/************************************************************* * * MathJax/jax/output/NativeMML/jax.js * * Implements the NativeMML OutputJax that displays mathematics * using a browser's native MathML capabilities (if any). * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Design Science, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function (nMML,HUB,AJAX,HTML) { var MML, isMSIE = HUB.Browser.isMSIE; var EVENT, TOUCH, HOVER, ZOOM; // filled in later HUB.Register.StartupHook("MathZoom Ready",function () {ZOOM = MathJax.Extension.MathZoom}); nMML.Augment({ // // User can configure styles // config: { styles: { ".MathJax_mmlExBox": { display:"block", overflow:"hidden", height:"1px", width:"60ex", padding:0, border: 0, margin: 0 } } }, settings: HUB.config.menuSettings, Config: function () { this.SUPER(arguments).Config.call(this); if (this.settings.scale) {this.config.scale = this.settings.scale} // // Insert styling to take account of displayAlign and displayIndent // if (HUB.config.displayAlign !== "center") { var align = HUB.config.displayAlign, indent = HUB.config.displayIndent; var def = {"text-align": align+"!important"}; def["margin-"+align] = indent+"!important"; MathJax.Hub.Insert(this.config.styles,{ "div.MathJax_MathML": def, "div.MathJax_MathML math": {"text-align": align}, "div.MathJax_MathContainer > span": {"text-align": align+"!important"} }); } if (!this.require) {this.require = []} this.require.push(MathJax.OutputJax.extensionDir+"/MathEvents.js"); }, Startup: function () { // Set up event handling EVENT = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event; TOUCH = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Touch; HOVER = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Hover; this.ContextMenu = EVENT.ContextMenu; this.Mousedown = EVENT.AltContextMenu; this.Mouseover = HOVER.Mouseover; this.Mouseout = HOVER.Mouseout; this.Mousemove = HOVER.Mousemove; if (!isMSIE) { // Used in preTranslate to get scaling factors this.EmExSpan = HTML.Element("span", {style:{position:"absolute","font-size-adjust":"none"}}, [ ["div",{className:"MathJax_mmlExBox"}], ["span",{className:"MathJax_MathML"}] ] ); MML.math(MML.mspace().With({width:"60ex"})).toNativeMML(this.EmExSpan.lastChild); } // Set up styles return AJAX.Styles(this.config.styles); }, // // Set up MathPlayer for IE on the first time through. // InitializeMML: function () { this.initialized = true; if (isMSIE) { try { // // Insert data needed to use MathPlayer for MathML output // if (!HUB.Browser.hasMathPlayer) { var mathplayer = document.createElement("object"); mathplayer.id = "mathplayer"; mathplayer.classid = "clsid:32F66A20-7614-11D4-BD11-00104BD3F987"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(mathplayer); document.namespaces.add("m","http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"); HUB.Browser.hasMathPlayer = true; } if (!HUB.Browser.mpImported) { document.namespaces.m.doImport("#mathplayer"); HUB.Browser.mpImported = true; } } catch (err) { // // If that fails, give an alert about security settings // alert("MathJax was not able to set up MathPlayer.\n\n"+ "If MathPlayer is not installed, you need to install it first.\n"+ "Otherwise, your security settings may be preventing ActiveX \n"+ "controls from running. Use the Internet Options item under\n"+ "the Tools menu and select the Security tab, then press the\n"+ "Custom Level button. Check that the settings for\n"+ "'Run ActiveX Controls', and 'Binary and script behaviors'\n"+ "are enabled.\n\n"+ "Currently you will see error messages rather than\n"+ "typeset mathematics."); } } else { // // Get the default sizes (need styles in place to do this) // document.body.appendChild(this.EmExSpan); this.defaultEx = this.EmExSpan.firstChild.offsetWidth/60; this.defaultMEx = this.EmExSpan.lastChild.offsetWidth/60; document.body.removeChild(this.EmExSpan); } }, preTranslate: function (state) { var scripts = state.jax[this.id], i, m = scripts.length, script, prev, span, test, math, jax, ex, mex, scale; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue; if (!this.initialized) {this.InitializeMML()} // // Remove any existing output // prev = script.previousSibling; if (prev && prev.className === "MathJax_MathML") {prev.parentNode.removeChild(prev)} // // Add