( function ( M ) { var msg = mw.msg, MAX_PRINT_TIMEOUT = 3000, GLYPH = 'mf-download', Icon = M.require( 'mobile.startup/Icon' ); /** * A download icon for triggering print functionality * @class DownloadIcon * @extends Icon * * @param {Skin} skin * @constructor */ function DownloadIcon( skin ) { var options = {}; this.skin = skin; options.tagName = 'li'; options.title = msg( 'minerva-download' ); options.name = GLYPH; Icon.call( this, options ); } OO.mfExtend( DownloadIcon, Icon, { /** * Replace download icon with a spinner */ showSpinner: function () { this.options.name = 'spinner'; this.render(); }, /** * Restore download icon from spinner state */ hideSpinner: function () { this.options.name = GLYPH; this.render(); }, isTemplateMode: false, /** * onClick handler for button that invokes print function */ onClick: function () { var self = this, hideSpinner = this.hideSpinner.bind( this ); function doPrint() { self.timeout = clearTimeout( self.timeout ); window.print(); hideSpinner(); } // The click handler may be invoked multiple times so if a pending print is occurring // do nothing. if ( !this.timeout ) { this.showSpinner(); // If all image downloads are taking longer to load then the MAX_PRINT_TIMEOUT // abort the spinner and print regardless. this.timeout = setTimeout( doPrint, MAX_PRINT_TIMEOUT ); this.skin.loadImagesList().always( function () { if ( self.timeout ) { doPrint(); } } ); } }, events: { click: 'onClick' } } ); M.define( 'skins.minerva.scripts/DownloadIcon', DownloadIcon ); }( mw.mobileFrontend ) );