contentHandler = $contentHandler; } public function setDoesPageHaveLanguages( $doesPageHaveLanguages ) { $this->doesPageHaveLanguages = $doesPageHaveLanguages; } public function overWriteUserPageHelper( $helper ) { $this->userPageHelper = $helper; } } /** * @group MobileFrontend */ class SkinMinervaPageActionsTest extends MediaWikiTestCase { /** * @var TestSkinMinerva */ private $skin; protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->skin = $this->getSkin( Title::newFromText( 'SkinMinervaPageActionsTest' ) ); } /** * @param Title $title * @return TestSkinMinerva */ private function getSkin( Title $title ) { $requestContext = new RequestContext(); $requestContext->setTitle( $title ); $result = new TestSkinMinerva(); $result->setContext( $requestContext ); return $result; } /** * @covers SkinMinerva::isAllowedPageAction */ public function test_page_actions_arent_allowed_when_on_the_main_page() { $skin = $this->getSkin( Title::newMainPage() ); $this->assertFalse( $skin->isAllowedPageAction( 'watch' ) ); } /** * @covers SkinMinerva::isAllowedPageAction */ public function test_invalid_page_actions_arent_allowed() { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgMinervaPageActions', [] ); // By default, the "talk" and "watch" page actions are allowed but are now deemed invalid. $this->assertFalse( $this->skin->isAllowedPageAction( 'talk' ) ); $this->assertFalse( $this->skin->isAllowedPageAction( 'watch' ) ); } /** * @covers SkinMinerva::isAllowedPageAction */ public function test_valid_page_actions_are_allowed() { $this->assertTrue( $this->skin->isAllowedPageAction( 'talk' ) ); $this->assertTrue( $this->skin->isAllowedPageAction( 'watch' ) ); } public static function editPageActionProvider() { return [ [ false, false, false ], [ true, false, false ], [ true, true, true ] ]; } /** * The "edit" page action is allowed when the page doesn't support direct editing via the API. * * @dataProvider editPageActionProvider * @covers SkinMinerva::isAllowedPageAction */ public function test_edit_page_action( $supportsDirectEditing, $supportsDirectApiEditing, $expected ) { $contentHandler = $this->getMockBuilder( 'ContentHandler' ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $contentHandler->method( 'supportsDirectEditing' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $supportsDirectEditing ) ); $contentHandler->method( 'supportsDirectApiEditing' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $supportsDirectApiEditing ) ); $this->skin->setContentHandler( $contentHandler ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $this->skin->isAllowedPageAction( 'edit' ) ); } /** * @covers SkinMinerva::isAllowedPageAction */ public function testPageActionsWhenOnUserPage() { $userPageHelper = $this->getMockBuilder( \MediaWiki\Minerva\SkinUserPageHelper::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userPageHelper->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'isUserPage' ) ->willReturn( true ); $skin = $this->getSkin( Title::newFromText( 'User:Admin' ) ); $skin->overWriteUserPageHelper( $userPageHelper ); $this->assertFalse( $skin->isAllowedPageAction( 'talk' ) ); } /** * @covers SkinMinerva::isAllowedPageAction */ public function testPageActionsWhenNotOnUserPage() { $userPageHelper = $this->getMockBuilder( \MediaWiki\Minerva\SkinUserPageHelper::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userPageHelper->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'isUserPage' ) ->willReturn( false ); $skin = $this->getSkin( Title::newFromText( 'User:Admin' ) ); $skin->overWriteUserPageHelper( $userPageHelper ); $this->assertTrue( $skin->isAllowedPageAction( 'talk' ) ); } public static function switchLanguagePageActionProvider() { return [ [ true, false, true ], [ false, true, true ], [ false, false, false ], [ true, false, true ], ]; } /** * The "switch-language" page action is allowed when: v2 of the page action bar is enabled and * if the page has interlanguage links or if the $wgMinervaAlwaysShowLanguageButton * configuration variable is set to truthy. * * @dataProvider switchLanguagePageActionProvider * @covers SkinMinerva::isAllowedPageAction */ public function test_switch_language_page_action( $doesPageHaveLanguages, $minervaAlwaysShowLanguageButton, $expected ) { $this->skin->setDoesPageHaveLanguages( $doesPageHaveLanguages ); $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgMinervaAlwaysShowLanguageButton' => $minervaAlwaysShowLanguageButton, ] ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $this->skin->isAllowedPageAction( 'switch-language' ) ); } }