physikerwelt (Moritz Schubotz) cbbf5453d1 Enable MathML rendering mode
This change allows to registered users
to test the new MathML rendering mode.
Invalid settings for math rendering mode
will default to MathMathML.

Change-Id: I75f24cb762609d6728247e3758fcc18f2ebfc6e6
2014-06-11 13:21:34 +02:00

461 lines
14 KiB

* MediaWiki math extension
* (c)2012 Moritz Schubotz
* GPLv2 license; info in main package.
* Contains the driver function for the MathML daemon
* @file
class MathMathML extends MathRenderer {
protected $defaultAllowedRootElements = array( 'math' );
protected $allowedRootElements = '';
protected $hosts;
/** @var boolean if false MathML output is not validated */
private $XMLValidation = true;
protected $inputType = 'tex';
* @param string $inputType
public function setInputType($inputType)
$this->inputType = $inputType;
* @return string
public function getInputType()
return $this->inputType;
public function __construct( $tex = '', $params = array() ) {
global $wgMathMathMLUrl;
parent::__construct( $tex, $params );
$this->setMode( MW_MATH_MATHML );
$this->hosts = $wgMathMathMLUrl;
if ( isset( $params['type'] ) ) {
if ( $params['type'] == 'pmml' ) {
$this->inputType = 'pmml';
$this->setMathml( '<math>' . $tex . '</math>' );
} elseif ( $params['type'] == 'ascii' ) {
$this->inputType = 'ascii';
* Gets the allowed root elements the rendered math tag might have.
* @return array
public function getAllowedRootElements() {
if ( $this->allowedRootElements ) {
return $this->allowedRootElements;
} else {
return $this->defaultAllowedRootElements;
* Sets the XML validation.
* If set to false the output of MathML is not validated.
* @param boolean $validation
public function setXMLValidation( $validation = true ) {
$this->XMLValidation = $validation;
* Sets the allowed root elements the rendered math tag might have.
* An empty value indicates to use the default settings.
* @param array $settings
public function setAllowedRootElements( $settings ) {
$this->allowedRootElements = $settings;
/* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see MathRenderer::render()
public function render( $forceReRendering = false ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
if ( $forceReRendering ) {
$this->setPurge( true );
if ( $this->renderingRequired() ) {
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $this->doRender( );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return true;
* Helper function to checks if the math tag must be rendered.
* @return boolean
private function renderingRequired() {
if ( $this->isPurge() ) {
wfDebugLog( "Math", "Rerendering was requested." );
return true;
} else {
$dbres = $this->readFromDatabase();
if ( $dbres ) {
if ( $this->isValidMathML( $this->getMathml() ) ) {
wfDebugLog( "Math", "Valid MathML entry found in database." );
if ( $this->getSvg() ) {
wfDebugLog( "Math", "SVG-fallback found in database." );
return false;
} else {
wfDebugLog( "Math", "SVG-fallback missing." );
return true;
} else {
wfDebugLog( "Math", "Malformatted entry found in database" );
return true;
} else {
wfDebugLog( "Math", "No entry found in database." );
return true;
* Performs a HTTP Post request to the given host.
* Uses $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout as timeout.
* Generates error messages on failure
* @see Http::post()
* @global int $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout
* @param string $host
* @param string $post the encoded post request
* @param mixed $res the result
* @param mixed $error the formatted error message or null
* @param String $httpRequestClass class name of MWHttpRequest (needed for testing only)
* @return boolean success
public function makeRequest( $host, $post, &$res, &$error = '', $httpRequestClass = 'MWHttpRequest' ) {
// TODO: Change the timeout mechanism.
global $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout;
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$error = '';
$res = null;
if ( !$host ) {
$host = self::pickHost();
if ( !$post ) {
$options = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'postData' => $post, 'timeout' => $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout );
/** @var $req (CurlHttpRequest|PhpHttpRequest) the request object */
$req = $httpRequestClass::factory( $host, $options );
/** @var Status the request status */
$status = $req->execute();
if ( $status->isGood() ) {
$res = $req->getContent();
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return true;
} else {
if ( $status->hasMessage( 'http-timed-out' ) ) {
$error = $this->getError( 'math_timeout', $this->getModeStr(), $host );
$res = false;
wfDebugLog( "Math", "\nTimeout:"
. var_export( array( 'post' => $post, 'host' => $host
, 'timeout' => $wgMathLaTeXMLTimeout ), true ) . "\n\n" );
} else {
// for any other unkonwn http error
$errormsg = $status->getHtml();
$error = $this->getError( 'math_invalidresponse', $this->getModeStr(), $host, $errormsg, $this->getModeStr( MW_MATH_MATHML ) );
wfDebugLog( "Math", "\nNoResponse:"
. var_export( array( 'post' => $post, 'host' => $host
, 'errormsg' => $errormsg ), true ) . "\n\n" );
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return false;
* Picks a MathML daemon.
