Marko Obrovac d722bc51f4 Send a no-cache content request on mathpurge=true
When the user specifies the mathpurge=true query parameter, the Math
extension needs to prompt RESTBase to regenerate the renders for all
formulae on the page and consequently issue Varnish purge requests. This
behaviour is achieved by including the `Cache-Control: no-cache` header
when requesting a render. Since RESTBase regenerates all of the renders
when it receives the header, send it only for the first content request;
if subsequent content requests are made, RESTBase will already have the
new renders.

Bug: T136205
Change-Id: I44482ccc1d8afdf6d40dcf8965d8debe83ef7e17
2016-06-03 14:10:57 +02:00

709 lines
19 KiB

* MediaWiki math extension
* (c) 2002-2012 Tomasz Wegrzanowski, Brion Vibber, Moritz Schubotz,
* and other MediaWiki contributors
* GPLv2 license; info in main package.
* @file
use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
* Abstract base class with static methods for rendering the <math> tags using
* different technologies. These static methods create a new instance of the
* extending classes and render the math tags based on the mode setting of the user.
* Furthermore this class handles the caching of the rendered output.
* @author Tomasz Wegrzanowski
* @author Brion Vibber
* @author Moritz Schubotz
abstract class MathRenderer {
/** @var string tex representation */
protected $tex = '';
/** @var string MathML content and presentation */
protected $mathml = '';
/** @var string SVG layout only (no semantics) */
protected $svg = '';
/** @var string the original user input string (which was used to calculate the inputhash) */
protected $userInputTex = '';
/** @var ('inlineDisplaystyle'|'display'|'inline'|'linebreak') the rendering style */
protected $mathStyle = 'inlineDisplaystyle';
/** @var array with userdefined parameters passed to the extension (not used) */
protected $params = [];
/** @var string a userdefined identifier to link to the equation. */
protected $id = '';
/** @var boolean has variable tex been security-checked */
protected $texSecure = false;
/** @var boolean has the mathematical content changed */
protected $changed = false;
/** @var boolean is there a database entry for the mathematical content */
protected $storedInDatabase = null;
/** @var boolean is there a request to purge the existing mathematical content */
protected $purge = false;
/** @var string with last occurred error */
protected $lastError = '';
/** @var string md5 value from userInputTex */
protected $md5 = '';
/** @var string binary packed inputhash */
protected $inputHash = '';
/** @var string rendering mode */
protected $mode = 'png';
/** @var string input type */
protected $inputType = 'tex';
/** @var MathRestbaseInterface used for checking */
protected $rbi;
* Constructs a base MathRenderer
* @param string $tex (optional) LaTeX markup
* @param array $params (optional) HTML attributes
public function __construct( $tex = '', $params = [] ) {
$this->params = $params;
if ( isset( $params['id'] ) ) {
$this->id = $params['id'];
if ( isset( $params['display'] ) ) {
$layoutMode = $params['display'];
if ( $layoutMode == 'block' ) {
$this->mathStyle = 'display';
$tex = '{\displaystyle ' . $tex . '}';
$this->inputType = 'tex';
} elseif ( $layoutMode == 'inline' ) {
$this->mathStyle = 'inline';
$this->inputType = 'inline-tex';
$tex = '{\textstyle ' . $tex . '}';
} elseif ( $layoutMode == 'linebreak' ) {
$this->mathStyle = 'linebreak';
$tex = '\[ ' . $tex . ' \]';
// TODO: Implement caching for attributes of the math tag
// Currently the key for the database entry relating to an equation
// is md5($tex) the new option to determine if the tex input
// is rendered in displaystyle or textstyle would require a database
// layout change to use a composite key e.g. (md5($tex),$mathStyle).
// As a workaround we use the prefix \displaystyle so that the key becomes
// md5((\{\\displaystyle|\{\\textstyle)?\s?$tex\}?)
// The new value of $tex string describes now how the rendering should look like.
// The variable MathRenderer::mathStyle determines if the rendered equation should
// be centered in a new line, or just in be displayed in the current line.
