/* * This code loads the necessary modules for the notifications overlay, not to be confused * with the Toast notifications defined by common/toast.js. */ ( function ( M ) { var mainMenu = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/mainMenu' ), router = require( 'mediawiki.router' ), NotificationBadge = M.require( 'skins.minerva.notifications/NotificationBadge' ), overlayManager = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/overlayManager' ), initialized = false; // Once the DOM is loaded hijack the notifications button to display an overlay rather // than linking to Special:Notifications. $( function () { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new NotificationBadge( { overlayManager: overlayManager, router: router, mainMenu: mainMenu, // eslint-disable-next-line jquery/no-global-selector el: $( '#secondary-button.user-button' ).parent() } ); /** * Adds a filter button to the UI inside notificationsInboxWidget * @method * @ignore */ function addFilterButton() { // Create filter button once the notifications overlay has been loaded var filterStatusButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { href: '#/notifications-filter', classes: [ 'mw-echo-ui-notificationsInboxWidget-main-toolbar-nav-filter-placeholder' ], icon: 'funnel', label: mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-notifications-filter' ) } ); // eslint-disable-next-line jquery/no-global-selector $( '.mw-echo-ui-notificationsInboxWidget-cell-placeholder' ).append( $( '
' ) .addClass( 'mw-echo-ui-notificationsInboxWidget-main-toolbar-nav-filter' ) .addClass( 'mw-echo-ui-notificationsInboxWidget-cell' ) .append( filterStatusButton.$element ) ); } // This code will currently only be invoked on Special:Notifications // The code is bundled here since it makes use of loadModuleScript. This also allows // the possibility of invoking the filter from outside the Special page in future. // Once the 'ext.echo.special.onInitialize' hook has fired, load notification filter. mw.hook( 'ext.echo.special.onInitialize' ).add( function () { // The 'ext.echo.special.onInitialize' hook is fired whenever special page notification // changes display on click of a filter. // Hence the hook is restricted from firing more than once. if ( initialized ) { return; } // Load the notification filter overlay mw.loader.using( 'mobile.notifications.overlay' ).then( function () { // eslint-disable-next-line jquery/no-global-selector var $crossWikiUnreadFilter = $( '.mw-echo-ui-crossWikiUnreadFilterWidget' ), // eslint-disable-next-line jquery/no-global-selector $notifReadState = $( '.mw-echo-ui-notificationsInboxWidget-main-toolbar-readState' ), NotificationsFilterOverlay = M.require( 'mobile.notifications.overlay/NotificationsFilterOverlay' ); // setup the filter button (now we have OOjs UI) addFilterButton(); // setup route overlayManager.add( /^\/notifications-filter$/, function () { mainMenu.openNavigationDrawer( 'secondary' ); return new NotificationsFilterOverlay( { $notifReadState: $notifReadState, mainMenu: mainMenu, $crossWikiUnreadFilter: $crossWikiUnreadFilter } ); } ); } ); initialized = true; } ); } ); }( mw.mobileFrontend ) );