// A MenuListItem is a ToggleList item for menus. @import '../../minerva.less/minerva.variables'; @import '../../minerva.less/minerva.mixins'; .toggle-list-item__anchor--menu { font-size: @font-size-minerva-small; font-weight: bold; // Fill the list item cell. .box-sizing( border-box ); display: block; width: 100%; // padding: 1em; white-space: nowrap; // Left-align text. Button elements are centered. text-align: left; // color: @grayMediumDark; &:visited, &:active { // Visited and active links need extra specificity. color: @grayMediumDark; } // // Make the app feel like an app, not a JPEG. When hovering over a menu item, add a little // interactivity. &:hover { text-decoration: none; background: @grayLightest; } }