$this->userInputTex = $tex;
$this->tex = $tex;
* Static method for rendering math tag
* @param string $tex LaTeX markup
* @param array $params HTML attributes
* @param string $mode constant indicating rendering mode
* @return string HTML for math tag
public static function renderMath( $tex, $params = [], $mode = 'png' ) {
$renderer = self::getRenderer( $tex, $params, $mode );
if ( $renderer->render() ) {
return $renderer->getHtmlOutput();
} else {
return $renderer->getLastError();
* @param string $md5
* @return MathRenderer the MathRenderer generated from md5
public static function newFromMd5( $md5 ) {
$class = get_called_class();
/** @var MathRenderer $instance */
$instance = new $class;
$instance->setMd5( $md5 );
return $instance;
* Static factory method for getting a renderer based on mode
* @param string $tex LaTeX markup
* @param array $params HTML attributes
* @param string $mode indicating rendering mode
* @return MathRenderer appropriate renderer for mode
public static function getRenderer( $tex, $params = [], $mode = 'png' ) {
global $wgDefaultUserOptions, $wgMathEnableExperimentalInputFormats;
if ( isset( $params['forcemathmode'] ) ) {
$mode = $params['forcemathmode'];
if ( !in_array( $mode, self::getValidModes() ) ) {
$mode = $wgDefaultUserOptions['math'];
if ( $wgMathEnableExperimentalInputFormats === true && $mode == 'mathml' &&
isset( $params['type'] ) ) {
// Support of MathML input (experimental)
// Currently support for mode 'mathml' only
if ( !in_array( $params['type'], [ 'pmml', 'ascii' ] ) ) {
unset( $params['type'] );
if ( isset( $params['chem'] ) ) {
$mode = 'mathml';
$params['type'] = 'chem';
switch ( $mode ) {
case 'source':
$renderer = new MathSource( $tex, $params );
case 'png':
$renderer = new MathTexvc( $tex, $params );
case 'latexml':
$renderer = new MathLaTeXML( $tex, $params );
case 'mathml':
$renderer = new MathMathML( $tex, $params );
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug( 'Start rendering $' . $renderer->tex .
'$ in mode ' . $mode );
return $renderer;
* Performs the rendering
* @return boolean if rendering was successful.
abstract public function render();
* @return string Html output that is embedded in the page
abstract public function getHtmlOutput();
* texvc error messages
* TODO: update to MathML
* Returns an internationalized HTML error string
* @param string $msg message key for specific error
* @internal param \Varargs $parameters (optional) zero
* or more message parameters for specific error
* @return string HTML error string
public function getError( $msg /*, ... */ ) {
$mf = wfMessage( 'math_failure' )->inContentLanguage()->escaped();
$parameters = func_get_args();
array_shift( $parameters );
$errmsg = wfMessage( $msg, $parameters )->inContentLanguage()->escaped();
$source = htmlspecialchars( str_replace( "\n", ' ', $this->tex ) );
return "<strong class='error texerror'>$mf ($errmsg): $source</strong>\n";
* Return hash of input
* @return string hash
public function getMd5() {
if ( ! $this->md5 ) {
$this->md5 = md5( $this->userInputTex );
return $this->md5;
* Set the input hash (if user input tex is not available)
* @param $md5
* @return string hash
public function setMd5( $md5 ) {
$this->md5 = $md5;
* Return hash of input
* @return string hash
public function getInputHash() {
// TODO: What happens if $tex is empty?
if ( !$this->inputHash ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
return $dbr->encodeBlob( pack( "H32", $this->getMd5() ) ); # Binary packed, not hex
return $this->inputHash;
* Decode binary packed hash from the database to md5 of input_tex
* @param string $hash (binary)
* @return string md5
private static function dbHash2md5( $hash ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$xhash = unpack( 'H32md5', $dbr->decodeBlob( $hash ) . " " );
return $xhash['md5'];
* Reads rendering data from database
* @return boolean true if read successfully, false otherwise
public function readFromDatabase() {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$rpage = $dbr->selectRow( $this->getMathTableName(),
[ 'math_inputhash' => $this->getInputHash() ],
__METHOD__ );
if ( $rpage !== false ) {
$this->initializeFromDatabaseRow( $rpage );
$this->storedInDatabase = true;
return true;
} else {
# Missing from the database and/or the render cache
$this->storedInDatabase = false;
return false;
* @return array with the database column names
protected function dbInArray() {
$in = [ 'math_inputhash',
return $in;
* Reads the values from the database but does not overwrite set values with empty values
* @param stdClass $rpage (a database row)
protected function initializeFromDatabaseRow( $rpage ) {
$this->inputHash = $rpage->math_inputhash; // MUST NOT BE NULL
$this->md5 = self::dbHash2md5( $this->inputHash );
if ( ! empty( $rpage->math_mathml ) ) {
$this->mathml = utf8_decode( $rpage->math_mathml );
if ( ! empty( $rpage->math_inputtex ) ) {
// in the current database the field is probably not set.
