/************************************************************* * * MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/autoload/mtable.js * * Implements the HTML-CSS output for elements. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Design Science, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("HTML-CSS Jax Ready",function () { var VERSION = "1.1"; var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml, HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"]; MML.mtable.Augment({ toHTML: function (span) { span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span); if (this.data.length === 0) {return span} var values = this.getValues("columnalign","rowalign","columnspacing","rowspacing", "columnwidth","equalcolumns","equalrows", "columnlines","rowlines","frame","framespacing", "align","useHeight","width","side","minlabelspacing"); var hasRelativeWidth = values.width.match(/%$/); var stack = HTMLCSS.createStack(span); var scale = this.HTMLgetScale(); var LABEL = -1; var H = [], D = [], W = [], A = [], C = [], i, j, J = -1, m, M, s, row; var LHD = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.baselineskip * scale * values.useHeight, LH = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.lineH * scale, LD = HTMLCSS.FONTDATA.lineD * scale; // // Create cells and measure columns and rows // for (i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) { row = this.data[i]; s = (row.type === "mlabeledtr" ? LABEL : 0); A[i] = []; H[i] = D[i] = 0; for (j = s, M = row.data.length + s; j < M; j++) { if (W[j] == null) { if (j > J) {J = j} C[j] = HTMLCSS.createStack(HTMLCSS.createBox(stack)); W[j] = -HTMLCSS.BIGDIMEN; } A[i][j] = HTMLCSS.createBox(C[j]); HTMLCSS.Measured(row.data[j-s].toHTML(A[i][j]),A[i][j]); if (row.data[j-s].isMultiline) {A[i][j].style.width = "100%"} if (A[i][j].bbox.h > H[i]) {H[i] = A[i][j].bbox.h} if (A[i][j].bbox.d > D[i]) {D[i] = A[i][j].bbox.d} if (A[i][j].bbox.w > W[j]) {W[j] = A[i][j].bbox.w} } } if (H[0]+D[0]) {H[0] = Math.max(H[0],LH)} if (H[A.length-1]+D[A.length-1]) {D[A.length-1] = Math.max(D[A.length-1],LD)} // // Determine spacing and alignment // var CSPACE = values.columnspacing.split(/ /), RSPACE = values.rowspacing.split(/ /), CALIGN = values.columnalign.split(/ /), RALIGN = values.rowalign.split(/ /), CLINES = values.columnlines.split(/ /), RLINES = values.rowlines.split(/ /), CWIDTH = values.columnwidth.split(/ /), RCALIGN = []; for (i = 0, m = CSPACE.length; i < m; i++) {CSPACE[i] = HTMLCSS.length2em(CSPACE[i])} for (i = 0, m = RSPACE.length; i < m; i++) {RSPACE[i] = HTMLCSS.length2em(RSPACE[i])} while (CSPACE.length < J) {CSPACE.push(CSPACE[CSPACE.length-1])} while (CALIGN.length <= J) {CALIGN.push(CALIGN[CALIGN.length-1])} while (CLINES.length < J) {CLINES.push(CLINES[CLINES.length-1])} while (CWIDTH.length <= J) {CWIDTH.push(CWIDTH[CWIDTH.length-1])} while (RSPACE.length < A.length) {RSPACE.push(RSPACE[RSPACE.length-1])} while (RALIGN.length <= A.length) {RALIGN.push(RALIGN[RALIGN.length-1])} while (RLINES.length < A.length) {RLINES.push(RLINES[RLINES.length-1])} if (C[LABEL]) { CALIGN[LABEL] = (values.side.substr(0,1) === "l" ? "left" : "right"); CSPACE[LABEL] = -W[LABEL]; } // // Override row data // for (i = 0, m = A.length; i < m; i++) { row = this.data[i]; RCALIGN[i] = []; if (row.rowalign) {RALIGN[i] = row.rowalign} if (row.columnalign) { RCALIGN[i] = row.columnalign.split(/ /); while (RCALIGN[i].length <= J) {RCALIGN[i].push(RCALIGN[i][RCALIGN[i].length-1])} } } // FIXME: do background colors for entire cell (include half the intercolumn space?) // // Determine array total height // var HD = H[0] + D[A.length-1]; for (i = 0, m = A.length-1; i < m; i++) {HD += Math.max((H[i]+D[i] ? LHD : 0),D[i]+H[i+1]+RSPACE[i])} // // Determine frame and line sizes // var fx = 0, fy = 0, fW, fH = HD; if (values.frame !