@chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @integration @test2.m.wikipedia.org @vagrant Feature: Search Background: Given I am using the mobile site And I am in beta mode And the page "Selenium search test" exists And I am on the "Main Page" page And I am viewing the site in mobile mode And I click the search icon And I see the search overlay Scenario: Closing search (overlay button) When I click the search overlay close button Then I should not see the search overlay Scenario: Closing search (browser button) When I click the browser back button Then I should not see the search overlay @smoke @integration Scenario: Search for partial text When I type into search box "Selenium search tes" Then search results should contain "Selenium search test" Scenario: Search with search in pages button When I type into search box "Test is used by Selenium web driver" And I see the search in pages button And I click the search in pages button Then I should see a list of search results Scenario: Search with enter key When I type into search box "Test is used by Selenium web driver" And I press the enter key Then I should see a list of search results Scenario: Going back to the previous page When I type into search box "Selenium search tes" When I click a search result When I click the browser back button Then I should not see '#/search' in URL @integration Scenario: Search doesn't break after one search result When I type into search box "Selenium search tes" And I click a search result And the text of the first heading should be "Selenium search test" And I click the search icon And I type into search box "Main Page" Then search results should contain "Main Page"