$this->userInputTex = $rpage->math_inputtex;
if ( ! empty( $rpage->math_tex ) ) {
$this->tex = $rpage->math_tex;
if ( ! empty( $rpage->math_svg ) ) {
$this->svg = $rpage->math_svg;
$this->changed = false;
* Writes rendering entry to database.
* WARNING: Use writeCache() instead of this method to be sure that all
* renderer specific (such as squid caching) are taken into account.
* This function stores the values that are currently present in the class
* to the database even if they are empty.
* This function can be seen as protected function.
* @param DatabaseBase $dbw
public function writeToDatabase( $dbw = null ) {
# Now save it back to the DB:
if ( !wfReadOnly() ) {
$dbw = $dbw ?: wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug( 'Store entry for $' . $this->tex .
'$ in database (hash:' . $this->getMd5() . ')' );
$outArray = $this->dbOutArray();
$method = __METHOD__;
$mathTableName = $this->getMathTableName();
if ( $this->isInDatabase() ) {
$inputHash = $this->getInputHash();
$dbw->onTransactionIdle( function () use (
$dbw, $outArray, $inputHash, $method, $mathTableName
) {
$dbw->update( $mathTableName, $outArray,
[ 'math_inputhash' => $inputHash ], $method );
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug(
'Row updated after db transaction was idle: ' .
var_export( $outArray, true ) . " to database" );
} );
} else {
$dbw->onTransactionIdle( function () use (
$dbw, $outArray, $method, $mathTableName
) {
$dbw->insert( $mathTableName, $outArray, $method, [ 'IGNORE' ] );
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug(
'Row inserted after db transaction was idle ' .
var_export( $outArray, true ) . " to database" );
if ( $dbw->affectedRows() == 0 ) {
// That's the price for the delayed update.
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->warning(
'Entry could not be written. Might be changed in between.' );
} );
* Gets an array that matches the variables of the class to the database columns
* @return array
protected function dbOutArray() {
$out = [
'math_inputhash' => $this->getInputHash(),
'math_mathml' => utf8_encode( $this->mathml ),
'math_inputtex' => $this->userInputTex,
'math_tex' => $this->tex,
'math_svg' => $this->svg
return $out;
* @param MathRestbaseInterface $param
public function setRestbaseInterface( $param ) {
$this->rbi = $param;
$this->rbi->setPurge( $this->isPurge() );
* Returns sanitized attributes
* @param string $tag element name
* @param array $defaults default attributes
* @param array $overrides attributes to override defaults
* @return array HTML attributes
protected function getAttributes( $tag, $defaults = [], $overrides = [] ) {
$attribs = Sanitizer::validateTagAttributes( $this->params, $tag );
$attribs = Sanitizer::mergeAttributes( $defaults, $attribs );
$attribs = Sanitizer::mergeAttributes( $attribs, $overrides );
return $attribs;
* Writes cache. Writes the database entry if values were changed
public function writeCache() {
$logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' );
$logger->debug( 'Writing of cache requested.' );
if ( $this->isChanged() ) {
$logger->debug( 'Change detected. Perform writing.' );
return true;
} else {
$logger->debug( "Nothing was changed. Don't write to database." );
return false;
* Gets TeX markup
* @return string TeX markup
public function getTex() {
return $this->tex;
* Gets the rendering mode
* @return string
public function getMode() {
return $this->mode;
* Sets the rendering mode
* @param string $newMode element of the array $wgMathValidModes
* @return bool
public function setMode( $newMode ) {
if ( in_array( $newMode, self::getValidModes() ) ) {
$this->mode = $newMode;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Sets the TeX code
* @param string $tex
public function setTex( $tex ) {
if ( $this->tex != $tex ) {
$this->changed = true;
$this->tex = $tex;
* Gets the MathML XML element
* @return string in UTF-8 encoding
public function getMathml() {
if ( !StringUtils::isUtf8( $this->mathml ) ) {
$this->setMathml( '' );
return $this->mathml;
* @param string $mathml use UTF-8 encoding
public function setMathml( $mathml ) {
$this->changed = true;
$this->mathml = $mathml;
* Get the attributes of the math tag
* @return []
public function getParams() {
return $this->params;
* @param [] $params
public function setParams( $params ) {
// $changed is not set to true here, because the attributes do not affect
// the rendering in the current implementation.