* If more than one demon are available one is chosen from the
* $wgMathMathMLUrl array.
* @return string
protected function pickHost() {
if ( is_array( $this->hosts ) ) {
$host = array_rand( $this->hosts );
} else {
$host = $this->hosts;
wfDebugLog( "Math", "picking host " . $host );
return $host;
* Calculates the HTTP POST Data for the request. Depends on the settings
* and the input string only.
* @return string HTTP POST data
public function getPostData() {
$input = $this->getTex();
if ( $this->inputType == 'pmml' || $this->getMode() == MW_MATH_LATEXML && $this->getMathml() ) {
$out = 'type=mml&q=' . rawurlencode( $this->getMathml() );
} elseif ( $this->inputType == 'ascii' ) {
$out = 'type=asciimath&q=' . rawurlencode( $input );
} else {
if ( $this->getMathStyle() == MW_MATHSTYLE_INLINE_DISPLAYSTYLE ) {
// default preserve the (broken) layout as it was
$input = '{\\displaystyle ' . $input . '}';
$out = 'type=tex&q=' . rawurlencode( $input );
wfDebugLog( "Math", 'Get post data: ' . $out );
return $out;
* Does the actual web request to convert TeX to MathML.
* @return boolean
protected function doRender() {
global $wgMathDebug;
if ( $this->getTex() === '' ) {
wfDebugLog( 'Math', 'Rendering was requested, but no TeX string is specified.' );
$this->lastError = $this->getError( 'math_empty_tex' );
return false;
$res = '';
$host = self::pickHost();
$post = $this->getPostData();
$this->lastError = '';
$requestResult = $this->makeRequest( $host, $post, $res, $this->lastError );
if ( $requestResult ) {
$jsonResult = json_decode( $res );
if ( $jsonResult && json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE ) {
if ( $jsonResult->success ) {
if ( $this->getMode() == MW_MATH_LATEXML ||
$this->inputType == 'pmml' ||
$this->isValidMathML( $jsonResult->mml ) ) {
$xmlObject = new XmlTypeCheck( $jsonResult->svg, null, false );
if ( ! $xmlObject->wellFormed ) {
$this->lastError = $this->getError( 'math_invalidxml', $host );
return false;
} else {
$this->setSvg( $jsonResult->svg );
if ( $wgMathDebug ) {
$this->setLog( $jsonResult->log );
if ( $this->getMode() != MW_MATH_LATEXML && $this->inputType != 'pmml') {
$this->setMathml( $jsonResult->mml );
return true;
} else {
$this->lastError = $this->getError( 'math_unknown_error', $host );
return false;
} else {
// Do not print bad mathml. It's probably too verbose and might
// mess up the browser output.
$this->lastError = $this->getError( 'math_invalidxml', $host );
wfDebugLog( 'Math', "\nMathML InvalidMathML:"
. var_export( array( 'post' => $post, 'host' => $host
, 'result' => $res ), true ) . "\n\n" );
return false;
} else {
$this->lastError = $this->getError( 'math_invalidjson', $host );
wfDebugLog( 'Math', "\nMathML InvalidJSON:"
. var_export( array( 'post' => $post, 'host' => $host
, 'res' => $res ), true ) . "\n\n" );
return false;
} else {
// Error message has already been set.
return false;
* Checks if the input is valid MathML,
* and if the root element has the name math
* @param string $XML
* @return boolean
public function isValidMathML( $XML ) {
$out = false;
if ( !$this->XMLValidation ) {
return true;
// depends on
if ( !is_callable( 'XmlTypeCheck::newFromString' ) ) {
$msg = wfMessage( 'math_xmlversion' )->inContentLanguage()->escaped();
trigger_error( $msg, E_USER_NOTICE );
wfDebugLog( 'Math', $msg );
return true;
$xmlObject = new XmlTypeCheck( $XML, null, false );
if ( !$xmlObject->wellFormed ) {
wfDebugLog( "Math", "XML validation error:\n " . var_export( $XML, true ) . "\n" );
} else {
$name = $xmlObject->getRootElement();
$elementSplit = explode( ':', $name );
if ( is_array($elementSplit) ) {
$localName = end( $elementSplit );
} else {
$localName = $name;
if ( in_array( $localName , $this->getAllowedRootElements() ) ) {
$out = true;
} else {
wfDebugLog( "Math", "got wrong root element : $name" );
return $out;
* @param int $mode
* @param boolean $noRender
* @return type
private function getFallbackImageUrl( $mode = MW_MATH_MATHML, $noRender = false ) {
return SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'MathShowImage' )->getLocalURL( array(
'hash' => $this->getMd5(),
'mode' => $mode,
'noRender' => $noRender )
* Helper function to correct the style information for a
* linked SVG image.
