Given /^I am in beta mode$/ do visit(MainPage) do |page| page_uri = URI.parse(page.page_url_value) # A domain is explicitly given to avoid a bug in earlier versions of Chrome domain = == 'localhost' ? nil : # FIXME: remove 'mf_useformat' cookie from here browser.cookies.add 'mf_useformat', 'true', domain: domain browser.cookies.add 'optin', 'beta', domain: domain page.refresh end end Given(/^I am logged in as a user with a > (\d+) edit count$/) do |count| api.meta(:userinfo, uiprop: 'editcount').data['editcount'].upto(count.to_i) do |n| api.create_page("Ensure #{user} edit count - #{n + 1}", 'foo') end log_in end Given(/^I am logged into the mobile website$/) do step 'I am using the mobile site' log_in # avoids login failing (see expect(on(ArticlePage).is_authenticated_element.when_present(20)).to exist end Given(/^I am on a page that does not exist$/) do name = 'NewPage' + visit(ArticlePage, using_params: { article_name: name }) end Given(/^I am on the "(.+)" page$/) do |article| # Ensure we do not cause a redirect article = article.gsub(/ /, '_') visit(ArticlePage, using_params: { article_name: article }) end Given(/^I am using the mobile site$/) do visit(MainPage) do |page| page_uri = URI.parse(page.page_url_value) domain = == 'localhost' ? nil : browser.cookies.add 'mf_useformat', 'true', domain: domain page.refresh end end Given(/^I am viewing the site in mobile mode$/) do browser.window.resize_to(320, 480) end Given(/^I am viewing the site in tablet mode$/) do # Use numbers significantly larger than tablet threshold to account for browser chrome browser.window.resize_to(1280, 1024) end Given(/^my browser doesn't support JavaScript$/) do browser_factory.override(browser_user_agent: 'Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/9.80 (S60; SymbOS; Opera Mobi/23.348; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54') end Given(/^the "(.*?)" page is protected\.$/) do |page| api.protect_page(page, 'MobileFrontend Selenium test protected this page') end When(/^I click the browser back button$/) do on(ArticlePage).back end When(/^I say OK in the confirm dialog$/) do on(ArticlePage).confirm(true) do end end When(/^I visit the page "(.*?)" with hash "(.*?)"$/) do |article, hash| # Ensure we do not cause a redirect article = article.gsub(/ /, '_') visit(ArticlePage, using_params: { article_name: article, hash: hash }) end Then(/^there should be a red link with text "(.+)"$/) do |text| # FIXME: Switch to link_element when red links move to stable expect(on(ArticlePage).content_wrapper_element.link_element(text: text).when_present(10)).to be_visible end