the MathJax span // jax = script.MathJax.elementJax; math = jax.root; jax.NativeMML = {}; var type = (math.Get("display") === "block" ? "div" : "span"); span = HTML.Element(type,{ className: "MathJax_MathML", id:jax.inputID+"-Frame" },[["span",{ className:"MathJax_MathContainer", isMathJax: true, jaxID:this.id, style:{position:"relative", display:"inline-block", "white-space":"nowrap"} }, [["span",{isMathJax:true, style:{display:"inline-block"}}]] // for Firefox hover and zoom ]]); script.parentNode.insertBefore(span,script); // // Add the test span for determining scales // if (!isMSIE) {script.parentNode.insertBefore(this.EmExSpan.cloneNode(true),script)} } // // Determine the scaling factors for each script // (this only requires one reflow rather than a reflow for each equation) // for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue; jax = script.MathJax.elementJax; if (!isMSIE) { test = script.previousSibling; span = test.previousSibling; ex = test.firstChild.offsetWidth/60; mex = test.lastChild.offsetWidth/60; if (ex === 0 || ex === "NaN") {ex = this.defaultEx; mex = this.defaultMEx} scale = (mex > 1 ? ex/mex : 1) * this.config.scale; scale = Math.floor(Math.max(this.config.minScaleAdjust/100,scale)); } else {scale = 100} jax.NativeMML.fontSize = scale+"%"; } // // Remove the test spans used for determining scales // if (!isMSIE) { for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { script = scripts[i]; if (!script.parentNode) continue; test = scripts[i].previousSibling; test.parentNode.removeChild(test); } } }, // // Add a SPAN to use as a container, and render the math into it // Translate: function (script) { if (!script.parentNode) return; // // Get the jax and the container and set the size // var jax = script.MathJax.elementJax, math = jax.root; var span = document.getElementById(jax.inputID+"-Frame"), container = span.firstChild, mspan = container.firstChild; span.style.fontSize = jax.NativeMML.fontSize; // // Convert to MathML (if restarted, remove any partial math) // try {math.toNativeMML(mspan)} catch (err) { if (err.restart) {while (mspan.firstChild) {mspan.removeChild(mspan.firstChild)}} throw err; } // // Add event handlers // if (isMSIE) { if (container.addEventListener) { for (var id in this.MSIE9events) {if (this.MSIE9events.hasOwnProperty(id)) { container.addEventListener(id,this.MSIE9event,true); }} } else { var config = (this.config.showMathMenuMSIE != null ? this : HUB).config; if (config.showMathMenuMSIE && !this.settings.mpContext && !this.settings.mpMouse) {this.MSIEoverlay(container)} else {container.style.position = ""; mspan.firstChild.onmousedown = this.MSIEaltMenu} } } else { container.oncontextmenu = EVENT.Menu; container.onmouseover = EVENT.Mouseover; container.onmouseout = EVENT.Mouseout; container.onmousedown = EVENT.Mousedown; container.onclick = EVENT.Click; container.ondblclick = EVENT.DblClick; } }, postTranslate: function (state) { if (this.forceReflow) { // Firefox messes up some mtable's when they are dynamically created // but gets them right on a reflow, so force reflow by toggling a stylesheet var sheet = (document.styleSheets||[])[0]||{}; sheet.disabled = true; sheet.disabled = false; } }, // // Remove MathML preceeding the script // Remove: function (jax) { var span = jax.SourceElement(); if (!span) return; span = span.previousSibling; if (!span) return; if (span.className.match(/MathJax_MathML/)) {span.parentNode.removeChild(span)} }, // // The namespace to use for MML // MMLnamespace: "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", // // For MSIE, we must overlay the MathPlayer object to trap the events // (since they can't be cancelled when the events are on the tag // itself). The events we DON'T want are transferred to the math element, // and the others are handled directly. // MSIEoverlay: function (span) { var math = span.firstChild; if (math.