Bartosz Dziewoński 73d724a72f mobile.editor.ve: Simplify left/right border of toolbar on >1000px screens
There should be no visual changes in this commit.

The goal of this change is to stop using variables from
minerva.variables, and thus to be able to move this file
to mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend (T202978).

Bug: T202978
Change-Id: Ib4b3206f724c3e6f089e626b704dc8ff790a76ae
2018-09-17 21:55:18 +00:00

108 lines
2.7 KiB

@import 'mediawiki.ui/variables';
@z-indexBase: 0;
@z-indexOverOverlay: 2;
@fontFamily: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Nimbus Sans L', 'Arial', 'Liberation Sans', sans-serif;
@tocFontSize: 0.8em;
@indicatorFontSize: 0.4em;
// colors
@grayMediumLight: @colorGray10;
@grayMediumDark: @colorGray5;
@grayMedium: @colorGray7;
@grayLight: @colorGray12;
@grayLightest: @colorGray14;
@skinContentBgColor: #fff;
// Navigation Drawers
@menuWidth: 75%;
@menuWidthTablet: 600px;
@rightDrawerWidth: 60%;
@primaryNavBackgroundColor: @colorGray14;
// Headings
@firstHeadingFontSize: 2.6525em; // 42px
@pageActionFontSize: 1.1em; // Icons are 24px square.
@fontSizeH1: 1.7em;
@fontSizeH2: 1.5em;
@fontSizeH3: 1.2em;
// Content
@contentPadding: 16px;
@contentMargin: 16px;
// Header
@headerHeight: 3.35em;
@headerMarginTop: -1px; // used to hide the header border top when a banner is not present
@searchBoxWidth: 375/16em;
@iconSizeTotal: @iconSize + @iconGutterWidth + @iconGutterWidth;
@deviceWidthTabletEms: unit( @width-breakpoint-tablet/16, em );
@brandingBoxWidth: @deviceWidthTabletEms - ( @iconSizeTotal * 3 ) - @searchBoxWidth;
@titleSectionSpacingTop: 20px;
@titleSectionSpacingBottom: 25px;
// colors
@chromeColor: @grayLightest;
@semiTransparent: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.8 );
@linkColor: @colorProgressive;
@redLinkColor: @colorErrorText;
@lastModifiedBarActiveBackgroundColor: #00af89;
@toastNotificationColor: @colorGray2;
// Use when an element is selected. FIXME: This should be in mediawiki ui.
@selectedBackgroundColor: #e6eeff;
// messages
@colorWarningBackground: #feb;
@colorWarningBorder: #fde29b;
@colorWarningText: #850;
@colorSuccessBorder: #b7fdb5;
@colorErrorBackground: #fae3e3;
@colorErrorBorder: #fac5c5;
// typography
@fontFamilyHeading: 'Linux Libertine', 'Georgia', 'Times', serif;
@fontFamilyMonospace: monospace, monospace;
@fontScalingFactor: 1;
@contentLineHeight: 1.65;
@headingMargin: 0.5em;
@sectionIconWidth: 30px;
// blockquotes
@blockquotePaddingRight: 25px;
@blockquotePaddingLeft: 30px;
// custom tablet styling
@contentPaddingTablet: 3.35em;
// note since content does not use view border box we have to include padding.
@contentMaxWidthTablet: @width-breakpoint-desktop - ( 2 * @contentPaddingTablet );
@contentTopPadding: 1.6em;
// Wiki specific variables
@infoboxWidth: 320px;
@lastModifiedBarBgColor: @chromeColor;
@lastModifiedBarActiveBgColor: @lastModifiedBarActiveBackgroundColor;
@lastModifiedBarTextColor: @colorTextLight;
@footerBorderColor: @grayLight;
@notificationBackgroundRead: @colorGray14;
@notificationColorRead: @colorGray5;
@notificationBackgroundUnread: @colorDestructive;
@notificationColorUnread: #fff;
// z-index:
@z-indexOverlay: 1;
// Print specific
@colorPrintSubtle: #999;
@borderColorPrint: #999;