( function ( M ) { var pageIssuesParser = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/pageIssuesParser' ); QUnit.module( 'Minerva pageIssuesParser' ); /** * @param {string} className * @return {Element} */ function newBox( className ) { var box = document.createElement( 'div' ); box.className = className; return box; } QUnit.test( 'parseSeverity', function ( assert ) { var tests = [ [ '', 'DEFAULT', 'empty' ], [ 'foo', 'DEFAULT', 'unknown' ], [ 'ambox-style', 'LOW', 'style' ], [ 'ambox-content', 'MEDIUM', 'content' ], [ 'ambox-speedy', 'HIGH', 'speedy' ], [ 'ambox-delete', 'HIGH', 'delete' ], // Move has an "unknown" severity and falls into DEFAULT. [ 'ambox-move', 'DEFAULT', 'move' ], // Point of view uses ambox-content to identify correct severity. [ 'ambox-content ambox-POV', 'MEDIUM', 'point of view' ] // Mixed severities such as 'ambox-style ambox-content' are not prioritized. ]; tests.forEach( function ( params, i ) { var className = params[0], expect = params[1], test = params[2], box = newBox( className ); assert.strictEqual( pageIssuesParser.test.parseSeverity( box ), expect, 'Result should be the correct severity; case ' + i + ': ' + test + '.' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'parseType', function ( assert ) { var tests = [ [ '', 'DEFAULT', 'issue-generic', 'empty' ], [ 'foo', 'DEFAULT', 'issue-generic', 'unknown' ], [ 'ambox-move', 'DEFAULT', 'issue-type-move', 'move' ], [ 'ambox-POV', 'MEDIUM', 'issue-type-point-of-view', 'point of view' ], [ '', 'DEFAULT', 'issue-generic', 'Default severity' ], [ '', 'LOW', 'issue-severity-low', 'Low severity' ], [ '', 'MEDIUM', 'issue-severity-medium', 'Medium severity' ], [ '', 'HIGH', 'issue-generic', 'HIGH severity' ] ]; tests.forEach( function ( params, i ) { var className = params[0], severity = params[1], expect = { name: params[2], severity: severity }, test = params[3], box = newBox( className ); assert.propEqual( pageIssuesParser.test.parseType( box, severity ), expect, 'Result should be the correct icon type; case ' + i + ': ' + test + '.' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'iconName', function ( assert ) { var tests = [ [ '', 'DEFAULT', 'issue-generic-defaultColor' ], [ '', 'LOW', 'issue-severity-low-lowColor' ], [ '', 'MEDIUM', 'issue-severity-medium-mediumColor' ], [ '', 'HIGH', 'issue-generic-highColor' ], [ 'ambox-move', 'DEFAULT', 'issue-type-move-defaultColor' ], [ 'ambox-POV', 'MEDIUM', 'issue-type-point-of-view-mediumColor' ], // ResourceLoader only supplies color variants for the generic type. Ensure impossible // combinations are forbidden. [ 'ambox-style ambox-POV', 'LOW', 'issue-type-point-of-view-mediumColor' ], [ 'ambox-content ambox-move', 'MEDIUM', 'issue-type-move-defaultColor' ] ]; tests.forEach( function ( params, i ) { var className = params[0], severity = params[1], expect = params[2], box = newBox( className ); assert.strictEqual( pageIssuesParser.iconName( box, severity ), expect, 'Result should be the correct ResourceLoader icon name; case ' + i + ': ' + severity + '.' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'maxSeverity', function ( assert ) { var tests = [ [ [], 'DEFAULT' ], [ [ 'DEFAULT' ], 'DEFAULT' ], [ [ 'DEFAULT', 'LOW' ], 'LOW' ], [ [ 'DEFAULT', 'LOW', 'MEDIUM' ], 'MEDIUM' ], [ [ 'DEFAULT', 'LOW', 'MEDIUM', 'HIGH' ], 'HIGH' ], [ [ 'HIGH', 'DEFAULT', 'LOW', 'MEDIUM' ], 'HIGH' ], [ [ 'DEFAULT', 'HIGH', 'LOW', 'MEDIUM' ], 'HIGH' ] ]; tests.forEach( function ( params, i ) { var severities = params[0], expect = params[1]; assert.strictEqual( pageIssuesParser.maxSeverity( severities ), expect, 'Result should be the highest severity in the array; case ' + i + '.' ); } ); } ); }( mw.mobileFrontend ) );