* @param string $svg SVG-image data
* @param string $style current style information to be updated
public function correctSvgStyle( $svg, &$style ) {
if ( preg_match( '/style="([^"]*)"/', $svg, $styles ) ) {
$style = $styles[1];
if ( $this->getMathStyle() === MW_MATHSTYLE_DISPLAY ) {
// TODO: Improve style cleaning
$style = preg_replace( '/margin\-(left|right)\:\s*\d+(\%|in|cm|mm|em|ex|pt|pc|px)\;/', '', $style );
$style .= 'display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;';
* Gets img tag for math image
* @param int $mode if MW_MATH_MATHML a png is used instead of an svg image
* @param boolean $noRender if true no rendering will be performed if the image is not stored in the database
* @param boolean|string $classOverride if classOverride is false the class name will be calculated by getClassName
* @return string XML the image html tag
public function getFallbackImage( $mode = MW_MATH_MATHML, $noRender = false, $classOverride = false ) {
$url = $this->getFallbackImageUrl( $mode , $noRender );
if ( $mode == MW_MATH_PNG ) {
$png = true;
} else {
$png = false;
$attribs = array();
if ( $classOverride === false ) { // $class = '' suppresses class attribute
$class = $this->getClassName( true, $png );
$style = $png ? 'display: none;' : '';
} else {
$class = $classOverride;
$style = '';
if ( !$png ) {
$this->correctSvgStyle( $this->getSvg(), $style );
if ( $class ) { $attribs['class'] = $class; }
if ( $style ) { $attribs['style'] = $style; }
// an alternative for svg might be an object with type="image/svg+xml"
return Xml::element( 'img', $this->getAttributes( 'img', $attribs , array( 'src' => $url ) ) );
protected function getMathTableName() {
return 'mathoid';
* Calculates the default class name for a math element
* @param boolean $fallback
* @param boolean $png
* @return string the class name
protected function getClassName( $fallback = false, $png = false ) {
$class = "mwe-math-";
if ( $fallback ) {
$class .= 'fallback-';
if ( $png ) {
$class .= 'png-';
} else {
$class .= 'svg-';
} else {
$class .= 'mathml-';
if ( $this->getMathStyle() == MW_MATHSTYLE_DISPLAY ) {
$class .= 'display';
} else {
$class .= 'inline';
return $class;
* @return string Html output that is embedded in the page
public function getHtmlOutput() {
if ( $this->getMathStyle() == MW_MATHSTYLE_DISPLAY ) {
$element = 'div';
} else {
$element = 'span';
$attribs = array();
if ( $this->getID() !== '' ) {
$attribs['id'] = $this->getID();
$output = HTML::openElement( $element, $attribs );
// MathML has to be wrapped into a div or span in order to be able to hide it.
if ( $this->getMathStyle() == MW_MATHSTYLE_DISPLAY ) {
// Remove displayStyle attributes set by the MathML converter
$mml = preg_replace( '/(<math[^>]*)(display|mode)=["\'](inline|block)["\']/', '$1', $this->getMathml() );
// and insert the correct value
$mml = preg_replace( '/<math/', '<math display="block"', $mml );
} else {
$mml = $this->getMathml();
$output .= Xml::tags( $element, array( 'class' => $this->getClassName(), 'style' => 'display: none;' ), $mml );
$output .= $this->getFallbackImage( $this->getMode() ) . "\n";
$output .= $this->getFallbackImage( MW_MATH_PNG ) . "\n";
$output .= HTML::closeElement( $element );
return $output;
protected function dbOutArray() {
$out = parent::dbOutArray();
if ($this->getMathTableName() == 'mathoid' ) {
$out['math_input'] = $out['math_inputtex'];
return $out;
protected function dbInArray() {
$out = parent::dbInArray();
if ($this->getMathTableName() == 'mathoid' ) {
$out = array_diff( $out, array( 'math_inputtex' ) );
$out[] = 'math_input';
return $out;