encodeBlob( pack( 'H32', $this->hash ) ); if ( $outmd5_sql instanceof Blob ) { $outmd5_sql = $outmd5_sql->fetch(); } $out['math_outputhash'] = $outmd5_sql; $out['math_html_conservativeness'] = $this->conservativeness; $out['math_html'] = $this->html; $out['math_mathml'] = utf8_encode( $this->getMathml() ); $out['math_inputhash'] = $this->getInputHash(); LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug( 'Store Hashpath of image' . bin2hex( $outmd5_sql ) ); return $out; } protected function dbInArray() { return [ 'math_inputhash', 'math_outputhash', 'math_html_conservativeness', 'math_html', 'math_mathml' ]; } /** * @param database_row $rpage * @return bool */ protected function initializeFromDatabaseRow( $rpage ) { parent::initializeFromDatabaseRow( $rpage ); // get deprecated fields if ( $rpage->math_outputhash ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $xhash = unpack( 'H32md5', $dbr->decodeBlob( $rpage->math_outputhash ) . " " ); $this->hash = $xhash['md5']; LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug( 'Hashpath of PNG-File:' . bin2hex( $this->hash ) ); $this->conservativeness = $rpage->math_html_conservativeness; $this->html = $rpage->math_html; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Renders TeX using texvc * * @return string rendered TeK */ public function render() { if ( !$this->readCache() ) { // cache miss $result = $this->callTexvc(); if ( $result === self::MW_TEXVC_SUCCESS ) { return true; } else { $this->lastError = $result; return false; } } return true; } /** * Gets path to store hashes in * * @return string Storage directory */ public function getHashPath() { $path = $this->getBackend()->getRootStoragePath() . '/math-render/' . $this->getHashSubPath(); LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug( "TeX: getHashPath, hash is: {$this->getHash()}, path is: $path" ); return $path; } /** * Gets relative directory for this specific hash * * @return string Relative directory */ public function getHashSubPath() { return substr( $this->getHash(), 0, 1 ) . '/' . substr( $this->getHash(), 1, 1 ) . '/' . substr( $this->getHash(), 2, 1 ); } /** * Gets URL for math image * * @return string image URL */ public function getMathImageUrl() { global $wgMathPath; $dir = $this->getHashSubPath(); return "$wgMathPath/$dir/{$this->getHash()}.png"; } /** * Gets img tag for math image * * @return string img HTML */ public function getMathImageHTML() { global $wgMathElementClassName; $url = $this->getMathImageUrl(); $attributes = [ // the former class name was 'tex' // for backwards compatibility we keep that classname 'class' => 'mwe-math-fallback-image-inline tex', 'alt' => $this->getTex() ]; if ( $this->getMathStyle() === 'display' ){ // if DisplayStyle is true, the equation will be centered in a new line $attributes[ 'class' ] = 'mwe-math-fallback-image-display tex'; } $attributes[ 'class' ] .= " $wgMathElementClassName"; return Xml::element( 'img', $this->getAttributes( 'img', $attributes, [ 'src' => $url ] ) ); } /** * Converts an error returned by texvc to a localized exception * * @param string $texvcResult error result returned by texvc * @return string */ public function convertTexvcError( $texvcResult ) { $errorConverter = new MathInputCheckTexvc(); return $errorConverter->convertTexvcError( $texvcResult, $this ); } /** * Does the actual call to texvc * * @return int|string MW_TEXVC_SUCCESS or error string */ public function callTexvc() { global $wgTexvc, $wgTexvcBackgroundColor, $wgHooks; if ( $wgTexvc === false ){ $texvc = __DIR__ . '/math/texvc'; } else { $texvc = $wgTexvc; } $tmpDir = wfTempDir(); if ( !is_executable( $texvc ) ) { LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->error( "$texvc does not exist or is not executable." ); return $this->getError( 'math_notexvc' ); } $escapedTmpDir = wfEscapeShellArg( $tmpDir ); $cmd = $texvc . ' ' . $escapedTmpDir . ' ' . $escapedTmpDir . ' ' . wfEscapeShellArg( $this->getUserInputTex() ) . ' ' . wfEscapeShellArg( 'UTF-8' ) . ' ' . wfEscapeShellArg( $wgTexvcBackgroundColor ); if ( wfIsWindows() ) { # Invoke it within cygwin sh, because texvc expects sh features in its default shell $cmd = 'sh -c ' . wfEscapeShellArg( $cmd ); } LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug( "TeX: $cmd" ); LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug( "Executing '$cmd'." ); $retval = null; $contents = wfShellExec( $cmd, $retval ); LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug( "TeX output:\n $contents\n---" ); if ( strlen( $contents ) == 0 ) { if ( !file_exists( $tmpDir ) || !is_writable( $tmpDir ) ) { LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->error( "TeX output directory $tmpDir is missing or not writable" ); return $this->getError( 'math_bad_tmpdir' ); } else { LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->error( "TeX command '$cmd' returned no output and status code $retval." ); return $this->getError( 'math_unknown_error' ); } } $tempFsFile = new TempFSFile( "$tmpDir/{$this->getHash()}.png" ); $tempFsFile->autocollect(); // destroy file when $tempFsFile leaves scope $retval = substr( $contents, 0, 1 ); $errmsg = ''; if ( ( $retval == 'C' ) || ( $retval == 'M' ) || ( $retval == 'L' ) ) { if ( $retval == 'C' ) { $this->setConservativeness( self::CONSERVATIVE ); } elseif ( $retval == 'M' ) { $this->setConservativeness( self::MODERATE ); } else { $this->setConservativeness( self::LIBERAL ); } $outdata = substr( $contents, 33 ); $i = strpos( $outdata, "\000" ); $this->setHtml( substr( $outdata, 0, $i ) ); $this->setMathml( substr( $outdata, $i + 1 ) ); } elseif ( ( $retval == 'c' ) || ( $retval == 'm' ) || ( $retval == 'l' ) ) { $this->setHtml( substr( $contents, 33 ) ); if ( $retval == 'c' ) { $this->setConservativeness( self::CONSERVATIVE ); } elseif ( $retval == 'm' ) { $this->setConservativeness( self::MODERATE ); } else { $this->setConservativeness( self::LIBERAL ); } $this->setMathml( null ); } elseif ( $retval == 'X' ) { $this->setHtml( null ); $this->setMathml( substr( $contents, 33 ) ); $this->setConservativeness( self::LIBERAL ); } elseif ( $retval == '+' ) { $this->setHtml( null ); $this->setMathml( null ); $this->setConservativeness( self::LIBERAL ); } else { $errmsg = $this->convertTexvcError( $contents ); } if ( !$errmsg ) { $newHash = substr( $contents, 1, 32 ); if ( $this->hash !== $newHash ) { $this->isInDatabase( false ); // DB needs update in writeCache() (bug 60997) } $this->setHash( $newHash ); } Hooks::run( 'MathAfterTexvc', [ &$this, &$errmsg ] ); if ( $errmsg ) { return $errmsg; } elseif ( !preg_match( "/^[a-f0-9]{32}$/", $this->getHash() ) ) { return $this->getError( 'math_unknown_error' ); } elseif ( !file_exists( "$tmpDir/{$this->getHash()}.png" ) ) { return $this->getError( 'math_image_error' ); } elseif ( filesize( "$tmpDir/{$this->getHash()}.png" ) == 0 ) { return $this->getError( 'math_image_error' ); } $hashpath = $this->getHashPath(); // final storage directory $backend = $this->getBackend(); # Create any containers/directories as needed... if ( !$backend->prepare( [ 'dir' => $hashpath ] )->isOK() ) { return $this->getError( 'math_output_error' ); } // Store the file at the final storage path... // Bug 56769: buffer the writes and do them at the end. if ( !isset( $wgHooks['ParserAfterParse']['FlushMathBackend'] ) ) { $backend->mathBufferedWrites = []; $wgHooks['ParserAfterParse']['FlushMathBackend'] = function () use ( $backend ) { global $wgHooks; unset( $wgHooks['ParserAfterParse']['FlushMathBackend'] ); $backend->doQuickOperations( $backend->mathBufferedWrites ); unset( $backend->mathBufferedWrites ); }; } $backend->mathBufferedWrites[] = [ 'op' => 'store', 'src' => "$tmpDir/{$this->getHash()}.png", 'dst' => "$hashpath/{$this->getHash()}.png", 'ref' => $tempFsFile // keep file alive ]; return self::MW_TEXVC_SUCCESS; } /** * Gets file backend * * @return FileBackend appropriate file backend */ public function getBackend() { global $wgMathFileBackend, $wgMathDirectory; if ( $wgMathFileBackend ) { return FileBackendGroup::singleton()->get( $wgMathFileBackend ); } else { static $backend = null; if ( !