputs of the Page Translation feature
mw.config.get( 'wgTranslatePageTranslation' ) !== 'translation' &&
// If the user prefers the VisualEditor or the user has no preference and
// the VisualEditor is the default editor for this wiki
preferredEditor === 'VisualEditor' ||
// We've loaded it via the URL for this request
editorOverride === 'VisualEditor'
) &&
editorOverride !== 'SourceEditor'
) {
logInit( 'visualeditor' );
loader.loadModule( 'mobile.editor.ve' ).done( function () {
var VisualEditorOverlay = M.require( 'mobile.editor.ve/VisualEditorOverlay' );
result.resolve( new VisualEditorOverlay( editorOptions ) );
} ).fail( loadSourceEditor );
} else {
return result;
} );
updateEditPageButton( true );
// reveal edit links on user pages
page.$( '.edit-link' ).removeClass( 'hidden' );
currentPage.getRedLinks().on( 'click', function ( ev ) {
var drawerOptions = {
progressiveButton: new Button( {
progressive: true,
label: mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-create' ),
href: $( this ).attr( 'href' )
} ).options,
closeAnchor: new Anchor( {
progressive: true,
label: mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-leave' ),
additionalClassNames: 'hide'
} ).options,
content: mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-explain' ),
actionAnchor: false
drawer = new CtaDrawer( drawerOptions );
// use preventDefault() and not return false to close other open drawers or anything else.
} );
// Make sure we never create two edit links by accident
// FIXME: split the selector and cache it
if ( $caEdit.find( '.edit-page' ).length === 0 ) {
if ( isNewPage ||
( leadSection && leadSection.text() ) || page.getSections().length === 0 ) {
// if lead section is not empty, open editor with lead section
// In some namespaces (controlled by MFNamespacesWithoutCollapsibleSections)
// sections are not marked. Use the lead section for such cases.
addEditButton( 0, '#ca-edit' );
} else if ( leadSection !== null ) {
// if lead section is empty open editor with first section
// be careful not to do this when leadSection is null as this means MobileFormatter has not
// been run and thus we could not identify the lead
addEditButton( 1, '#ca-edit' );
// enable all edit pencils in sub-sections for the article namespace
if ( currentPage.getNamespaceId() === 0 ) {
$( '.in-block>.edit-page' ).show();
$( '.edit-page' ).on( 'click', function ( ev ) {
// prevent folding section when clicking Edit
} );
if ( !router.getPath() && ( mw.util.getParamValue( 'veaction' ) || mw.util.getParamValue( 'action' ) === 'edit' ) ) {
if ( mw.util.getParamValue( 'veaction' ) === 'edit' ) {
editorOverride = 'VisualEditor';
} else if ( mw.util.getParamValue( 'veaction' ) === 'editsource' ) {
editorOverride = 'SourceEditor';
// else: action=edit, for which we allow the default to take effect
fragment = '#/editor/' + ( mw.util.getParamValue( 'section' ) || ( mw.util.getParamValue( 'action' ) === 'edit' && 'all' ) || '0' );
if ( window.history && history.pushState ) {
uri = mw.Uri();
delete uri.query.action;
delete uri.query.veaction;
delete uri.query.section;
// Note: replaceState rather than pushState, because we're
// just reformatting the URL to the equivalent-meaning for the
// mobile site.
history.replaceState( null, document.title, uri.toString() + fragment );
} else {
router.navigate( fragment );
* Setup the editor if the user can edit the page otherwise show a sorry toast.
* @method
* @ignore
function init() {
var message;
if ( isEditable ) {
// Edit button updated in setupEditor.
setupEditor( currentPage );
} else {
updateEditPageButton( false );
if ( blockInfo ) {
message = new BlockMessage( blockInfo );
$( '#ca-edit' ).on( 'click', function ( ev ) {
} );
$( '.edit-page' ).detach();
} else {
showSorryToast( mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-disabled' ) );
* Initialize the edit button so that it launches a login call-to-action when clicked.
* @method
* @ignore
function initCta() {
// Initialize edit button links (to show Cta) only, if page is editable,
// otherwise show an error toast
if ( isEditable ) {
updateEditPageButton( true );
// Init lead section edit button
makeCta( $caEdit, 0 );
// Init all edit links (including lead section, if anonymous editing is enabled)
$( '.edit-page' ).each( function () {
var $a = $( this ),
section = 0;
if ( $( this ).data( 'section' ) !== undefined ) {
section = $( this ).data( 'section' );
makeCta( $a, section );
} );
} else {
updateEditPageButton( false );
showSorryToast( mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-disabled' ) );
* Show a toast message with sincere condolences.
* @method
* @ignore
* @param {string} msg Message for sorry message
function showSorryToast( msg ) {
$( '#ca-edit, .edit-page' ).on( 'click', function ( ev ) {
popup.show( msg );
} );
if ( contentModel !== 'wikitext' ) {
// Only load the wikitext editor on wikitext. Otherwise we'll rely on the fallback behaviour
// (You can test this on MediaWiki:Common.css) ?action=edit url (T173800)
} else if ( !isEditingSupported ) {
// Editing is disabled (or browser is blacklisted)
updateEditPageButton( false );
showSorryToast( mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-unavailable' ) );
} else if ( isNewFile ) {
updateEditPageButton( true );
// Is a new file page (enable upload image only) Bug 58311
showSorryToast( mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-uploadenable' ) );
} else {
// Edit button is currently hidden. A call to init() / initCta() will update
// it as needed.
if ( user.isAnon() ) {
// Cta's will be rendered in EditorOverlay, if anonymous editing is enabled.
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgMFEditorOptions' ).anonymousEditing ) {
} else {
} else {
}( mw.mobileFrontend, jQuery ) );