== "none" || (values.columnlines+values.rowlines).match(/solid|dashed/)) { fx = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.framespacing.split(/[, ]+/)[0]); fy = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.framespacing.split(/[, ]+/)[1]); fH = HD + 2*fy; // fW waits until stack.bbox.w is determined } // // Compute alignment // var Y, fY; if (String(values.align).match(/^\d+$/)) { // FIXME: do row-based alignment Y = HD/2 + HTMLCSS.TeX.axis_height*scale - H[0]; fY = -(HD/2 + fy); } else { Y = ({ top: -(H[0] + fy), bottom: HD + fy - H[0], center: HD/2 - H[0], baseline: HD/2 - H[0], axis: HD/2 + HTMLCSS.TeX.axis_height*scale - H[0] })[values.align]; fY = ({ top: -(HD + 2*fy), bottom: 0, center: -(HD/2 + fy), baseline: -(HD/2 + fy), axis: HTMLCSS.TeX.axis_height*scale - HD/2 - fy })[values.align]; } var WW, WP = 0, Wt = 0, Wp = 0, p = 0, f = 0, P = [], F = [], Wf = 1; // if (values.equalcolumns && values.width !== "auto") { // // Handle equalcolumns for percent-width and fixed-width tables // if (hasRelativeWidth) { // Set widths to percentages WW = (100/(J+1)).toFixed(2).replace(/\.?0+$/,"")+"%"; for (i = 0, m = Math.min(J+1,CWIDTH.length); i < m; i++) {CWIDTH[i] = WW} // Get total column spacing WW = 0; WP = 1; f = J+1; for (i = 0, m = Math.min(J+1,CSPACE.length); i < m; i++) {WW += CSPACE[i]} } else { // Get total width minus column spacing WW = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.width); for (i = 0, m = Math.min(J+1,CSPACE.length); i < m; i++) {WW -= CSPACE[i]} // Determine individual column widths WW /= J+1; for (i = 0, m = Math.min(J+1,CWIDTH.length); i < m; i++) {W[i] = WW} } } else { // // Get column widths for fit and percentage columns // // Calculate the natural widths and percentage widths, // while keeping track of the fit and percentage columns for(i = 0, m = Math.min(J+1,CWIDTH.length); i < m; i++) { if (CWIDTH[i] === "auto") {Wt += W[i]} else if (CWIDTH[i] === "fit") {F[f] = i; f++; Wt += W[i]} else if (CWIDTH[i].match(/%$/)) {P[p] = i; p++; Wp += W[i]; WP += HTMLCSS.length2em(CWIDTH[i],1)} else {W[i] = HTMLCSS.length2em(CWIDTH[i]); Wt += W[i]} } if (hasRelativeWidth) { // Get separation width and check percentages WW = 0; for (i = 0, m = Math.min(J,CSPACE.length); i < m; i++) {WW += CSPACE[i]} if (WP > .98) {Wf = .98/WP; WP = .98} } else { // Get the full width (excluding inter-column spacing) if (values.width === "auto") { if (WP > .98) {Wf = Wp/(Wt+Wp); WW = Wt + Wp} else {WW = Wt / (1-WP)} } else { WW = HTMLCSS.length2em(values.width); for (i = 0, m = Math.min(J+1,CSPACE.length); i < m; i++) {WW -= CSPACE[i]} } // Determine the relative column widths for (i = 0, m = P.length; i < m; i++) { W[P[i]] = HTMLCSS.length2em(CWIDTH[P[i]],WW*Wf); Wt += W[P[i]]; } // Stretch fit columns, if any, otherwise stretch (or shrink) everything if (Math.abs(WW - Wt) > .01) { if (f && WW > Wt) { WW = (WW - Wt) / f; for (i = 0, m = F.length; i < m; i++) {W[F[i]] += WW} } else {WW = WW/Wt; for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) {W[j] *= WW}} } // // Handle equal columns // if (values.equalcolumns) { var Wm = Math.max.apply(Math,W); for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) {W[j] = Wm} } } } // // Handle equal heights // if (values.equalrows) { // FIXME: should really be based on row align (below is for baseline) var Hm = Math.max.apply(Math,H), Dm = Math.max.apply(Math,D); for (i = 0, m = A.length; i < m; i++) {s = ((Hm + Dm) - (H[i] + D[i])) / 2; H[i] += s; D[i] += s} } // // Lay out array columns // var y = Y, dy, line, align; s = (C[LABEL] ? LABEL : 0); for (j = s; j <= J; j++) { for (i = 0, m = A.length; i < m; i++) { if (A[i][j]) { s = (this.data[i].type === "mlabeledtr" ? LABEL : 0); var cell = this.data[i].data[j-s]; if (cell.HTMLcanStretch("Horizontal")) { A[i][j].bbox = cell.HTMLstretchH(C[j],W[j]).bbox } else if (cell.HTMLcanStretch("Vertical")) { var mo = cell.CoreMO(); var symmetric = mo.symmetric; mo.symmetric = false; A[i][j].bbox = cell.HTMLstretchV(C[j],H[i],D[i]).bbox; mo.symmetric = symmetric; } align = cell.rowalign||this.data[i].rowalign||RALIGN[i]; dy = ({top: H[i] - A[i][j].bbox.h, bottom: A[i][j].bbox.d - D[i], center: ((H[i]-D[i]) - (A[i][j].bbox.h-A[i][j].bbox.d))/2, baseline: 0, axis: 0})[align]; // FIXME: handle axis better? align = (cell.columnalign||RCALIGN[i][j]||CALIGN[j]) HTMLCSS.alignBox(A[i][j],align,y+dy); } if (i < A.length-1) {y -= Math.max((H[i]+D[i] ? LHD : 0),D[i]+H[i+1]+RSPACE[i])} } y = Y; } // // Set column widths and placement // if (hasRelativeWidth) { // // Remove column spacing to get width available for columns // var box = HTMLCSS.createBox(stack); box.style.left = box.style.top = 0; box.style.right = HTMLCSS.Em(WW+2*fx); box.style.display = "inline-block"; box.style.height = "0px"; if (HTMLCSS.msieRelativeWidthBug) { box = HTMLCSS.createBox(box); box.style.position = "relative"; box.style.height = "1em"; box.style.width = "100%"; box.bbox = stack.bbox; } // // wp = remaining width (%) divided by the number of columns it is split over // wm = remaining width (fixed) divided by the number of columns it is split over // var xp = 0, xf = fx, wp, wm; if (f) {wp = 100*(1-WP)/f, wm = Wt/f} else {wp = 100*(1-WP)/(J+1); wm = Wt/(J+1)} for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) { HTMLCSS.placeBox(C[j].parentNode,0,0); // sets the bbox // // Convert original column to the innermost span in the mobile column // C[j].style.position = "relative"; C[j].style.left = HTMLCSS.Em(xf); C[j].style.width = "100%"; C[j].parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(C[j].parentNode); var Cj = HTMLCSS.createBox(box); HTMLCSS.addBox(Cj,C[j]); C[j] = Cj; var CjStyle = Cj.style; CjStyle.display = "inline-block"; CjStyle.left = xp + "%"; // // Set width/position based on the type of column // if (CWIDTH[j].match(/%$/)) { var pp = parseFloat(CWIDTH[j]) * Wf; if (f === 0) { CjStyle.width = (wp + pp) + "%"; xp += wp + pp; Cj = HTMLCSS.createBox(Cj); HTMLCSS.addBox(Cj,C[j].firstChild); Cj.style.left = 0; Cj.style.right = HTMLCSS.Em(wm); xf -= wm; } else { CjStyle.width = pp + "%"; xp += pp; } } else if (CWIDTH[j] === "fit" || f === 0) { CjStyle.width = wp + "%"; Cj = HTMLCSS.createBox(Cj); HTMLCSS.addBox(Cj,C[j].firstChild); Cj.style.left = 0; Cj.style.right = HTMLCSS.Em(wm-W[j]); xf += W[j] - wm; xp += wp; } else { CjStyle.width = HTMLCSS.Em(W[j]); xf += W[j]; } if (HTMLCSS.msieRelativeWidthBug) { HTMLCSS.addText(Cj.firstChild,HTMLCSS.NBSP); // gets correct baseline Cj.firstChild.style.position = "relative"; } xf += CSPACE[j]; // // Add column lines // if (CLINES[j] !== "none" && j < J && j !== LABEL) { line = HTMLCSS.createBox(box); line.style.left = xp+"%"; line = HTMLCSS.createRule(line,fH,0,1.25/HTMLCSS.em); line.style.position = "absolute"; line.bbox = {h:fH, d:0, w:0, rw:1.25/HTMLCSS.em, lw:0}; line.parentNode.bbox = stack.bbox; // make sure stack size is updated HTMLCSS.placeBox(line,xf-CSPACE[j]/2,fY,true); line.style.borderStyle = CLINES[j]; } } } else { // // Set the column box widths and place them // var x = fx; for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) { if (!C[j].bbox.width) {HTMLCSS.setStackWidth(C[j],W[j])} if (CWIDTH[j] !== "auto" && CWIDTH[j] !== "fit") {C[j].bbox.width = W[j]; C[j].bbox.isFixed = true} HTMLCSS.placeBox(C[j].parentNode,x,0); x += W[j] + CSPACE[j]; // // Add column lines // if (CLINES[j] !== "none" && j < J && j !