$backend ) { $backend = new FSFileBackend( [ 'name' => 'math-backend', 'wikiId' => wfWikiId(), 'lockManager' => new NullLockManager( [] ), 'containerPaths' => [ 'math-render' => $wgMathDirectory ], 'fileMode' => 0777, 'obResetFunc' => 'wfResetOutputBuffers', 'streamMimeFunc' => [ 'StreamFile', 'contentTypeFromPath' ] ] ); } return $backend; } } /** * Does the HTML rendering * * @return string HTML string */ public function getHtmlOutput() { return $this->getMathImageHTML(); } /** * Overrides base class. Writes to database, and if configured, squid. */ public function writeCache() { global $wgUseSquid; $updated = parent::writeCache(); // If we're replacing an older version of the image, make sure it's current. if ( $updated && $wgUseSquid ) { $urls = [ $this->getMathImageUrl() ]; $u = new SquidUpdate( $urls ); $u->doUpdate(); } return $updated; } /** * Reads the rendering information from the database. If configured, checks whether files exist * * @return boolean true if retrieved, false otherwise */ public function readCache() { global $wgMathCheckFiles; if ( $this->isInDatabase() ) { if ( !$wgMathCheckFiles ) { // Short-circuit the file existence & migration checks return true; } $filename = $this->getHashPath() . "/{$this->getHash()}.png"; // final storage path $backend = $this->getBackend(); if ( $backend->fileExists( [ 'src' => $filename ] ) ) { if ( $backend->getFileSize( [ 'src' => $filename ] ) == 0 ) { // Some horrible error corrupted stuff :( $backend->quickDelete( [ 'src' => $filename ] ); } else { return true; // cache hit } } } return false; } public function getPng() { global $wgHooks; // Workaround for bugfix for Bug 56769 if ( isset( $wgHooks['ParserAfterParse']['FlushMathBackend'] ) ) { // XXX: save any pending files so the read below works call_user_func( $wgHooks['ParserAfterParse']['FlushMathBackend'] ); } $backend = $this->getBackend(); return $backend->getFileContents( [ 'src' => $this->getHashPath() . "/" . $this->getHash() . '.png' ] ); } public function isInDatabase() { $return = parent::isInDatabase(); if ( $this->hash && $return ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get the hash calculated by texvc * * @return string hash */ public function getHash() { return $this->hash; } /** * @param string $hash */ public function setHash( $hash ) { $this->changed = true; $this->hash = $hash; } /** * Returns the html-representation of the mathematical formula. * @return string */ public function getHtml() { return $this->html; } /** * @param string $html */ public function setHtml( $html ) { $this->changed = true; $this->html = $html; } /** * Gets the so called 'conservativeness' calculated by texvc * * @return int */ public function getConservativeness() { return $this->conservativeness; } /** * @param int $conservativeness */ public function setConservativeness( $conservativeness ) { $this->changed = true; $this->conservativeness = $conservativeness; } protected function getMathTableName() { return 'math'; } public function setOutputHash( $hash ) { $this->hash = $hash; } /** * Skip tex check for texvc rendering mode. * Checking the tex code in texvc mode just adds a dependency to the * texvccheck binary which does not improve security since the same * checks are performed by texvc anyhow. Especially given the fact that * texvccheck was derived from texvc. * @return bool */ public function checkTeX() { return true; } }