When(/^I click the language overlay close button$/) do on(ArticlePage).overlay_languages_element.when_present.button_element(class: 'cancel').click end When(/^I see the language overlay$/) do on(ArticlePage).overlay_languages_element.when_present end When /^I click on a language from the list of all languages$/ do on(ArticlePage).non_suggested_language_link_element.when_present.click end Then(/^I should see a toast with message about page not being available in other languages$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).toast_element.when_present.text).to match 'This page is not available in other languages.' end Then(/^I should not see the languages overlay$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).overlay_languages_element).not_to be_visible end Then(/^I should see the language overlay$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).overlay_languages_element.when_present).to be_visible end Then(/^I should see a non-suggested language link$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).non_suggested_language_link_element).to be_visible end Then(/^I should not see a suggested language link$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).suggested_language_link_element).not_to be_visible end Then(/^I should see a suggested language link$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).suggested_language_link_element).to be_visible end