// Additional Styles for no-js editing mode @import 'minerva.mixins'; .mw-editform { .editHelp, .cancelLink { display: none; } > #wpTextbox1 { border: 1px solid @colorGray12; max-height: 70vh; } } .action-submit, .action-edit { #page-secondary-actions, #page-actions { display: none; } .heading-holder { padding-bottom: 8px; padding-top: 0; font-weight: bold; } #mw-anon-edit-warning { padding: 8px; > p { margin: 0; } } // Parsing information doesn't need to be so big .mw-editnotice, .mw-editTools, .preview-limit-report-wrapper, // neither to headers for diffs .diff-otitle, .diff-ntitle, // neither does the page title #section_0, // neither do all the warnings #editpage-copywarn, #mw-anon-edit-warning { .secondary-text(); } // add separation btween .mw-editnotice { margin-bottom: 8px; li { margin-bottom: 0; } } // Preview header is hidden given the warning box already // tells the user they are in preview mode. .previewnote h2 { display: none; } // show changes specific #wikiDiff table { margin-top: 0; .diff-otitle, .diff-ntitle { text-align: left; } } }