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "span") {math = math.firstChild} var bbox = this.getHoverBBox(null,math,{}); HTML.addElement(span,"span",{ style:{display:"inline-block", width:0, height:0, position:"relative"} },[["span",{isMathJax: true, className: "MathJax_MathPlayer_Overlay", style:{ display:"inline-block", position:"absolute", left:HOVER.Px(-bbox.w), top:HOVER.Px(-bbox.h-(bbox.y||0)-1), width:HOVER.Px(bbox.w), height:HOVER.Px(bbox.h+bbox.d), cursor:"pointer", "background-color":"white", filter:"alpha(opacity=0)" } }]]); HUB.Insert(span,{ msieMath: math, onmousedown: this.MSIEevent, oncontextmenu: this.MSIEevent, onclick: this.MSIEevent, onmouseup: this.MSIEevent, onmousemove: this.MSIEevent, ondblclick: this.MSIEevent, onmouseover: this.MSIEevent, onmouseout: this.MSIEevent }); }, MSIEevents: { mousedown:"Mousedown", contextmenu:"ContextMenu", click:"Click", mouseup:"Mouseup", mousemove:"Mousemove", dblclick: "DblClick", mouseover:"Mouseover", mouseout:"Mouseout" }, MSIEevent: function () { var event = window.event; var type = nMML.MSIEevents[event.type]; if (nMML[type] && nMML[type](event,this) === false) {return false} if (ZOOM && ZOOM.HandleEvent(event,type,this) === false) {return false} if (event.srcElement.className === "MathJax_MathPlayer_Overlay" && this.msieMath.fireEvent) { // for now, ignore all other events. This will disable MathPlayer's zoom // feature, but also its support. if (type === "ContextMenu" || type === "Mouseover" || type === "Mouseout") {this.msieMath.fireEvent("on"+event.type,event)} } return EVENT.False(event); }, MSIEaltMenu: function () { var container = this.parentNode.parentNode; while (!container.jaxID) {container = container.parentNode} EVENT.AltContextMenu(window.event,container); }, MSIE9events: { contextmenu:"Menu", click:"Click", dblclick: "DblClick", mouseup:"False", mouseover:"Mouseover", mouseout:"Mouseout" }, MSIE9event: function (event) { if (event.type === "contextmenu" && nMML.settings.mpContext) {return true} if (event.type === "mouseup" && nMML.settings.mpMouse) {return true} if (event.type === "click" && nMML.settings.mpContext) {return EVENT.AltContextMenu(event,this)} var type = nMML.MSIE9events[event.type]; return EVENT[type].call(this,event); }, getJaxFromMath: function (math) {return HUB.getJaxFor(math.parentNode.nextSibling)}, getHoverSpan: function (jax,math) {return math.firstChild}, getHoverBBox: function (jax,span,math) {return EVENT.getBBox(span.parentNode)}, Zoom: function (jax,span,math,Mw,Mh) { jax.root.toNativeMML(span); if (this.msieIE8HeightBug) {span.style.position = "absolute"} var mW = math.offsetWidth || math.scrollWidth, mH = math.offsetHeight || math.scrollHeight; var zW = span.offsetWidth, zH = span.offsetHeight; if (this.msieIE8HeightBug) {span.style.position = ""} return {Y:-EVENT.getBBox(span.parentNode).h, mW:mW, mH:mH, zW:zW, zH:zH} }, NAMEDSPACE: { negativeveryverythinmathspace: "-.0556em", negativeverythinmathspace: "-.1111em", negativethinmathspace: "-.1667em", negativemediummathspace: "-.2222em", negativethickmathspace: "-.2778em", negativeverythickmathspace: "-.3333em", negativeveryverythickmathspace: "-.3889em" } }); HUB.Register.StartupHook("mml Jax Ready",function () { MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml; MML.mbase.Augment({ // // Add a MathML tag of the correct type, and set its attributes // then populate it with its children and append it to the parent // toNativeMML: function (parent) { var tag = this.NativeMMLelement(this.type); this.NativeMMLattributes(tag); for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) { if (this.data[i]) {this.data[i].toNativeMML(tag)} else {tag.appendChild(this.NativeMMLelement("mrow"))} } parent.appendChild(tag); }, // // Look for attributes that are different from the defaults // and set those in the tag's attribute list // NativeMMLattributes: function (tag) { var defaults = this.defaults; var copy = (this.attrNames||MML.copyAttributeNames), skip = MML.skipAttributes; if (!this.attrNames) { if (this.type === "mstyle") {defaults = MML.math.prototype.defaults} for (var id in defaults) {if (!skip[id] && defaults.