Given(/^I visit my user page$/) do visit(UserPage, using_params: { user: user }) end Then(/^I should be on my user page$/) do on(UserPage) do |page| page.wait_until do page.heading_element.when_present end expect(page.heading_element).to be_visible end end Then(/^there should be a link to my contributions$/) do expect(on(UserPage).contributions_link_element).to be_visible end Then(/^there should be a link to my talk page$/) do expect(on(UserPage).talk_link_element).to be_visible end Then(/^there should be a link to my uploads$/) do expect(on(UserPage).uploads_link_element).to be_visible end Then(/^there should be a link to create my user page$/) do expect(on(UserPage).edit_link_element).to be_visible end When(/^I click the create my user page link$/) do on(UserPage) do |page| page.wait_until_rl_module_ready('skins.minerva.editor') end end