== LABEL) { line = HTMLCSS.createRule(stack,fH,0,1.25/HTMLCSS.em); HTMLCSS.addBox(stack,line); line.bbox = {h:fH, d:0, w:0, rw:1.25/HTMLCSS.em, lw:0}; HTMLCSS.placeBox(line,x-CSPACE[j]/2,fY,true); line.style.borderStyle = CLINES[j]; } } } // // Add frame // fW = stack.bbox.w + fx; var frame; if (values.frame !== "none") { frame = HTMLCSS.createFrame(stack,fH,0,fW,1.25/HTMLCSS.em,values.frame); HTMLCSS.addBox(stack,frame); HTMLCSS.placeBox(frame,0,fY,true); if (hasRelativeWidth) {frame.style.width = "100%"} } // // Add row lines // y = Y; for (i = 0, m = A.length-1; i < m; i++) { dy = Math.max(LHD,D[i]+H[i+1]+RSPACE[i]); if (RLINES[i] !== "none") { line = HTMLCSS.createRule(stack,1.25/HTMLCSS.em,0,fW); HTMLCSS.addBox(stack,line); line.bbox = {h:1.25/HTMLCSS.em, d:0, w:fW, rw:fW, lw:0}; HTMLCSS.placeBox(line,0,y - D[i] - (dy-D[i]-H[i+1])/2,true); if (RLINES[i] === "dashed" || hasRelativeWidth) { line.style.borderTop = line.style.height+" "+RLINES[i]; line.style.height = 0; line.style.width = line.style.borderLeftWidth; line.style.borderLeft = ""; if (hasRelativeWidth) {line.style.width = "100%"} } } y -= dy; } // // Set relative width // if (hasRelativeWidth) {span.bbox.width = values.width; stack.style.width = "100%"} // // Place the labels, if any // if (C[LABEL]) { var indent = this.getValues("indentalignfirst","indentshiftfirst","indentalign","indentshift"); if (indent.indentalignfirst !== MML.INDENTALIGN.INDENTALIGN) {indent.indentalign = indent.indentalignfirst} if (indent.indentalign === MML.INDENTALIGN.AUTO) {indent.indentalign = this.displayAlign} if (indent.indentshiftfirst !== MML.INDENTSHIFT.INDENTSHIFT) {indent.indentshift = indent.indentshiftfirst} if (indent.indentshift === "auto") {indent.indentshift = this.displayIndent} var eqn = HTMLCSS.createStack(span,false,"100%"); HTMLCSS.addBox(eqn,stack); HTMLCSS.alignBox(stack,indent.indentalign,0); if (indent.indentshift && indent.indentalign !== MML.INDENTALIGN.CENTER) { stack.style[{left:"Left",right:"Right"}[indent.indentalign]] = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.length2em(indent.indentshift)); } C[LABEL].parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(C[LABEL].parentNode); HTMLCSS.addBox(eqn,C[LABEL]); HTMLCSS.alignBox(C[LABEL],CALIGN[LABEL],0); if (HTMLCSS.msieRelativeWidthBug) {stack.style.top = C[LABEL].style.top = ""} if (hasRelativeWidth) {stack.style.width = values.width; span.bbox.width = "100%"} C[LABEL].style.marginRight = C[LABEL].style.marginLeft = HTMLCSS.Em(HTMLCSS.length2em(values.minlabelspacing)); } // // Finish the table // if (!hasRelativeWidth) {this.HTMLhandleSpace(span)} var color = this.HTMLhandleColor(span); // // Handle relative-sized background color // if (color && hasRelativeWidth) { if (!frame) { frame = HTMLCSS.createFrame(stack,fH,0,fW,0,"none"); HTMLCSS.addBox(stack,frame); HTMLCSS.placeBox(frame,0,fY,true); frame.style.width = "100%"; } frame.style.backgroundColor = color.style.backgroundColor; frame.parentNode.insertBefore(frame,frame.parentNode.firstChild); color.parentNode.removeChild(color); } return span; }, HTMLhandleSpace: function (span) { span.style.paddingLeft = span.style.paddingRight = ".1667em"; } }); MML.mtd.Augment({ toHTML: function (span,HW,D) { span = this.HTMLcreateSpan(span); if (this.data[0]) { var box = HTMLCSS.Measured(this.data[0].toHTML(span),span); if (D != null) {HTMLCSS.Remeasured(this.data[0].HTMLstretchV(span,HW,D),span)} else if (HW != null) {HTMLCSS.Remeasured(this.data[0].HTMLstretchH(span,HW),span)} span.bbox = box.bbox; } this.HTMLhandleSpace(span); this.HTMLhandleColor(span); return span; }, HTMLstretchH: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchH, HTMLstretchV: MML.mbase.HTMLstretchV }); MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("HTML-CSS mtable Ready"); MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(HTMLCSS.autoloadDir+"/mtable.js"); });