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (this[id] != null) {tag.setAttribute(id,this.NativeMMLattribute(this[id]))} }} } for (var i = 0, m = copy.length; i < m; i++) { var value = (this.attr||{})[copy[i]]; if (value == null) {value = this[copy[i]]} if (value != null) {tag.setAttribute(copy[i],this.NativeMMLattribute(value))} } this.NativeMMLclass(tag); }, NativeMMLclass: function (tag) { var CLASS = []; if (this["class"]) {CLASS.push(this["class"])} if (this.isa(MML.TeXAtom)) { var TEXCLASS = ["ORD","OP","BIN","REL","OPEN","CLOSE","PUNCT","INNER","VCENTER"][this.texClass]; if (TEXCLASS) {CLASS.push("MJX-TeXAtom-"+TEXCLASS)} } if (this.mathvariant && this.NativeMMLvariants[this.mathvariant]) {CLASS.push("MJX"+this.mathvariant)} if (this.arrow) {CLASS.push("MJX-arrow")} if (this.variantForm) {CLASS.push("MJX-variant")} if (CLASS.length) {tag.setAttribute("class",CLASS.join(" "))} }, NativeMMLattribute: function (value) { value = String(value); if (nMML.NAMEDSPACE[value]) {value = nMML.NAMEDSPACE[value]} // MP doesn't do negative spaces else if (value.match(/^\s*(([-+])?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+))\s*mu\s*$/)) {value = ((1/18)*RegExp.$1).toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/,"")+"em"} // FIXME: should take scriptlevel into account else if (this.NativeMMLvariants[value]) {value = this.NativeMMLvariants[value]} return value; }, NativeMMLvariants: { "-tex-caligraphic": MML.VARIANT.SCRIPT, "-tex-caligraphic-bold": MML.VARIANT.BOLDSCRIPT, "-tex-oldstyle": MML.VARIANT.NORMAL, "-tex-oldstyle-bold": MML.VARIANT.BOLD, "-tex-mathit": MML.VARIANT.ITALIC }, // // Create a MathML element // NativeMMLelement: function (type) { var math = (isMSIE ? document.createElement("m:"+type) : document.createElementNS(nMML.MMLnamespace,type)); math.isMathJax = true; return math; } }); MML.mrow.Augment({ // // Make inferred rows not include an mrow tag // toNativeMML: function (parent) { if (this.inferred && this.parent.inferRow) { for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) { if (this.data[i]) {this.data[i].toNativeMML(parent)} else {parent.appendChild(this.NativeMMLelement("mrow"))} } } else { this.SUPER(arguments).toNativeMML.call(this,parent); } } }); MML.msubsup.Augment({ // // Use proper version of msub, msup, or msubsup, depending on // which items are present // toNativeMML: function (parent) { var type = this.type; if (this.data[this.sup] == null) {type = "msub"} if (this.data[this.sub] == null) {type = "msup"} var tag = this.NativeMMLelement(type); this.NativeMMLattributes(tag); delete this.data[0].inferred; for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {if (this.data[i]) {this.data[i].toNativeMML(tag)}} parent.appendChild(tag); } }); MML.munderover.Augment({ // // Use proper version of munder, mover, or munderover, depending on // which items are present // toNativeMML: function (parent) { var type = this.type; if (this.data[this.under] == null) {type = "mover"} if (this.data[this.over] == null) {type = "munder"} var tag = this.NativeMMLelement(type); this.NativeMMLattributes(tag); delete this.data[0].inferred; for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {if (this.data[i]) {this.data[i].toNativeMML(tag)}} parent.appendChild(tag); } }); if (HUB.Browser.isFirefox) { MML.mtable.Augment({ toNativeMML: function (parent) { // // FF doesn't handle width, so put it in styles instead // if (this.width) { var styles = (this.style||"").replace(/;\s*$/,"").split(";"); if (styles[0] === "") {styles.shift()} styles.push("width:"+this.width); this.style = styles.join(";"); } this.SUPER(arguments).toNativeMML.call(this,parent); } }); if (!HUB.Browser.versionAtLeast("9.0")) { MML.mlabeledtr.Augment({ toNativeMML: function (parent) { // // FF doesn't handle mlabeledtr, so remove the label // var tag = this.NativeMMLelement("mtr"); this.NativeMMLattributes(tag); for (var i = 1, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) { if (this.data[i]) {this.data[i].toNativeMML(tag)} else {tag.appendChild(this.NativeMMLelement("mrow"))} } parent.appendChild(tag); } }); } var fontDir = MathJax.OutputJax.fontDir + "/HTML-CSS/TeX/otf"; /* * Add fix for mathvariant issues in FF */ nMML.Augment({ config: { styles: { '[mathvariant="double-struck"]': {"font-family":"MathJax_AMS, MathJax_AMS-WEB"}, '[mathvariant="script"]': {"font-family":"MathJax_Script, MathJax_Script-WEB"}, '[mathvariant="fraktur"]': {"font-family":"MathJax_Fraktur, MathJax_Fraktur-WEB"}, '[mathvariant="bold-script"]': {"font-family":"MathJax_Script, MathJax_Caligraphic-WEB", "font-weight":"bold"}, '[mathvariant="bold-fraktur"]': {"font-family":"MathJax_Fraktur, MathJax_Fraktur-WEB", "font-weight":"bold"}, '[mathvariant="monospace"]': {"font-family":"monospace"}, '[mathvariant="sans-serif"]': {"font-family":"sans-serif"}, '[mathvariant="bold-sans-serif"]': {"font-family":"sans-serif", "font-weight":"bold"}, '[mathvariant="sans-serif-italic"]': {"font-family":"sans-serif", "font-style":"italic"}, '[mathvariant="sans-serif-bold-italic"]': {"font-family":"sans-serif", "font-style":"italic", "font-weight":"bold"}, '[class="MJX-tex-oldstyle"]': {"font-family":"MathJax_Caligraphic, MathJax_Caligraphic-WEB"}, '[class="MJX-tex-oldstyle-bold"]': {"font-family":"MathJax_Caligraphic, MathJax_Caligraphic-WEB", "font-weight":"bold"}, '[class="MJX-tex-caligraphic"]': {"font-family":"MathJax_Caligraphic, MathJax_Caligraphic-WEB"}, '[class="MJX-tex-caligraphic-bold"]': {"font-family":"MathJax_Caligraphic, MathJax_Caligraphic-WEB", "font-weight":"bold"}, '@font-face /*1*/': { "font-family": "MathJax_AMS-WEB", "src": "url('"+fontDir+"/MathJax_AMS-Regular.otf')" }, '@font-face /*2*/': { "font-family": "MathJax_Script-WEB", "src": "url('"+fontDir+"/MathJax_Script-Regular.otf')" }, '@font-face /*3*/': { "font-family": "MathJax_Fraktur-WEB", "src": "url('"+fontDir+"/MathJax_Fraktur-Regular.otf')" }, '@font-face /*4*/': { "font-family": "MathJax_Caligraphic-WEB", "src": "url('"+fontDir+"/MathJax_Caligraphic-Regular.otf')" }, '@font-face /*5*/': { "font-family": "MathJax_Fraktur-WEB", "font-weight":"bold", "src": "url('"+fontDir+"/MathJax_Fraktur-Bold.otf')" }, '@font-face /*6*/': { "font-family": "MathJax_Caligraphic-WEB", "font-weight":"bold", "src": "url('"+fontDir+"/MathJax_Caligraphic-Bold.otf')" } } } }); } MML.math.Augment({ // // Some browsers don't seem to add the xmlns attribute, so do it by hand. // toNativeMML: function (parent) { var tag = this.NativeMMLelement(this.type), math = tag; tag.setAttribute("xmlns",nMML.MMLnamespace); this.NativeMMLattributes(tag); if (nMML.widthBug) {tag = tag.appendChild(this.NativeMMLelement("mrow"))} for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) { if (this.data[i]) {this.data[i].toNativeMML(tag)} else {tag.appendChild(this.NativeMMLelement("mrow"))} } parent.appendChild(math); // // Firefox can't seem to get the width of elements right, so // use an to get the actual width and set the style on the // parent element to match. Even if we set the width properly, // it doesn't seem to propagate up to the correctly. // if (nMML.widthBug) {parent.style.width = math.firstChild.scrollWidth+"px"} } }); MML.TeXAtom.Augment({ // // Convert TeXatom to an mrow // toNativeMML: function (parent) { // FIXME: Handle spacing using mpadded? var tag = this.NativeMMLelement("mrow"); this.NativeMMLattributes(tag); this.data[0].toNativeMML(tag); parent.appendChild(tag); } }); MML.chars.Augment({ // // Add a text node // toNativeMML: function (parent) { parent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.toString())); } }); MML.entity.Augment({ // // Add a text node // toNativeMML: function (parent) { parent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.toString())); } }); MML.xml.Augment({ // // Insert the XML verbatim // toNativeMML: function (parent) { for (var i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {parent.appendChild(this.data[i].cloneNode(true))} } }); HUB.Register.StartupHook("TeX mathchoice Ready",function () { MML.TeXmathchoice.Augment({ // // Get the MathML for the selected choice // toNativeMML: function (parent) {this.Core().toNativeMML(parent)} }); }); // // Loading isn't complete until the element jax is modified, // but can't call loadComplete within the callback for "mml Jax Ready" // (it would call NativeMML's Require routine, asking for the mml jax again) // so wait until after the mml jax has finished processing. // setTimeout(MathJax.Callback(["loadComplete",nMML,"jax.js"]),0); }); // // Determine browser characteristics // HUB.Browser.Select({ MSIE: function (browser) { var mode = (document.documentMode || 0); nMML.msieIE8HeightBug = (mode === 8); }, Opera: function (browser) { nMML.operaPositionBug = true; }, Firefox: function (browser) { nMML.forceReflow = true; nMML.widthBug = true; } }); HUB.Register.StartupHook("End Cookie",function () { if (HUB.config.menuSettings.zoom !== "None") {AJAX.Require("[MathJax]/extensions/MathZoom.js")} }); })(MathJax.OutputJax.NativeMML, MathJax.Hub, MathJax.Ajax, MathJax.HTML);