When(/^I click on the main navigation button$/) do on(ArticlePage).mainmenu_button_element.click end When(/^I click on "(.*?)" in the main navigation menu$/) do |text| step 'I click on the main navigation button' on(ArticlePage).navigation_element.link_element(text: text).when_visible.click end Then(/^I should see a link to "(.*?)" in the main navigation menu$/) do |text| expect(on(ArticlePage).navigation_element.link_element(text: text)).to be_visible end Then(/^I should not see a link to "(.*?)" in the main navigation menu$/) do |text| expect(on(ArticlePage).navigation_element.link_element(text: text)).not_to be_visible end Then(/^I should see a link to the about page$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).about_link_element).to be_visible end Then(/^I should see a link to the disclaimer$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).disclaimer_link_element).to be_visible end Then(/^I should see a link to my user page in the main navigation menu$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).navigation_element.link_element(href: /User:#{user}/, text: user_label)).to be_visible end