Brion Vibber b76538b6b0 Revert changes to texvc that provide no test cases or examples of what they're fixing: r86962, r86965, r87092, r87117, r87284, r87298, r87934, r87936, r87941, r88030, r88260
While these mostly look like they seem to do what they claim, *none* of them provide any test cases.
Most don't even include an example in the commit messages.
2011-09-13 19:00:51 +00:00

21 lines
877 B

open Tex
open Render_info
type t = TREE_MN of string | TREE_MO of string | TREE_MI of string
let rec make_mathml_tree = function
TREE_MN a::otr,TEX_LITERAL(MHTMLABLEC(_,_,_,MN,b))::itr -> make_mathml_tree(TREE_MN (a^b)::otr,itr)
| otr,TEX_LITERAL(MHTMLABLEC(_,_,_,MN,a))::itr -> make_mathml_tree(TREE_MN a::otr,itr)
| otr,TEX_LITERAL(MHTMLABLEC(_,_,_,MO,a))::itr -> make_mathml_tree(TREE_MO a::otr,itr)
| otr,TEX_LITERAL(MHTMLABLEC(_,_,_,MI,a))::itr -> make_mathml_tree(TREE_MI a::otr,itr)
| otr,TEX_CURLY(crl)::itr -> make_mathml_tree(otr,crl@itr)
| otr,[] -> List.rev otr
| _ -> failwith "failed to render mathml"
let render_mathml_tree = function
TREE_MN s -> "<mn>"^s^"</mn>"
| TREE_MI s -> "<mi>"^s^"</mi>"
| TREE_MO s -> "<mo>"^s^"</mo>"
let render tree = try Some (Util.mapjoin render_mathml_tree (make_mathml_tree ([],tree))) with _ -> None