@custom-browser @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @test2.m.wikipedia.org Feature: Basic site for legacy devices Background: Given my browser doesn't support JavaScript And I am using the mobile site And I am on the "Main Page" page # FIXME: Add scenario to check search actually works Scenario: Able to search in basic non-JavaScript site When I click on "Random" in the main navigation menu Then I should see the search button # FIXME: Check that the edit button is invisible @smoke Scenario: Able to access left navigation in basic non-JavaScript site When I click on "Random" in the main navigation menu And I click on the main navigation button Then I should see a link to "Home" in the main navigation menu And I should see a link to "Random" in the main navigation menu And I should see a link to "Settings" in the main navigation menu And I should not see a link to "Watchlist" in the main navigation menu And I should see a link to "Log in" in the main navigation menu @extension-geodata Scenario: Nearby link not present in main navigation menu When I click on "Random" in the main navigation menu And I click on the main navigation button Then I should not see a link to "Nearby" in the main navigation menu @smoke @integration @skip Scenario: Search with JavaScript disabled Given the page "Selenium search test" exists When I type into search box "Test is used by Selenium web driver" And I click the search button Then I should see a list of search results