When(/^I click the talk button$/) do on(ArticlePage) do |page| page.wait_until_rl_module_ready('skins.minerva.talk') page.talk_element.when_present.click end end When(/^no topic is present$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).talk_overlay_content_header_element.when_present.text).to match 'There are no conversations about this page.' end When(/^I add a topic called "(.+)"$/) do |topic| step 'I click the add discussion button' on(ArticlePage) do |page| page.talk_overlay_summary = topic page.talk_overlay_wikitext_editor = 'Topic body is a really long text.' page.wait_until { page.talk_overlay_save_button_element.enabled? } page.talk_overlay_save_button end end When(/^I see the talk overlay$/) do on(ArticlePage).overlay_element.when_visible end When(/^I click the add discussion button$/) do on(ArticlePage).talkadd_element.when_present.click end Then(/^I should see the topic called "(.+)" in the list of topics$/) do |topic| # Timeout is high as the previous action hits the API which may take some time expect(on(ArticlePage).talk_overlay_first_topic_title_element.when_present(20).text).to match topic end Then(/^I should see the talk overlay$/) do on(ArticlePage) do |page| page.wait_until_rl_module_ready('mobile.talk.overlays') expect(on(ArticlePage).overlay_heading_element.when_present.text).to match 'Talk' end end Then(/^there should be no talk button$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).talk_element).not_to be_visible end Then(/^there should be an add discussion button$/) do # give overlay time to fully load expect(on(ArticlePage).talkadd_element.when_present(10)).to be_visible end