( function ( M ) { var mobile = M.require( 'mobile.startup' ), pageIssues = require( '../../../../resources/skins.minerva.scripts/page-issues/index.js' ), insertBannersOrNotice = pageIssues.test.insertBannersOrNotice, OverlayManager = mobile.OverlayManager, PageHTMLParser = mobile.PageHTMLParser, overlayManager = OverlayManager.getSingleton(), $mockContainer = $( '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
ambox text span
' + '
' ), labelText = 'label text', inline = true, SECTION = '0', processedAmbox = insertBannersOrNotice( new PageHTMLParser( $mockContainer ), labelText, SECTION, inline, overlayManager ).ambox; QUnit.module( 'Minerva pageIssues' ); QUnit.test( 'insertBannersOrNotice() should add a "learn more" message', function ( assert ) { assert.strictEqual( /⧼skin-minerva-issue-learn-more⧽/.test( processedAmbox.html() ), true ); } ); QUnit.test( 'insertBannersOrNotice() should add an icon', function ( assert ) { assert.strictEqual( /mw-ui-icon/.test( processedAmbox.html() ), true ); } ); QUnit.test( 'clicking on the product of insertBannersOrNotice() should trigger a URL change', function ( assert ) { processedAmbox.click(); assert.strictEqual( window.location.hash, '#/issues/' + SECTION ); } ); }( mw.mobileFrontend ) );