Given(/^I am viewing a watched page$/) do api.create_page 'Selenium mobile watch test', 'watch test' api.watch_page 'Selenium mobile watch test' step 'I am on the "Selenium mobile watch test" page' end Given(/^I am viewing an unwatched page$/) do api.create_page 'Selenium mobile watch test', 'watch test' api.unwatch_page 'Selenium mobile watch test' step 'I am on the "Selenium mobile watch test" page' end Then(/^I should see a toast with message about watching the page$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).toast_element.when_present.text).to match 'Added Selenium mobile watch test to your watchlist' end Then(/^I should see a toast with message about unwatching the page$/) do on(ArticlePage) do |page| page.wait_until do page.text.include? 'Removed' # Chrome needs this, FF does not end expect(page.toast_element.when_present.text).to match 'Removed Selenium mobile watch test from your watchlist' end end