@import 'mediawiki.ui/variables'; /** * System font stack for sans-serif fonts * * `-apple-system` ('San Francisco') – Support: Safari 9+ macOS and iOS, Firefox macOS * `BlinkMacSystemFont` ('San Francisco') – Chrome 48+ macOS and iOS * `Segoe UI` – Windows Vista & newer * `Roboto` – Android 4.0 * `Lato` – Wikimedia Design choice, OFL licensed * `Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif` – (Generic) Web fallback * Note that CSS Fonts Module Level 4's `system-ui` value has resulted in unresolved * side-effects in certain OS/language combinations and is therefore not included as of now. */ @fontFamilySans: -apple-system, 'BlinkMacSystemFont', 'Segoe UI', 'Roboto', 'Lato', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif; @fontFamilyBase: @fontFamilySans; @tocFontSize: 0.8em; @indicatorFontSize: 0.4em; // colors @grayMediumLight: @colorGray10; @grayMediumDark: @colorGray5; @grayMedium: @colorGray7; @grayLight: @colorGray12; @grayLightest: @colorGray14; @skinContentBgColor: #fff; // Navigation Drawers @menuWidth: 75%; @menuWidthTablet: 600px; @rightDrawerWidth: 60%; @primaryNavBackgroundColor: @colorGray14; // Headings @firstHeadingFontSize: 2.6525em; // 42px @fontSizeH1: 1.7em; @fontSizeH2: 1.5em; @fontSizeH3: 1.2em; // Content @contentPadding: 16px; @contentMargin: 16px; // Header @headerHeight: 54px; @headerVerticalPadding: 0.15em; @headerMarginTop: -1px; // used to hide the header border top when a banner is not present @searchBoxWidth: 375/16em; @iconSizeTotal: @iconSize + @iconGutterWidth + @iconGutterWidth; @deviceWidthTabletEms: unit( @width-breakpoint-tablet/16, em ); @brandingBoxWidth: @deviceWidthTabletEms - ( @iconSizeTotal * 3 ) - @searchBoxWidth; @titleSectionSpacingTop: 20px; @titleSectionSpacingBottom: 25px; // Page actions @taglineFontSize: 0.85em; @pageActionBorder: 1px; @pageActionFontSize: 0.9em; @pageActionToolbarHeight: 44px; // total height is 46px. 2px added by border on .page-actions-menu // colors @chromeColor: @grayLightest; @semiTransparent: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.8 ); @linkColor: @colorProgressive; @redLinkColor: @colorError; @lastModifiedBarActiveBackgroundColor: #00af89; @toastNotificationColor: @colorGray2; // Use when an element is selected. FIXME: This should be in mediawiki ui. @selectedBackgroundColor: #e6eeff; // typography @fontFamilyHeading: 'Linux Libertine', 'Georgia', 'Times', serif; /** * System font stack for monospace fonts, see T221043. * * `Menlo` – macOS 10.6+ * `Consolas` – Windows Vista & newer * `Liberation Mono` – Fedora, Ubuntu, … OFL licensed * `Courier New` – (Generic) web font fallback */ @fontFamilyMonospace: 'Menlo', 'Consolas', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', monospace; @fontScalingFactor: 1; @contentLineHeight: 1.65; @headingMargin: 0.5em; @sectionIconWidth: 30px; // blockquote @blockquotePaddingRight: 25px; @blockquotePaddingLeft: 30px; // custom tablet styling @contentPaddingTablet: 3.35em; // note since content does not use view border box we have to include padding. @contentMaxWidthTablet: @width-breakpoint-desktop - ( 2 * @contentPaddingTablet ); @contentTopPadding: 1.6em; // Wiki specific variables @infoboxWidth: 320px; @lastModifiedBarBgColor: @chromeColor; @lastModifiedBarActiveBgColor: @lastModifiedBarActiveBackgroundColor; @lastModifiedBarTextColor: @colorTextLight; @footerBorderColor: @grayLight; @notificationBackgroundRead: @colorGray14; @notificationColorRead: @colorGray5; @notificationBackgroundUnread: @colorDestructive; @notificationColorUnread: #fff; // z-index: @z-indexOccluded: -1; @z-indexBase: 0; @z-indexAboveContent: 1; @z-indexDrawer: 2; @z-indexOverlay: 3; @z-indexOverOverlay: 4; // Print specific @colorPrintSubtle: #999; @borderColorPrint: #999;