type font_force = FONTFORCE_IT | FONTFORCE_RM type font_class = FONT_IT (* IT default, may be forced to be RM *) | FONT_RM (* RM default, may be forced to be IT *) | FONT_UF (* not affected by IT/RM setting *) | FONT_RTI (* RM - any, IT - not available in HTML *) | FONT_UFH (* in TeX UF, in HTML RM *) type math_class = MN | MI | MO | MF type t = HTMLABLEC of font_class * string * string | HTMLABLEM of font_class * string * string | HTMLABLE of font_class * string * string | MHTMLABLEC of font_class * string * string * math_class * string | MHTMLABLEFC of font_class * string * string * math_class * string * string | HTMLABLE_BIG of string * string | TEX_ONLY of string