// If this behavior will change in the future $this->tex is no longer a
// primary key and the input hash cannot be calculate form $this->tex
// only. See the discussion 'Tag extensions in Block mode' on wikitech-l.
$this->params = $params;
* Checks if the instance was modified i.e., because math was rendered
* @return boolean true if something was changed false otherwise
public function isChanged() {
return $this->changed;
* Checks if there is an explicit user request to rerender the math-tag.
* @return boolean
function isPurge() {
if ( $this->purge ) {
return true;
$request = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest();
// TODO: Figure out if ?action=purge
// $action = $request->getText('action'); //always returns ''
// until this issue is resolved we use ?mathpurge=true instead
$mathpurge = $request->getBool( 'mathpurge', false );
if ( $mathpurge ) {
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug( 'Re-Rendering on user request' );
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Sets purge. If set to true the render is forced to rerender and must not
* use a cached version.
* @param bool $purge
* @return boolean
function setPurge( $purge = true ) {
$this->changed = true;
$this->purge = $purge;
function getLastError() {
return $this->lastError;
* @param string $mathStyle ('inlineDisplaystyle'|'display'|'inline')
public function setMathStyle( $mathStyle = 'display' ) {
if ( $this->mathStyle !== $mathStyle ){
$this->changed = true;
$this->mathStyle = $mathStyle;
if ( $mathStyle == 'inline' ){
$this->inputType = 'inline-tex';
} else {
$this->inputType = 'tex';
* Returns the value of the DisplayStyle attribute
* @return string ('inlineDisplaystyle'|'display'|'inline'|'linebreak') the DisplayStyle
public function getMathStyle() {
return $this->mathStyle;
* Get if the input tex was marked as secure
* @return boolean
public function isTexSecure() {
return $this->texSecure;
* @global $wgMathDisableTexFilter
* @return bool
public function checkTeX() {
if ( $this->texSecure || self::getDisableTexFilter() == 'always' ) {
// equation was already checked or checking is disabled
return true;
} else {
if ( self::getDisableTexFilter() == 'new' && $this->mode != 'source' ){
if ( $this->readFromDatabase() ) {
return true;
return $this->doCheck();
public function isInDatabase() {
if ( $this->storedInDatabase === null ) {
return $this->storedInDatabase;
* @return string TeX the original tex string specified by the user
public function getUserInputTex() {
return $this->userInputTex;
* @return string user defined ID
public function getID() {
return $this->id;
* @param string user defined ID
public function setID( $id ) {
// Changes in the ID affect the container for the math element on the current page
// only. Therefore an id change does not affect the $this->changed variable, which
// indicates if database relevant fields have been changed.
$this->id = $id;
* @param string $svg
public function setSvg( $svg ) {
$this->changed = true;
$this->svg = trim( $svg );
* Gets the SVG image
* @param string $render if set to 'render' (default) and no SVG image exists, the function
* tries to generate it on the fly.
* Otherwise, if set to 'cached', and there is no SVG in the database
* cache, an empty string is returned.
* @return string XML-Document of the rendered SVG
public function getSvg( /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $render = 'render' ) {
// Spaces will prevent the image from being displayed correctly in the browser
if ( !$this->svg && $this->rbi ){
$this->svg = $this->rbi->getSvg();
return trim( $this->svg );
abstract protected function getMathTableName();
public function getModeStr() {
$names = MathHooks::getMathNames();
return $names[ $this->getMode() ];
public static function getValidModes() {
global $wgMathValidModes;
return array_map( "MathHooks::mathModeToString", $wgMathValidModes );
public static function getDisableTexFilter() {
global $wgMathDisableTexFilter;
return MathHooks::mathCheckToString( $wgMathDisableTexFilter );
* @param string $inputType
public function setInputType( $inputType ) {
$this->inputType = $inputType;
* @return string
public function getInputType() {
return $this->inputType;
* @return bool
protected function doCheck() {
$checker = new MathInputCheckRestbase( $this->tex, $this->getInputType(), $this->rbi );
try {
if ( $checker->isValid() ) {
$this->setTex( $checker->getValidTex() );
$this->texSecure = true;
return true;
catch ( MWException $e ) {
$this->lastError = $checker->getError();
return false;